wanttobesmaller 16 days
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Oh to be th!!n 馃檹
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wanttobesmaller 21 days
Weight loss is like a relationship, you can鈥檛 cheat on it and expect it to work.
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wanttobesmaller 21 days
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Work for it.
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wanttobesmaller 1 month
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Kenneth Cobonpue: Bloom Chair (2009)
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wanttobesmaller 1 month
This months choices are next months body
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wanttobesmaller 1 month
Supplements you should take when restricting<3 (part 1)
Calcium - you don't want your bones to break or teeth to go bad, they won't grow back when lost
Vitamin C - really important for your imunity, especially when you don't eat fruits and veggies a lot
Beta-carotenne (sorry for my spelling) - it makes your skin colour look healthier<3
Zinc - nails, skin and hair
Powdered fibre - constipation ain't fun and makes your stomach large
Omega-3 - it makes your brain work better
Magnesium - helps with cramps, feelings of tiredness and brainfog
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wanttobesmaller 1 month
Current Th隆nspO
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From 馃搶 terest
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wanttobesmaller 1 month
He's not into me so Im gonna starve myself until he is
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wanttobesmaller 1 month
thigh sp掳
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all pics from 馃搶ntetest
(dm for credit or removal)
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wanttobesmaller 1 month
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Reasons to lose weight
Will be visible:
Thigh gap
Rib cage
Wrist bones
Hip bones
Hourglass figure
People will:
Put you on their lap
Give piggybacks
Lift you up easily
Compliment you
Be jealous of you
Ask you how you did it
Buy you clothes without hesitation about size
Worry about you
Give you more attention
Bring you food/want to buy food
Your body will be better:
Clear skin
Less celulite
Bigger eyes
Bigger lips
Small hands and feet (even if you have a big size)
Less sweaty
Legs look longer
Less stretch marks
Cuter bellybutton
It will be easier to:
Shave or wax
Buy clothes
Feel full while eating
Avoid cravings
Put together cute outfits
Eat out
Stay fit
Get into new hobby
You'll feel so small and comfy while:
Driving a car/bike
Sitting/jumping anywhere
Playing on a playground/funfair
Having sex
Passing by any small spaces
Borrowing other's clothes
Lying naked in bed/cuddling
Taking a bath/being in a spa
Being carried by someone
Wearing oversized clothes
You'll stop worrying about:
Weight limits
Crowded restaurants
How you look in certain angles
Getting sweaty and smelling after long walk
Your fat rolls showing
Activities in school/college like PE
Getting touched
Eating with family/friends
Showing skin
Summertime partying and trips
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wanttobesmaller 1 month
have been on a week-long holiday with other family members and they didnt have a sc4le at their house so i have just been r3strict1ng and hoping for the best for when i came back.
these family members e4t literally nothing so it was nice to be around people who wouldn鈥檛 question my habits.
i left for the holiday we1gh1ng 65.7,
came back and only we1ghed 65.9 (my new starting point.)
surprised i only ga1ned 0.2
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wanttobesmaller 1 month
foods temporary, fat is forever
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wanttobesmaller 2 months
i actually dont want to be completely sk1n and b0nes type of th1n, i just want to be the type of th1n that means my body is socially acceptable. i have been chubby my whole life and only now that i lost a little bit of we1ght, i can already feel the subconscious shift in people鈥檚 attitudes towards me.
people will only like you if you are sk1nny.
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wanttobesmaller 2 months
does anyone else have an all or nothing mindset? like.. it鈥檚 so much easier for me to fast than to do a 100 cal diet bc i ene up going over 馃槖
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wanttobesmaller 2 months
its so annoying living in a country where everyone around me is actually already built like my goals unlike other locations around the world.
like they dont even have to worry about it because EVERYONE has good model/th1n genetics somehow???
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wanttobesmaller 2 months
Learning self control is so hard. 猸愶笍ving is romanticized on here but it鈥檚 really hard! Especially knowing there鈥檚 food around you ALL THE TIME! I feel like we need more people that are honest about the struggle.
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wanttobesmaller 2 months
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Some cute th1nsp0 for you all :3
Istg I won鈥檛 stop until I look like this
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