Damn, don't know what happened, but my blog just took a HUGE spike in activity lol
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Hi!!! I absolutely love your writing,ok that’s it Love you!!! 💗💗💗
Aww, thank you!!!!!! I'm glad you like it <3
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just wanted to lyk that you have a minor following you !! their name is pika332
Thank you! I've blocked them and thankfully they don't follow any of my other accounts.
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I Can't Lose You
Summary: After almost losing you, Five goes through extreme measures to make sure you're safe Pairings: Yandere! Five Hargreeves x Reader Tw/Cw: Protective Five, Open-ending
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It all happened so fast, even for Five. If he had seen it coming, he would have gotten you out of there, but he wasn't expecting those stupid white-haired brothers to show up. When you had been shot, thankfully nowhere vital, he nearly lost it. Past Five would have killed them, but you were his priority, so he made sure to get you out of there.
"Oh, god- Fuck, are you okay?" It's not a real question, just something to bring Five some sort of comfort. He rips off sleeves, before pushing the fabric on your wound, hoping to control the blood, instead of having his hands get bloody trying.
"Five," You grab his bicep, causing him to look up at you. "I'm fine."
He frowns, letting go of the make-shift sleeve bandage he had made. He lifts up his blood-covered hands, "Fine? You're bleeding out because you were shot. What the fuck were you thinking?" He's angry and he knows he shouldn't direct it at you, but he hates the feeling of worry, guilt, and fear you made him feel.
"What was *I* thinking? What do you mean WHAT WAS I THINKING?! I didn't shoot MYSELF!"
He groans, putting his hands back on the wound. He doesn't respond to your words, frustrating you.
He looks up at you, his eyes down casted and a frown overtaking his face. He sighs, pushing a hand through his hair, "I was just..." He pulls his hands down his face, "Forget it- It's nothing. Don't worry about what I said."
You were a little taken aback, because if there's one thing about Five, it's that he stuck by what he said.
You awoke in a bed, looking around the strange room. You were alone and your wound was patched up. You click your tongue, before sitting up and yawning while rubbing the side of your face. You move to the side of the bed, finally standing off, before holding the side of your stomach when a sharp pain shoots through you.
You hear the click of the door and quickly look towards it. It was Five and he had a muffin- or at least what looked like a muffin.
He looks up at you, before quickly coming over to you and making you sit back down, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
Your brows scrunch as you shrug, "I was just going to walk and move a little-"
"No, just stay here. You're safe here."
You roll your eyes, before crossing your arms. Why was he being like this? He was acting like you were a porcelain doll that would break if grabbed to hard.
He ignores your pouting before handing you the muffin. "Here, I got you something to eat. And drink the water," He gestures to a water bottle that was on the nightstand, "You lost a lot of blood. You're going to have to be more careful, because I don't want to bandage you up again." He looks up at you before an annoyed look overtakes his face, "Do you know how embarrassing and hard it was to explain when they asked why you didn't have a shirt on and my hands all over you while you were unconscious?"
"What happened to them?"
"Who- The Swedes?" He tilts his head, before looking at your covered wound, "They left after you were shot. I think they think you're dead."
"Because they're idiots," He shakes his head like it was the most obvious answer. "Though, that's good for us. If they think you're dead, they won't come after you and you'll be safe."
"Sounds like you're telling me to stay inside to be 'safe'." You joke but by the way Five looked back up at you it wasn't a joke. You quickly stand up, "You're kidding- I'm not staying here-"
He stands up, pushing you back down on the bed, "Yes you are. You're safe here- This is were you're staying and I don't care if that upsets you."
"You can't control me!" You yell at him, which causes his face to scrunch up.
"So, you think. You're not leaving my sight or out of where I know you are."
"So you think locking me up will keep me safe?"
"Why! It was one time!"
He turns away from you, holding his face in his hands. He couldn't talk to you. Not now. He was to caught up and he'd say something he'd regret.
"What are you so afraid of?"
