#yuji x reader smut
dadsbongos · 8 months
my type?
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4.3 K words
summary - Yuuji Itadori is a total knockout boyfriend - the only hitch? You’re nothing like his usual type of woman, and it’s making you unsure.
warnings - 18+!, femreader with jugs and vagene, p in v sex, unrealistic car sex, specifically stated that reader is non-tall with big tits, dumbification for both parties, squirting, non-curse AU where sukuna and yuuji are brother-roommates, unprotected sex
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Itadori, Yuuji was an amazing boyfriend - something straight out of a top-selling shoujo manga.
Faithful and doting and affectionate. He handed over his hoodies the moment you mentioned an unpleasant breeze, he proudly held your hand in public, and he boasted about the very act of dating you to anyone with ears. But even those displays felt backhanded, the deeper you dug into your own mind. You had no real reason to complain about the situation.
And you especially had no reason when the cause behind your complaints would be so shallow.
You had an ass in the same way that everybody else did, but nothing comparable to the pin-up poster Yuuji tore down when you two started dating. Or his celebrity fascination, Jennifer Lawrence (which also mysteriously stopped being mentioned when you two started dating).
Rather, your body was much more endowed in ways that made Nobara tease as you passed lingerie stores with hot pink lighting and black walls and heavy busts plastered in the windows. She’d snag you by the sleeve and point, just to watch how you scoff and look away.
Yuuji pointedly ignores those stores. He ignores everything in relation to them.
You’d picked this shirt just for tonight. It dips low into your cleavage, just tight enough to still push up the tender meat of your breasts. Not to mention the color - deep crimson, Yuuji’s favorite. Well, at least the closest you’ll ever get to a favorite color with his indecisive nature.
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Yuuji sits across from you at the scratched table. When his eyes aren’t scavenging the conveyor belt for small, shiny, colored plates serving anything that may catch his eye, they’re on your face. And only your face.
Normally something you’d absolutely cheer over - if this were a first date, but the fact is that this is one of many dates. And after so many dates that you can’t count anymore, you’re starting to want Yuuji’s eyes to drift.
You want him to look and you want to watch him sweat and go red. You’re starting to need it.
The need only grows more apparent mere days later.
Yuuji keeps his hands stubbornly on your hips, barely making an imprint from outside your clothes. But you choose not to make a fuss since he’s otherwise fully engrossed with keeping his lips pasted to yours. Your hands are sweaty and hot on Yuuji’s cheeks, you just know they are, but he doesn’t seem to mind when he lets you hold him close and grind on him.
Yet his palms are stiff against you. They don’t feel warm or cold or clammy or moist. They just… are. He chokes back every groan and huff and you almost feel embarrassed to be letting out hitches and breathy moans so freely in comparison.
Puffing your chest out, you can feel your breasts pillowing against Yuuji and you’re hoping to tempt him to move his hands up. Under your shirt and bra with bare skin on bare skin. The idea makes you mewl, dragging your hips harder against his and further pushing out your tits for him to grope.
And suddenly, his stiff hands are picking you up off his lap, sliding you beside him on your couch. Yuuji grins, standing and swiping his hands down the legs of his sweatpants before planting a kiss on your forehead, “Sorry, gotta pee.”
“Oversharing!” you call after his retreating form.
When Yuuji returns, he sits down and rewinds the movie you two had put on earlier. He frowns and murmurs about how much the both of you missed. When you don’t turn back to the TV immediately, Yuuji smiles again and kisses your cheek.
Your gut twists unpleasantly.
And that need festers into utter desperation by just the next afternoon.
“Hey, Yuuji,” you come up from behind your boyfriend, arms dangling over the back of his couch and framing his shoulders. You place your chin on his head, staring at the intense cooking competition he’s watching, “So, I know I just got here… but! I’ve got a small, teensy errand to run.”
“Mhm?” he tilts his head back to meet your eyes, “Want me to go with you?”
His offer has you nodding, trying to smother down the bright simper he threatens to drag out of you, “Yeah, if you’re not busy.”
Sucking in air noisily through his teeth, Yuuji gestures out to the show he lazes in front of, “I dunno, babe, I am watching TV.”
“Very funny,” you back away from his couch, already heading to the door to tug your shoes on, “Just saying, you don’t have to come with if you don’t want to,” Yuuji always wants to come with, you like that about him, “Just getting some new bras.”
Your current ones are fine, but maybe a stuffy changing room is that nudge he needs.
“Oh,” your boyfriend pauses, eyes widening, “Uh. You might want to take Kugisaki for that, she’d know more than me,” he can’t even look at you, “I’m not really the kinda person you’d want around for that.”
You almost ask what he means by that, but the rejection has fried your brain to a gray, crunchy crisp. The kind of fry that looks like it could flake apart with a harsh jab. Again, that terrible, awful knotting in your stomach returns, but you carry on. Because if you claimed to no longer need this errand ran, then he might know what your scheme was - and that was far worse than whatever this hell was.
So you nod slowly and meekly call out that you love him before exiting the door. He says he loves you more.
You really wish you asked what he meant.
Finally, desperation comes to a head when you meet Yuuji’s friend - Todo, Aoi.
Todo, Aoi, who stares at you - eyes narrow as he judges each wrinkle in your clothes and jitter of your muscles - then turns to Yuuji, and asks point-blank, “Did you lie about your type, then, brother?”
Yuuji rips the hand in his pocket out and cuts it across his neck in a slicing motion, mouthing a couple of rude ‘shut up’s. You lean into Yuuji’s side, squeezing the hand he lays in yours tighter. It isn’t sweaty. And it isn’t very warm, either.
Aoi doesn’t seem very upset at the idea, “I’m happy you’re happy,” you look down at your shoes when he glances back over at you, “I was excited when I thought we had the same type.”
No, you weren’t very tall. And no, your butt wasn’t exceptionally big. You fell on the more mediocre sides of those categories, the thing you excelled in (what you thought most guys were thrilled over) was having a large bust.
“Dude!” Yuuji hits Aoi in the shoulder. Hard, “Shut up!”
He squeezes your hand so tight you think it might bruise.
“Sorry, brother,” Aoi, you were warned, was extremely unusual - little to no boundaries and almost inept at social interactions outside of fighting. He does seem sympathetic enough, turning to you, “I didn’t mean to offend you.”
It’s all so sickening. How you wish Yuuji would hurry up and show interest in shallow things. How you place personal esteem on this whole fiasco. How right Aoi is. How badly you’re letting everything affect you.
The ringing in your ears, for example. The way you no longer think you can stomach whatever Aoi was cooking tonight. The shortness of your breath.
You try to push it down. Tonight is supposed to be fun.
Yuuji shoves his friend, much more lightheartedly than his previous blow, and goes to kiss your forehead - but hesitates. His smile is uneven, “Don’t listen to him, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” he squeezes your hand, “I love you,” then, apologetically, he smooths his thumb over the sore spots where he clenched your hand, “I love you so much.”
And you know that. You know it like you know your favorite movie.
Tonight was supposed to be fun.
He loves you, you know that - what you don’t know, is if he wants you. Doesn’t he get sweaty palms like you? Doesn’t he feel his intestines tie into bunches of little knots like you? Doesn’t he get all hot in the face like you? Doesn’t he want you like you want him?
It’s humiliating to imagine that he doesn’t, and the mere idea makes you so nauseous you think you might hurl at this very moment.
Maybe your boyfriend just doesn’t find you as attractive as you want him to.
Maybe you should give up this repetitive scheme.
The car is quiet, unbearably so. Your knees are angled away from Yuuji defiantly, legs pushed to the far side of your seat so it’d be a hassle for him to reach out and hold your thigh. You used to think it meant something when he did that, but now it seems as though he’s doing it out of duty. Like holding the door for someone behind you. Or offering your seat on the bus to elderly passengers. Simple acts of simple kindness.
The most basic peacekeeping, if anything.
Yuuji peeks at you without turning away from the road, hands tightening around the steering wheel, “Are you upset?”
You could be snippy. You could even opt to not respond.
But you do neither, “Yeah.”
He sighs through his nose, “Seriously, don’t listen to Todo. He doesn’t know anything.”
Now, you’re a little snippy. To point out that Aoi’s being stupid isn’t uncalled for, but to claim he doesn’t know exactly what stupid shit he’s saying is.
“He has a point.”
“Huh?” Yuuji turns his head fully to look at you, something he only does because the quiet backroad home is empty, “What’re you talking about?”
Only flickering, crooked, rusty street lamps are witness to your impending breakdown. Your boyfriend returns his stare to the road. Crickets sing outside and the wind flattens over long grass that shines under moonlight.
