whoishotteranimepolls · 12 hours
"Who's Hotter?" Battle of the Anime Villains
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whoishotteranimepolls · 13 hours
"Who's Hotter?" Fandom Wars Sailor Moon Edition
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whoishotteranimepolls · 14 hours
"Who's Hotter?" Battle of the Fire Powers
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whoishotteranimepolls · 17 hours
"Who's Hotter?" Battle of the White Haired Characters
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whoishotteranimepolls · 18 hours
Can I pitch in with a defense for Ace that's not actually horny? (There will be spoilers, but I hope that whoever's reading this knew that already.) I'm attracted to him because he's a genuinely great character. Obviously he's incredibly important to the plot. He doesn't even show up in that many chapters or episodes, but he's beloved by the fanbase anyway. All the circumstances around his birth, his cripping insecurity about being worthy of even being alive, and how he toughed it out until he found people who loved him so wholeheartedly that he thought he might have a reason to live after all. The way he bonded with and adopted two brothers. His entire story with the Spade pirates and joining Whitebeard., and the way he found the father he'd wanted his whole life when he did. His enthusiasm in showing everybody and anybody Luffy's wanted poster and going "THAT'S MY LITTLE BROTHER!" with the biggest, proudest, silliest grin on his face. He's stubborn and a narcoleptic and eats almost as much as Luffy. The first time the Straw Hat Pirates met him, every one of them was in awe at what a good guy he was. His fire powers are just plain COOL. His sense of responsibility and the fact that he is in some ways incredibly stupid, but also extremely sweet, has a soft heart, and just wants above all else to be worthy of being loved. And finally the fact that canonically, everybody around him just DOES love him! He's just that kind of guy! ~ Sincerely, someone else who just has a lot of Ace feelings
Thank you, someone finally wants to defend Ace not because of thirsty reasons. So I'm not reminded that I need to update that nicknames and funny tags post. Because you guys have been going to town recently and that post definitely needs an update
For context, this Ask is in response to this post
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whoishotteranimepolls · 18 hours
"Who's Hotter?" Battle of the Orange-haired Beauties
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whoishotteranimepolls · 18 hours
"Who's Hotter?" Fandom Wars One Piece Edition
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whoishotteranimepolls · 19 hours
Experiments Incoming Please Read
I don't know if people misread my rules or they got too excited but some people submitted a 10-way and an 8-way poll for pride month so I'm going to run an experiment to see how that would work before I decide if I want to break up those request because they do sound interesting. But I have never done that many characters in a single poll before and I want to see if they're going to turn into a disaster before I actually tackle those requests.
So today is going to be 10 and 8-way polls just to see how it works before the Pride Month Event kicks off. So bear with me I will be looking for feedback. But if all goes well you might be able to request up to 10-way polls
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whoishotteranimepolls · 21 hours
Do not lie in your request
People, please be honest in your request. I just had to delete yesterday's Battle of the Orange-haired characters along with a couple of other polls because Asuka from Evangelion is 14. She has been in a few polls before and no one has said anything. The original request had her age as 16 and I never double-checked because I normally just trust you guys.
This is the second time I have found out people have lied about a character's age in the request. Do not do it. I will go through and delete all the polls with that character. The last time this happened I found out within an hour of the poll going live.
Again, do not do it. It makes it so that I have to go through and double-check the age of every single character so it takes longer for me to go through the request box it's going to be closed for longer. So no new requests outside of events anytime soon.
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Naruto/Sasuke are more Coded than Fanon, I am begging my fellow SNS-ers to give a link to some 5-page googledoc or something because yes queerbaiting, but also yes queerbaiting, like everything they did was about each other. I don't watch the heap of crap that Boruto is (I apologise to the fans of Boruto for the slander), but in Naruto/Naruto Shippuuden, Naruto and Sasuke are actually *obsessed* with each other.
Does this count as Defend Your Blurbo? I originally just wanted to say something about the Pride Event, but this might actually fit into that category.