He finally breaks and turns towards you, "Because I can't lose you! You almost died! Okay, are you happy?! Fuck," His nails dig into his scalp and he looks away from you. He rubs his temple before sighing, "I don't... know what I'd if I lost you and.... Well, for the first time in my life, I was scared."
You're surprised by his confession, especially since he never told you his feelings before.
"Oh? That's it?" He looks back at you surprised.
You shake your head, "I'm just surprised."
"Yeah," He sits on the edge of the bed, before fiddling with your hand, "You know, when you were bleeding out it was awful." You looked at your hands that were now intertwined, "I know I don't say it, but I do care about you and I just want you to be safe."
"Yeah, I know, but I can defend myself. There's nothing for you to be worried about."
"Yeah, I know... But I can't help it."
"Yeah, you do worry a lot, but I promise nothing bad's going to happen."
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Lila Pitts Headcanons
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This broad is crazy
She met you at a party and was drawn to you
She wasn't sure why, but she was going to find out
Stalks you hard core
Approaches you at your favorite place and you were taken aback, because this girl was acting as if she knew you
She appeals to you. Being exactly the kind of friend you need
If you are having a problem or need to talk, she's always there
Say it's raining and you forgot your umbrella- Oh, look, it's Lila and she has an umbrella. How coincidental!
She knows what to say and what to do to get you to like her
Extremely manipulative
Kills anyone that gets to close to you or if she sees them as a threat
Comes off really friendly and fun, but in reality, she'll snap a bitch's neck if she even looks at you wrong
Very protective over you
She wants to drag you along on all her crazy shenanigans
Loves to dress you up and style you to her desire
Be her little doll and let her do as she wants
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Drunk! Five Hargreeves Headcanons/One-shot
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He becomes super clingy and giggly
He can't walk straight and ends up just falling into you
Eyes are swarmed with an unknown emotion and a stupid smile takes over his face
"Have I ever told you how pretty you are?" He giggles, poking your nose with a 'bop'
His personality has taken a 180
His nails practically dig into your skin as he tries to hold onto you
Drinking is one of the things he overindulges in and you have to stop him
His hands are all over you, touching you, feeling you, holding you
He's not usually so affectionate, so it takes you by surprise
"Kiss me, please," he slurs his words, his lips puckering to kiss you, but you push him back slightly
You help him to his bedroom, as he tries to fight you, because he doesn't want to go to bed, he wants to stay up with you
You have to go with him for him to go to his room
As you go to leave, he reaches for you, "Please don't leave-"
You roam the halls looking for Five after his brother's wedding. You had seen him throwing back drink after drink, so you were worried that he was off somewhere black-out drunk. You heard light moaning and groaning coming from a far back room and you slowly opened the door to see Five sitting in a corner. His hair was a mess along with his shirt and tie.
He looked up slightly when hearing the door open. His eyes widened when seeing you; He tries to stand up, but ends up falling over and groaning.
"God, you are so drunk."
"I... I mam nost druuunk," his voice slurs as he speaks, causing his words to intertwine with each other.
"Uhuh," You walk over to him, grabbing his hand and helping him up. He leans into you, his head falling onto your shoulder. "I'm taking you to your room."
He adamantly shakes his head, "Noooo, no. I'm not tired."
You looked up at him, his body weight now pressing down at you, since he couldn't stand on his own. Your brows frown when seeing his eyes close and you roll your eyes. "You're so drunk, you don't realize that you're falling asleep right now."
He shakes his head, not able to vocally respond. Granted, even though was denying his sleepyness, he followed you to his room.
You slowly open the door, before shutting it with your foot when you both get in. He hangs off of you as you lead him to his bed and laying him down.
"Alright, Five. Try not to die in your sleep," You turn to leave, but you're stopped by a hand; His hand. He grabbed you, tightly, and was looking up at you with sleepy eyes.
"Please... Stay. Don't leave."
"You want me to stay?" You get out, ignoring his nails digging into your wrist.