“Yuuji,” sinking into your seat, you ignore his eyes, “You can’t seriously say you have no idea,” he’s quiet, lips pressed thinly, “Since we met, practically everybody has known your type. I knew you had a type! It was a shock to our friends when we got together! And now that we are…”
Pulling off into the grassy plain lining your way home, Yuuji slips the key from the ignition and unclicks his seatbelt to really examine you. His eyes scramble over you, every part the sensitive, concerned boyfriend you know and treasure. He pouts, but it’s in earnest; hurt simply because you’re hurt.
“And now that we are?”
“Why don’t you look at me?”
“I look at you!” he rubs the back of his neck, now quirking a brow at you, “I look at you all the time.”
“No,” you whine like a petulant child, hands coming up to cover your face, “It’s different!”
Aoi’s words just won’t stop creeping up your spine. Yuuji setting you aside on the couch. Yuuji insisting that you bring Nobara to a lingerie store instead of him. He was lying to someone, right? Was it to Aoi or you?
But everybody had seen that poster, and everybody could hear him declare his preferences.
“It’s way different,” you’re so humiliated you’re nauseous, your voice wobbles.
Yuuji tenderly takes your wrists, dragging down your hands. His smile is squiggly, brows high to his forehead, “Talk to me, pretty girl. You want me to look at you?” you nod, “So tell me what you mean by that.”
You almost hate how soft his voice is. It makes it so hard to be upset.
“I’m not your type,” your eyes trail the way Yuuji’s fingers dance around yours, “And every time I try to… you know, get you to think of me as something other than just cute or pretty - you turn me down. I feel like you don’t find me attractive.”
“Oh, like sexually?”
“Mhmm,” you nod glumly. When he’s quiet for just a couple of seconds too long, you ask, “Did you know what I was trying to do?”
“Kind of,” Yuuji’s cheeks are growing red, eyes now abandoning your entwined hands to stare out the windshield, “I do find you attractive - that’s a little bit of the problem.”
He sucks in a breath sharply, engulfing your hands completely with his and squeezing (much more mindfully this time), “I’m crazy about you,” he can tell you don’t believe him, “It scares me a little,” he pulls his hands away and cradles his own over his lap, “I’m worried that if I give in, I’ll scare you off… like I’m too eager or something.”
“Yuuji!” you adjust in your seat, moving sideways and finally letting your knees face your boyfriend again, “You wouldn’t scare me off by being eager about my body! That’s a good thing, right? When we’re both into each other, that’s good!”
“No, I mean,” he’s gone rouge all the way up to his ears now, a fire bright in his chest, “I want you so bad it makes me feel like all my skin’s burning. My hands get all gross and sweaty so I have to wipe them on my pants, and- and I can’t think straight,” he’s still not looking at you, but the way he’s pressing his arms down on his crotch tells you he wants to, “Even now, I think I’m going crazy just imagining you…”
You sit up on your knees, leaning over the center console just to watch your boy squirm at the invasion of space, “Imagining me?” he nods shakily, “Imagining me how?”
He whines, turning his head and pressing his scorching face into your neck, “You know how.”
“Come on, pretty boy,” you kneel over the console entirely, squeezing behind the wheel to settle on Yuuji’s lap - slapping away his hands from the growing tent in his baggy pants, “Entertain me, please?”
“Imagining you under me, on me, between my legs,” his hands fly to your hips, palms slipping up under your shirt, and, God, his palms are sweaty, “Any way you’ll have me,” you cup his cheeks and press messy kisses to his lips. Yuuji’s hands roam further up your shirt, fingertips teasing under the cups of your bra, “Any way I can see your tits.”
“I thought you were more into ass,” your bravado falls under his admission, suddenly bashful.
Yuuji closes his eyes, swallowing hard while pushing his hands under your bra, he can feel his heartbeat all the way at the back of his throat. His rough palms cupping the soft, fleshy fat on your chest, “As if that matters,” his brows knit, hips subconsciously jerking up into yours, “I’m a horny guy: my hot girlfriend has big boobs, and I’m obsessed with her big boobs.”
“Just ‘cuz you’re horny?” you tease, grinding down on the bump of his hard cock. His loose pants let him spring up under your skirt, knocking into your panty-clad cunt.
“Nah,” his eyes flutter open, sweaty palms moving around your back and clumsily unhooking your troublesome bra. It takes him three tries, “I like every part of you all the time…” the tip of his tongue parts his lips in hard concentration, “Your whole body makes me feel like I’m full of bugs.”
“‘Full of bugs?!’” you snort, lifting your arms so Yuuji can yank off your shirt and bra in one ungraceful motion.
“In a good way,” he promises, eyes locked on your heaving chest. You can hear the thick breaths he struggles through, “‘m so nervous and horny at the same time, it feels like bugs in my stomach.”
“What’re you nervous for?”
“‘Cuz I wanna make you cum, but I’m worried I’ll cream my pants before we even get to it,” he finally looks into your eyes, he smiles at you with flaming cheeks and palms at your breasts, “It was so hard making sure I kept it together… Been jerkin’ off every night thinking of you - ask Sukuna, he’ll tell you. It’s been embarrassing.”
“Augh, Yuuji!”
“It’s true!”
It makes your palms hot and sweaty, the image of him so desperate. All for you.
“Hm,” you croon, grinding against your boyfriend’s cock, back arching to press your tits closer to his face, “Yuuji...”
Wrapping his arms around your waist, Yuuji sucks one of your nipples between his lips and laves it with his tongue. He bucks up against your wetting panties. Pulling away from your nipple with a soft pop, Yuuji stares up at you with another earnest, flustered pout, “Can you take it out for me?”
As if you could forget what he’s talking about, he humps you again.
“Please, take it out,” he cranes his neck to run his warm, wet tongue over your other, unattended nipple.
“Aw,” you didn’t think seeing your big, energetic boyfriend act so pathetic would set you on fire the way it does. One of your hands stretches down between you and Yuuji, wrangling down his pants with him lifting his hips to help, “Do you want me to play with your cock?”
He hums against your breast, nodding eagerly, “Yuh- yeah- ! Please?”
Your fingers wrap around the warm softness of Yuuji’s erection, thumb playfully nudging his mushroom tip’s slit. He throws his head back, ricocheting against the car seat headrest with a throaty groan.
Giggling, you lean in to kiss the sensitive spot just under Yuuji’s jaw, hand still working up Yuuji’s weeping cock, “Having a good time, honey?”
“Uh-huh,” he unwinds his arms around you to grasp your hips once again, fingers bruising at your sides, “Feels so good - so, so good…”
“Who’s making you feel good, Yuuji?”
“You!” his right thigh twitches under you, “You, you - ‘s always you!”
“Always me?”
His chuckle breaks off into a slack-jawed moan, “Said I jerk off to you every night, didn’t I?” he reaches for your wrist, “Wait, wait!”
“Were you…?” so soon?
“I told you!” now he’s the one whining like a petulant brat, “I don’t wanna cum before you, but you just make it so hard.”
So soon.
Your thighs squish around Yuuji’s, hips grinding on nothing - desperate in search of friction.
“You like that?” he sounds breathless, staring at you as you watch his bobbing cock. All red at the head and straining against your hand, “You’re so mean, babe.”
“I like it a lot,” you sit up, lips finding Yuuji’s drool-slicked ones, “I like knowing I have that effect on you.”
“Since I first saw you, I think,” he admits, hands skimming under your skirt now, “Can I… ?”
You nod, holding tightly to Yuuji’s shoulders while you lean on one leg. You could, theoretically, drag your panties down your lifted leg by yourself - but Yuuji stubbornly joins your hand all the way down to your ankle.
Before trying to slip inside you, Yuuji cups your hot sex. His chest tightens, middle finger shakily tracing along your soaked cunt. Tongue lolling back out of his mouth, Yuuji tucks your nipple back into his mouth when he inserts his finger in your hole. Trying to keep his mind as busy as possible so he can stop thinking about how badly he needs to bury himself inside you.
“Yuuji,” your breathing is ragged, already lowering yourself before he even pulls his finger out of you, “I’m so past ready.”
“You’re so wet,” he mumbles against the swell of your tit, teasing his teeth against the full flesh, “I dunno if I’ll be able to get in…” he chuckles to himself, lightheaded when he taps the head of his cock against your clit, “Might slip right out, huh?”
“Stop teasing,” you cradle Yuuji’s head to your chest, arms thrown around his neck, “You’re the mean one.”
“I know, I know,” he lowers in his seat, pressing himself finally, finally, finally inside your pussy. Your tits press even closer to his face when you gasp at the stretch, “I’ve been ignoring my poor pretty girl this whole time,” he says it so mournfully, so heartfelt, “So selfish, just thinking of my pride - I didn’t even wonder how my girl felt.”
“Ahh, Yuuji,” you moan, piercing your bottom lip between your teeth.
“I’m sorry, pretty girl,” he pushes down on your hips, lowering you on his stiff cock until your thighs are flush with his soft pants. They’re a little wet. You don’t care much, and you don’t think Yuuji does either right now. He screws up into you, one arm tight around your waist to pull you down into his thrusts and the other hand finding your slippery clit, “I’m so sorry, angel, can you forgive me?”
