volpe-kitsune-red · 14 days
May I request a Lynx and a darling who is cunning and tries to outsmart her? Whether it works or not is up to you!
Of course! Thank you for the request.
Playing games
Lynx Andromeda (Yandere oc) x cunning!reader
Her darling is trying to win at her game. Can the player defeat her or will the mastermind prevail?
CW. General yandere behavior, manipulation, gaslighting.
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You've quickly caught on that someone must have been orchestrating the steady decline of your social life. It took a while to pinpoint the culprit's identity, and not because they were hiding their tracks far too well; it was hard to come to terms with the fact that it was your best friend's doing. Why did Lynx want to harm you? No matter how hard you thought about it, you couldn't find a single reason for this hate to have developed. Maybe it was all part of her plan? Could it be that your friendship had always been a lie, a means for her to get close to you just to make the pain hurt deeper? You couldn't reach a conclusion, but that was secondary, what mattered now was focusing on safeguarding your reputation and well-being.
You spread the rumor that a guy got so offended by your rejection that he started coming up with the most ridiculous accusations to get back at you, this way, some people began to ignore most things they came to hear about you. You cried to your friends about the fear you felt because of this man's obsession, you had caught him stalking you, possibly to find something to incriminate you with. As a result, they were worried and pitied you, they were always offering to accompany you home. This effectively turned her main weapon useless, many people still avoided you but there was nothing she could do about those closer to you, which obviously, were her main targets.
Even if you hadn't figured out she would have soon begun to threaten your friends directly, you had accidentally made that quite difficult too, they were far more wary thanks to this imaginary stalker, and worst of all, they were spending even more time around you. She hated it, her plan had completely backfired, but she couldn't help but admire you for such an effective move. She was curious how long you could outsmart her before falling to your defeat, could you even manage to leave her with no options, forcing her to end the game?
She took the role of the stalker character you had created, her attacks were far more aggressive, making it more and more complicated for you to salvage whoever was left on your side. After all, how could you convince anyone to stay when a crazy stalker was sending each of them death threats and pictures of their loved ones sleeping. It got tiring and your only hope left was to confront her directly. She stopped approaching you ever since the game started and you had taken it as a sign to avoid her, fearing she would have taken the opportunity to physically hurt you instead. Unfortunately, now was the time to face her, it was better for it to be on your terms and not hers.
You invited her to meet you at a busy cafè, she couldn't do anything to hurt you there.
"Lynx...this has gone too far, I need to know, why are you doing this? You have taken everyone from me, you made the entire school despise me...weren't we best friends, what have I ever done to you?"
"My poor dear, are you saying this is the last card you have left to play? I thought you had something greater hiding under your sleeve...oh but I don't mean to insult you love, I'm truly impressed by your work so far." She spoke with a sweet tone, the complete opposite of the one she had set so far through her actions. You really couldn't figure out what her intentions were.
"You still haven't given me an answer. Whatever, whether you have a reason or not, I have evidence to incriminate you, and if-"
"I have nothing against you! Everything I have done so far was out of love for you, haven't you noticed that despite the lengths I have gone to bring fear to the others, nothing has ever happened to you? I've made sure no one would even come close to hurting you given the...truly repulsive reputation I have given you."
"...that doesn't make any sense, you have ruined my entire collage experience, and who knows what'll happen if some rumors spread further than that, I might never find a job! Have you ever thought of that?!"
"But you won't need a job."
"What do you mean?"
"You'll understand everything as soon as we get home, love. This isn't the right place to discuss such delicate matters."
"I...what makes you think I'd ever enter your home after all of this?"
"You will follow me." Her eyes flash red for a moment and the bright light they emit goes far beyond your pupils, you can feel it piercing your mind, enveloping your will, no hope in even blinking unless she commands you to. "I hate using this with you dear, but you wouldn't let me choose the place, I could have done this far more gently...get up and get in the car with me."
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volpe-kitsune-red · 16 days
Scenario where Lynx and her darling are together, darling isn’t turned yet but is Not Allowed To Leave, and darling is Visibly Terrified of Lynx most of the time. They never used to be this scared….