He slowly blinks, trying to process what he was going to say next. He hums, before finally responding, "Yeah.. I want you to stay."
Before you can respond though, he yanks you towards him, holding you close against him. You sighed but ultimately accepted your fate. Hopefully, sober Five wouldn't question why he was entangled with you in a cuddle. Though knowing him, he probably would adamantly deny wanting to hold you close. But as they say, drunk actions are sober thoughts
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Klaus Hargreeves Headcanons
Tw: Possible spoilers if you haven't seen past like Season 1/Season 2 [Like me], Suicidal thoughts/indications, [Also, just found out (because I remembered reading about it and searched it up) that Klaus uses 'They/Them' pronouns, so that's what I'll refer to them from now on out. I apologize for the inconvenience/misgendering Klaus]
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God, they have such a whirlwind of emotion [Talk abt whiplash]
They would do anything for you and I mean ANYTHING [Previously, they would have died for you, but... since they can't die anymore...]
They're very clingy and needy
Always wants to hold you
Big cuddler. Probably small spoon because they like being held
In the height of their addiction, they avoid you, because they don't want you to see them like that
You'll have to go searching for them and you'll probably find them in an alley
They're just surprised you haven't left them yet
They get insecure rather quickly, so they are always asking for reassurance
Klaus feels like they don't deserve you, because you're so understanding and kind and... well, you're to good for them
You're everything they wanted as a child and it means so much to them that they have you now
Whenever they're sober, they'll talk to any dead person you want. It's the only time they're power actually works, because they want to make you happy
If you were to die, they would not take it well, but it would push them to get sober so they can talk to you
^ At first they're worried, because what if you don't want to talk to them?
^ Goes to your grave everyday, trying to talk to you
^ They want to get better for you and they wished they could have done it when you were alive
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Okay but jealous yandere diego.... 😋🤭
Oh? He's always been one of my favs lol
You'll love my recent post lol
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He wants to burn these feelings
He's not a very calm person to begin with, so these feelings just make him jump even further into his aggression
Starts imaging all the ways he could kill the guy
Wants to cut them up with his dozens of daggers while they scream in pain
He doesn't feel as jealous if it's one of his siblings [Unless it's (Pre-transition) Viktor or Luther in s1, because he hates both of them. But as time goes on, he comes to see them as some of his closest family :)]
If it's Klaus that you're talking to, he's more annoyed, because while he loves Klaus, Klaus is a terrible influence for someone like you
Believe it or not, he doesn't like being jealous
His whole life he always felt like he was never good enough, so if you're flirting with someone else, it just beings back those feelings of being a disappointment and neglect
He's mad at the person, but he's also mad at you, because there's a part of him that feels like it's your fault [It's not]
He knows that it's not your fault, but he can't help that voice in the back of his head. The one he's had since he was a child that's been telling him he's not good enough
Although, if you make him feel like he's good enough, the jealous feeling will diminish rather quickly
He just needs a little love
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When They Get Jealous
Summary: What happens when they someone flirting with you and they get jealous? Characters: Luther Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves & Lila Pitts, Allison Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves, Five Hargreeves, Ben Hargreeves, Viktor Hargreeves, Marcus Hargreeves, Sparrow! Ben Hargreeves, Fei Hargreeves, Sloane Hargreeves, Jayme Hargreeves Tw: Violence, Emotional Manipulation, Su!c!dal indications
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Luther Hargreeves
Kind of insecure
He's also angry and crushes whatever he's holding in his hands
He's surprised when looking down at the crushed item
Then he becomes annoyed
He'll go to the bathroom to clean up and you'll quickly follow him
"Are you okay?"
He's surprised by your presence and the fact that you followed him
He'll then feel bad about his feelings before
You would never hurt him and he knows that, so why would he even feel that way? You've never done anything to justify that feeling
"Um... Nothing, I accidently- uh, crushed this thing- You know... Strength issues..."