Characters are Canon, Coded and Fanon. However, ships are more Canon and Fanon because I don't want to be arguing queerbaiting or subtext until the cows come home?
And it also depends on how many requests I get in each category So if enough people can make a Case for heavily coded ships for a couple of six-way polls. We may get a coded category but I only have one ship that was specifically requested for the coded category so I'm just going to toss it into the Fanon category right now.
Plus the fanon ship category is going to be where all the drama and fun is going to happen. I can guarantee it
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In Defence of Portgas D Ace (if it's not too late) :
First of all, about the Scorched Pussy Concerns. Skill issue. Just use haki. Additionally, tell me this man would not be into some bondage with sea stone ropes and/or handcuffs. Lastly, he has impeccable control of his devil fruit, and has had it for several years now.
Now that that is out of the way, the freckles, the abs, the stoner vibes, he's a sopping wet cat, the biceps, the dagger, the elbow pad, the tattoos, the hair, the orange cowboy hat, the beaded necklace, his design is perfect. He's Luffy's mysterious older brother. He's polite. He'll light your cigarette for you and make doe eyes in the galley. He rolled up to Wano, threatened a Yonko, saved a child, and rizzed up the Yonko's 8'8 son. He infiltrated a marine base to help a milkmaid.
Also, he has amazing stamina, having fought Jinbei for 5 days straight. He picked up and carried 7'3 heavy set women at age 10.
He's kind, charismatic, pathetic, suicidal, touch-starved, sexy, chivalrous, hot-headed, polite, loyal, honorable, loves his mom and little brother, and his favorite food is ghost pepper spaghetti.
Sincerely, an asexual lesbian who is not normal about this man.
Example number what number I am on again? Of reasons why I think One Piece is the thirstiest fandom
For context, this ask is in response to this post and maybe this post too
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I'm going to keep the requests open for a couple more days because apparently some of you didn't understand what qualifies as Fanon. A lot of the fandom section is ships like Naruto/Sasuke, Zoro/Sanji, and Nami/Vivi not a single one of those is Canon. They are fan ships but they will qualify for the fanon polls. That is why it's a separate category from Canon and Coded. I will give preference to making the Canon stuff first but there will be a healthy mix of all three. Because I make around 200 polls a month that's a lot of characters and ships that can be featured
Now be aware if don't submit photos with your ship. I can't guarantee it will be used because sometimes getting a photo of two characters together can be hard
Pride Month Event
The request box is now open for Pride Month event requests only. All characters must follow my usual rules for requests and be a member of The LGBTQ+ community
There are three categories for this event. The Canon characters, the Coded characters, and the Fanon characters. Tell me what category they fit in and where they belong in the lgbtq+ community so I can make appropriate themed polls.
You can request ships and groups, but please provide photos for groups because sometimes those are hard to find, but no fanart.
You can request two-way, three-way, four-way, or six-way polls for this event or just a list of characters. Have fun! Just so you know – requests will close on June 1st, so please get your request now.
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Sorry, I'm a bit confused about the fandom vs illiteracy series, are we allowed to argue against banning characters?
For Viktor most the arguments to me just come off as that one section of fans who embrace purity culture and think interracial relationships are racist and immoral 🤷‍♀️ It just comes across as purity culture and racism masquerading as queer advocacy
He's a great, nuanced character who is lonely and doesn't know how to express his emotions well, but genuinely cares for and loves Yuuri, without being completely co-dependant. Yuuri isn't some completely helpless baby, he's a grown ass adult and the infantification of him is racist itself as it happens all the time to Asian men, especially those that dont fit in heteronormative gender roles.
(Hopefully this didn't come across as too hateful for this blog or broke the rules, I'm just passionate about this show and it's representation)
Oh yeah, Fandoms vs Illiteracy is a debate. Go for it. That essay in particular had fight me energy. Responses that break the guidelines just don't get reblogged but I've also been super busy so I haven't been reblogging responses anyway.