“Ah, ah, ah,” his fingers work quick circles on your nerves as he fucks you and you’re barely able to scramble together the words (let alone carry those words out in a sensible form), “Yes - ah! - yes, Yuuji!”
There’s something in the way he twists his hips this time because his cock beats into a particular spot that sends white sparks through your veins. You snap back, head hanging and forcing your bouncing tits directly in Yuuji’s face. Before you can even begin to beg, your big, energetic (and maybe a little pathetic) boyfriend is already nodding to himself.
“Right there, angel?” his fingers leave your clit to press down on where his cock batters your insides, “Is that it? Want me right here?”
“Please!” you squeal, thighs quivering and lungs fresh out of air.
“Uh-huh,” he keeps nodding, head too empty to realize he doesn’t need to anymore, “Uh-huh, anything for you… fuckin’ anything…”
When your lower half burns out, Yuuji keeps you upright - fully fucking up into you at that same spot he pushes down on your tummy. The need to cum burns every nerve in your body - it burns and burns and burns until it changes.
Something fuller and more familiar - in a more daily-life kind of way.
“Ah, Yuuji,” your hands perch on his shoulders, body bouncing with the weight of Yuuji’s hips slinging into yours, “I think- ! It feels like- !”
“Talk to me, angel,” dumbly, he looks up at you, almost snickering, “‘Entertain me.’”
“Feels like ‘m gonna pee,” you try warning him, you really do.
But something behind his eyes just shines brighter, grin widening and he actually laughs, “Yeah?”
“Fuck yeah,” he stares, wide-eyed, at where you’re creaming on his cock, “You gonna squirt on me, baby?” his foolish nodding quickens with his hips, “Squirt all over me, angel, I want it - want it so bad. Soak my car, oh,” his pretty mouth circles into an ‘O’ just at the thought, “Please, please soak my fucking car!”
Your head jerks back, nails digging into Yuuji’s shoulders, throat snapping raw as you cry out braindead mixtures of your boyfriend’s name and pleas for more and harder and his cum.
He moves the hand on your tummy to swish your clit and spread your mess as far as he can, mouth popping open almost instinctively just to catch stray droplets of your cum in his mouth. One day (tomorrow) he might regret (will definitely regret) intentionally making you spray cum all over his front, and even back, seats, but right now he couldn’t possibly imagine not doing it.
“‘m gonna cum,” he grits his teeth, moans choked back in his throat, “‘m gonna cum - where?” before he can ask again, you find the strength to swivel your hips down on him, “Inside?”
“Inside!” you sob, chest tight and eyes watering at the overstimulation of Yuuji still swirling a thumb on your clit, “Cum inside, Yuuji!”
“Fu- ck,” he squeezes the word out of his chest, seating you fully on his lap when his cock throbs. He juts his chin out towards you when he starts cumming, “Kiss me?”
And you waste no time throwing yourself forward to press chaste, sweet kisses on Yuuji’s drooling lips. He hums and whimpers into your mouth, greedily drinking in the taste of your lips on his. As if he’d been starved of it his entire life.
Yuuji keeps you against him, the both of you slowly coming back down to Earth.
His sopping pants are beginning to cool underneath you.
“Ugh,” you groan at the feeling, “I think we made a mistake.”
“Yeah…” Yuuji sighs, “Oh well. Can’t unfuck in the car now.”
You’re kind of dreading pulling off Yuuji’s soft cock - if you hadn’t done enough to ruin Yuuji’s pants before, then that most certainly will.
Yuuji sighs again, heartier, hands coddling your hips and tenderly rubbing circles into your bone. His eyes fall to your breasts and remain there, “I really am sorry, angel. I- I never, ever wanted you to feel like I didn’t want you.”
Because he does. Good, God, he always does.
Every time he sees you, his hands get all sweaty and his cheeks are hot and his stomach twists into jumbles of knots.
“It hurt,” you admit, “but it’s fine now,” you giggle at the idea of him apologizing over trying to be respectful, “It isn’t like you were being a dick, you know?”
“Yeah, but! Ugh!” he clenches a hand over his heart dramatically, frowning, “I hurt my girlfriend’s feelings. My sweet girl :( “
“You’re cute,” you kiss one of Yuuji’s fiery cheeks, “Okay, help me off.”
“Oh, yeah, huh,” he stretches over your shoulder to wring your panties back up your leg, “It’ll be unpleasant, but I think you need to wear these back to your apartment.”
“I’ll live,” you pick at the elastic to Yuuji’s pants and snap them back against his sweaty thigh, “Can’t be worse than this, pee pants.”
“Hey, it’s not pee,” he pouts once again tonight, “And be nice.”
You shake your head, leaning down to press your lips against Yuuji’s once again. Soaking in the taste like you’d been starved of it your entire life, “Never.”
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romantichomicide95 · 7 months
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pairing- yuji itadori x reader
warnings- creampie, yuji loving ass, yuji being a little soft, pet name usage, fem!reader, fingering, foreplay, doggiestyle, dirty talk, slight praise kink if ya squint
notes- would y’all be surprised if i said i didn’t proofread? nah. lol. really wanted to release two kinktobers today given it’s november 🤪
word count-> 1.3k
kinktober masterlist/taglist
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“So…you like?” You ask Yuji as you hold up the delicate lingerie you recently bought from Victoria's Secret. The anticipation bubbles within you as you await Yuji's reaction. His cheeks flush with a rosy hue, his eyes growing wide, and he nods his head in approval.
"Yeah…damn.” he stammers, his voice filled with a mixture of excitement and desire. "I... I really like it."
A smile tugs at the corners of your lips, grateful of your decision to surprise him. You’d been sexually active for quite some time, but you’d never thought to wear anything super sexy for him.
“Good, because I've been looking forward to spending some extra special time with you." You bite your lower lip as you move in closer, brushing your fingertips gently against his cheek.
Yuji's gaze meets yours, he clears his throat, his voice low and husky. "I've been looking forward to it too. More than you can imagine. Can-Can you put it on?”
“Mhmm.” You murmur with a soft kiss to his cheeks, “Be right back.” You say disappearing into the other room leaving Yuji standing there, heart pounding with his hand still touching the heat of where your lips met his cheek.
Yuji’s mouth falls open as you reappear. Tits propped up, ass looking exceptionally delicious. His eyes trail down your body and he’s left speechless.
“Well, how do I look baby?” You ask, with a feeble attempt of doing a cute pose.
Yuji swallows hard, trying to gather his thoughts. “Yeah baby, you look fucking amazing actually…come here.” He sits on the bed and beckons you over.
You tiptoe towards Yuji. His eyes are glued to every move you make, his breathing becoming heavier as they trail down your body again. He can feel the tightness in his pants as he takes the sight of you in. You slowly lower yourself onto his lap, your weight slightly pressing against him.
“You're killing me," he groans, his voice thick with desire. He pulls you closer, his hands running down your back, cupping your ass cheeks. "You look so fucking beautiful."
He leans in, pressing his lips to yours, his kisses are gentle at first, loving even…but in typical Yuji fashion the more you grind your clothed cunt against the growing hardness in his jeans, the more he seems to lose himself in you.
As the kiss deepens, Yuji trails his lips down your neck, nibbling softly. You shiver in pleasure, goosebumps beginning to litter your skin. You moan softly, and the sound drives him wild. He doesn’t even realize he’s rutting his hips up into you, desperate to feel more of your body dragging along his aching member.
His lips meet yours again, sloppily shoving his tongue into your mouth as he grinds himself against you further. He’s torturing himself at this point and he doesn’t even realize. But your lips taste so good, and the feeling of your body grinding against his causes him to burn with lust.
He breaks the kiss, leaning in to whisper in your ear. “Want you so bad baby, let me put it in.”
You can’t help but let out a slight chuckle at his desperation, but your pussy aches to feel him stretch you out. “Mmmm, want you to Yuj, want you to fuck me.”
He gently lifts you off his lap, and guides you backward until you're lying on the bed. His body hovers over yours, his eyes never leaving yours as he trails his fingers down your neck, across your collarbone, and down to your breasts.
He reaches behind you to unclasp the lacy fabric and then cups one of your breasts in his hand, his thumb brushing over your sensitive bud. You gasp slightly, arching your back in response. He leans down to capture your nipple in his mouth, his tongue licking around the bud before sucking gently.
You reach up to run your fingers through his hair, urging him on. As he continues to the attention on your tits, his other hand moves lower, tracing teasing patterns over your stomach before sliding down to your panties, teasing your clit through the fabric.
Yuji moans around your nipple, pulling away to look at you with hooded desire filled eyes. He smirks and then slowly slides your panties off. He spreads your folds with his fingers, exposing your wet, swollen clit. His other hand comes up to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing over your plump bottom lip. “God you’re so wet for me.”