You'll help him clean up/patch up and it makes Luther guilty and he momentarily forgets about the previous feeling... At least until next time
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Deigo Hargreeves & Lila Pitts
What a duo
Lila definitely filled Diego's head with delusions and will convince him to do something stupid [Like kill the person flirting w/ you] while she hides the body
Lila takes it better, but inside she's more pissed than Diego
Diego is mad at you and won't talk to you. You'll have to profusely apologize and prove to him you care, otherwise he won't speak to you. Trust, he can hold a grudge
Lila, on the other hand, is very extroverted and will go over to where you are and talk to the person who was flirting with you
There's is definitely tension in the air, even though it doesn't show on her face
She's all smiles and happy, but it doesn't show in her eyes
Deigo is mad, but Lila sees it as an opportunity to manipulate you [She also wants a reason to kill somone]
You try and talk back and she'll bring up how sad it makes them when people flirt with you and she'll emotionally manipulate into feeling bad
You didn't like the person but... maybe she's right? I mean- you didn't exactly tell the person no or that you were taken, but you had asked them to stop.... Was that enough?
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Allison Hargreeves
Oh, no no no nononononono
She is NOT letting that happen
The person who's flirting with you must have a death wish
She doesn't want to use her powers, but...
Well, she really has to fight the urge
She looks very sweet and kind, so she can just come into the conversation and play nice girl
She'll drag you off, talking about needing your help or something, while apologizing for taking you away [But she doesn't really mean it]
You won't even notice she's mad until you're alone
She'll accuse you of cheating or trying to leave her
You're taken by surprise, but don't even try and fight her, because she's in a very low/depressive state, so she'd be easy to push into doing something drastic
So, you'll have to wait until she feels better to confront her
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Klaus Hargreeves
They already assume you don't love them, so this just fills this delusion they have
It really bums them out and they get super depressed
They get extra clingy whenever they get you alone
They're usually pretty clingy, so you don't think about it to much
Until, they start whining about the guy at the bar
They'll ask you if you like them [Flirter] more than them [Klaus]
You'll tell them no, but they don't believe you
They'll emotion manipulate you saying that you probably hate them and if you ever leave them, they'll kill themselves
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Five Hargreeves
Someone flirting with you? Do they have a death wish??
Not afraid to kill a man or women. He doesn't care
The only issue is he'd never admit his jealousy. You have to confront him and at first he'll deny it, but if you keep pushing he'll get pissed and yell 'You know what- I am jealous! So what!?!'
You're surprised he admitted it, but that's the only time you're getting it
He'll deny saying it and gaslight you into thinking it never happened
He will kill them, he just needs a little time, which he has plenty of
It is bloody, gory and gruesome
No one will find the body, but he'll make sure you know the person is dead and it's all your fault
He'll make sure you never do it again because he hates this feeling and it bothers the hell out of him
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Ben Hargreeves
He wasn't really having fun at the party, so when seeing someone hit on you, it just made his night worse
He's scared you'll realize that he's not good enough
He hates the icky feeling in his stomach and it only continues to grow
Though it does make the feeling subside when seeing you roll your eyes and push the person out of the way before heading towards him
It makes him giddy and smile; Like a school boy
The fact that you'd chose him over everyone else really fuels his obsession, so be warned
When you get to him, you complain about the person
"Did you see them?"
He'll pretend that he wasn't paying attention and you gasp, before sitting down and ranting about how stupid that person was
He practically has hearts in his eyes and he looks at you like you're the only person in the world, which to him you are
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Viktor Hargreeves
He's annoyed, but he's not going to do anything drastic [Or at least he tries]
He wants to do something, but he doesn't really know what to do, because he's never had like a good relationship
He watches sadden from afar before wallowing in his own self pity
Though, after everything that has happened, he is a little bit more confident it just takes some working up before he can go over to you
He'll debate about it for a few though. Like he'll sit up, but quickly sit back down and do it over again until he finally gathers the courage to approach you
He'll finally approach you, thinking of what he's going to do as he approaches you, but when he finally approaches you he's still lost on what to do
He'll just act and kiss you infront of the person, which takes the flirter by surprise
The flirter will apologize and end up leaving you alone
You're surprised by Viktor's brazen behavior, but it's also kind of a turn on and he'll kiss you again before you can comment on it
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Marcus Hargreeves
He doesn't get 'jealous'
That word isn't even in his dictionary
Well, that was until he saw a guy flirting with you
What is this feeling???
