Man though you know what makes me sorta sad is when nerdy, “quiet” kids latch on to me during camp and they just talk and talk and talk about a thing they’re into (Skyrim, Pokemon, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, dinosaurs, whatever). And I see the kids just light up when they say something and I can chime in with an ‘oh hey, are you talking about [x]? I love that thing! Tell me more about it.’
Like, their parents will warn me ‘so-and-so is pretty quiet and hard to engage’ but no, man, just listen, your kid is so smart and so into This Thing, they’ll engage like fuck and talk your damn ear off it you let them. Frame it in their damn terms. Or! Just! Listen to them about their Thing! And they will engage with the rest of the material! Because they know you care about them! Amazing!!!
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Thank you, Mistress Talia. I couldn't have said it better myself
Training begins
@big-richard-energy , @jason-todd-the-undead , @spleenless-in-seattle , @the-true-blood-son-dw , @designer-girl-maridc , @queenbee-of-the-hive , @stephloveswaffles , @adrien-sunshine-agreste You will have all noticed a box outside your doors containing shoes and a belt with detachable tags. Your training for this week is to remain off the floor (I believe this is commonly known as ‘the floor is lava’?) and to collect as many of the detachable tags as you can, adding them to your belt. But the more you have the bigger the target you’ll make.  Oh.. and the shoes are programmed to shock if you touch the ground for more than two steps at a time. Have fun! Also. It would be best not to make a mess, because you will be the ones to clean it up (not leaving it all for @the-immortal-pennyworth ). A good assassin is agile, quiet and doesn’t leave a trace of their presence. And as heroes you’ve got a tendency to make as much mess as the villains you fight. It looks bad.
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Please refrain from damaging any items within the Manor. Any test you may wish to complete should take place outside. Inform me of whatever you may need, and I shall do my best to prepare accordingly.
Guess who’s heading back to Gotham?
I hope your manor has room for an extra guest Beloved @the-real-bruce-wayne, though you know I’m not opposed to sharing a bed if you’ve taken in so many children that there are no rooms spare. I’ll be arriving in Gotham sometime in the next few days. I await our reunion with eager anticipation.  Oh, and @the-true-blood-son-dw I will be checking to see if you’ve been keeping up your training and I will of course wish to meet and test this @designer-girl-maridc.
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Mistress Marinette, what color would you like your room in the Manor?
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Masters and Mistresses
I am Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth, loyal butler to the Wayne family and the only sane member. I raised Master Bruce as my own after the tragic death of his parents. Although Master Bruce has his eccentricies, such as taking in stray children, I have raised him to be a good man, as I have raised his children the same way.
You may refer to me with he/him pronouns.
I am here to assist with whatever you may need, so do not be afraid to ask.
Have a good day.
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hey guys! 
before i get into character, i’ll take a minute to introduce muself! i’m @nyx-in-line here on tumblr and astrynyx on ao3, and i’ll be playing the majesting alfred pennyworth!! me and a few others decided to do this (i’ll be adding their urls don’t worry). 
If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to leave asks if you have any questions or suggestions!!
damian: @the-true-blood-son-dw  tim: @spleenless-in-seattle  jason: @jason-todd-the-undead dick: @big-richard-energy babs: @gothamsbarbiegirl steph: @stephloveswaffles bruce: @the-real-bruce-wayne selina: @thisiswhynoneofyoudeservescats talia: @prepare-my-swords marinette: @designer-girl-maridc
for more info, visit this post
now, let the roleplay begin!!
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