#zillenial tv
Something I'll never understand is that Hannah Montana is just Miley Cyrus in a blonde wig, but when Miley Cyrus has dyed blonde hair, she doesn't look like Hannah Montana
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good-to-drive · 1 year
I know a lot has been written about stan culture but I'd love to see someone contrast stan culture across generations. I feel like I'm at the intersection of three exceptionally toxic fandoms (BTS, Taylor Swift, and Paul McCartney) and the way they encapsulate the unique dysfunctions of gen z, millennials, and boomers respectively is super interesting and super kinda fucked.
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
TOS in Beloved Retrospect
A GREAT Show that is absolutely canon! But I’m Taking the Rose Colored Glasses Off
Listen, it’s no secret that I absolutely ADORE Star Trek: The Original Series. It’s easily in my tied top 3 with SNW and DS9.
But you know what?
I am so, incredibly SICK of people treating it like a sacred document whenever literally any show that’s set before it does almost any plot point that’s even tangentially related to it.
Let’s take off the holy pedestal for just, two seconds please I am BEGGING you.
Star Trek TOS is an episodic show from the 1960s and the showrunners (including Roddenberry!) had NO IDEA, at all, was going to spawn an absolutely massive, beautiful scifi universe that’s practically a genre unto itself.
Even when they made a second series they tried to get away from TOS with the century time jump! Some creators going so far as to want it to never have existed at all, at least briefly, like, uh, Gene Roddenberry.
I can safely say I and many others are VERY glad TOS never got decanonized, but some facts still remain.
As a result of time, The Original Series is very much limited by when it was made. Such as!
In it’s cultural attitudes to minorities and women, see: the POC and female characters not getting any major plot lines until after TOS.
Literally one of the first things that got disregarded by pretty much all other Star Treks that take place before and after is that women can’t become captains (like wtf was that about?? Oh wait, it was the 60s 🙄). It was literally like, the peak of sexism, and cloaking devices existing before the Romulans showed up that get decanonized the first chance they had (it’s literally been happening since Enterprise and people freak out about invisible ships, every time).
In the fact that because it was exclusively, extremely episodic, every episode was the first time anybody ever saw anything because they had to introduce it to the audience without confusing them and making them turn off the TV or change channels.
Do you know how many times I, a Zillenial who grew up with a mix of episodic/serialized shows, had to suspend my disbelief because if this show was any less episodic the main characters would’ve learned their lesson already from a previous episode or would still be processing the trauma of a previous episode? So many! Watsonian explanations galore!
It was TOS movies that changed the Klingon character design with no explanation. Every time there’s an evil double of Kirk or he gets possessed the crew reacts like it’s never happened to anybody before! Kirk convinces a computer to kill itself like eight times and every time it’s like “oh wow look how smart Kirk is getting a computer to commit die”. Kirk loses his brother, his sister-in-law AND his love interest within the span of two episodes and is totally fine afterward! And you know what? I’m ok with that because I have a brain cell and recognize the show was created before serialized television got even a bit popular!
Third of all technology! Listen I hate all that touchscreen chrome color pallete stuff too! I’m also not, never have been, and never will be a technobabble guy! I’m so happy that the Enterprise is still colorful and has buttons and stuff! But ultimately, TOS was a 1960s conception of 250 years of progress, and it came up a little, even VERY short at times (so do all the other Star Treks, you can’t predict progress with 100% accuracy).
So if the tech is better than say, not much more fancy than a submarine in space, I’m willing to give it a pass. Star Trek has been making up and then immediately forgetting/disregarding some completely world altering technobabble from a single episode or movie since the beginning! The tech is a means of storytelling, and it’s clearly not a limitation because people are always changing or ignoring it! It’s only pure vomitous rancid evil when “NuTrek” does it right?
If you take all three of those HUGE things into account, TOS has, by far, the most tissue paper thin delicate canon of all of Star Trek. Quite frankly I would MUCH rather enjoy exploring the 2200s without walking on incredibly fragile eggshells regarding technobabble details or certain alien encounters.
