yallemagne ¡ 7 hours
Legit i am tired of virginity being mocked even in progressive spaces and media. No means no until you say no one too many times, until they realize it’s going to be a no forever. Everyone understands pressuring people into having sex is bad until you’re pressuring someone to have sex just once, just to try it, because are you sure you don’t want it. How can you know if you’ve never tried it? It’s suddenly fine to pressure people into having sex as long as it’s not sex with you but someone else. If you’re a virgin it’s immediately assumed it’s because no one wants you; not because of individual choice; not because of your right to consent. You spend your adolescence being told being a virgin is bad by your peers and media depicting your age group is all about sex and dating. Books, fanfiction and tv all have a scene where the bestie mocks the main character for being a virgin, a problem that must be fixed. In kinder spaces you may be told it’s fine to be a virgin in your twenties - that it is normal. But what about your 30s? Your 40s? You’re a woman and a virgin-you’re repressed. You’re a man and you’re a virgin-there must be something wrong with you. Virgins are a tragedy, pathetic, sad, ugly, weird, and unwanted. Everyone you hate is a virgin.
edit- just in case since this keeps getting notes:
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yallemagne ¡ 1 day
My brother just made me watch Planet of the Apes. So that’s where that scene from Madagascar came from.
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yallemagne ¡ 2 days
someone just commented on my ol' Castlevania fic right after I made a post talkin' shit on the show, hummm? suspicious.
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yallemagne ¡ 2 days
I finally watched Hazbin with my friend after a lovely day of cavorting around the town and I'm gonna be riding on that shit for at least... like... give it time. The songs are just so good.
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yallemagne ¡ 2 days
There is nothing quite like listening to classical music and having that buzzing thought: "this is sooo Castlevania-core"
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yallemagne ¡ 2 days
That's what happens when you're related to someone who is Dracula-pilled.
Me: Okay, my coworker has very graciously given me two free tickets to Dracula: The Musical, and since three of my coworkers are in it and they're all lovely people I will go see it with my sister even though I know it won't be a faithful adaptation. This will okay, it'll all be okay, I'm sure there's a bit of DracMina, but we can survive...
Me: *typing in Discord* Hey does anyone know how much DracMina is in this particular adaptation?
Discord friends: *HORRIFIED SCREAMING*
Me: ...I will not boo during the performance I will not boo during the performance I will not boo during the performance I will not boo during the performance I will not boo during the performance I will not boo during the performance I will not boo during the performance I will not boo during the performance I will not—
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yallemagne ¡ 2 days
Ohhh my darling. I am so sorry for what you will be subjected to.
Me: Okay, my coworker has very graciously given me two free tickets to Dracula: The Musical, and since three of my coworkers are in it and they're all lovely people I will go see it with my sister even though I know it won't be a faithful adaptation. This will okay, it'll all be okay, I'm sure there's a bit of DracMina, but we can survive...
Me: *typing in Discord* Hey does anyone know how much DracMina is in this particular adaptation?
Discord friends: *HORRIFIED SCREAMING*
Me: ...I will not boo during the performance I will not boo during the performance I will not boo during the performance I will not boo during the performance I will not boo during the performance I will not boo during the performance I will not boo during the performance I will not boo during the performance I will not—
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yallemagne ¡ 3 days
The problem with uhhh designing Steven Universe gem characters?? uhhh I uhhh I hate saturated colours. blegh blbughblgubj. I did a desaturated mockup of the tones I'm going for, and I heavily prefer the desaturated mockup to every attempt at making a proper colour palette.
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yallemagne ¡ 3 days
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look I made a colored gif all by myself
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yallemagne ¡ 3 days
#never played the games #but I tried the show #got to the second or third episode #but the blatant anti-church attitude was overwhelming #like i think on the second episode #the MC comes across two priests dragging a guy into an alley to kill him #like... what #and then they invented a new fictional organization to be the good guys in the apocalypse #THE CHURCH WOULD STEP UP TO THAT ROLE #thats when i stopped watching (elgringo300)
I hope you'll forgive me copy-pasting your tags.