It's an icky feeling that he doesn't like it
He'll put an end to it quickly [Both the flirting and the feeling]
You're kind of taken aback when Marcus comes up to you and pulls you away from the conversation
He would have folded his way into the conversation, but he would have been passive aggressive
You try and ask him what's wrong, but he's quick to deflect the conversation
He'll push the feeling deep down and it'll come up when you both get into a fight
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Sparrow! Ben Hargreeves
He's furious
If he wasn't busy nursing his drink, he probably would have knocked the guy out. Thankfully he's drunk and not sober
Though he can't help the thoughts in his mind... Violent thoughts
The thoughts will become a lot and he has to leave
He's mad at the person, but then he starts thinking and he suddenly becomes mad at you
How come you didn't tell them to back off????
He becomes slightly insecure but he fights that feeling and it becomes overcome with anger
He'll end up leaving without you, because he needs time to be alone and think
Though, this just makes his feelings worse. While he's drunk he's sad and depressed, but when he becomes sober, his emotions quickly turn to anger and he wants to confront you
So, when he sees you again he's anger has already been bubbling up and he blows up
You're taken aback and kind of scared because he's so mad and he's yelling and you can't even decipher what he's talking about
He needs some time to cool off, but he can't be alone, because his feelings will cool off
You'll go to another room while he cools off, so that he knows you're still around, but you're not alone together
He will eventually calm down and apologize for his behavior, but not with words, but like subtle actions, gifts, and such
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Fei Hargreeves
You don't even know she's jealous, because she hides it so well
She's kind of scary looking, so no-one has approached her
She takes her jealousy pretty well and doesn't let it bother her
It just kind of rolls off her back
She's confident and knows who she is and what she wants, so she's not threatened by some nobody trying to hit on you
Though, if she sees you getting uncomfortable, she will step in
Thanks to her looks, they back off rather quickly
It's rather silly to her and she finds the whole thing stupid
She takes it the best and doesn't let it bother her
10/10 best girlfriend <3
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Sloane Hargreeves
She's a sweet girl and doesn't deserve to be sad
She's a hopeless romantic, so when she sees people flirting and being cute, she instantly is like 'Awww' until she realizes it's you
Then she's mad and her mind races with multiple different scenario
What if you leave her?
Oh god, what if you don't love her anymore?
What if you click with them so well that you think they're you're soul mate and you leave he-
She shakes her head, before standing up
She fixes her hair, before putting on her brightest smile and approaching you
She's very beautiful, so they person who was hitting on you will turn and flirt with her too
She'll become annoyed, because they were just hitting on you and now they're hitting on her? Were you not good enough for them???
Who did they think they were?
Instead of being mad that they were flirting with you, she's mad they STOPPED flirting with you to flirt with her
You're incredible, so she's confused why they don't realize that
She calls them on it and you're really flattered, but you have to drag her away, so she doesn't get to carried away
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Jayme Hargreeves
It's more of an annoyance
She doesn't think about it to much
She's probably the only one who WILL come up to you and interrupt your conversation in a rude way
If the flirter is rude to her she'll use her powers and pull you away from them
It all happens so fast, you don't even process it until you're back at the house
"What the hell was that???"
She doesn't even turn to you, but you do here her make a sound of confusion
Your brows frown, and you groan, "Why did you use your powers on that person"
"Why were you flirting with them?" Still she hasn't turned towards you
"I wasn't flirting with them!"
