#zodiac signs tiktok taurus
astrology---realm · 2 months
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astrology-realm · 4 months
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jeevanjali · 4 months
Rashifal : किस राशि वाले लोग होते है प्यारे, रखते है अपनों का ख्यालRashifal : ज्योतिष शास्त्र प्राचीन काल से ही हिंदू धर्मग्रंथों का एक अभिन्न अंग रहा है। ज्योतिष शास्त्र में कुल 9 ग्रह, 12 राशियाँ और 27 नक्षत्रों का वर्णन किया गया है
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lovertm · 26 days
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care bears + zodiac signs (carebearsofficial)
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tiktoksinspo · 2 years
The Signs as Different Romance Tropes:
Aries + Gemini: Enemies to Lovers
Cancer + Capricorn: Grumpy x Sunshine
Libra + Taurus: Friends to Lovers
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sempivernal · 1 year
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Find more @anomaly.forge on Instagram, Tiktok and Etsy
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carinasibila · 2 months
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♉ TAURUS ♉ What Milestone Lies Ahead in the Coming Weeks? Watch on YouTube / Instagram / TikTok Disclaimer Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree (linktr.ee/carinasibila) – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Deck used: Rider-Waite-Smith-Tarot X of Wands, Queen of Cups, IX of Swords reversed In the coming weeks, you’ll face a point where you feel that you are or have been barely moving forward in life. The cards urge you to persevere in the face of this challenge, no matter how emotionally taxing it may be. Focusing on taking one step at a time will help you keep going. In doing so, you’ll not only show your determination in the face of adversity but also grow your emotional resilience.
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thezodiacmagic-blog · 4 months
Watch These Full Video 👆. In These short Video you'll get all the details on: 😓3 Most Toxic Zodiac Signs🫣 #ToxicZodiacSigns #ZodiacFacts #ZodiacTalks #viralshort #youtubeshorts Follow Us For More🫶
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rathofthetarot · 1 year
Taurus: Does this accurate??
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astrology---realm · 3 months
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astrology-realm · 4 months
What Is June 3 Zodiac Sign? #quiz #zodiacsigns
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Why is this is so true???
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tiktoksinspo · 2 years
The Zodiacs as Fairies:
Scorpio: Frost Fairy
Cancer: Blossom Fairy
Taurus: Forest Fairy
Gemini: Dark Fairy
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starsworldd · 4 months
🩷 𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓰𝔂 𝓸𝓫𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼 🩷
long post and giant paragraphs!
readings are open! ‼️‼️
BIG credits to 0degreestaurus and ellie witchy astrologer both on tiktok for the information on this post. PLEASE go check out their info if you have enjoyed today's post.
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mars in 11th - you don’t fit in anywhere because you are born to lead
5th house - this house is more than just fun and one-night stands…sure it can represent simple pleasures and such but we forget that venus rejoices here which is the planet of love. therefore, this is a house of love and how we want to love, how we want to express our lust for life … it’s more of a passionate/meaningful house than people think. how do we become the best version of ourselves? the 5th house can address this too since venus also represents potential! (venus exalts in pisces, a zodiac that deals a lot with potential/possibility)
✤ i think that there’s often a very one dimensional look when it comes to placements in their exaltation/fall/detriment/domicile… let’s take taurus mars as an example. although taurus mars may fail to do what mars wants to do naturally—conquer, speed, efficient, etc..— this placement is known for their laid back and sensual/indulgent nature which is something that maybe aries mars—a domicile zodiac for mars—may lack. taurus mars CAN be active like aries mars. but taurus being ruled by venus wants/needs to feel pleasured and creative in the process. activities such as dance or even house-cleaning are things that could be in a taurus mars' wheelhouse. the only part where taurus fails to execute mars' true qualities is that taurus does not deal with challenge, pain, upheaval, etc... as well as aries/scorpio/capricorn does because venus is about enjoying life and gratitude and mars represents rebellion and change. but taurus mars' still have the same ambition as say a cap mars does. taurus mars is in a sign of its triplicity after all. which transitions to our next topic pretty nicely...