YEAH. Listen, any vampire media that tries to go grimdark is the most baby shit. It's stupid. Any vampire media that utters the sentence "your god can't help you now"??? Go sit in the corner with that shit. It's like a kid on the playground playing rock paper scissors and they pick rock and someone else picks paper and they throw a fit and say "NUH UH! I use rock and sticks to start a fire and set paper on fire!!". If you are making something that involves vampires, you simply are not allowed to take yourself that seriously because you'll sound like a twelve-year-old that just found out about atheism. I should know, I was one once.
Besides that rule I have for enjoyable media, yeah. The anti-church messaging is incredibly wretched. All the church politics and the excommunication of the Belmonts was a load of horse crap.
The Belmonts (in game lore) were feared and somewhat reviled in Transylvania, they were like the Addams Family of the time, but the Church had those motherfuckers on speed dial because they knew those fuckers were the only ones who could take on Dracula (save for a few exceptions).
And Sypha was literally raised by the Church because Carmilla had her family put on trial for being witches (hint: every time someone is killed for being a witch in Castlevania? It's because of vampires). Then she was conscripted by the Church to aid Trevor Belmont in defeating Dracula. YEP, the Church canonically granted sanctuary to and then hired a WITCH. Because they were shady in the way that like, they hired people who were rejected by the community and took credit once the battle was won. Not so shady they murder every person who could kill vampires.
Like, if Netflix wanted to do something interesting with the Church, Dracula in the show IS The Impaler. He just IS Vlad Dracula Tepeş. He has bodies impaled on his front lawn. And the real man's war crimes were like... church-sanctioned. Delve into that? How does the Church and everyone else feel about that whoopsie?
Anyhow this show was fucking dumb. The only valid part was when they had Isaac exploring his Muslim faith. That plotline felt like it was written by someone over the age of nine. Because that's a thing!! Other faiths!! Those exist wow woohoo. An adult take on religion in an adult show about vampires is exploring how different faiths coexist and the meaning they have to their people in a world where demons run amok. Instead, they just go "God is dead" or whatever and focus too heavily on debunking Catholicism. I'm an atheist and I find it insulting to my intelligence. If a show cannot make vampires scary without debuffing literal god, that displays a lack of creativity.
I get into spoilers because holy shit I hate this wannabe Game of Thrones grimdark fantasy nonsense so much in hindsight.
Again I have to rant about the bullshit that is them trying to downplay the divine in a show about vampires. They try to make it out to be that only hell and demons exist, like there is no real divinity. Meanwhile, Trevor has some RANDOM PRIEST make holy water and IT WORKS. You cannot write a show where God isn't real or God is real but the Church has completely lost favour AND THEN HAVE A PRIEST MAKE HOLY WATER. And they did it twice!! A ZOMBIE PRIEST MADE A SEA OF HOLY WATER.
Also, they downgrade Death from being GOD OF DEATH to being some?? spirit that feeds on death?? their explanation was dumb and rushed.
And they try to explain away the reason why crosses work against vampires in a scene where they're like "here is this cross-shaped boomerang (a projectile from the games) from India" and Sypha is like "durr but Christianity doesn't exist there, holy symbols wouldn't work on Indian vampires" MA'AM YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE!!! HAVE YOU HEARD OF ST. THOMAS?????? Also just ignoring the existence of other religions.
May I ask your thoughts on Lords of Shadow Dracula?
Oh, I love him.
joipegr For as much shit as I give any sympathetic take on Dracula, this was one that I could stand. Mostly because of the circumstances. At least the creators divorced him so much from the original Castlevania Dracula that it feels earned. And, obviously, he's so far removed from Book Dracula that it's redundant to even point it out. They don't even call him Dracula, they call him Dracul.
So, Gabriel Belmont, right? He's in this thing called the Brotherhood of Light-- they're kind of morally grey despite the name. He's trying to defeat the Lords of Shadow so he'll be able to resurrect his dead wife who is stuck in limbo. Totally fair. See, some fantasy men lose their wives and they know how to be pragmatic about it. But it turns out that he actually can't resurrect his wife, whoops. So he takes up the name Dracul and ends up becoming the Prince of Darkness. The vibe is sort of that, no matter what, there need to be dark forces in the world they're living in, and Gabriel is the man for the job because he can keep the rest of them in check.