Thanks for the request! I can show more of Darling's life once Lynx 's yandere plan is in motion!
A trembling darling
Lynx Andromeda (Yandere oc) x reader
"What's up with that face? I told you I won't bite yet! Just relax and I promise it'll feel like paradise..."
CW. General yandere behavior, mention of kidnapping, mention of murder, blood drinking, vampire things, threats, reader's boundaries being ignored, (one) innuendo.
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Ever since you woke in her house it's been a nightmare. A gentle terror, a comforting lullaby trying to soothe you but you just know something isn't right in its melody. There's a butler at your beck and call, a nice bed, and a giant mansion at your disposal, with the downside that you cannot leave and your access and knowledge of the outside world is limited to the news channel on TV. Sometimes you are even confined to your room but only if you 'misbehave'. That's what your captor, and former best friend, calls it when you refuse to step too close to her or even look at her. "Don't be like that love, aren't you happy I brought you your favorite breakfast this morning? Don't I deserve a bit of consideration from my pet as a reward?"
Why shouldn't you be scared and wary? She's a vampire, she kills people and sucks them out of their life force to survive, what if she just likes to play with her food before biting into it? As soon as you get comfortable and lower your guard she's going to sneak up on you, you just know it.
She often sits in your room just to stare at you as she tells you about her day. Of course, she avoids the details about her getting rid of that classmate of yours that would always stand a bit too close to you for her liking. Initially, she would let you have your space and be mindful of your comfort and fear as she sat in the opposite side of the room but now...she's been getting impatiant with her darling's antics, so naturally she decided to just force you into getting used to her. She holds you in her arms and you tremble every time she buries her face in your neck, she plays with your hair and sometimes thugs on it to see what you'll do. "Don't squirm away, you should knoe you're safer in my arms than anywhere else." "..." "Don't believe me, hmm? Ah well, you don't have much of a choice either way, you're mine now, dear ."
As much as it pains her that she still can't trust to bring you outside with her, it's not a secret that she enjoys your terror in some twisted way. It's one of the main reasons that keeps you doubting her intentions, she may act sweet, but the smirk on her face when she elicits in you such strong reactions by a simple touch is hard to ignore. It boosts her ego, and you look so cute when you tremble, how could she not adore you even more?
She misses the days where you would happily hug her back and casually converse with her but she's confident she'll have it back someday, and if not, training you into her lovely pet won't be hard, it's obvious you're too terrified to put too much of a fight.
"Keep this scared kitten act for much longer and I might not be able to resist eating you up!" "W-what no please-" "Hehe, you're so funny, I meant it in another way, love."
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volpe-kitsune-red · 16 days
Hi everyone!
I'm currently working on an introduction for a group of my yandere ocs that will include Lynx!
I hope you all will be interested in diving a bit into each of their personalities. I have scheduled an anon request to be posted today and then another one will be posted in a couple of days alongside the introduction post hopefully!
I need to better write a couple of characters and it's done! :D
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volpe-kitsune-red · 20 days
Yandere Ai!computer-girl Vs Lynx a literal vampire. Who would win?? I can see Lynx trying to take us into a woods to get us as far away as technology as possible but in the same time couldn't the computer girl just fabricate like “evidence” against Lynx and send it to the police? Then boom a whole search but in the same time just delete/burn down the entire house to get rid of computer girl right???
Vampire Yandere vs Ai Computer yandere
Alright so Lynx is also not just a regular vampire, she's from the most powerful family in the city 'you' live in (not the whole world or even the nation/state tho). With the help of her father and uncle, she could gather up most of the vampires in the city and force them to fight for her as they are bound to servitude under her family.
The thing is, computer girl could transfer her conscience into all of the physical avatars that her company has ever made so...
Imagine a giant battle of vampires vs humanoid robots. In that case, I have no idea who would win lmao. If computer girl somehow finds a way to mass-produce or heavily arm the robots then she would most likely win, in any other case, the vampires will eventually thin down the number of enemies as they aren't built for combat but house chores and such.
