ultfreakme 3 hours
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Wrote a JayJon fic after *checks notes* over a year! Absolute Power has my hyped.
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ultfreakme 9 hours
I am Mahmoud Helles, the owner of the donation campaign. The campaign aims to get my family out of Gaza and take my wife out, due to his serious condition, with a kidney injury, to Egypt. Please share 馃尮馃嚨馃嚫馃嚨馃嚫馃嚨馃嚫馃嚨馃嚫馃尮馃槶馃槶https://gofund.me/53fa2830
Guys! Please donate to this fundraiser!
"Hello, my name is Mahmoud Helles, and I want to tell you about my story. I am a father of four children and I have lived in Belgium for 7 years. I have not seen my children since I left Gaza in 2015. Considering the difficult situation, I want to create this campaign for the benefit of my four children and their mother. They have been displaced inside the Gaza Strip for more than five years. Several times, my house was destroyed, and they had no place other than the tent to sleep in. This is a difficult thing for children who are no more than 12 years old. My wife suffers from health problems in the kidneys, and her condition is deteriorating due to the lack of treatment. Therefore, I need your help to move my family from Gaza to Egypt."
They constantly update on their situation on their GFM so please go check it out. This is a vetted fundraiser so please donate
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ultfreakme 12 hours
I want to talk about one of my favorite little comic details.
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The first picture is Supergirl (2016) issue #33. The second is Superman (2018) issue #14. They are both depicting the same moment- when Jon Kent first pitches the idea for the United Planets- but they go about it in very different ways. When I was discussing these panels, a friend of mine suggested that these are showing the different ways Kara and Clark see Jon at this moment, so let's take a look.
In Kara's pov, Jon is confident in his suggestion. "I" is bolded in the lettering which emphasizes his certainty in his idea, and he is drawn clearly more sure of himself than in the Superman panel. His suggestion may be a little overly-casual, but he's still young, and in the Supergirl panel it's easier to read it as a clear, effective way to get his point across quickly. Kara sees Jon as mature and self-possessed here.
Meanwhile, in Clark's pov, Jon seems more unsure. "Think" is bolded, which conveys that Jon is uncertain in this suggestion- he thinks he knows but he may be wrong. In the first panel he's drawn smaller and standing behind Clark, and even as he is saying his idea he looks like he doesn't know exactly where he's going with this. In this framing, it almost seems like Jon is being completely serious with his suggestion of a "time-out" with no further idea beyond this, like he's playing tag on the playground. That's the heart of Clark's pov here- Jon seems childish.
Of course, it makes sense that Clark would see Jon this way at this point. Just three weeks ago for Clark Jon was 11. Clark hasn't had the time to get used to the change, and certainly not enough time to accept it. At the same time, Kara is more removed from the situation- she cares about Jon but not with the same intensity and proximity that Lois and Clark do- and while she is surprised when she first sees older Jon, she's able to quickly put whatever feelings she has about it aside and focus on her mission. Which makes perfect sense! She's learning the truth of what destroyed Krypton, that's massive for her! She's too busy to have feelings about Jon, whereas this is the biggest thing happening in Clark's life right now.
Kara's lack of emotional bias here implies that her pov of the moment is the more accurate one. This is supported by the fact that, based on what we've learned throughout this book, Jon would not be timid about this suggestion. During this arc, we see Jon gain a very personal understanding of the dangers that come when people don't engage in honest, open, effective communication and don't listen to each other.
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(Superman (2018) issues #8 #9 and #10 respectively)
It makes him angry! And now he's taking his chance to do something about it! He knows this is a good idea. The Jon we've seen in books before this and the Jon we'll see after would not be unsure about this suggestion, which makes Clark's way of seeing the scene even sadder. After missing so many years of his son's life he can't bring himself to really see the young man in front of him doing something extraordinary.
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ultfreakme 14 hours
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High school year book for the gang without the regular high school experience!
close-ups under the cut
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ultfreakme 18 hours
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Today, my little baby completed his first year (8 months of which he spent in the war 馃挃).
Donating is the best gift that can be given to this little baby and his family.
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ultfreakme 18 hours
Update on my friend Amani from Gaza! Things are getting very dire and she has asked me once again to relay her story to you in the hopes that you will be able to help her and her family.
Amani is a 32 year old mother of 3 boys. Originally from the north of Gaza, their home was completely taken away from them by Israeli bombardment and they were forced to evacuate to the south.
Currently, Amani's family has had to evacuate 5 times and is forced to live in a tent with even the barest necessities unavailable to them. Her children are deprived of nutritious food and clean water as well as medicine and healthcare. And everyday they are at risk of losing their lives whether it is to illness or to the Israeli heavy artillery.
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(ID in Alt)
Amani needs to evacuate herself and her children across the Rafah border. She is asking for $17,732 and has gotten very few donations so far!
Please help Amani get her boys to safety and out of harm's way! Every moment they spend in Gaza their life is at risk and the trauma they gain is lifelong. Donate what you can and please make sure you share!
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ultfreakme 1 day
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Of course "God's chosen people" think they own God's rain. Why should anyone be surprised at this LAW in isnotreal. Yes, you read that right. It is law.