I think Protagonist Dracula works in Lords of Shadow because he's a Belmont in both name and function. We're rooting for him because he's gonna kill Satan, not God. In fact, he's God's silly little guy, God loves him and that's why prayer and stuff don't harm him.
It's similar, but of course not perfectly so, to Soma Cruz- the final reincarnation of Dracula in the original Castlevania timeline. In Aria and Dawn of Sorrow, he fights through an evil castle just like the Belmonts do all with the goal of preventing some cultists from turning him or some other dude into Dracula.
Compare all this to Netflixvania Dracula, who is played in too sympathetic of a light for any of his actions to feel in character. He's not evil enough, he's just a sad little man who wants to take the entire world out with him, and that's just pathetic. You watch him and his sulking and think "babe, if you want to die that bad, just do it". And then he does. He forces his son to kill him in the least climactic death ever. Boring. Why couldn't you have just died earlier, old man?
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yallemagne ¡ 3 days
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sorry gang im on drawfee crossposting duty until im caught up on work lol
excited to be doing trans rigs again! and ofc pride shirt and sticker are available here :3
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yallemagne ¡ 4 days
“Want me to cook?”
“Yes, please.”
I was asking out of courtesy I don’t want to fixkingnm cook and then wait twenty minutes for you to eat and then put up the food and then wash the dishes and then fixkcidndnsm
“Hey, dinner’s ready.”
“I’m kinda in my zone, so.”
Is it irrational that I’m mad? Actually no because one time RECENTLY (so I’m not digging up old shit) I was in the middle of a therapy appointment and she got food (didn’t cook it bc she never does) but she left it on the STOVE AND SO IT WAS GONE BY THE TIME MY APPOINTMENT WAS DONE I SHOULD FEED HER FUCKIN PORTION TO THE DOGS.
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yallemagne ¡ 4 days
Chapter 39: 5 October part 2
“He is a young man, full of energy and talent in his own way, and of a very faithful disposition. He is discreet and silent, and has grown into manhood in my service. He shall be ready to attend on you when you will during his stay, and shall take your instructions in all matters.”
That is what Mr. Hawkins promised Count Dracula when he sent Jonathan to work for him. The Count, as expected, takes advantage of this.
For the anon that requested I post whenever I update. Unfortunately, linking a single chapter of a multi-chapter work displays the link as “Show Chapter” and that pisses me off. So here’s the full fic, and I suppose I might just reblog this post whenever I update for simplicity’s sake. If there’s a better system of doing this, feel free to tell me. 
For those who have already been reading: Chapter 15: 26 September continued
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yallemagne ¡ 4 days
Every so often, the same fucking post roles up on my dash. And since it's Pride Month? You know what it's about.
Now, I will be frank, any time I see someone crying "you can't use queer for yourself because I don't want to be called a slur!!!" I do roll my eyes, though that doesn't mean I don't understand the concept.
When I didn't even know who I was, I had plenty of terms thrown at me that didn't fit. People didn't know what to call me so usually they just called me gay. I didn't like being called gay because it wasn't who I was. Gay implied something about both my gender and my sexuality that wasn't true... but I didn't know the truth yet. I could hardly correct people.
Eventually, I figured out that my ambivalence to either gender didn't mean I was bi without a preference but that I was asexual. I explained this to people who would try to categorize me as gay, "No, actually, I'm asexual.", and I would then explain the concept of asexuality. This led to sexual harassment. Getting dressed in the locker room and being told what sexual positions people imagined me in and with whom. Being made to feel like I was the pervert in those situations.
And now saying I'm ace still gets a similar response just from what I hope is a more well-meaning crowd.
"Well, ace people can have sex/want to have sex. Are you sure you're not demi/greyace? You've never even tried sex, so you don't know." Congrats for vaguely understanding the concept of a spectrum. I personally use the dictionary definition of asexual, so I do not partake in sex nor desire to.
"Well, ace people can date/want to date. You have to say ace/aro or I'll just assume you're heteroromantic." No, because for me, unless explicitly stated otherwise, asexual and aromantic are a package deal. You wouldn't demand this same clarification from someone of any other sexuality.