She keeps her cool, making brash accusations, which causes you to get angry and by the end of it she makes it seem like YOU are the crazy one
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Y/n: I think I'm falling for you Five: Then get up Y/n: Right, why didn't I think of that? How stupid of me
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OoOoOo a five x reader where the reader is just as much of a serial killer as him🤷🏾
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Another request from Dec 2021 😭 Lol I wish I could see the look of confusion on your face when you get the notification for this post
He never could have seen this coming. He thought you were a nice sweet girl who could never do any wrong
So imagine his surprise when you just shoot someone with no explanation. Just pin point blank
He's old af, he's seen a lot, and not much can shock him, but you did
And every time you kill someone, he's surprised. He doesn't know why he's shocked everytime, but he forgets you're a killer until you do it
It kind of turns him on a little, but he would never admit it thanks to his pride
It does get a little much when you just kill a guy to kill a guy
^ Like no reason, just that he was annoying. Thankfully, Five calmed you down and you didn't do it.
Has to stop you from going to jail or worse getting killed
You need some impulse control and Five is NOT the guy to teach you, because he doesn't have any
Definitely gets in 'Mom' mode when you're about to get in trouble
"Uh-uh, don't do that, Y/n. You'll get in trouble"
"Y/n, if you do that you'll get hurt"
Though, sometimes he won't stop you. He'll watch you do whatever is with a blank stare and then when what he said would happen happens, he kind of smirks as you come to him for help
It's definitely an ego boost for him
Helps you clean up the blood and likes seeing you in blood
Might even teach you how to kill more effectively, so you make less of a mess [Mainly because he hates cleaning it up]
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Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These
Summary: Five can't keep from dreaming about you, much to his annoyance Pairings: Five Hargreeves x Fem! Reader Tw: Yandere, Mean! Five, Fluff
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Five hasn't been able to sleep lately, because his mind was consumed with thoughts of a woman he didn't like. He'd rather never sleep again than even dream of her for a second. He didn't know why she was taking up his mind; Maybe it was some kind of curse? Yes, she was doing something to him and he didn't like it. No- no, he didn't.
He stared blankly at the ceiling, his mind racing with her. He groaned, gripping his hair, his nails digging into his scalp. He rubs his temple, before stretching his face and sitting up. He rubbed his jaw, his mind wandering back to the subject of his dreams; Which only caused his anger to rise.
He fell onto his bed, his arms stretched out. You were in the next room, so he could easily solve his problem, but he was much to prideful to ever even admit he had any kind of positive feelings for you.
He heard some noises outside of his door and decided to investigate. He peaked out the door to see you standing there. You sighed in relief, as you leaned on his door.
"Thank god you're awake. I can't sleep and I knew you'd probably be awake."
"And why would I want to be with you?"
"When have I ever let your asshole mood stop me from worming into your life?"
"It's one of the many things I hate about you."
"I know that's not true."
You were right, but he would never admit that. Not to himself and never to you.
"I think you just say that to keep up your 'douche-bag, I don't care, loner boy' persona. But, that's not why I came here."
"Oh? I thought you love reading people, even if you're wrong."
"Well, I came to see you, because believe it or not, I do like you."
"What?" You look at him, confused.
He doesn't look at you, instead opting to look at his hands, "Why do you like me?"
"Um... Well-" You let out a chuckle. "You're really smart. You act like you don't care, but I know deep down you would do anything for the people you care about... Um... what else?" Your eyes scan the ceiling before your eyes widen and you look towards him, "Oh! Sometimes you're attractive, especially covered in blood."
He finally looks at you, an unknown emotion swarming in his eyes, "Yeah?"
"Yeah." You smile, "But I really like you for you. You know? There's no one else I'd rather spend the end of the world with."
He smiles, but it quickly goes away, "So... What did you want?"
"Oh, right. The dreams..."
"Right." He doesn't need you to continue. Unlike his dreams that were filled with you and a happy life with you, yours were filled with destruction, blood, death; In other words the future. Your mind couldn't get off of the end of the world. "Do you want to stay in here with me? I'll watch you and wake you up if it looks like you're having nightmare."
"I don't want you to watch me sleep. I just wanted to.... I don't know."