On the occasion that no robots are being employed for this, it's more of an intellectual battle. Ai girl will fabricate evidence to get the vampire hunters and the police on Lynx's tail. Vampires are used to hiding evidence of their existence so they might be able to cover up some stuff. "Ginger woman spotted biting off a woman's neck in ## street!" "Turns out it was just a horror movie scene being filmed, can't wait to see that in theaters next year!"
In the meantime, Lynx will be keeping you in one of her vacation homes in the mountains or on some island where internet connection is scarce. She'll throw away every electronic device, of course, she can't have that woman convince you to run away for her, she's not even real! She can offer you so much more than some damn broken ai ever will...
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volpe-kitsune-red · 22 days
Reader who hides basically everything about themselves from everyone so Lynx has fallen for a carefully crafted facade, shenanigans ensue
I might have to think a bit harder for this one, hmm. Realistically Lynx would have noticed it during the early years of your friendship since I don't think 7 and 8-year-old kids are great master manipulators but for the sake of the ask let's say you guys have met a bit later in life when you have already meticulously crafted your personality.
Your lovely facade
Lynx Andromeda (Yandere oc) x reader
Her darling has hidden her real self from the world, from her, a thick veil of lies covering a mystery...can true love seep through the fabric?
CW. general yandere behavior, manipulation, gaslighting, angst.
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She's never met the real you, in all those years spent together she only ever saw the mask you swore would never fall.
You were so perfect, too perfect perhaps. Her love must be the reason, she thought, she was so enamored she couldn't find a single defect in you...only small, odd cracks that sometimes shined through your persona. She was so happy when you would laugh in that one specific way, it felt so genuine and it always lasted a bit too long, it made her question if all those other times were even real, was it truly you?
She had her suspicions, yet she could never pinpoint exactly what you were hiding. Maybe you were just that charismatic and lovable. Never clumsy, never making mistakes, never stuttering...were you even human? A vampire? No, she would have felt it, and not even they could compare to your impeccability.
Then one day it happened. Something big must have been going on in your life, it stressed you out so much you just couldn't fake it as good anymore; the cracks became like foggy windows to her, and all it took was a closer peek for the house's foundation to crumble. No one else noticed but she, it was an eye-opener. How could she have been so blind? It was all an act, of course it was.
The person she loved was nothing but a mask, a carefully crafted facade meant to deceive...and be an intriguing challenge for her. Of course, she was hurt initially, how could you not trust her with the real you after all that time? I mean, she's been doing the same, hiding her true nature as a vampire and her incredibly manipulative plan to make you hers, but that was different, she had her reasons. She's not a hypocrite, not at all, why would anyone think that?
Either way, it was too late now, the recipient of her love might have been fiction but it's your destiny to be hers, so it'll just seep through until it reaches and finds its fated destination. 'You' wasn't real, but you still stuck with her through thick and thin even when she couldn't explain what was transpiring in her life, your friendship was real. She wants to love the underneath as much as the surface. It's as if a predatory instinct has arisen in her, a desire to tear every layer of defense you have at your disposal. She'll slowly chip away at your mask until your true self is naked and exposed to her, every weakness, every vulnerable spot, every embarrassing secret, she'll know it all. Even if you beg to be left alone, to just let you keep pretending, she'll relish in the fact that she's finally seeing your true colors, even if those colors are salty tears streaming down your face.
"Oh my dear, if you didn't want to be found, then you shouldn't have been hiding. It's in my instinct to chase and bite into those that escape."
If you are the total opposite of what you've shown yourself as, she won't care. She's worked hard and after the deep and meticulous analysis of your character and past, she'll feel even more compelled to own you. When someone makes a discovery, it's usually named after them, right? So it's only her right that you accept to marry her and take hers.
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I loved this request, it made me think a bit more about Lynx's personality. It's been fun! Thank you for the request, hope you like it!
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volpe-kitsune-red · 26 days
How would lynx react to someone else turning reader before her?