His thumb circles your clit, causing you to gasp and rut your hips into his hand. He watches you intently, his eyes burning with lust as he continues to tease your clit. His fingers find their way inside of you, stretching you as he begins to pump them in and out. You can feel his hard cock pressed against your leg, grinding against you chasing any semblance of friction.
He leans down, his lips brushing against your ear. “Fuck, need you now babe.” He whispers, his breath hot against your skin. His fingers hasty and desperate at the metal of his zipper, pulling his pants and boxers down.
With one swift movement, he rolls you onto your side, positioning himself behind you. He spits into his hand, lubricating his cock as he lines it up with your entrance. He slowly pushes inside of you, gasping at the sensation as he inches his way inside you.
Your pussy clenches around him.
You feel his cock stretching you, filling you up. He groans deeply, his hands finding your hips to steady himself. He starts to move slowly, withdrawing almost all the way before slamming back in, hitting that sweet spot inside you that sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body. “Can you get on your knees for me baby."
You obline, getting on your hands and knees, reaching underneath yourself and spreading your pussy lips for him.
Yuji smiles, loving how eager you are for him. He positions himself behind you, aligning his cock with your wet entrance. He slowly pushes inside you once more, filling you up completely.
“Ahhh.Mm’ Feel so good." You whimper as his hands grips the flesh of your ass tightly and he starts to thrust slowly. His breathing grows quicker, and gets ragged, and he leans down to whisper in your ear. "I love your ass baby." He whispers through heavy breathes.
You start to bounce your ass, backing it up into him, meeting him thrust for thrust. He groans deeply, his hands trailing up your sides to cup your breasts. He pinches your nipples roughly, causing you to arch your back in pleasure.
Yuji growls low in his throat, loving the feeling of you taking his cock so eagerly. He starts to thrust harder, faster, losing himself in the way your tight pussy takes him in. The sight of your ass jiggling with each thrust drives him wild. His hands move to your hips, gripping them tightly as he leans forward, burying his face in your neck.
Your moans start to increase in volume as his tip hits your cervix over and over again. “Yuj, f-feel so good baby, love your cock. S’ big, making me cum.”
He groans into your neck, his hips slamming against yours in a punishing rhythm. His fingers dig into your hips as he loses control over your words. His hands squeeze your hips tighter, pulling you back against his cock with every thrust. “Cum with me, gunna cum inside you.”
You feel your legs shake as you cum around his cock. Yuji's cock twitches inside you. His thrusts become erratic as he loses control, his hips slamming into you over and over again. He groans deeply into your neck, his body shuddering with the force of his orgasm, and with one last deep thrust he lets out a low guttural growl as he cums, filling you up with his seed.
He pulls out slowly, watching with a smile as his cum leaks from your pussy.
He push you over onto your back, collapsing on top of you, littering your face with kisses.
“Gutta buy lingerie more often princess.”
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tagging: @belfiguevel @swaggygurlbae @yihona-san06 @nobody289x @cassiefromhell
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yujisgirl · 6 months
Yuji NSFW Links / Visuals ᥫ᭡
... with short fics <3
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These are real ns//fw links btw! Human bodies etc not animated! Need to be signed into Twitter/X to see these videos ♡
These stories happen in chronological order! ... ! afab reader
Next: Toji + Choso + Gojo + Nanami + Shiu + Sukuna + Higuruma... so stay tuned!
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 Toji's Visuals: Click Here ❤︎
"Come over to my place after school?"
was all you told your highschool boyfriend, Itadori yuuji. It was supposed to be a little hang out; especially since exams had just been over and you both had missed each other so much.
Needless to say, you guys definitely "caught up" ...
Highschool boyfriend Yuuji!
"Does this look good on me?"
You definitely used this mall date as an excuse to rile yuji up even more. He's sure of it. Why else would you be picking the skimpiest swimsuits to "try on" - you're not even part of the swim team!
As soon as you guys left the mall, he grabs your arm and brings you over to an alley, "Need to fuck this hole before we leave"
In public with Yuji
"Do you want your present now?"
you said . Yuji tilts his head in confusion, his graduation cap threatening to fall of his pink hair as he raises his wrist, dangling the bracelet you had just gifted him, "Isnt this your present?".
"I have another one you know" You gesture to the Love Motel just down the street.
Your graduation gift to Yuuji
"I love you. I love every part of you"
The first time yuji had said "I love you" was when you came to visit him in college. The pain of being away from you only heightened his desires and needs. He needs you, not just in a sexual way but in every part of his life, through and through.
He worships every inch of your body
"Lets test our new bed, yeah?"
Maybe it was the adrenaline of finally moving in with yuji, Maybe it was the stress build up from the moving process but as soon as the land lord left your new house you guys were onto each other like animals.
You tested the firmness of every single furniture you bought. The bed, the new sofa, the kitchen counter, the beanbag that you got from Yuji's old house, and of course the balcony.
Testing beds with Yuuji
Testing beds Part 2.
"Is this why you wanted to move in together?"
you giggled. "Fuck." Yuji was too pussy drunk to even form a coherent reply, "m'you feel so good. Wanna live in this pussy forever"
Morning's with Yuuji
"Im reading right now"
you said.
Yuji pouts.
Shit. Thats your soft spot.
"Fine, you win."
"Babe, you really shouldnt wear that around me"
yuji's eyes werent even looking into yours, he was staring right at your boob window.
"Why?" You questioned.
"Makes me wanna suck on your tits" He deadpanned, eyes tracing the curves of your breasts.
"Whats stopping you?"
"Good job baby"
was all you said. Really.
How were you supposed to know that it would result in a marathon of rounds with Yuji?
He finally got recognised as a Jujutsu sorcerer by the elders, and you couldnt be more happy for your boyfriend. You expected him to come home with tears in his eyes, or something but no- he came home and went straight to your room, "Baby, I need to fuck you"
Is it his fault that youre all that plagues his mind night and day, and when he experienced emotions in a grand scale, he immediately gets horny?
Maybe you're all he needs
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shiganshinaslut · 7 months
Yuji holding your face and kissing all over it, smiling and spouting out all sorts of praises while Megumi fucks you from behind, gripping your hips and pulling you into his thrusts while letting out breathy grunts.
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yujisgirll · 6 months
car sex with them <3
He fucks you in countless positions in the back of his car after he got jealous seeing you talk to your close male friend, of course he would never admit that though.. so he just takes you into the back seat and bounces you up and down on his cock.
Geto Suguru, Megumi Fushiguro , Tsukishima Kei, Aki Hayakawa, Yuji Itadori, Brazil!Hinata Shoyo, Gojo Satoru, Ushijima Wakatoshi, and any of your favs!
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ghost-girl277 · 7 months
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There favorite position to fuck you- Pt2. Pt1 here
Characters- Geto,
Trigger warnings ⚠️-smut. Not proof read
Note-thank you for the likes on the other one and as always enjoy.
Geto: One of both legs over his shoulder
Normally Geto would come home and fuck you real nice and slow, making sure you feel every single slow and steady thrust, however, on occasion Geto comes home tired and a little stressed and one moment your welcoming him and the next your on your back, he's grabbing the back of your knee with one hand and putting it on his shoulder as he angles himself with the other hand and pushes into you, rocking the bed in rhythm of the deep and rough thrusted caused by his hips.
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joedirtymadre · 3 months
Rough Night
“Nobara how’d you get this stuff?” You asked, as you held the small bottle in your hands. “That’s for me to know, and if you ever want more tell me,” she winked. You thought back to a week ago when this all started.
1 Week Ago
“Am I crazy?” You sighed, feeling extremely frustrated. “No, a lot of girls want their man to be a freak in the sheets,” Nobara said nonchalantly. “N-Not so loud Nobara! We’re in a cafe!” You said as you felt your face heat up. “It’s fine, a bunch of these guys have their headphones on anyways…” she rolled her eyes. “Now back to the topic, you want Yuji to be a little more… aggressive with you. Is that better?” Nobara asked. “A bit, but pretty much. Don’t get me wrong it still feels great, but there’s times where I’d like him to… you know…” you blushed.
“I hear you, and it’s completely normal. The only not normal thing is that you haven’t told him this,” she said. “I-I’m too embarrassed… and what if I hurt his feelings? What if he misunderstands and thinks that I haven’t enjoyed any of the other times we’ve done it?” I asked Nobara. “The only thing that I see here is you overthinking, we both know Yuji would understand. Plus he’s probably nervous that he’ll hurt you, you are his pretty little flower,” Nobara gushed. “I guess you’re right, I’ll talk to him then!” You said confidently.
It’s been a week and you still haven’t told Yuji, and Nobara caught on. Leading to her handing you an aphrodisiac. “Aren’t these things scams?” You asked. “Well… I found the one with the most positive reviews online, so it should work,” she explained. “Alright… I guess a bit won’t be too bad,” you said. “I’m rooting for you (Y/N)!” Nobara smiled as she waved goodbye. “Oh and I told Yuji you weren’t feeling good, so have your room cleaned by 7, that’s when he’ll stop by!” She yelled. “Nobara is the ultimate and scariest wing woman,” you sighed.