It’s not like Federation ships have cloaking devices in the 2260s or that the SNW crew is out here fighting off Romulan boarding parties or sipping Meridor with the ruler of the Gorn Hegemony. They’re toeing the line to explore familar concepts in a new format (like serialized short form TV) and like, that’s fine! For crying out loud the Ferengi popped up in an Enterprise episode and most people tend to regard that as funny without ripping their hair out!
Have there been some changes to canon I’m a bit lukewarm about (see, the Gorn being as xenomorph-adjacent and unsympathetic as they were in All Those Who Wander) sure, yes, absolutely! Do I think it obliterates the canon of TOS, in which the Gorn only show up in a single episode with very little and vague lore around them? No!
The Doylist explanation, even if it hurts, is that a lot of meta aspects of TOS are falling out of favor or otherwise obsolete. NOT the stories or the characters for certain, but other fundamental building blocks are frozen in the context they were created in. Trying to adhere to them would severely limit any writer trying to explore that era of Starfleet’s history. So the writers are going to adapt to the spirit if not the precise letter of TOS’s canon.
The Watsonian explanations are numerous, but my favorite interpretation (which you don’t have to like, but maybe it’ll help) is that TOS is still fundementally canon, but the elements that make it inconsistent with other treks or with modern expectations for representation and technology are the result of a “universal translator” sending the truth about our future being translated into a way 1960s audiences could understand. Which is ultimately, kind of what Roddenberry’s desires were in the first place, to show us a better future within the confines of what was then modern TV.
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theprincesstears · 2 months
🌸 welcome! 🌸
My name is June (she/her), I’m an alter in a DID system. I’ve been host a few times before but not currently. This is my own personal sideblog for girlposting purposes.
Body age mid-20s, my perceived age is 18-20.
I have autism & bpd.
Do not be fooled by the pink theme, I am in fact very sad.
I’m not exactly a goth, but I do listen to some goth music, and I find goths to be the most relatable people (my in-system twin is a goth!).
I’m a femme4femme asexual lesbian, but I can form very strong queerplatonic bonds with men & mascs.
Please come talk to me, I am lonely!!
🌸 likes 🌸
music: dodie, SRSQ, yeule, Alice Glass, the Birthday Massacre, purity ring, Ethel Cain, jpop, vocaloid, Olivia Lufkin/trapnest, nicole dollanganger, evanescence, boygenius, Paris Paloma, t.A.T.u.
movies/tv: coraline, corpse bride, nightmare before christmas, studio ghibli, tinker bell, classic Barbie, but I’m a cheerleader, mlp, Mama Mia
books: Disney fairies, Alice in wonderland & through the looking glass, magic attic club, the faerie path series
anime/manga: Shugo Chara!, kitchen princess, nana, k-on!, clannad, chobits, Tokyo Mew Mew
fashion/subculture: coquette, gyaru, kawaii, lolita, creepy cute, princesscore
misc: Sanrio, Strawberry Shortcake, youtuber pixielocks, stationary & snail mail, cosplay, baking, Blythe dolls, baths & skincare, ballet, perfumes, zillenial girl internet nostalgia (girlsgogames, old Barbie site, etc)
🌸 here’s my pinboard! 🌸
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sometimesraven · 7 months
I've been thinking a lot about generational problems and why gen z (specifically Chronically Online Gen Z) are the way they are, and I think some of it is down to Gen X???
I mean tbh it's a combination of all the current older generations' faults, millenials included, and is a natural conclusion of all that, but I think we just don't credit gen X enough for anything bad they did so here goes:
Bare in mind I'm coming at this from a chronically online cusp/Zillenial perspective and I could be totally wrong bc I'm not entirely smart on generations and stuff, I just see social patterns and theorise about them, and I think a lot of this only applies to the versions of these generations we see online and not so much the offline ones (because we all collectively forget that most people don't spend 80% of their time on the internet)
Like, Gen X are the "forgotten" generation. Why are they forgotten? Because they don't do anything. Gen X is the generation of apathy. Of turning your head when the thing is uncomfortable. Of "well there's nothing I can do about it so why bother caring".