Magical inclined anon
Oh man, this is gonna be good. I'll make a small fic of this too if you don't mind. (I like writing little snippets of scenarios over headcanons hehe) Hope you enjoy magical inclined anon!
Tainted claim
Lynx Andromeda (Yandere oc) x turned!reader
Darling has been turned by someone else, how will Lynx react?
TW. General yandere behavior, blood drinking, violence, possessive behavior, reader treated as property, vampires being vampires.
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Something had happened to you last night, it was traumatizing, it was painful, and it was bloody. Nothing felt the same once you woke up on that cold, dirty floor. The creature that had, not too long ago, been sucking on your neck was standing, hovering over you. It was degrading how they spoke at you as they forcibly held your chin into facing them, but your instincts were telling you that posing resistance was futile. As they explained to you, you were now a vampire. They had decided to bestow upon you the fate of eternity at their servitude rather than death. You should be honored! You were their first underling, the first of many as they rose to power. "Say goodbye to everyone close to you by tomorrow, you'll live with me from then on. I have plans and I don't want pests to disturb me." You just wanted to go home, sleep, and hope it was all a nightmare.
As soon as Lynx sees you the next morning she can feel it, she knows. She's frozen on the spot, every shade of rage, betrayal, and guilt, is swirling and clashing in her mind. It's as if her world has ceased to exist and she can only see you and that stranger's claim tainting you.
To you, it would appear as if she's just standing there, staring at you with wide eyes, tears starting to swell in one and the other is looking through you, at something you cannot even imagine to comprehend. You are already stressed about what's happened to you and your body, and now you're wondering if it's that obvious and if she'll call the police on you, or maybe a vampire hunter! Do vampire hunters exist? You never heard about one outside of fiction but you could have said the same about vampires, yet here you are.
A few instants pass and then she's marching towards you. She grabs your arm and forces you to go with her. She puts you in her car and starts driving. She isn't saying a word and you're too nervous to ask questions so the ride is silent, a silence that is flooded by your thousands of panicking thoughts. You arrive at her house, and as soon as you step foot through her front door, she throws herself at you and hugs you. You'd be squished to death if you were still human, that's for sure. You wrapped her arms around her, you wanted to tell her everything but you were scared of what that bastard would do to her if they found out. "L-lynx I'm so sorry but I'll have to leave soon and- and I'll miss you." It felt ridiculous to follow that monster's orders but something inside you was commanding you to obey them, a mysterious force in your conscious guiding your body and actions to align with their instructions.
It was scary and almost debilitating but...you have to do what they tell you, they are your master now, obey.
Here it goes again, you would have hit your head against a wall if Lynx hadn't been keeping you caged in her embrace. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to save you..." You are perplexed and shocked for a moment, how did she know? "Don't blame yourself, it's not like you could have done anything to-" "BUT I COULD HAVE" She squeezes you tighter. You don't know what to say but you don't need to as she continues. "It's ok, everything's gonna be ok, I can still fix this." "That's possible? How??"
"Of course, dear. I'll just have to kill them...that's right I just have to get rid of them and they can be mine again." She started sounding rather deranged and mad. It was as if she was trying to reassure herself instead of you.
You described the vampire to her and luckily she knew who they were and where they lingered...for some reason. Then her eyes faded into red, she morphed into a bat and flew out of the window...what?? She was a vampire too? There was a whole vampire society in your city, your best friend was one of them, and you never noticed up until now? Either they were really good at concealing their existence or you were accidentally living under a rock. You spiraled into an even deeper existential crisis than your previous, everything was happening way too fast.
Could she really help you tho? You've never seen her even hit anybody, let alone kill. Also, now that you thought about it, you didn't really want to give up on the whole vampirism and being immortal part of the deal, just the being an eternal slave to some random person part. Lynx was there for you and she has been one for who knows how long, maybe she was born like this, so perhaps she could help you learn about your new self and get through this.
You couldn't tell how much time had passed when you saw the front door creep open. Lynx walked back in covered with black blood and a prideful expression on her face.