You now sat in your room staring at the bottle. “This is most likely a scam, but maybe…” you trailed off. “No way… I’ll just talk to him,” you said to yourself. You looked at the time, realizing that it was getting close to the time your adorable boyfriend was coming over. You left the bottle on your coffee table and began cleaning your room.
It was finally 7, and you wiped your forehead as you finally finished cleaning your room. “Man I gotta clean this place way more,” you sighed. Knock knock. “Right on time,” you said as you headed to the door. You quickly opened the door, seeing Yuji standing there with a bouquet of flowers. “For me?” You asked excitedly. “Yep, Nobara said you weren’t feeling too good, so I brought you some flowers,” he smiled as you stepped aside to let him in. You grabbed the flowers, and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. “They’re beautiful, thanks,” you smiled. “Anything for you,” he said.
You placed them on your coffee table, and headed to your mini fridge to grab a bottle of juice. “I bought some juice, do you want a cup? Or do you just want water?” You asked. “Juice please!” He said as he sat on your bed. You grabbed 2 cups and poured juice in them, heading back to Yuji and handed him a cup. Then placing yours on your coffee table. “Look for a movie to watch, while I place the flowers in a vase,” you said, and Yuji nodded.
Yuji’s POV
Hmmm… (Y/N) doesn’t seem sick or too down. She’s probably been taking some really good medicine. I began scrolling through Netflix, as I heard a loud, “ACHOO!” Slightly startling me, “Bless you,” I said. “Thanks,” she sniffled. “You sure you’re feeling ok to hang out?” I asked. “Yeah, I’m totally fine!” She said, as she continued searching for a vase. “Have you been taking any medicine?” I asked. “My mom bought me a bottle, but it’s so gross. The only way I can take it is if I mix it with juice or something, really helps get rid of that gross grape or cherry flavor,” she explained. “Ohh! That’s smart!” I said, causing her to laugh.
I continued to look for a movie, but there’s honestly not anything good… My attention slowly moved towards a small bottle on the table. Ah! It’s probably the one (Y/N) was talking about. That’s probably why she grabbed the juice, to mix the two. Well, I’ll be a good boyfriend and do it for her. I smiled proudly, and quickly opened the bottle and poured it into her cup.
I slowly poured it, “ACHOO!” I was startled again, causing me to accidentally pour a large serving. “Whoops…” I said softly. “What’s wrong?” She asked. “Nothing!” I said quickly, as I hid the bottle. “Oh well, did you find a movie to watch?” She asked as she sat down. “Not yet,” I said nervously, she’d be pretty upset if it ends up tasting more like cold medicine than her juice…
(Y/N)’s POV
You took a sip from your cup, slowly pulling it away to look at it. “S-Something wrong?” Yuji stuttered. “Nothing, just tastes really good. First time I bought this brand,” you explained. “Oh… good!” He sighed in relief. “So, let’s watch something?” You asked, and Yuji quickly put something on.
You finished your glass pretty quickly… but now something feels off. “Yuji… is it getting hot in here?” You asked as you threw your sweater off. “No, not really,” he said. “Man, I feel so warm. The hell is wrong with me?” You asked, as you fanned yourself. “You alright (Y/N)? You’re looking pretty red, you’re sure you aren’t getting a fever?” He asked, and placed his hand on your forehead. You lightly flinched, his hand felt hot to the touch. “Woah, you’re burning up! Come on, let’s get you into bed,” he said as he quickly stood up. You slowly stood up yourself, but you felt your legs give out. You were about to hit the floor, until you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around you.
“H-Hah~!” You gasped. “(Y-Y/N)?” Yuji stuttered. “Yuji~ Something’s wrong with me,” you said, feeling your head getting fuzzier. “W-What’s wrong? What did that medicine do to you?” He asked. You couldn’t really comprehend what he was saying but you did know one thing. You needed this man.
You quickly moved your attention to his belt, fumbling with it as you wanted to rip it off. “(Y/N)? R-Right now?” He asked. “P-Please? I want it, please?” You begged. You saw Yuji’s face explode as you begged him. “O-Ok,” he stuttered. You lightly pushed him onto your bed, and leapt on top of him.
You immediately went for his lips as you sat on top of him. You couldn’t help but grind yourself on his growing bulge. “Seems like you want it too,” you smiled into the kiss. Yuji groaned into the kiss, you felt his hands move to your lower back. You felt goosebumps crawl over your skin as he touched you. “I want more,” you demanded. You immediately moved back and ripped off his belt. Then unzipped his jeans, “Fuck (Y/N), I didn’t know you liked being rough,” Yuji said softly.
“I always liked rough! But you’re never rough! Why not?!” You yelled as you stopped fumbling with his jeans. “Huh?” he asked. “Yeah! What’s wrong with me? Why won’t you be rough with me? That’s why Nobara bought me that damn aphrodisiac, but Inciuldnt use it on-“ you were cut off. “Wait… aphrodisiac, is that what that bottle was?” He asked, as he slowly sat up. “Yeah… wait. How do you know about the bottle?” You asked slowly.
“I accidentally poured it in your drink,” he said, staring at me. “Y-You did?” You squeaked. “Is that why you’re being so demanding and rough?” He whispered into your ear, causing you to tremble. “I-I’m s-sor- mph!” You moaned as Yuji pulled you into a rough kiss. You threw your hands around his neck, and slowly grinded yourself on his bulge. “Fuck…” he groaned.
Suddenly you were thrown around, your back hitting onto your soft bed. You were immediately pounced on, feeling Yuji attack your neck and his hands on your breast and ass. “Yuji~” you moaned. He immediately pulled away, “So you wanted me to be rough with you, huh? I’ll be rough, as punishment for trying to use an aphrodisiac,” he growled. He quickly reached for your shirt and ripped it apart. “Ah!” You squeaked.
His hands moved to your bra, “Not the b-“ but it was too late. He ripped your bra, letting your breasts out. “Y-Yuu!” You gasped as you felt him being to suck and kiss your breasts. Each kiss feels hotter and hotter, and makes you wetter and wetter. “Fuck, I love your body,” he growled as he began playing with your nipples. “Man you’re living this,” he smirked as he pulled away to watch me twitch under him. He quickly pulled your pants off, leaving you completely naked.
You felt your face heat up and tried covering yourself. “What’s wrong? Why hide?” He asked, as he traced a finger from your forearms to your hand that covered your pussy. “W-Why am I the only one naked?” You asked. “Ahh… you’re right,” he smirked as he slowly removed his sweatshirt. You felt your face explode as you saw his body, “Never realized how much of a staring problem you got,” he said. “I-I…” you stuttered. He quickly stood up, causing you to sit up.
He smirked as he saw you stair at his waist band, he slowly unzipped his jeans. Allowing them to fall, along with his boxers, finally allowing his hard cock freedom. You slightly drooled at the sight, feeling your soaked unmentionable in between your legs starting to throb. “Like what you see?” He chuckled. “M-Mhmm,” you nodded, embarrassed from his chuckling. “Good. Now get on your knees,” he demanded. “Huh?” You asked. “I won’t repeat myself a third time, get on your knees. Show me how much you want it,” he smirked.
You slowly dropped down to your knees in front of him, staring at his hard cock. You slowly wrapped your hand around the base, steadying it as you opened your mouth. As soon as you made contact, you felt a hand grasp your hair. “Come on princess, show me how much you love this cock,” he said as he forced it down my throat. You felt tears fall down your eyes, as you choked on his thick member. You then bobbed your head back and forth, feeling his thick cock stretch your throat with each thrust.
“Fuck…” you heard him moan, encouraging you to keep going. Sucking, drooling, and kissing all over his cock. “God, you’re so sexy with my cock down your throat,” he said as he stared at you. You pulled away with a loud ‘pop’ noise, giving yourself a chance to catch your breath. “Did I say you can stop?” You heard a deep voice say. “S-Sorry,” you said, quickly returning your mouth to his cock. “That’s a good girl, but I’ll have to punish you,” he said. Feeling a strong hand grip onto your hair again. Before you could look up to see what he was trying to do, you felt his hand bob your head back and forth on his cock.
“Ahh… fuuck, this mouth pussy feels so good,” he groaned as he continued to move your head. “Mmm~” you choked out, feeling his body fill up with goosebumps. “Fuck! (Y/N)…” he groaned, quickly feeling a hot thick liquid coat your throat. He finally let go of your head, pulling back and giving yourself a chance to take a break.