Don't get me wrong, they did a lot. Obviously almost all of the media that shaped Millenials came from Gen X but I think that's kind of the point? There obviously are Gen X who give a lot of shits, but they could only express it through the arts and rarely through hands-on social action like other generations. An artist could write so many songs about how shit the world is but when they're asked in an interview it's "no comment". Artists who do and have always spoken out are silenced or brushed off as 'radical'.
I think that's also why there's a lot of people who are now being outed as shitty, for the same reason. Gen X spend so much time looking away from things that make them uncomfortable that they often end up looking like fools or outing themselves as bigots when they do speak out, because that discomfort avoidance means they don't have the same social awareness they're expected to have.
Millenials were largely raised by boomers, right? They were raised by a generation who were extremely entitled and privileged. Then Gen X started making art that said "actually no fuck that" but never actually going against the status quo, and they took the message to heart, combined it with their experience of being raised by just,,,, rude, shitty, entitled people, and became the generation of social consciousness.
Elder Millenials focused on all the things their boomer parents were bad at and Gen X talked about on TV. Being polite at restaurants, noticing the ways abuse and social discrimination are perpetuated and trying to break those cycles. Boomers are emotionally neglectful with their "stiff upper lip, bootstraps" mentality and Gen X are only outspoken on TV, so Millenials focused on mental health and being unapologetic about individual identity in their day to day lives.
Younger Millenials started to be more politically conscious as more of us were raised by Gen X parents but still experienced a lot of Boomer shit firsthand, so we started to care more about everything because we saw firsthand how the previous two generations had ruined our chances and didn't want that for the next ones.
Then come Gen Z. A lot of Gen Z are raised by Gen X so the political consciousness became the forefront of our beliefs. We had millenial older siblings or millenial media growing up, so our social consciousness was ingrained in us that way, and with the internet it was a lot easier to spread that conscious message.
Unfortunately, with the way the world is, Gen Z had to realise pretty quickly the lesson that Millenials learned much slower -- that the previous generations fucked us. Hard. Gen Z channeled that at a terrifying speed into political activism and the most widespread social action we'd seen in a Long Time.
Younger gen Z were raised by combination Gen X and older Millenials. Older Millenials were young enough to have spent a lot of time on the internet but too old for it to truly have shaped their psyche the way it did younder millenials. Now we have a generation who Doesn't Care combined with a generation who doesn't understand the internet anymore and has let their kids have free reign on all the shit.
Older gen z and younger millenials understand how much the internet fucks you up, I think. We seem to be more cautious with our kids' exposure to the internet, if we have kids at all. Idk what Gen Alpha are gonna be like at this point. But here lies part of the problem. Younger Gen Z had full reign of the internet from a young age. They saw a lot of shit they shouldn't mostly because they had no idea how to police their own online experience.
On top of this, and this is the most important part, Gen Z were being watched by the internet. Always.
So younger Gen Z have a strong political compass but also have seen the full spectrum of shitshow that is the internet.
In real life, they saw Gen X caring about nothing because it hurts their feelings. They saw elder Millenials caring so much about mental health and people's feelings that they failed to truly address anything politically. They took those things, and decided that being afraid of hurting people's feelings was the true evil -- that if we are to grow a just society, we have to be able to ruffle feathers.
And they're right! But then that combined with their siblings and media, elder Gen Z/younger Millenials', understanding that openly taking a stance on politics is important, and with the constant surveillance of the internet combined with a sprinkle of algorithms making it super easy to be pushed down extremist pipelines.
The result? A generation who thinks they must take a hard stance all the time and care very much about everything always, and hurting peoples' feelings is Always Okay if you think it's righteous.
