thetimetraveler24 · 11 hours
no because her grand plan was to be remembered and the only thing he remembered was her
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thetimetraveler24 · 21 hours
Random question, but if you were the person who had to break the news about Just Kidding Rowboat to family, friends, etc… How did you go about doing that?
My mother, my lovely lovely mother, bless her little Facebook feed that is made up of posts from my sibling’s school and I don’t know happy birthday posts for her friends? Probably some funny videos, idk. She has zero idea about any of the issues surrounding Rowboat (that I’m aware of, I guess, but I’d like to think I know my mom pretty well and I would know if she knew about these issues and, worse, agreed with them). I, however, do know about these issues. And I was fine letting her live in her ignorant bliss because it wasn’t like she was all ride or die for the wizard boy or anything. It was just a book series she liked well enough.
UNTIL. Within the last year, she’s gotten way more into it? She wants to decorate a room in the house with some HP stuff. So far there is the triwizard cup and she wants to put up these floating candles she got. And I… hmmmm. I don’t want to do that. But I also don’t pay bills or rent on this house, so I haven’t been sure if I have the right to tell her I don’t want her to do that.
But I’m just uncomfortable with where this is going. She asked if I could buy some HP coasters from my work for her and I was like “if I remember” and I convienently “forgot” because HELL NO am I going to purchase HP merch on June 1st, literally the first day of Pride Month.
And like, it’s definitely my own fault that I’ve let this ignorance go on that long. Absolutely, I take full accountability for that. I’m a people pleaser and I don’t know how to be firm with my opinions and beliefs when I know doing so will not people please.
So I didn’t say anything before and now I still haven’t said anything and I’m at my breaking point because I’m physically uncomfortable every time she mentions HP and Rowboat (kinda deserve that discomfort after not saying anything for so long, pretty sure it’s guilt I’m feeling actually). So I don’t know. Some advice would be really helpful because I’ve come to the truly depressing realization that in all 23 years of my life, I’m pretty sure I’ve never stood up for what’s important to me. I think I’ve always taken the hit and turned the other cheek and just… suffered if no one cared about what I cared about? Oh my god that sounds even worse written out.
Ugh, I’m sorry, this wasn’t supposed to get depressing. I just wanted advice on how to do this.
Side note: if it matters (it probably does 😅), it’s a catholic household, but definitely not right wing christian thank god. I have been told many many many times that it’s okay to be gay by mom (she may know something tbh), the fam is definitely liberal, grew up hearing zero homophobic or transphobic slurs from them and still have not. So, like, I think my family is cool? I don’t know if it’s a “it’s cool as long as it’s not my kid” thing though (in which case whoops 😅 too late, not that I’ve said anything yet). So I’m like 75% confident this would be taken well.
Thanks for any advice!
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cause the sea doesn’t like to be restrained #FreePalestine🇵🇸
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*emerges from the other room covered in blood* you should see the word document
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thetimetraveler24 · 2 days
Sometimes I read a fic and I’m just like… this. This is why I love that ship so much.
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thetimetraveler24 · 3 days
I have never watched Sofia the First, but oh my god her friends sucked.
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thetimetraveler24 · 3 days
My mom pointed out to me that Trump cannot legally vote for himself now that he’s been convicted and I just… I want him to try and do it anyway. I think there would just be something so deliciously poetic about him getting convicted of voter fraud after everything he said. Like, I’m sorry, what were you saying about people who aren’t allowed to vote voting anyway and rigging the election???
Oh sweet justice would be served… chefs kiss!!!
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thetimetraveler24 · 3 days
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thetimetraveler24 · 3 days
Planning out the BoO portion of DYBWAYM is so funny sometimes. Because now we’re getting to real actual canon that Will was there for so I’m referencing that instead of detailing it all out because, well, I know what happens. But my notes are just like:
Will goes with Lou Ellen and Cecil to spy on Romans. Nico di Angelo appears, dead on his feet. Will is enamored and also concerned.
The Octavian chapters. You know the ones.
It’s so unserious compared to chapters like Dear Reader, The First Attack, I Can Help, all of the Alice’s Story chapters where I had paragraphs and bullet points of what I wanted to happen in the chapter.
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thetimetraveler24 · 3 days
From the Spring Break Update Article
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"oh yeah annabeth is the top of my class, i just manage through school😁🥰" WHAT THE ACTUAL--
(obligatory beep boop percy being called smart alert)
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thetimetraveler24 · 4 days
It’s kind of funny because statistically, there is a 100% escape rate of demigods from Tartarus. If you count gods and titans, there’s either a 90% or a 92% escape rate (depending on whether you subscribe to all six of Kronos’s kids freed the cyclops and hundred hand ones or just the three gods). This is all based on people who willingly went there and attempted an escape (or who lived there and attempted to escape in Damasen’s case). So this doesn’t even take into account that monsters die, return to Tartarus, and escape all the time.
So we have: Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, Hestia, Nico (2x), Percy, Annabeth, Bob/Iapetus, Damasen, Apollo (sort of) and Will who have all been. That is 14 instances and the only one who didn’t make it out is Damasen who we could probably lop in with the regular Tartarus denizens who didn’t willingly go there. In that case, it becomes a 100% escape rate all around.
Just breaking down the demigods that went and made it:
Percy Jackson - extremely powerful godly powers, very good swordsman
Annabeth Chase - does not have offensive godly powers, but she’s an accomplished strategist and talented with weapons
Nico di Angelo - extremely powerful godly powers, very good swordsman, was not in a great headspace the first time, had a buddy the second time so that was a lot better for him
Will Solace - very powerful healer and also has plague powers, brought zero weapons
They all have various different skill sets and I think are a decent sample of the different types of demigods Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter might have to offer.
So statistically, a demigod’s odds are pretty good if they want to pop down there for a quick visit and then get out. That exotic tour destinations thing might work out. Nyx might need to start advertising.
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thetimetraveler24 · 4 days
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characters created in a lab for tumblr specifically (affectionate)
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thetimetraveler24 · 5 days
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U can’t tell me they’re not the same person
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thetimetraveler24 · 6 days
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thetimetraveler24 · 6 days
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Go read TKC and love this gang like I do >:((
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thetimetraveler24 · 7 days
Yay, it’s ‘murica season! (Memorial Day through mid July) Or as I’m starting to call it “is that fireworks or am I about to be a statistic 😃” season.
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thetimetraveler24 · 7 days
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Such a drama queen
(commodus by @/viria , so gorgeous)
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