I'm gonna say it here too. Allow me to be crystal fucking clear.
It is not cowardly to stay in the closet. Full stop. You do not owe anyone any part of yourself you aren't ready to share
If you unable to come out because you fear for your safety or well-being or because you know it will cause you substantial discomfort, that is not a defect in you. It's a failure of the society in which you live and the community surrounding you.
If you just don't want to share that part of yourself, that is valid and I support you
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I know that AFO made Tomura doomed since the beginning, but it also means that Tomura was born to be the hero of the villains.
He was literally a messiah and a martyr, he was the promised one, the dead man walking, he was the legend since the beginning, contrary to Deku, who made himself who he is.
The chosen one is the villain and the made one is the hero type of story.
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dabi and shigaraki similarities
(i made this post on my old account, @bluerpurples, but had more ideas so im remaking it all)
!manga spoilers!
hair changes
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causing their own ends
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abusive dads
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bad childhoods
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recalling childhood
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their body is not their own
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afo finding them
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“you can’t be a hero”
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kicking the shit out of endeavor
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moms that want to protect them
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their inner child being reached
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Tell me If you want the link and I'll send it to you!!!
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Creating a playlist for martyr Tomura before he has the chance to come back, because I love to hurt and I love the angst ✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼
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Creating a playlist for martyr Tomura before he has the chance to come back, because I love to hurt and I love the angst ✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼
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Shan I am thinking so hard about enemies to lovers rn and I thought you might want in on that train. I wrote “I want to be loved but more than that I want to be understood” and oh my godddd if that isn’t enemies to lovers. Because they’ve seen the worst parts of you. The broken version of you, the desperate version of you, the aggressive and cruel and ugly version of you. And they still chose you. They still chose to sit at your table and eat together with you and do the dishes with you and fold laundry with you despite all the misery you’ve caused each other. And they love you despite the ugliness inside you and maybe even because of it. They didn’t have some idealized version of you to begin with; they saw the worst parts of you and decided to love you anyways. If that isn’t walking straight into love with your eyes open idk what is. They understand you more than anyone because they’re seen your worst and they walked straight into it because they wanted to. They never had any misconceptions about you. They chose you. Shannnnnnnnnn oh my godddd my brain is rottingggg.
The intimacy of it. They can't lie to each other, 'cause they've seen who they are as humans and who they are as monsters and they're still there. The fact no one can ever threaten them to show their true colors to their loved one, because they already know!!!!
The angst of it. You keep pretending you are the worst and you keep pushing me away and you want us to go back to being enemies because the burning love in your heart is consuming you and those past times were easier. It was easier to try and kill me, but now not even that is as simple as it was. All the reasons to hate me became part of your love for me.
When it's enemies to allies to friends to lovers?? I'm an absolute sucker for thaaaaaaaaat
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Overhaul / Kai Chisaki as his canon character repulses me but I'm fascinated by the possibilities of how he could have ended up in an au.
I should go back to my Call The Commission concept, maybe revisited.
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let's continue his march of grief
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I know AFO's reveal about Tomura's quirk changed lives, but I need to see the moment when it's told to Overhaul that the asshole that decayed his arm did so with an alteration of his own quirk.
I need to see the implications of Overhaul being experimented on as a kid and how he ended up experimenting on Eri. Of course he was sadistic, he learned from an AFO operation to be ruthless. He is another AFO victim, just like many others.
Because it means that there are hundreds of kids running around Japan, fighting each other for a place to survive, when they are all the product of AFO's endeavors. Not to Tomura's level, of course, and not completely AFO's fault (society had a lot to do with their suffering)— but you get it.
I wonder if AFO laughed when he was told that Tomura tried to recruit Overhaul and that later they fought. That's some twist of their fate...
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I think these might be Spinner's scales? Maybe there's still hope.
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Horikoshi posted a new sketch and I wanted to try and color it,,, haven’t colored any manga panels/sketches in a while so
And no i will not color the background, that is pain
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Saw that one promotional (box?) art and was so upset about how Touya looked that I had to do a quick redraw to fix him (also like WHERE is Spinner why isn’t he there 😭)
The art in question + general silliness under the cut
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caleb making tomura say “make sure you do your damn best” in the officials like wtf he wouldn’t say that
He would only say that as a threat SKJFKDBFKF
Like, AFO is freaking dead and after all you said to me you better be waaaay better than the previous pro-hero generation. Society cannot go back to their ignorance or apathy, we cannot tolerate our (the villains) story repeating all over because the heroes grew complacent.
Buuuut, I don't know Japanese and I don't know if those translations are correct, tho. I'm sure that the original text had all the clues for the correct interpretation... :(
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Crossing my fingers to hoping that Tomura will come back 🤞 This chapter seemed rush and left tons of loose ends, I hope it also ends well for the rest of the League. Curious to see Touya and Shoto talk
SAMEEEEEEE. The LOV is so interesting and they still have so many unresolved plots within the story. I need them to come back and I need to see them asap TwT
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Good news is that there are not many angsty Tomura videos in tiktok
Bad news is that I'm about to make some to cope
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very, very weird that tomura staying loyal to the league is framed as a bad or negative thing in this last moment. when Twice died out of loyalty to his friends, so much care was taken to set his death apart as a tragedy, a failing of hero society. but now with Tomura it's used as justification to kill him. 'well he was still the leader of the league of villains to the end so i guess he was just meant to be bad!' is a crazy turn for the story to take. being the leader of the league of villains isn't just about destruction to tomura. yes that was his goal, it was all of their goals, but what they're talking about here is his connections to the other members. he loved the league, he cared about them and wanted to see them get what they wanted in life. he listened to them, he fought for them, and they were a family. the league wasn't just held together by wanting to destroy, they created a really amazing bond with each other and it's hurtful to see the story disregard that to justify what happened to shigaraki. his loyalty to the league at the end had nothing to do with destruction, it was about the people he loved and cared for when they had no one else and i think it's awful that was painted as him still wanting destruction
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