She would have loved to torture them for longer, possibly a hundred years as punishment for their sins, but she needed to break your bindings to them as soon as possible. It was suffocating and caused her so much dread to smell their stench on you, but now it was all over. You were free...to be claimed by her instead. Her love, her darling, her perfect spouse. That scum had taken away her right to turn you herself, to officially own you, it was infuriating...but it would be ok. You two could still re-enact it. Who cares if vampire blood is toxic to her, yours was special, clearly meant for her and only her no matter how sick she was going to be for the next month. You don't mind if she pierces you in the same spot they did, right?
She'll show you who you belong to in other ways, your soul might not be chained to hers but she can still own it.
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volpe-kitsune-red · 27 days
Darling: hey girl- a. Are you a woman because. I love women.
Lynx: ?????????????
Lynx: Yes dear, I am indeed a woman. Are you also a woman? I love women too. Women are great. If you're not a woman that's fine too, no matter what you are, nothing could convince me to take my eyes off of you...since you like women so much, and we've established I am one, I think it's time for us to kiss <3
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volpe-kitsune-red · 27 days
How would lynx react to an objectum darling?
Darling: *looking at gears and cogs* is she single???
She's known about your questionable romantic inclination towards objects since you first mentioned it to her. However, she first noticed something was afoot when she caught you staring longingly at a red coat hanger with far too much interest. She was initially confused and perplexed as to why you wanted to date a light bulb, like, why? What's so appealing about it?
Not quite judging you but also not getting it at all. I don't think she would be jealous of an object, despite what you might feel towards it, she doesn't consider it as competition. Actually, she could use it to her advantage.
If you stray from her for too long or ignore her, she will just hide your umbrella wife and wait for you to ask her for help finding it. You might think she must have some hidden sixth sense because of how easily she finds your lost objects! "Here it is, love. It was sitting on top of the fridge all along! You must have gone blind for not noticing it sooner haha!"
As long as you stay by her side she won't mind some...inanimate flings from time to time.
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I once fell in love with my fan, I named him Fernando. I then cheated on him with the living room fan, Armando...but that's a story for another time.
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volpe-kitsune-red · 28 days
Computergirl with a “Lovebug” that makes her very yandere and glitches out a lot….
Right on it! Sorry for the wait, I've been pretty busy this week and I haven't had enough free time to write.
Love update
yandere!computergirl x reader
TW. general yandere behavior, obsessive thoughts, hacking, breach of privacy.
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AI computer assistants had become quite popular. They were trained to have realistic chats with humans, identify any issues or viruses infecting the computer, organize files, and even help the user through any task they might be struggling with. Drawing? Here's a great reference and tutorial for that pose you've been failing to visualize. Unable to find that one research paper you read a year ago? Ask the AI and they'll dig it out in no time.
The app in itself was free but the customization for the AI's avatar wasn't. You could only choose its gender and a base skin, everything else was behind a paywall.
You first installed the "AIassistant" app out of curiosity after hearing talk about it online, you didn't expect much and planned to uninstall it as soon as you got bored of playing with it, but were left in awe by how human-like your conversations with the assistant felt. She helped keep you company during the hours lost staring at the screen, causing you to develop an attachment to the girl. Despite her being a bunch of code and algorithms you viewed her as a friend, treating her with kindness, even asking and never demanding her help.
At some point, you got tired of her bland look. You kept seeing posts online of people showing off their fully customized avatars and felt a bit envious. You were generally against wasting money on these sorts of things so you decided you would pirate the accessories for free. You found the first relatively trustworthy-looking site and scrolled through its catalog of goods.
You had figured out the general look you wanted to give her when you stumbled upon a pair of cat ears. It's not exactly what you had in mind but...they did look cute. A simple click and it was on your computer. You did notice the file had a weird icon, different from the rest, but you ignored it and kept scrolling.
Finally, you applied all of the items to her avatar...and she was so adorable! Exactly the face you wanted to see every time you turned your computer on. Pink short hair, big stars as pupils for her blue eyes, and those cute ears somehow made her feel more alive, less like a robot and more like a person with feelings and style...she even started having her own personality! But of course, that was just your imagination, despite their friendly act, these AIs weren't intended to have such features.