I made that series because I was getting about two to three essays a week for about 2 months And I was tired of basically protecting a group of people that I could tell had no media literacy, an over-inflated ego, and some kind of savior or superiority complex. Since I started actually publishing the essays, I've only received two. So we scared them off because once they actually started facing pushback to their arguments from everyone I guess it's no longer worth the effort to write these multi-paragraph essays
Now I have gotten a few essays that aren't advocating for me to ban characters, so they have been turned into a different series Defend Your Blurbo which is something completely different now
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Defend your Blurbo Guidelines
I've gotten a couple of questions about Defend your Blurbo so I'm going to answer them all in one spot
This is going to work each week. I will be posting one possibly two posts depending on my backlog and if I don't have a Fandoms vs Illiteracy essay in my inbox. All of these initial posts will be numbered and tagged with #defend your blurbo. They will be our Blurbo of the week that we will be discussing. At least right now the Defend your Blurbo submission box is open. If I receive too many, I might have to put a pause on things as we work through the backlog. I don't care if you're asking the question of why this character committed genocide or experimented on children receives 20% of the vote fans, please explain. Or I think my favorite Blurbo deserves more love because blank. The character doesn't have to be from a recent poll. Just might want to mention you want your post to be for Defend your Blurbo
You are welcome to respond to these posts in the comments, tags, reblogs, and any responses that are sent to my ask box. I will publish it whenever I have time. You probably want to mention which post you're referencing especially if I'm posting more than one post a week again, they will be numbered. But those responses posed will be tagged with #defend your blurbo response.
On Saturdays I will post the poll for everyone to choose what Ask they want to see that week if I post two second place will be the second Ask.
This is meant to be a good-hearted discussion amongst fans compared to the debates of Fandoms vs Illiteracy. In the long run it will probably end up replacing Fandoms vs. Illiteracy mostly because I think we scared off all those people. It only took three essays getting eviscerated for them to quit sending me those stupid essays.
I will eventually make a master list for this series. But remember I started University again. So I'm kind of busy but I will get to it eventually. I think that covers everything
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"Who's Hotter?" Fandom Wars One Piece Edition
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In defense of Portgas D. Ace, chronically shirtless and made of fire: he didn't immediately grasp the powers of the Mera Mera no Mi (One Piece Episode A, chapter 1, page 37) just to be disrespected by someone saying that he'd be so callous as to burn his partner. Considering he also routinely walks the (wooden) deck of ships without burning holes (even when excited, even when fighting), his precision and control are exact. Furthermore, his stamina is insane- can go for 3+ days without food doing hard labor (One Piece Episode A, chapter 1, page 19), and endure 5 days of nonstop combat (One Piece Episode A, chapter 2, page 37). He's a little feral freak. You take one look at him and know without a doubt that he rattles a headboard like a sailor on shore leave. He'd totally be down for whatever you want to bring to the bedroom (or table, or couch, or wall, or whatever, probably). He is in fact chronically shirtless. He falls asleep while eating. He's pathetic. He's reliable. He was a suicide risk until he was like 12. He's a great brother. He's sopping wet while simultaneously being made of fire. In conclusion, Ace is hot, I'd risk it all. 🔥✌️
This is a response to the first entry in the Defend Your Blurbo Series, which I will link. And yes, Ace is hot, but One Piece Fandom, there's a reason I have that super long post with all your tags
It just reminds me how many times I was warned to watch out for the JJK fandom because, supposedly, they're unhinged and super horny. They were going to do crazy crap and ruin my polls. Well, after running this blog for five months now, I think I can tell you JJK is nowhere close to the horniest fandom. The top spot goes to One Piece by far. If you don't believe me, read this post where I have collected so much of the crazy crap they have put in the comments and tags on my polls.
Now, I have made one of these posts for JJK. You can find it under #nicknames and funny tags. But it's nothing compared to the One Piece post
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