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ultfreakme 1 day
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my heart absolutely breaks for gaza. imagine screaming for help. for someone to save you and the world ignores you for the most part. shame on anyone and everyone who supports this. where is your empathy.
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ultfreakme 1 day
When sorrow and difficulties strike hard, hope becomes the lone star in the dark sky. This is the story of Amira, a 23-year-old girl who found herself bearing the burden of her family after her father's death three years ago due to the coronavirus.
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After my father's passing, I found myself taking care of my family, consisting of my mother, sister Noor, and brother Abdulrahman. My mother, suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes, faces health problems that further complicate their situation. But courage and determination drive Amira forward.
I worked as a teaching assistant at the university while pursuing a master's degree in data science, and also worked as a programmer in a company. My life was going smoothly until war came and destroyed everything.
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My university, workplace, and home were completely destroyed, forcing them to flee south in search of a safe haven. Now, I and my family live in tents for displaced people in Deir al-Balah, where they suffer from water shortages and the spread of diseases, posing an additional challenge, especially for my immunocompromised mother.
This is a brief about our daily suffering.
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Please help me, my mother, my sister and my brother to go out to treat my mother because she suffers from widespread diseases because her immunity is weak and help us to complete our educational journey, me and my brother
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ultfreakme 1 day
Hello everyone, I am Ahmed from Gaza. I am 30 years old. My dreams and my home have been destroyed. I hope you can help me and my family. Share and support my link and donate 馃挃馃檹
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ultfreakme 1 day
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ultfreakme 1 day
In Need of Help
Hey! So, I'm really sorry and embarassed to be once again doing this, especially when there are so many who need it more than me, but I need help.
This month I had to pay a bunch of bills from last month and now I am short on the money for the new bills and food.
I already asked my dad to help but he refuses to so that's great. This is my last resort
If anyone can help, it'd mean the world to me.
Goal: $4.34/$65
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ultfreakme 1 day
Some people are fucking miserable because wdym you don't want Damian and Jay to be friends??? Why!? That's Jon's best friend and boyfriend! Why would you not want them to be happy??? That's so lame like feel whimsy and goodness bro. Nika is now also friends with them and they all go get sundae together. Nika asks Damian about school, they get vegan ice cream, Jon and Jay get the worst biggest most abomination combination of ice cream flavors and share one serving.
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ultfreakme 1 day
Me: [shows evidence for why Damian likes Jay and is friends with] Certain People: "DAMIAN CAN'T HAVE FRIENDS OTHER THAN JON EVER!"
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ultfreakme 1 day
No, it really was, because a conversation is a two-way street and one party is just fully disinterested in engaging in a conversation, and this horrible social interaction is gladly at its end.
It is DC Canon that Damian Wayne liked and trusted Jay Nakamura before Jon Kent, and Damian liked Jay so much he talked about Jay with Dick Grayson and presumably other Batfam members. He also accompanied Jay and Jon during pride, and went to help Jay liberate Gamorra.
Damian Wayne and Jay Nakamura are canon best friends, and writing otherwise is legitimately OOC.
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ultfreakme 1 day
I disagree. I mean, Jon's life right now is actually full of potential. His theme from outside of super sons of being a weapon is being further explored right now. His trauma from the past is affecting him. Clark hasn't been around at ALL for Jon's current work as Superman and it's all about how Jon's approach is different to Clark's. As opposed to his runs as a kid when Clark was ever-present. Even Super Sons entire advertising gimmick was "this is Superman's son, go read".
This is the most independent Jon's been so far. Reducing Jon to just being bisexual, when he had a story arc on identifying his own privliege as a superhero in SOKE, and using it in ways to empower people is very reductive. Writers like PKJ are fleshing out how complicated Clark and Jon's relationship is now.
There's lots of avenues to explore, which are still being explored:
Jon's insecurity with his powers
Jon's lack of autonomy and being exploited (Manchester Black, Ultraman, now Waller)
Jon's fears in being a superhero and being overwhelmed by disaster(Touched on in Beast World)
His growing relationship with his siblings; Otho and Osul
The whole "you are an abomination" thing Zod and Eradicator repeating, and his insecurity with just his own existence.
The concept of 'inherent good'- Jon's changing views on what being Superman means, and how it's always a choice to be good rather than universal constants.
Like, sure an era is over, but that doesn't mean Jon's defunct as a character. He's got other adventures and waiting on his friendship with Damian to be the only source of Jon's development is kinda boring and only focusing on that would make Jon seem 'hollow' when he's got a lot going on right now.
people who complain about Jon's age up stop immediately bringing up Damian challenge
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ultfreakme 1 day
k, agree to disagree. clap clap clap dude. good for you. bye.
It is DC Canon that Damian Wayne liked and trusted Jay Nakamura before Jon Kent, and Damian liked Jay so much he talked about Jay with Dick Grayson and presumably other Batfam members. He also accompanied Jay and Jon during pride, and went to help Jay liberate Gamorra.
Damian Wayne and Jay Nakamura are canon best friends, and writing otherwise is legitimately OOC.
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