more fucking petitions because this clown car country cannot stop with the bigotry for 30 seconds
uk people it takes 5 seconds and you checking your email to verify
everyone else: rebloge please
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I wish age gap discourse hadn’t spiraled the way it has because I want there to be a safe space to say “Men in their 40s who date 25 year olds aren’t predators, they’re just fucking losers”
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teamgeiszler-gottlieb · 2 months
“i can’t do this anymore” says a girl who is not only going to do it but do it well
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teamgeiszler-gottlieb · 2 months
there's a cherry blossom tree in DC that keeps blooming every year even though it shouldn't and the park service keeps thinking it's dead and then it keeps blooming! well they're removing a lot of trees to rehabilitate the area and they've said it's finally time for stumpy to go and they're going to mulch it and use the mulch to enrich all the other trees so it can help everything else keep going. and they're also going to plant spliced little pieces of it all over so that stumpy can live forever and this is genuinely sending me into a spiral
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teamgeiszler-gottlieb · 3 months
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teamgeiszler-gottlieb · 3 months
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teamgeiszler-gottlieb · 3 months
"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death."
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teamgeiszler-gottlieb · 3 months
reblogging 'cos I'm looking for sponsors for my play and there's like 6 more days on the end of this month so why tf not
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teamgeiszler-gottlieb · 4 months
too sleepy to elaborate at this time but I miss the old fandom culture of interacting with fanfic writers and fanfic artists as members of the fandom community who enjoyed engagement and discussion and feedback instead of the modern trend of seeing us as content creators up on a pedestal who don't need positive feedback but DO need to churn out constant content to feed the a03 machine
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teamgeiszler-gottlieb · 4 months
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Nope + seeing/being seen
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teamgeiszler-gottlieb · 4 months
I have a heart.
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teamgeiszler-gottlieb · 4 months
Callout for support!
Hey everyone! I am writing and directing a queer show called When Atlas Met Tantalus, which is debuting in London in June. It's my London debut so I'm excited (and nervous) - and looking for support!
This feels like an insane thing to do BUT if you've ever enjoyed any of my fandom writing and have means of donating, please support my dream! I have a GoFundMe currently open: https://gofund.me/0833916e
It means so much to me and I know in my heart that this show can make a difference. Literallly any and all donations make a difference <3
Fandom gotta stick together right?
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teamgeiszler-gottlieb · 4 months
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Who or what is the most important thing to you?
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teamgeiszler-gottlieb · 4 months
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There was a line [in the airport bomb scene] when we originally shot it, when the bomb asks Benji a personal question - it’s in the moment when the bomb is trying to… it’s a psychometric test thing. And the question that the bomb asked didn’t go down well with the test crowds. […] The bomb asked Benji if he has ever thought about hurting himself or others. It’s like a classic question you ask people in a psychiatric exam. And Benji says “no”, and the bomb tells him that he’s lied. And so Benji has to admit that he’s kind of self-harmed. And the audience fucking hated that idea. They hated the idea that Benji… So we changed the question to “Are you afraid of death?” Which actually came up with a great moment when he says, “Who isn’t?!” But… yeah, […] it was too dark. My character’s score went up, like, 10% after they took that question out. […] We were getting into this idea of PTSD, and Benji had been almost killed in Fallout, Ilsa saved his life, and we were talking about how this weighs on him, you know, and how he was kind of close to the edge in a few earlier iterations of the script. Benji was having moments of doubt and, you know. In the end, that stuff kind of felt like it wasn’t really necessary, and we wanted to concentrate on the team dynamic and have the audience infer certain things about where they are emotionally. So that felt a little too on the nose, and we moved on from that. — Simon Pegg on Episode 573 of The Empire Film Podcast
Originally transcribed by @snovyda
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teamgeiszler-gottlieb · 4 months
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- Nichelle Nichols
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teamgeiszler-gottlieb · 5 months
re-taped for the first time in weeks (my own stupid fault, must have got too hot on NYE and it blistered) and the gender euphoria is SO STRONG right now!
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teamgeiszler-gottlieb · 5 months
How many times do you think Amanda Grayson, wife of Sarek, said “Well, bless your heart” on Vulcan without anyone understanding what she really meant.
And one day, Spock says it, using it correctly, to someone who’s being a pain in the ass and Bones chokes on air?
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