✤ TRIPLICITY IS IMPORTANT YALL!! for those of you who don’t know, triplicity is when a planet isn’t in their sign of exaltation/domicile (including a sign of its detriment/fall) but in the same element as their exalted/domicile ruler is in. triplicity especially helps out lessen the effects of detriment/fallen planets. lets take a look at a few examples:
- moon in scorpio: the moon is in domicile in cancer. the reason why the moon doesn't like scorpio is because scorpio is ruled by mars and mars wants to fight, conquer, and break cycles. it seeks to go down below and bring our issues into the light. scorpio wants to end darkness. but the moon does not function in this manner. the moon represents manifestation and fulfillment through the journeys we have been through in life (jupiter exalted in cancer) and connecting it back to our own soul, memories, and life mindset. the moon, just like how it passes through new and full moons (light and dark) phases in real life, always circles back to previous phases, it doesn't mind fluctuating between light and dark unlike scorpio. another way to think about this is that cancer/moon goes out into the world to gather its info/experiences (positive or negative) and then processes it internally. scorpio works in the exact opposite. scorpio gathers its info/experiences in an internal manner, and processes these things externally (bringing problems into the light and therefore ending the darkness that came with burying these qualities/problems). BUT scorpio and cancer, are both protective and healers. we can think about this is in their symbolism and element. scorpio and cancer are both represented by animals who have exoskeletons (cancer - crab, scorpio - scorpion) which demonstrates their instinct to protect. the astrology community has long knew cancer's ability to protect, but scorpio? scorpio being protective? scorpio is protective in the sense that it breaks cycles and protects justice (mars is all about finding justice). it's also important to note that scorpio also protects through its fixed quality. fixed signs maintain things and keep it consistent hence why they're fixed signs, they bring things back to tradition and order. though it may hurt and scorpio's protective qualities may manifest in an unusual manner to others (think about the scorpion's stinger), scorpio's motto would be that "the best defense is a good offense". the moon can still heal, process, in scorpio which is why it has tripilicity. BUT scorpio makes the moon do this function in a reversal order. placements that have tripilicity often represent much creative and reflective power—hence why so many artists have scorpio moons (lady gaga, miley cyrus, ice spice, etc…).
- venus in virgo: venus in virgo has tripilicity because venus is in domicile in taurus, which is another earth sign like virgo. but venus is in fall in virgo. why? and why does it have triplicity beyond just being in an earth sign like its taurus counterpart? lets start off by defining venus' qualities. venus is about pleasure, enjoyment, and ease. arguably, without venus there really is no purpose to live. why do we work? because we want money. why do we want money? because money gives us nice things. why do we want nice things? because through having nice things, we can discover our identity, our likes and dislikes, and experience all that life has to offer us. and this is really our end goal is it not? to express and do what we love so that we can enjoy life and bring VALUE and MEANINGFULNESS into our life. value + meaningfulness is a very venusian quality. venus goes beyond money, marriage, or sex at its most basic forms. venus wants the ultimate satisfaction and meaning that can be possible in our lives (even more evidence as to why venus likes pisces, venus is the POTENTIAL of our what lives could be). but virgo is ruled by mercury. where mercury is about chaos and the processing mind, venus works in the realm of feeling and pleasure. mercury is planet that helps us process the world around us, to categorize, and to put things in their place. mercury is able to tell the difference between what is real and what is illusion (which is why mercury is often noted for being the comic trickster, especially if you connect to roman/greek mythology where mercury/hermes was the messenger of the gods and notoriously known for tricking other gods too). but venus doesn’t care what is real or what is fake because either way, venus considers both the non-physical aspects and the physical aspects of life to be valid (think about how libra, ruled by venus, is symbolized by the scales in this manner). but mercury/virgo wants to change and transform the impossible into something possible. in this manner, virgo disrupts venus' peace and ability to ground us to our lives, and it may be that people with this placement often find themselves getting stuck in an everlasting cycle for having to adopt/adjust and having to separate their non-physical and physical worlds (even though venus wants them to be together). HOWEVER. we still have to talk about how, regardless of virgo's pitfalls in virgo, it does have some dignity here. but how? as previously mentioned, virgo is an earth sign just like taurus, a sign ruled by venus. i like to correlate the earth signs to the energy of the pentacles suit in tarot (not to be confused, pentacles and earth signs both have their differences still!). a lot of the cards in the pentacles suit deal with being comfortable in one's own energy, resources, sense of satisfaction/achievement, and rhythm of life. doesn't this sound very similar to the venusian energy described above? and because virgo is also an earth sign it does share some of this same energy. it shares similar energy by wanting to establish new patterns, rhythms, systems, etc… virgo has a better idea of how life could look like. (venus is about potential! venus is also about improvement, ease, efficiency...all things that virgo works towards) it just gets stuck in the chaos that comes with making new systems...after all it is much harder to make magic happen on the physical plane! (virgo is an earth sign, earth signs work in the physical plan). because it's harder to make magic happen on the physical plane this is why venus has an easier time in pisces because pisces works in the mind/feelings/imagination.
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✤ speaking about water signs, i would argue that pisces is also just as transformational as scorpio but isn’t denoted for its transformational qualities because it isn’t considered to be as intense as scorpio (even though it is intense, just in a different way). pisces is a sign of redemeption, it’s where we tie loose ends and where we want to forgive others and ourselves for the wrong doings we have done. it’s about potential within ourselves, potential to be something amazing (hence why the two most benefic planets in astrology, jupiter and venus, LOVE pisces). once we have set ourselves free and found our potential we can achieve great things (which makes sense because what comes after pisces? ARIES. aries is ruled by mars and he’s going to achieve EVERYTHING).