I think they also have a lil entitlement (but also horrible pressure) that comes from being told by millenials at an early age that they're frighteningly politically conscious and are Absolutely Going To Change The Whole World and are just The Best Generation Ever
tl;dr - it's everyone's fault that Gen Z are Like That and we should work towards figuring out how to help them Not Be Like That, but also Gen X being apathetic about literally everything has had a huge domino-effect impact on Gen Z caring too much about literally everything
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theessaflett · 1 year
Zillenial sounds like a furniture moving service but apparently it is my identity 
an outsider even when it comes to when I was born 
the last year of millennials 
too late for spice girls and S Club 7 
just on time for that book series none of us can enjoy ever again 
born 12 months too early to be able to pull off a bucket hat 
I roll the word zillenial around in my mouth and it sounds like dial up internet connection 
keeee donnnnk ke donnk keee
nokias and thick white keyboards 
that one plastic pink Barbie tv everyone wanted in their bedroom 
the 2004 tsunami which made me avoid water for weeks 
a vague recollection of millennium fireworks and a stronger one of US politics 
Epic Rap Battles of HISTORYYYYYY
Pitch Perfect cup songs and casual homophobia 
Zillenials can remember life before smart phones, if they try hard enough 
battered blackberries, keys clicking with smug self importance 
I hear she’s, like, a massive dyke now
Omg that’s sooooo gay 
What a wee lezzo 
a chrome coloured cd player you had to hold on the bus in both hands like an ancient Druid making an offering to the gods of technology 
skipping that one song that never worked because of the massive scratch worked into the disk from when you accidentally stepped on it in your black Clark shoes 
I look so fat in this top it’s honestly disgusting, like, kill me now, I cannot be a size 12 this summer 
uggs worn in all weather
compulsory paired with Jack Wills or Abercrombie & Fitch 
oh my god that was like, so random??? 
I’m not being funny she’s actually such a wee weirdo 
it’s hard to know where you stand when you know what a fax machine was but you can’t read a physical map 
(it’s the cognitive dissonance for me)
we’re the awkwardly old cousin at the family BBQ who doesn’t know whether to sit at the kids table or with the adults 
the runt of the litter or the magpie in the nest 
Team Jacob?! Are you MAD? 
Eewwww no-one likes McFly
get in loser we’re going to primark 
but even though our backs hurt 
and we don’t understand Euphoria 
and we know our Gen Z overlords will never truly accept us as their own no matter how much we would love that for us 
when I look back on our youth 
nostalgia never quite works 
the rose tinted glasses slightly cracked for those of us who never quite managed to fit in 
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imaveryevilenby · 1 year
Re: Rankin-Bass Rudolph Puppetmation special:
>>#this fucking movie was from 1964 #like god damn #how is it still a meme that people understand<<
I'm old gen y, and this special was broadcast on TV every year of my childhood. My parents (two different households) (each) owned (their own copy of) the LP of the soundtrack and listened to it around the Yuletide season. So, that's like a slice of three generations (young Boomers, Gen X, old Gen Y) that experienced the elf puppets as a childhood thing. That's gonna leave a cultural footprint.
Now why zillenials on tumblr keep it alive is a mystery.
As an 18 year old so whatever the fuck that makes me, I literally had a box disc set that I watched those things on a fuckin vcr RELIGIOUSLY
That box set was bought by my parents to watch with my brothers who are ten years older than me like this shit has a legacy and I love that
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In general, I noticed that in my childhood my favorite characters were always characters that had something green/blue on them. What comes to my mind is one of these colors. Idk what that means. I wanna know.