It's a frustrating situation where even when I am clear and using a community-approved label for myself, I am still sexualized and pressured into seeking a relationship, and it puts me back into the mind of the kid who was bullied in the locker room. That doesn't mean that ace people on the opposite side of the spectrum or with different romantic attractions are my enemy. It just means we're different, and it's lovely that we're different, and the people who attempt to weaponize the speculative chance that an ace person might be down to fuck in order to pressure that person into sex are the real assholes.
I didn't know I was trans for the longest time because gender-nonconforming trans people were paraded around as freaks and the gender-conforming ones were just barely safe from scrutiny so long as they weren't associating with those people. But I eventually figured out that I'm genderqueer. I tend to say trans-masc nonbinary, but a more encompassing label might be genderqueer, and I drop the "gender" part and say queer because it embodies my gender identity and sexuality paired together, not separated into neat little boxes.
From my own queer perspective, the frustration with being told not to use the word queer is that we either have to pick from the four most recognizable labels (lesbian, gay, bi, and trans), dip into the bargain bin of obscure and often unaccepted labels, or make up something new. We're often told that we don't fit into the big four categories, that we are a disgrace to those. Obscure labels constantly have to be explained, and people turn their noses up upon hearing them. And making up a new label always has the risk of it being swept from under us and us being told by our more "acceptable" counterparts: "Your identity offends. Change it."
People saw my gender presentation and lack of interest in dating and picked words they already knew to describe me, and since those words didn't fit me, I felt even more isolated in a time when I needed support. I got my hair cut in middle school, and it was like I was finally moving in the right direction. My friend saw and the first thing she did was laugh at me, calling me a dyke. That does not give me the right to tell dykes "Hey! That word hurt me! You have to use the softer word "lesbian" instead." Besides, it wasn't the word, it was the intent of the person who threw it at me.
No one reclaiming the word queer is using it as a slur, but we are villified and told "That word hurt me! Use a softer word!" And I have to ask: is it really any one of you non-queer-identifying individuals' business? You see someone in the process of loving themselves and finding themselves in a diverse community, and you want to shatter that because you were hurt before? That's villain origin story shit. You want to poison the well because if people are allowed to call themselves queer more people will know the word queer and think it's okay to say and randos will think that you are queer and use queer to describe you when you're actually lesbian, gay, bi, trans, whatever label you prefer. But just because someone might misidentify you doesn't mean other identities need to be pushed back into the closet.
And of course, some are upset because people say Queer Community and it's called Queer History rather than being separated out into Gay History, Lesbian History, Bisexual History, Trans History--- but dude? You can still say LGBT or LGBTQ or LGBTQIA+ (though, if you hate the word queer, I guess you'd only accept the first acronym?) when referring to the community, and people will NEVER stop using the acronym. You aren't being run out by us scary queer people with our nasty labels, YOURS STILL EXIST AND YOU ARE STILL FREE TO LABEL YOURSELF AS YOU PLEASE. Does that mean no one will ever unknowingly group you in as queer when you're not comfortable with it? No. But... I'm sorry... but fucking suck it up.
You aren't queer? Okay, yeah, I accept that. I am queer. That doesn't make you a good person and me a bad person or vice versa.
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yallemagne ¡ 5 days
Every time I go back to read my writing, look at my art... I fall in love with myself.
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yallemagne ¡ 5 days
I haven't touched my DS in like a million years. Found it in my closet while trying to look for my backup stylus and just tested to see if it was alive. It's not dead. It's like half charged. Meanwhile, I step away from my Switch for a week, and it's dead to the world, battery completely drained even when I completely shut it down. How.
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yallemagne ¡ 6 days
i fucking reset my goddamn shit i updated the software THERE IS NO NIB IN THE FUKING PEN AND IT IS STILL DRAWING IT'S NOT GIOJSPDIGrae IT'S ACTING LIKE THERE'S AN INPUT THERE IS NO INPUT I HOLD MY NIBLESS PEN OVER THE TABLET AND IT DRAWIS i fucking want to die why is this happening to me.
my drawin g tablet pen is broken i am going to kill god and everything nothing will fucking remaing
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