✤ but i want to make this distinction between pisces -> aries vs. scorpio -> sagittarius. both of these water signs lead to jupiter ruled signs so it often implicates some sort of healing is done once we have transitioned from one sign to the next. pisces to aries speaks of redemption as we talked about previously. but transitioning from scorpio to sagittarius represents freedom. although this may seem like a similar concept to redemption we need to clarify that pisces and aries are much more internal and self-related signs than scorpio and sagittarius. pisces deals with our own sources of creativity, inspiration, and how we find healing within ourselves (jupiter represents healing). everyone finds redemption in their own unique way right? and although pisces is a personal sign it is also the sign that teaches us how to open our hearts to the world again. through opening our hearts, we offer our own wisdom/ideals to others through the JOURNEYS (jupiter = journeys) we have been through in our PERSONAL way because think about it, pisces is the last zodiac right? each zodiac represents a story or facet of life. it is unrealistic that we as a society have experienced the exact same facets of aries-aquarius. it is in pisces where we sum up all of the previous energies/facets of the previous zodiacs (both positive and negative energies) and through experiencing different facets of each zodiac, it is in pisces where we find a different life/way/mindset from having experienced these facets in order to create a new start for ourselves (and for the rest of society too, jupiter likes to collectivize). pisces makes us reflect (water sign y'all) where we need to begin anew again. then aries is where we actually plant this seed and begin to grow into these new ideals, traits, mindsets, etc... going from scorpio to sagittarius represents freedom because scorpio unburies what was "dead" then sagittarius explores this new "world" that scorpio has opened up and begins to gain more knowledge, experience, and greater connection to other places beyond the home.
✤ venus in the 7th house, no matter what sign it's in, i think is a karmic placement. @hot-astrology made a post about how venus represents mirrors (go check out the post very insightful) and i couldn’t agree more. the 7th house represents ALL encounters + relationships (positive or negative) in our lives. when venus is in this house as previously mentioned, it can act like a mirror in our relationships. the relationships we have (or don't have) with others can guide the native into the best version of themselves by noticing and observing what qualities are mirrored back to the native, making the native think "do i want to maintain these qualities? do i want to change or stay the same?". because of this, i've noticed people with this placement are also very reflective and observant of their surroundings. people always mention how charming or persuasive these natives can be but sometimes they fail to mention how certain natives with this placement (very dependent on house, sign, aspects, ruler of venus/7th house, etc...) are acting in this manner because they seek to find different facets of themselves through their encounters with others. this can lean into poor self-esteem, lack of boundaries, or an extreme need for external validation if not monitored carefully, but if these negatives are kept in place, this can be quite an adventurous and even fairytale-like placement.
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hope you enjoyed!
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astrosouldivinity · 11 days
Astro ~ Tarot Observations 🧿🔮✨
Air signs / placements are often skilled at tarot. I’ve observed many tarot readers will have prominent air energy somewhere in their birth chart.
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💫 Air energy is very scattered. I think it makes it easier for them to tune into and focus on various different frequencies.
💫 Water signs / placements are also good at Tarot. Water energy is intuitive and proficient at picking up on the emotional frequencies of others.
💫 Tarot and Astrology intertwine with each other, and often complement each other. I find that utilizing both practices helps me in pinpointing and understanding the energy I’m feeling.
🌌 Astrology is often considered a more masculine practice due to its focus on logic and use of pattern recognition, while tarot is perceived as more feminine, drawing on intuition. Both can be beneficial for achieving balance.
In Tarot, each card is associated with an element or specific Zodiac sign.
For example: The Minor Arcana
- Wands: Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
- Cups: Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
- Swords: Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
- Pentacles: Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
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💫 AstroSoulDivinity on TikTok / AstroByKiki on X
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pitchsidestories · 27 days
describing ourselves with women's football players
a/n: hey, we were inspired by those tiktoks floating around, feel free to post your own answers, we'd love to read them. :)
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height: 1,62 m (Kim Little)
eyes: light blue (Rachel Daly)
hair: dark and curly (Kaylan Marckese)
nationality: German (Laura Freigang)
birth month and zodiac sign: May, Taurus (Beth Mead)
personality: Alexia Putellas
style: casual and oversized fits (Keira Walsh)
uni subject: Biology (Marta Torrejón)
first letter of your name: A (Alex Greenwood)
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height: 1,63 m (Erin Cuthbert)
eyes: green-brown (Jordan Nobbs)
hair: dark with blonde highlights (Sara Doorsoun)
nationality: German (Feli Rauch)
birth month and zodiac sign: January, Capricorn (Aitana Bonmatí)
personality: Lotte Wubben-Moy
style: casual, classy with a love for vests and suits (Leila Ouahabi)
uni subject: History (Marta Torrejón)
first letter of your name: P (Pernille Harder)
all pictures are from pinterest.
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