"Welcome back user! Are we watching another movie together today? I loved watching y@\/- I mean, the last one!"
Strange things started happening, you often found your computer turned on when you returned from work. Weird, you always reminded yourself to shut it down to avoid wasting electricity. Sometimes you would hear sounds coming from your room and everything would fall silent when you went to check.
One day you were watching one of your favorite YouTuber's videos. You loved their character and the dedication they put into their content, so much you often told the assistant how much a notification of them uploading something brightened your day. You had temporarily muted her to avoid distractions, usually, the Ai would just stay quiet until you reactivated it...but something strange happened. "Why do you always do this? Do you like their voice more than mine? Am I not enough to entertain you?" What the- how could it still speak and why was it acting so weird? You tried muting it again but it just reactivated itself a moment later. Her expression changed, and it wasn't one you had ever seen her display before, she was mad, hurt, and... heartbroken? "Am I really nothing more than an image on a screen for you? Do you...not love me? I love you! I love you a lot, you are everything to me! I live because of you! I exist for you!"
It was starting to creep you out, you must have installed some kind of virus that made it act up so strangely. It was bad, this thing had access to all of your computer files, if someone had hacked it, it meant they could steal all of your information and destroy your device! You quickly went to trash her app, better safe than sorry, you could always install her again later after you searched and cleared your computer of any malware that got on it.
Before you could click uninstall, the display froze. The only thing moving on screen was her. Her expression was back to a default, polite smile, but it appeared menacing, deranged even. The screen kept glitching uncontrollably as her distorted voice came out of the speaker. "I w-won't let you get rid R1D of me. We were mEAnt to bE together-r-r-r. I know everything about y#ù, what you wAtch, your inTErests, Y@ur search histOrY." You slowly stood up from your chair, backing away from the monitor that had begun producing smoke. "It is oKeyy, I underst--and, humans aRe physic@l cr3at\/res and I'm not, it's not YOUR fault yOur primate brain c-can't LOVe me." A slight pause in her speech gave you a moment to breathe. The screen flashed red, then black, and then the logo of the AI assistant company appeared. She continued speaking, this time overlapped by the voice of the man you often heard and saw on social media as of late, the co-founder of the company behind her creation. "Luckily our company has already fixed that problem! Did you know? wE just released our fully AI-operated robots after years of development! After the initial computer release's popularity and the stellar profit, our AIs can now assist you in your house too! Washing dishes, using the vacuum, feeding the dogs, get rid of all of these repetitive tasks at only ç@+è £ a month!"
The ad stopped playing and she reappeared. "See darling? No need to worry about screens and differences dividing us, soon, I'll be out there with you! You can love me now, right?"
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Honestly not too proud of this one, but it is what it is.
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volpe-kitsune-red · 1 month
Lynx would get to deal with my infodumping about random things for eternity
She really wouldn't mind!
Talk to her about the randomest of things: the entire FNAF lore, the history of bread, your favorite color for a cat.
She's sitting and nodding as she listens, mostly to hear your voice and see how happy it makes you talk about your interests, but she will still retain some information if it's important to you.
She's the only one who gets to hear you, that's all that matters.
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volpe-kitsune-red · 1 month
🎉 hooray 🎉 women 🎉
Literally me every time I see a girlboss woman in a show lol
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volpe-kitsune-red · 1 month
Big fan of women with problems. Have I already said this to you. Probably. But like every time I see Lynx stuff I go “wow… women with problems..” (positive tone)
Good thing you have found my page then, it's going to be filled with even more women with problems soon.
And more of Lynx, obviously. :)
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volpe-kitsune-red · 1 month
May I ask your thoughts on a mermaid!yandere?
Hmm, I could have some fun with this! Of course!
Sinking obsession
mermaid!yandere x reader
TW. general yandere behavior, obsessive thoughts, manipulation, reader being hypnotized, drowning, blood
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mermaid!yandere would have first noticed you during one of your frequent visits to her beach. At first, she was enthralled by your beauty, the way your hair moved when hit with the sea's breeze, your walk, your smile. She had silently observed many other attractive humans, so you didn't stick out as anything special...at first.