But the break was too short, as you were quickly lifted and thrown back onto your bed. Without any preparation, you felt a hard and thick cock enter your pussy. “HaaHH~!” You let out, as you felt your walls stretch. “God, I slipped right in,” he said in a husky voice. “Y-Yuu- Ah~!” you moaned as he quickly began to thrust in and out of your sopping wet pussy. “You’re practically sucking me in,” he groaned, and he continued to pound your pussy. You placed your hand over your mouth, trying to juggle your moans. However, Yuji pinned both of them above your head, “I want everyone to hear you screaming my name,” he whispered into your ear. Causing your body to tremble under him, you moaned louder as he began nipping on your neck.
“Fuck (Y/N), I didn’t know how much your pussy loved my cock. I was using it all wrong,” he panted as he increased his speed. “More~ Fuck me harder~” you begged him. “That’s a good girl, a real good girl,” he smirked as he leaned down and kissed my lips. You moaned into your mouth, you felt your head becoming lighter and lighter with each thrust. Feeling a familiar yet different feeling build up inside of you.
“Y-Yuji! Something’s different! I think I’m gonna-“ but it was too late, you felt a sudden rush crash through you. “Fuck! Mmm~!” You cried as you left yourself tense up, you felt yourself squirting. “Never seen this before, let me see more,” Yuji smirked as he continued fucking your soaked pussy. “Wait! W-Wait! Sensitive!” You cried out. “Sorry sweetheart, but this is your punishment. Plus, I thought you wanted rough?” He whispered into your ear.
As soon as he finished speaking, you felt a thumb graze over your clit. “Y-Yuu-“ you cut yourself off as you threw your head back in ecstasy. “I can’t forget about this girl,” he smirked. You trembled as he fucked your pussy and rubbed your clit at the same time. “Oh god! I think I’m-“ but you were once again too late. “Yuuuji~!!” You cried out as you felt your body shake to your core. “God, you’re squeezing me so tight. I’m gonna- hmm!” Yuji groaned as he did one final thrust before emptying his load into your sore pussy.
He then pulled himself out, falling beside you. Both of you trying to catch your breath. “Sorry… was that too much?” He asked, as he slowly pulled you into a hug. You shook your head softly. “It was… really good, we should do that more,” you blushed. “Yeah, and next time… don’t try to use an aphrodisiac. Just talk to me,” he said as he kissed your forehead. “Mhmm…” you hummed as you were feeling sleepy. “Goodnight babe,” he said, before you began hearing light snores. “Goodnight,” you said softly, before falling asleep.
Until you were suddenly awakened to a hard slap on your ass. “Ah!” You let out. You opened your eyes, and threw them wide open as you realized…
“Hey beautiful… ready for 2?” Sukuna asked, as he chuckled to your speechless reaction. “R-Round 2?” You stuttered. “Yep, and don’t worry. I’ll make sure to be rough, just the way you like it,” he whispered into your ear. Oh god…
Come back for part 2 😉😉
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garfunklefield · 4 months
Chocolate Buttercream (Drabble)
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18+ viewer discretion is advised
Fem!reader/Yuji Itadori Warnings: YUJI IS AGED UP HE IS NOTTTT A MINOR!!! Pussy eating, Yuji is a sweetheart Word count: 411 DESC: Yuji only likes to eat you out for himself
I’m uploading this at school if the formatting is weird I’ll fix it when I get home <333333
Some guys eat pussy for the pleasure of their partner … and some guys eat it to get off. Yuji Itadori wasn’t any different from the last option. He always wanted to pleasure you, it was second nature at this point. He’d always open the door for you or make sure you were all settled before getting ready for bed himself.
So it was kind of a surprise when he admitted it casually over lunch that he didn’t particularly care if you finished while he ate you out because he did it for himself.
“Oh,” you replied with a bit of shock running through your features, “I didn’t even notice.”
“Yeah. I could do it for hours if you let me. But because I’m sooooo good,” a wide grin spread across his face, “You can only go for an hour.”
That was you thinking of your pleasure, not his. Now that you knew he liked it more than you liked it, it changed things.
“Eat me out for as long as you want, Yuji,” you breathed out, setting your fork down on your plate.
You didn’t have to tell your boyfriend twice. Because soon both your legs were propped up on either of his shoulders, holding you up and pressing you against the wall of your bathroom. With his head stuffed between your legs. You couldn’t count how many seconds, minutes or even hours had passed as he licked at your swollen folds.
Yuji’s tongue dipped into your wetness and licked back and forth in a way that made you squirm. One of his muscular arms hooked around your thigh, pressing you closer against that cold wall.
“Mm… f-fuck Yuji…” you groaned as he went back to suck on your clit. Your boyfriend was ignoring the throbbing erection in his pants in favor of tasting you and …god was he enjoying himself.
You tasted savory and delicious to his tongue, just right. Even if you thought the taste was bad, he couldn’t get enough. You were like a full-course meal and he hadn’t even finished his appetizer.
He moaned as you tugged tufts of his hair, rolling your hips against his nose. He felt like heaven, god you could keep this up for hours. The way Yuji slowly ate you to savor and tease. To build up your tolerance to go for as long as he possibly wanted. You just wanted to cum right there.
Yuji Itadori was the perfect boyfriend.
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heartssatoru · 1 year
Hey! I love your HCs so far! If you do smut could you do JJK men wanting to have sex or are horny and how they go about asking you/initiating it? (Gojo, Megumi, Sukuna, and Itadori)
Yes of course! I know a lot of my readers request fluff so if you don't like smut im so sorry😭
Characters: gojo, megumi, sukuna, itadori
Warnings: smut smut smut!! Afab reader
I have a few request im working on, to all the others that requested! :)
In public:
Starts off flirty but then becomes needy cause he's extremely horny
At a date
Slips up and tells you a dirty joke by accident. And does that little giggle
It maybe depends, because there's times where he thinks he can hold it but can't
Most of the time he hints it. If you don't get it then he'll say it shamelessly
Doesn't care if its in public or not. He just wants relief.
He kinda does care😭 but doesn't at the same time.
Bathroom, alley way, really whatever. Tries to make sure no ones really there though
Someone spots you two? Oh shit let him finish atleast
Tells you to just relax but it's extremely hard when his cock is pounding into you
If your hiding your moans then he'll make you either way. Cause that's just offensive to him
Will deny your organsm if you hide them too. So lesson learned
At home:
Tries to ignore it. But its too much to even ignore, wouldn't be surprised if you could notice
Prefers to hint because he feels embarrassed. No matter how much you tell him he doesn't need too.
You already know because that's always how he gets when he's horny
Doesn't want to risk being caught. And he always makes that clear.
Always at home no matter what. He can wait, maybe..
Excusing that, he skilled with his fingers, and always uses his fingers to prep you
He doesn't want to cause you pain. Really just pleasure for both of you.
Will be a little hard or deny your organsm if he's having a bad day. But still will let you cum
By the time he's done you guys will be fast asleep, but always makes sure you fall asleep first.
anywhere, literally doesn't care:
Will straight up tell you. Maybe if you don't take so long he'll actually be nice to you.
1% chance of that. But its better then nothing!
Will fuck you anywhere. Unlike gojo, he has nothing to worry about
Doesn't even care if anyone sees. They'll simply see how much of a slut you are for his cock
Said by him of course
Does it for his own pleasure, if he's feeling nice he'll let you cum
Also if you try and touch yourself then thats another reason why he shouldn't.
Abuses your poor cunt, especially with his size
Rough, but knows your limits. Maybe goes aganist them every one in awhile to see your fucked face
Cause it drives him near the edge even more.
Feels guilty each time so he always tries to go on without anything
However if he's desperate will beg you to let him fuck you
Makes sure your comfortable and everything. Sweet as hell
But just because of that dont expect to not be teased
Will always let you cum though, unlike the others, besides megumi
Goes gentle, unless you want it hard he can do that. Just doesn't want to hurt you
Asks every once in awhile just to make sure your comfortable and everything
No matter how tired he is, will still try to clean you up afterwards
Gives you the best care. Would feel guilty once again, if he didn't
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dadsbongos · 6 months
yuuji x reader where the reader is nothing like his type at all (completely flat) I know you did a fic like this and i loved it so much but could you do a fic for the more flat chested girlies?? even a drabble is good! i loce ur work u are soo talented!!
oopsie i finished this the day i got it n then forgot to post it!! sorries!!
yuuji is so boy-coded in that he says what he’s thinking and doesn’t think it could be hurtful </3 also size kink hints
~~~ 18+ under the cut
“Angel face,” Yuuji grins like he’s proud of himself, and sadly, you know he is, “I got enough for the both of us.”
“Not funny!” you chuck the nearest pillow at his face, but your boyfriend easily catches it with a single hand. You watch his thick fingers dig and pull at the plush, he stretches the cushion between both hands before tossing it back towards you, “I’m trying to be serious, Yuuji…”
“So am I,” he frowns, all for show, plopping onto your bed beside you. He stares over your forlorn expression and his twists with sincerity, “Really, angel, I don’t…” he hesitates and you feel shame in how it makes your heart freeze, “I dunno how to explain it, but it doesn’t actually matter to me.”
