another random assortment for your enjoyment!
do they enjoy silence or find it too loud?
how many hours of sleep do they average per night?
would they ever skydive/paraglide/etc?
describe their dream home.  looks, location, decorations, etc.
can they roller skate/skateboard?  would they like to learn?
what’s their favorite dish to cook?  favorite dish to order out?
describe their dream vacation.  would they take anyone or go alone?
are they close to any of their family members?  
what is their idea of the afterlife?  does it scare them?
what’s their love language?  
would they describe themselves as beautiful/handsome/etc?  
did their childhood have a negative or positive impact on them?  
what they wanted to be when they grew up vs what they do now.
what type of neighborhood did they grow up in?  do they still live there?
does their family/friends have any traditions they take part of?
who is their best friend?  how long have they known them?
do they have anyone they consider their enemy?  what did they do to gain that title?
did they have a rebellious stage as a teenager?  what did it involve?
what’s currently in their pockets/purse/etc?
how much cash do they generally carry with them?
do they celebrate any holidays?  what are the celebrations like?  do they have a favorite?
have they ever traveled outside their country?
are they an affectionate person?  how do they feel about pda?
if they were choosing an adventure to go on what would it consist of?
have they ever been in a physical fight?  what happened?
are they more likely to take the leader role or let someone else call the shots?
has anyone ever betrayed their trust?  do they still speak to them?
do they believe in magic?  why do they have this belief?
do they wake up on the first alarm, hit snooze, or have multiple alarms set? 
what’s the first major event they remember in their life?
what would their three wishes be if they found a genie?  
have they ever ended a relationship to pursue their career/education further?  what happened?
what do they consider their worst habit? 
are they good at explaining things to others?
how do they handle being upset/angry?  do they yell, cry, go silent, etc?
do they have any habits they believe are odd?
if they could hit redo on a single past event in their life what would it be?  would they do it if it meant changing the present?
what does their future look like when they picture it?  who’s there with them?
have they ever been to court?  what was the outcome?
what would they do for a klondike bar?
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Hey suga! Mah name is Miss Minutes! Ya don't know me but I know ya! Nice ta finally meet ya!
"It is lovely to meet you as well, Miss Minutes." Vision attempts a smile, still confused and somewhat concerned that this small holographic clock knows who he is. "You know me? Did you know me...before? When I was J.A.R.V.I.S.? Or prior to my reconstruction? I will admit, memories of that time are still uncertain."
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Please reblog this is if you would rp with trans muses.
I see a lot of people unwilling to rp with me because my muse is trans, and because of that I feel nobody in the rp community ever will. So, yeah, reblog if you would rp with trans muses (nonbinary muses included).
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So it’s been a bit but I’m back! I set this blog up fully intending to get started with RP - and then life got crazy (like life does) Luckily, after next week I should be around more. If anyone has asks, questions, or is interested in RP with Vision please feel free to reach out!
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Hey Ya'll!
Vision blinks at the cartoon clock, confused yet curious. She feels familiar somehow, though he suspects that may be due to a shared existence as (presumably) beings of artificial intelligence. Something about the holographic orange glow reminds him of a past life partially forgotten, from when he was simply JARVIS. Perhaps she is another creation Tony had left behind, crafted during the 5 years he has been offline. "Hello, I am The Vision…do I know you?"
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The(Spectral)Vision RP
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“I have been a voice with no body, a body but not human, and now, a memory, made real…Who knows what I might be next?”
Independent, mutuals only, multi-era Vision, penned by TheSpectralVision.
18+ (30+ mun) multiverse RP
Preference for Post-WandaVision MCU compliant RP focused on The White Vision, but happy to RP any era/version of The Vision (Age of Ultron, Civil War, Two Years of Stolen Moments/Infinity War, Westview, Post-WandaVision, 616, and/or Other)
Not looking for ship RP at this time (for personal reasons), but happy to discuss on a case-by-case basis. Please ask if interested - I will only ship with Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch
Medium activity, paragraph/novella length RP, US Central Timezone.
Memes and asks are ALWAYS open and welcome! Happy to answer RP/memes/general questions about Vision and the MCU.
I pull heavily from 616 Comic canon as well as the MCU for characterization, please check out my head-canons under the Bio and Eras pages for details, links below:
Thanks for checking this page out! My Fics and Art can be found on my main blog TheSpectralVision. You can also find me on Ao3, DeviantArt, and Instagram
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