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glaivegirl · 9 months
i do wonder if all these gen z and zillenials and millenials, whoever the fuck anyone is, all these people were raised by televisions being left on 24/7 in what i think is actually a reasonable analog for the ipad toddler phenomena,
and i think people just because annoying and committed to the bit and grew up reflecting television in how they see themselves for better or much much worse
but idk what that looks like for ipad babies im not gonna lie, idk if their brains will just loop back to doing a bit like everyone who was raised by tv or who knows
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kendal-hammond-blr · 1 year
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Monthly Psa!! Book #DjSmoothk for your party needs!! I do #Graduationparties, #BirthdayParties, #Blockparties, #SchoolDances, etc! I have a 100% clean 🧽 🧼 music 🎵 library 📚!!! I'm 1 of the Unique Zillenial Djs in Chattanooga, Tennessee because I'll play all the favorite hits from our favorite Tv 📺 shows from our childhood!! @drakeandjosh.1 @spongebob @mickeymouse @zoey.101.fanpage_ @icarly / @icarlyofcl @allthat @phineas_and.ferb @hannahmontanastagram @austinandallyoffc Just to name a few!! #DjSmoothkNotyaAverageZillenialDj #Nostalgia #Throwback #Nickelodeon #DisneyChannel #CartoonNetwork #Sitcom #Comedy #Music #ThemeSong #423 #Themesong #CleanMusicLibrary (at Chattanooga, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoUxMbgOB5F/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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waffliesinyoface · 1 year
sometimes im very curious about like. school culture, immediately before and after my time.
there’s a reason i refer to myself and people my specific age as “zillenials”, because while generation gaps are largely stupid, mid-late 2000s to early-mid 2010s are VERY MUCH entirely different beasts, and going through school in that timeframe?? 
classes went from “we’re using the overhead projector today” to “we replaced the chalkboards with whiteboards so you need to buy expo markers” to “SMART boards are new and fancy and kids really wanted to be the one who got to calibrate it” to “the SMART board is old and outdated, we’re going to use it as a projector while you log in to this website using the school laptops to take the test” to “okay everyone get out your smartphones and go to this link”. 
and like. that’s not even getting into all the different types of teaching fads, “no child left behind” shit, different types of standardized tests*, funding changes, teachers who were also struggling with the rapid changes, etc. 
*(literally, i had to take a freshman english test in senior year because it was a requirement to graduate, despite the fact it had not existed in my freshman year. it was then. discontinued. like a year later.)
you know how like. a lot of shows set in high school back then had an episode where the students were given a sack of flour and had to pretend to be married and pretend it was their baby. My brother is 5 years older than me, and it was an Actual Thing He Was Expected To Do, as part of home ec. When I went to the exact same high school, home ec class no longer existed.
Back in october last year when i was learning to sew, i asked my mom some questions that she thought were very funny because they were the most basic of basics. When i said a sewing pattern was confusing, she said that even beginner patterns assumed that the person attempting it had taken a sewing class in school. This is the level of disconnect I’m talking about. Things just. stopped? existing?? We saw this in real time with cursive. Like. in elementary school there were several years where it was expected that we learn it, and later years you would get docked points if they weren’t written in cursive with blue or black ink. Cut forward a few years and everything needs to be in print. People at work 3 years my junior cannot even read it, let alone write it. It went from Mandatory & Important to Outdated to We’re Not Teaching That Anymore.
Also back on the topic of sewing, that segues nicely into The Gays.
Im not entirely sure what the culture was like before my time, because of the few older gays i know, they’re either not american or didn’t figure it out until at least college. But like. I know it wasn’t good. I also know that it was a lot more hidden? According to my dad, forever ago the polite way of calling someone gay was “they’re not the marrying type”. 
Nowadays from what little i’ve gleaned from social media and occasional screenshots of tiktok, it. Seems better? On the surface? Teens are less prone to giving a shit about other students?? I dont know. 
Meanwhile, my experience was like. Gays dont exist. Gays are the Enemy of The American People. Gays are the wacky friend character on TV. Gays exist solely in fiction. Gay people will cause the downfall of society. The very specific type of fujoshi who constantly shipped male characters together but also thought if people were gay in public they deserved to burn in hell. Girls who played sports needed to dress in a very specific way to avoid being labeled as a dyke. Girls cant be gay what are you talking about. There is a school club dedicated to being An Ally™ of Gay People. 