You lean back onto your palm at that, raising an eyebrow at him, “It doesn’t matter?”
“Not really!” he shrugs, grinning sheepishly, “I just think you’re pretty. It’s not a turn off that you’re flat,” your wince at his choice of words does not go unnoticed, “It isn’t! You’re hot!” he leans into your space, bright grin now burning into your cheek as he kisses from your face and into the moor of your neck. He reaches up, fingers snaking under your shirt, “My angel’s the prettiest girl in the world.”
“You think so?”
“Baby,” he mutters into the hotbed of your skin, teething at the soft patch like a starved puppy, “I want you so bad all the time,” as if he senses your thrumming disbelief, he repeats himself, “All the time.”
His hands cover the entirety of your breasts and it drives him wild. Sparks something he’s unwilling to admit just yet: how crazy he goes for the way his body engulfs yours. Brain overheating and whole body jittering when he can feel your body pliant and dwarfed by his thicker frame. 
Besides, as much as he adores your looks, it isn’t as though your body is the most interesting thing about you. You’ve got Yuuji collared and leashed anyhow, the distribution of fat on your body couldn’t sway his heart.
Not in the slightest.
He digs his hands into your waist and laves your petite tits with violet kisses before stretching down to settle your thighs comfortably over his shoulder. Yuuji nestles into your warm body and digs out euphoria in earnest desperation. He’s certain that if he could curl up anywhere to rot away, he’d choose atop your body.
In the meantime, Yuuji excitedly works between your legs to remind you that he most certainly has enough thickness for the both of you.
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romantichomicide95 · 10 months
and becz i cannot get yuuji out my mind 😩 (the hand video, you know the one), pretty please smut prompt #46. no established relationship but like a childhood best friends thing?? thanks beebee !!
Yuji Itadori
drabble prompt #46: “Whoa, did you always look this hot.”
cw: 18+ uh clit teasing?(not really fingering), penetration, creampie, slight praise, hand kink ish.
notes: had to put the hand thing in somewhere, i suck at endings, this was way longer than a drabble but meh. i didn’t proofread this in any way.
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You made your way to Yuji's room, your heart pounding with nerves. You both were already late as is. A stupid party you didn’t even really want to go to loomed ahead. As you stood outside his door, you took a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heartbeat and knocked softly.
When Yuji opened the door,his eyes trailed down your body. "Woah, damn. Did you always look this hot?" He said before putting a hand over his mouth. “Shit, I meant. You look nice.” He said, shuffling awkwardly.
“Uhhh. Thanks Yuji.” You felt heat rise at his compliment, and you couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in your chest. Something had shifted between you recently. You’d been best friends for as long as you could remember, but the attraction you felt for him grew as you both got older. There was all these unexplored feelings, that neither of you acted on due to your history, but now was the perfect opportunity to explore these newfound feelings.
Yuji stepped aside, inviting you into his room. As he shut the door behind you, the air crackled with an electricity, and the anticipation intensified. Your eyes look at him, taking in his appearance. Has he always been this muscular? Have his eyes always been that beautiful color? Have his hands always been so god damn attractive. The way they could grip your throat while he’s got you up against-
“I mean it though.” Yuji said, snapping you from your thoughts. He takes a step forward, closing the small gap between you. He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear as your eyes met. “You look really really hot.”
Before you knew it, words became irrelevant as the electricity between you grew stronger. The room suddenly felt too small, filled with this untouchable tension. The attraction between you was palpable. Without hesitating, you closed the distance between you, your lips gently meeting in a passionate kiss.
The taste of his lips was intoxicating, exactly how you’d imagined. Your bodies pressed together, wrapped up in the intensity of the moment. Without warning Yuji pushed you against the wall, his hands gripping your thighs and lifting you up against the wall so he can capture your lips more evenly.
Suddenly he pulls his face away, looking at you intently. “S-sorry. Is this-okay?”
You don’t say anything, you just nod. His puffy swollen lips looks so adorable, and his body feels warm against yours. You answer him by wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him closer. He smiles before his lips are on yours again and you tangle your hands in his hair, wrapping your legs around his waist.
You can feel the growing bulge in his trousers as his body grinds up against you, his hands softly trailing up your thighs underneath the very short dress that he swears you wore just for him.
“Fuck. I’ve wanted to do this for so long. You have no idea.” His lips trail down your neck, leaving tiny hickeys in their wake as his hands slide all the way up your dress his fingers teasing the pantie line. “Can I touch you?” He asks, a pleading look in his eye.
“Please.” You nod in response and you feel his fingers slide along your folds. You let out a soft moan as he teases your clit, lightly swiping his thumb across it before circling it, his teeth sinking into your neck.
“Yuuj?” you pants, as your fingers tug lightly at his pink locks. “I want you to fuck me.”
He whole body goes numb. He removes his lips from your neck and looks at you, his thumb and his pointer take your chin in his hands affectionately forcing you to look him in the eye. “Fuck. You’re sure?” he says and he’s unable to hide the excitement that’s creeping into his tone.
“Mhmm.” you whisper in his ear. “Please Yuuj, wanna feel your cock fill me up.”
His head spins when those words escape your lips, his cock twitches in his pants and he can feel like wet stain of precum that’s leaking into his boxers. He thinks your words alone could send him over the edge, he’s thought about this for so long. His fingers digging into the flesh of the juicy ass he’s surprised you’ve never noticed his gaze linger on. His cock sinking in between in your legs.
And that’s precisely what he does, sinks his cock into your pretty pussy, and fuck if it isn’t even better than he imagined. You’re clenching around his cock and his fingers dig into your ass as he fucks you into the wall. He’s glad everyone’s at the party because the sounds of your moans coupled with your back hitting the wall, over and over, are too loud. But he doesn’t care, not when he’s ball deep inside you, not when you’ve got pretty little whimpers escaping your lips. Not when your screaming praises.
“Your s-so big Yuuj, filling me up so good.” You try to pull at him but he grabs your hand and pushes it against the wall. “Fuccck Yuuj…fuck.” Your moans ring out and his hips thrust into you rapidly as he softly traces your thumb with his.
The juxtaposition of his soft touches and the way he’s shoving his cock deep into your cervix are enough to make you climax, hips rutting into his as you cum all over his cock.
The minute he feels the way your body shakes, and sees the way your back arches he’s cumming right there. He doesn’t even bother to pull out, he wants to fill you with his cum. Let you slide your panties back and walk into that party stuffed full of him.
He doesn’t immediately pull away. He just sits there, your legs still wrapped around him. He just looks at you, for what feels like forever. Sweat dripping down his brow, his hand still tightly grasping yours. He squeezes it once. “You really are so fucking beautiful ya know?”
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yujisgirl · 6 months
NEED more yuji friends istg
dont even know how tumblr works but i have multiple jjk imagines and drabbles written down (w my friends)...
anyway thinking about yuji sb and I have zero yuji stan friends so ill vomit it all over here </33
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
just wanna say hes the type of guy who would fuck while walking. like if you want water or something he would keep you on his cock and carry you to the kitchen istg he really does have abandonment issues with your cunt
"Yuji, let me drink ffs"
" :(( sorry babe you just feel so good, i don wanna let go"
and if you get tired he'd just hold you up with his own body
he'll b like <3 babe lets try different positions until we find the right one , and its just him fucking you over and over again. it’ll be the same sex position you’d tried just a few mins ago and when you point it out he'd be like :(( sorry i forgot
he definitely has a high sex drive
hes happy? fuck
hes sad? fuck
hes angry? fuck
hes bored? fuck
hes just plain obsessed with your cunt
he would also live in your boobs 24/7
like even if hes just scrolling on his phone his head HAS to be between your boobs
at first i thought his favourite position would be doggy style cus yk ass and all but imo he would also love riding just so he can latch his mouth on your boob the whole time
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
btw this isnt how i normally write 😭 im too horny to make it all pretty n all but I SWEAR i write longer and more precise stuff than this, im just testing this out
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shiganshinaslut · 7 months
Sitting on Yuji’s cock n watching his cute desperate, expression as he whimpers and grabs your hips, thrusting shallowly into you. He’s too cute, never breaking eye contact, just staring at you with puppy eyes the whole time and letting out the cutest sounds. :(
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aveegrex · 2 years
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bubbly boys' butts are so hard to resist sometimes...
genre: smut pairing: Yuji x f!reader word count: 0,4k cw: anal play, rimming, slapping, sub-ish aged-up Yuji, dom-ish reader, one use of word 'mommy' (but you can think of it as just a snarky playful title and not a kink indicator per se).
author's note: ironically, it was written during my lunch break. gotta stop being horny on company hours tho...
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You were fixated in three clicks.
First click - exactly the moment you saw your cute friend in his gym shorts.