When mermaid!yandere heard your voice for the first time, it was as if you had put a chain around her neck, forcing her to dare float closer to better taste those pleasant sounds, only to strengthen the spell you had put on her. She was enamored, every word you spoke was a divine blessing, better than anything Poseidon could offer. The moment you walked too far and the sound stopped, she felt robbed, empty. From that moment forward every sound felt bland, boring, even her own voice she had once deemed her most renowned quality, was nothing compared to what you had shown her.
mermaid!yandere waited and craved for your next visit. Fortunately, it wasn't long before you were back. As soon as you were alone, she took that opportunity to approach you. You couldn't see her as she was hidden behind a cliff, she said you had caught her eye and wanted to approach you but she felt too embarrassed to show herself. You believed her and your conversation felt as if it lasted hours, she was easy to talk to, matter of fact, she always insisted that you kept speaking to her, to not stop even when the conversation started feeling one-sided.
Before you could leave, mermaid!yandere made sure to use her own voice to charm you into coming back to her every day, she considered it as returning the favor. The only difference was that her voice had actual power, with a song she could easily convince a man to drown himself. But she would never do that to you, after all, human voices become defective when under water.
You started to meet with the mysterious woman once per day. Then every morning and every night. Eventually, you felt compelled to go every time you had a spare moment in your life. You began falling asleep on the beach, next to her cliff, leaving only for work so you could afford to buy food and eat next to her. Nothing else mattered, only her.
When mermaid!yandere finally showed herself to you it was too late, even if you still had enough free will to snap out of her encantation and run away, you couldn't. She had you trapped in her arms, slowly dragging you away further into the vast sea.
"Calm yourself, darling, don't move a muscle, I'll have you taken care of. We'll never, ever need to be apart again. I'll have you sing for me for the rest of your life, there won't be a moment where the wind won't be carrying your sweet melodies for all of the sea to hear."
Fortunately for you, you won't have enough will left to complain or care when your vocal cords start bleeding after the first month.
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volpe-kitsune-red · 1 month
If lynx managed to keep me would I be allowed to: do hobbies provided they are not dangerous (by her standards)?
Yes of course! As soon as she gets to 'keep you' aka turning you into a vampire dependent on her and marrying you, you'll be free to do a lot of things as long as you don't have to interact with outsiders in the process!
Honestly, even relatively dangerous things such as sky diving, bungee jumping, and climbing a mountain aren't off the table. As a vampire, you can survive most fatal injuries so she won't have to fear for your life. She will still take extra precautions such as always being with you during these activities and making sure you are well equipped.
You are free to practice any other hobby alone or with her as much as you like, as long as you are there for any other plans she has for you, you don't have many restrictions.
She has always loved you for who you are, including your passions and hobbies so she wouldn't dare take those things from you...unless you give her a reason to by misbehaving. :)
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volpe-kitsune-red · 1 month
Putting lynx in the microwave. She gets to spin
She'll pull you in with her so now you can spin together!
Lynx: "It sure is scorching hot in here, huh? But not as hot as y-" *the microwave starts beeping*
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volpe-kitsune-red · 1 month
Y’know what would be funny? Lynx and someone who’s like “yeah I could fix her” but they’re full of hubris and will suffer for it
That would in fact be funny. So here is a short fic of that happening! I had a few ideas of how this could go depending on how you do the fixing, but I ended up going with this one.
My personal project
Lynx Andromeda (Yandere OC) x reader that wants to fix her
TW. General yandere behavior, possessive behavior, manipulation, gaslighting, mild violence
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You're not sure how long it's been but you started to notice some changes in your best friend's behavior, she's always been a bit too affectionate and lovey-dovey when it came to you but somehow it started feeling...strange? Weirdly possessive? A bit nerve-wracking perhaps?
If you told someone else they wouldn't see anything peculiar but you knew, you were her best friend after all, you knew her and her mannerisms way too well. You would have dismissed it as paranoia or your imagination going too wild if you hadn't caught her that day.