IS THERE ANY WONDER. THAT QUEER PEOPLE MY AGE. ARE ALL INSANE. FUCK. not enough of an Other to be stoned to death (unless you were in the deep south, in which case, good fucking luck), but also no longer had the slight protection being invisible offered, and also everyone subtly hates you, and also there were assemblies on how hating you was frowned upon, and also Here Is A Mandatory School Event Where You Must Present As Heterosexual And Within Gender Roles : ), and a AAaaAAAAAAA
it was good because queer shit was showing up more often in more mainstream things and we could point to it and go “now hold on just a minute, why does this appeal to me” but it was bad because if you were too interested or interested in the wrong way, it painted a goddamn target on you. I intentionally attempted to give myself a multiple personality disorder early on in high school because I knew i was trans, but i also knew (from experience) that letting any of that show was inviting people to beat me bloody. (also, i knew enough about trans stuff to know it existed, but not enough to know about HRT. and when i had learned about it it was in the context of “MAYBE you’ll get it if you present passingly as female for a year or two without it : )” horror stories.)
anyways. the 2006-2016 or so era was a complete fucking hell and apparently i needed to yell about it a little bit?? I imagine school culture before my time and nowadays have their own unique hells too, but i cannot fathom them because mine was so unlike either.
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Who knew that so much drama could be started over Disney tv shows from the early 2000’s. 😂🤣 It blows my mind what people want to fight about. Like damn just let the girl post some shit for the zillenials.
I’m gonna leave this down here for anyone else thats mad.
I mean, that rabid creature who came for me was a millennial and that species of people are known to wild out over the dumbest shit but yeah thanks for the link, kind person.
I’ll post it to my profile lol
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betelguwuse · 3 years
What are the current YA novel trends? Like in the 2000s it was vampires and other supernatural type of stuff, in the early 2010s it was dystopian/futuristic, what’s the big series every other author is trying to mimic now? Do teens read??
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carpisuns · 3 years
Hell yeah '95 zillenials represent! I do feel a litlle old to be in this fandom but im not gonna let it stop me clowning lmao
yell heah man
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haha honestly yeah im embarrassed to be so obsessed w a show rated TV-Y7 on netflix lol but at the same time it's like........in the year of our lord 2021 i have found something that sparks joy for me, die mad about it askldkfaj i can like what i want !!!! i genuinely unironically love miraculous ladybug and i like the writing (for the most part lol) and i think the characters and concept are wonderful and interesting and compelling and there is actually a lot of depth to it! and also yes a lot of stupidity and cringe but that's fine with me bc i am also stupid and cringe and i think it's part of the charm of the show lol. and best of all ML inspires me to create, which i had not done for myself for a long time before i got into this fandom!!! let me live
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If y’all aren’t watching Bitmoji TV on Snapchat, what are you waiting for? They have “shows” such as
Should I Burn It Down?
Live: 24/7 Paint Drying
Wild Pugs of Borneo
International Meme Awards 2020
Egg: egg
Constant Panic New 24/7
Eating Rocks
Lara Craft: Glue Guns Ablaze
Water Ski Ballet
Literal key smashes
Low Rise Jeans: The Comeback
Good Cop, Worse Cop
Cursed Paintings Roadshow
Arguing with Rocks
The clips they show are very Zillenial humor as well. Please watch it, new episodes every Saturday
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It’s funny my brother and I were both born in the early 2000’s, I in 2000 and he in 2003 and so we’re in that zillenial/gen z blur and even tho we grew up in the 2000’s our family was lower middle class so we had a lot of the technology and remnants of the 90’s as part of our childhood and I think it’s interesting that I’ve latched onto a lot of 90’s tv (mst3k, the x files, twin peaks, etc) and yes 90’s grunge fashion while he latched onto 90’s video games and if we combined our power we could make the ultimate 90’s person.
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