Yuji always opted for something of a regular or oversize fit, so when you offered him a ride from the gym when his car broke down, you got a little shocked.
No, you knew he was sorta kinda buff, sure, but seeing him sporting the slimmest booty shorts known to man - click. Right there.
“You alright?” he beamed at your slightly blown eyes, and you were quick to hide the thrill that overtook you upon seeing his porn-worthy round butt on full display.
"Ye-yeah" you shook your head, forcing your mind to concentrate on typing in Yuji's home address. "Mind if I keep the window down?"
The second click happened after your sweet boyfriend Yuji suggested taking you to his place after work. Exhausted and a little hungry, you cuddled away with him on the couch, a brainless movie playing in the background.
It all happened so quickly- too quickly: him gliding out of your embrace for a bathroom visit, you persisting to keep him immobile for a while longer, him wriggling out of your bear grip, you playfully tugging on his waistline and...
Your face was pressed into his sweatpants, hands tight around his waist.
Click. Yuji, being the innocent golden retriever, immediately poured a ton of apologies your way. Apologies that you didn’t even hear, since your face was blessed with the plumpest bubble butt there was on planet Earth.
It clicked the third time when he moaned.
Eager to please, face first into the pillow with his back arched deep and your hands shamelessly groping, squeezing and slapping the juicy flesh, Yuji moaned, thus signing his backdoor virginity away.
So here you are, three clicks and a blatant fixation later, stuffing him with your tongue and bathing in the filthiest, most wonderful whines that escaped his mouth.
“Babe-AHH, b-babe-” Yuji squirms under your iron grasp, mind foggy of how good your tongue feels swirling over his rim, slithering in and out with everchanging hypnotizing pace.
Muffled groan vibrates against his twitching hole and he mewls, grinding his dick into the precum stained sheets.
“‘S too much, p-please, ah… OH” he yelps, puffy reddened cheeks stinging after your harsh slap.
Your growl sends an intoxicating shiver down his spine. “Stop moving” you spit into his hole, sharp nails digging into the sensitive flesh so sweetly. “Mommy’s hungry”
And she's gonna need so much more to change that.
MDNI, reblogs and comments are welcome, have a piece of strawberry cake!
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© 2022 AVEEGREX, all rights reserved. reposting and copying my works without my consent is forbidden.
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dhoranbolt · 5 months
I need reader who's shy/easily embarrassed, and Sukuna who just pops up whenever to say the most unhinged out of pocket shit on the side of Yuji's face just to see her go bright red.
read fic here
Sukuna who takes the opportunity to lick her face when Yuji tries to reach out and move some hair from her face. The gasp she let's out is choked, and Sukuna grins as Yuji is quick to pull away with a sound of disgust.
"That's not all I can do with my tongue. I'll show you one of these days, when the brat let's me out to play." It's a threat and a promise. Sukuna can't wait to take the drivers seat and devour her.
Sukuna who taunts the both of them for his own amusement, keeping her walking on eggshells whenever she's around Yuji
Who pops an eye open to watch as she bends over to pick something up, taking a moment to admire her ass before he opens his mouth. And when he finally does, "I cant see the swell of your cunt, bend some more for me." Yuji's quick to slap a hand over his cheek and ignore the sting, only for Sukuna to make his way to the back of his hand and cackle
Sukuna who isn't paying attention to what the brats are doing until he hears her moaning. Cracking an eye opened to see she's putting food in her mouth, eyes closed and a faint smile pulling at her lips.
"Do you always moan like that when you put things in your mouth? Or are you just showing off for me." She nearly chokes on the food, eyes going wide and cheeks burning red as she looks at him.
Sukuna who refuses to acknowledge the fact he enjoys her reactions for anything more than his own entertainment.
But who does start to notice the subtle change in Yuji's behavior towards her
Who makes it his new goal in life -to keep himself entertained of course, no other reason- to make the both of them so uncomfortable in each other's presence.
Because if he can't physically toy with his new (not favorite) human, he'll gladly do it from the passengers seat of his vessel and make everyone involved miserable.
@saiki-enthusiast here's the tag!! I hope you enjoy 😊 I have a fic that's like a follow up to this that I'm still working on, it's a little dark/ noncon though, if anyone was interested!
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lxnarphase · 5 months
━━ ❝ ah-ah, barbie, you're so fine! ❞
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special treatment : thighs edition
☾₊‧⁺...ft. : kamo choso + itadori yuuji + higuruma hiromi + ryomen sukuna
☾₊‧⁺...cw : pussy eating, facesitting, somnophilia, dirty talk, fingerfucking, overstimulation, praise kink, degradation, desperation, oral fixation, squirting, creampie, choso being whiny, yuuji being a little shit, yuuji is 21yrs & a college student, hiromi being pussydrunk, sukuna being whipped
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✧ k. choso : poor choso, ever since the first time he's gotten a taste of what's between your thighs, he's begging you every day just to eat your cunt. but today? today must be a bad day, because choso is desperate. his already between your thighs, whimpering and whining as he mouths at you through your underwear, tears in his eyes as he begs you to give him a little taste. once you do, his eyes are rolling back just from the first lick.
"you taste so good, fuck, so good, thank you, thank you, mmph, so delicious, i can't get enough." "can you cum again? i know it's been 4 times already, but please? please, please, pleaase, pretty thing, i need itttt..." "oh my goddd, you're cumming? yes, yes, cum on my tongue, pretty please, i'll fuck you so good after, just keep cumming, don't hold back." "stop-stop running away, i know your pretty pussy is all sensitive b-but i just, i can't stop...but you know you can say the safeword and i'll stop, right? ...what? you-you like being overstimulated...? fuck, fuck, okay, let me make you squirt on my tongue then i'll fuck you good, okay?"
✧ i. yuuji : yuuji's always been a smug little shit whenever it came to teasing you. what starts off with him tickling you and blowing raspberries into your stomach turns nto hot kisses against your stomach that let down to the waistband of your underwear as he pushes your shirt up higher on your body. he can't help but grin up at you when he notices the wet spot on your panties from his little kisses.
"d'awww, bunny, y'so cute! look at how wet you are. is that 'cus of me? ehehe, i know, i know, teasing is mean, but i can't help it...you're just so adorable." "y'know i can practically feel your heartbeat whenever i kiss it? mhm, i can feel that, pretty girl. don't cover your face, baby, you're so cute!" "your thighs are so soft. i could stay between here forever, fuck goin' to classes or missions, i'd rather just eat you out until you pass out." "open up these legs a little more, let me get my fingers in there...thereeee we go, such a pretty lil' bun, aren't you?" "you're so messy! did i do this to you? yeah? aww, my pretty girl likes meee! i felt how you squeezed on my fingers! so cute!
✧ h. hiromi : ever since you made a comment about his nose, saying 'doja is right about big noses' in passing to him, hiromi has been curious. curious enough to the point where he looks it up, seeing the video of said woman. so, you wanted to sit on his face and grind on his nose, hm? you've never sat on his face before but he was sure to change that.
"i don't care if you think i'll die, i want you to sit on my face. i'm giving you the chance to either have control of your pace or let me do what i want with you. so, what's your decision?" "see? it's not that bad, angel, you forget your husband isn't some weakling...now c'mon on, get yourself right over my mouth, let me taste you." "god, you're so beautiful like this. i need you on my face more often, you're dripping all over my mouth...such a good girl for me." "heh...i knew you said my nose was perfect for sitting on but i didn't realize it would get you this riled up. go ahead, sweet thing, you can keep grinding that clit on it...just like that, just let me make you feel good." "good lord, i never wanna leave between your thighs. so fucking sweet, shit, angel, you've got me wrapped around that pretty finger. c'mon, let me devour you all night, i'll let you get up when i'm done."
✧ r. sukuna : getting sukuna to lay on his back without him instantly taking control of the situation was easier than you thought. hell, even crawling up higher so that you were hovering over his face was too. but little did you know, sukuna was intrigued, liking the side of you where you would just take control of him, knowing that only you had the right to do that...especially if it meant he got to eat you until you soaked his face.
"you know i should kill you for thinking you can just sit on my face like i'm some kind of personal chair. i am the king of curses, not a piece of furniture...what? ...hm. i guess you do look...good over me like this." "...huh? sorry, i wasn't listening. when are you going to sit on my face? you keep blabbering, but i can see the way that sticky cunt is dripping for me. are you gonna just let it go to waste?" "oh. shit. you've been holdin' out on me, haven't you, diamond? shit, i can see all of you from down here...nah, keep grinding on my face, little one, use me for your pleasure...let me see you cum on my mouth." "such a fucking slut. my mouth is coated in your cum, but you still wanna keep going? my tongue that good for you?" "no, no, i'm not letting you back down until you beg, diamond. tell me how badly you want me to fuck your pussy with my tongue...hm. good enough."
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all rights reserved © lxnarphase | do not repost, copy, translate, or alter this work
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