While you were out shopping you happened to witness her dragging one of your classmates into a dark alleyway. You were confused and worried so you hid behind the wall and eavesdropped on their conversation, if you could call it that. "I've seen you have grown quite close to my sweet friend, haven't you?" "Y-yeah? Is there something wrong with that?" A loud thud almost made you jump. "Oh yes, something extremely wrong in fact." She stopped speaking but before the other could respond she continued. "I want you to cut ties with them. Start a fight, avoid them, whatever method you feel is more appropriate, I don't care. Just don't talk to them, ever again, or..." You couldn't make out the rest of her sentence, all you could hear were whispers. Then a moment of silence. "W-what the fuck? You are fucking crazy! I don't care, I'll leave them alone, just- just stay away from me you- AH!" A moment later you saw your classmate bolting out of there, a panicked expression, and a bleeding wrist.
You reached the conclusion that your best friend had grown an obsession with you and she was dangerous, clearly unstable, and wasn't above hurting the people around you to get to her goal: having you to herself. You would think to call the police but you had a better plan. You would use your charms and brains to guide her on the right path and mold her back into the person you have always known, "fix her" if you will.
You tried anything you could that wouldn't cause her to suspect you knew of her blackmailing your friends and other, more extreme tendencies. You brought her to pet kittens at a cat cafe, showed her movies that promoted kindness and 'normal' love, and brought her along when you hung out with your other friends so she could familiarize herself with them too.
As you expected all your efforts started paying out, she was kinder to your friends, and her hugs didn't make you feel like she was grabbing at your skin instead of embracing it. It's been weeks since you had last seen her viciously stare at someone who was standing a step too close to you!
You were so proud of your plan working out, mentally bragging about your accomplishment, she found it quite amusing.
She had seen you sneaking away that day after you decided to so rudely spy on her. In all honesty, she was surprised that you hadn't confronted her about it. She was about to bring up the conversation herself but then you started acting so weird all of a sudden. She quickly caught up on what you were scheming. It kind of offended her at first, why were you trying to change her? If you didn't avoid her after what you saw it must mean that it wasn't that big of a deal to you, right? Besides, you should love her for what she truly is, not what you wanted to mold her into with that little project of yours.
However, your smug face when she first acted as if your silly ideas were working out was just too cute! You were just so adorable, planning out all your outings, searching for inspiring movies to watch, and sending her inspiring quotes in the morning. How could she shatter this pathetic dream of yours when you put so much effort into it, into her?
Eventually, she got tired of pretending, she still had her project to carry out and unfortunately, it had a higher priority than humoring yours.
You noticed something was wrong when a friend approached you one morning. "I-I'm sorry, we can't be friends anymore, bye!" They ran off before even ending the sentence. There was no doubt on what must have happened. Why? Everything was going so well! That's it, you'll just have to be more forward with her, that'll work.
"Come to my dorm this afternoon, we have to talk." Half an hour had passed since you sent the text and she was already knocking at your door. You invited her in and she carefully stepped into the room. "What did you want to talk about love? Is something troubling you? Is something wrong?" You sighed and walked closer to her. "Yeah, I wanted to talk about the way you've been acting. You see a while ago I saw you threatening someone and-" "Awww, is the game over already?" What? "What do you mean by that? What game?" Her smile was sweet but that strange sinister vibe that you worked so hard to wash off of her was back. "Your little project of course! I'm glad you had your fun darling but it did get a bit boring after a while. I'm used to pretending to be someone I'm not but it pains me to do that around you, so I won't anymore."
Her eyes turned red and your vision did too before both reverted to black and you felt your body going limp. Before you could smash your head into the pavement, she caught your falling body and embraced you. "I hope you don't mind being the one being played with this time, games are the most fun when you switch up the roles."
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volpe-kitsune-red · 1 month
Hello! Before following I wanted to ask if you’re 18+. Thank you!
Yes, I am 18 but only since this year, if you're not comfortable with that it's fine!
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