"You don't know what you want?"
"No, that's not what I mean. I just... I wanted to be near you." You look down at your hands, before looking at him, "Because believe it or not, I really like you."
"Well, it's a good thing I really like you, too."
"I know, Five. I know."
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Ok hear me out😬
Yandere five x reader but the reader is the more dominant of the two. But because Five loves the reader so much he doesn't mind
This reminds me of Spike's "I love the kind of woman that would actually just kill me" line🤭
I went a little different route This was requested before he told Lila 'I prefer a woman who won't kill me' [Dec. 2021 so before Season 3]
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You were staring at each other, your eyes wide and his were passing between you and the dead body behind you. It was silent for a few minutes and there was a part of you that knew it was over for you.
"That's it? That's all you have to say is 'Hmmm'?"
He looks up at you, tilting his head, "Um... I guess I'm a little surprised, but uh- it's just a dead girl, not a dead president."
"Oh?" You look back at the body, "I think it's close enough. A dead body is still a dead body."
"So how were you planning to get rid of the body?" He crosses his arms, giving you an annoyed look.
You bite your lip, "Uh... I didn't think that far ahead."
Five rolls his eyes, shaking his head, "Okay, I'll handle it."
"You always do."
You yawn, before looking over at Five, who was reading a book. "So what did you do with her body?"
He doesn't look up at you, instead flipping the page. He hums in acknowledgement, but doesn't answer your question, maybe it was for the best. You flip over on your side, which catches his attention.
"You're going to sleep.''
You look over your shoulder, slowly blinking at him, "Yeah? Is that okay?"
"I guess. Pretty early. Murdering makes you sleepy?"
You roll your eyes, groaning, "It was an accident."
He laughs, causing you to glare at him and he quickly hushes up.
"Turn off the lamp when you're done."
"Yes ma'am." He mocks as you slowly drift to sleep.
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crying because i always have imagined when writing reader x five was for reader to be a stoner and five just rolls his eyes and stops them from getting high regularly
five : is that a cigarette?
reader : noooo…. its klaus’ cigarette…..
five : give me the cig.
reader : cmonnnnn whats better then being high? you????
five : [sigh] ask yourself that, hand it over.
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Been in the drafts since July.... 2022
Five didn't want you to end up like his brother. He saw how it destroyed his brother's life and he would be damned if he'd let you go down that same path. He may not have been able to stop his brother from falling into that pit, but he sure as hell will help you.
Klaus indulges/enables you, which annoys Five to no end. He tries to keep you away from Klaus and have as few interactions with him as possible. He doesn't know how to express his emotions/feelings, so he has a hard time expressing himself to you and telling you he worries about you. You think he's being aggressive when in reality that's his way of showing he cares.
Whenever he catches you smoking with Klaus, he's quick to put a stop to it and pretty much scold you like a child. You are never alone with Klaus; Five is always there, no matter where you are. When Klaus does end up getting better, Five is more than excited, because for whatever reason you look up to Klaus and will take after him.
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Happy 20th Birthday to Me <3
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Feel Your Insides
Summary: Ben tries so hard to control himself, but it's so hard when you let him in Pairings: Yandere! Sparrow! Ben Hargreeves x Fem! Reader Tw: Light Dubious Consent, NSFW, Alcohol, Mean! Jayme, Mentioned! Tentacle stuff, Flirty Ben
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He needed to get out of the house. He didn't care where he went, he just needed to get away. So, why was he standing outside of a familiar girl's apartment as she struggled with getting the door open. It all started a few weeks ago-
He wanted to drink, so he went to a local pub and that's when he saw her. She was sitting by herself with a few glasses on the table infront of her. Maybe it was the drinks, but Ben was thinking she was looking awful pretty with the pink, blue, and yellow lights shinning on her face.
He was about to approach her, but then he realized that he was a fairly big dude and she's a smaller girl by herself and him approaching her would be totally creepy. Though, that thought quickly disappears when the alcohol hits. He orders a Martina before heading towards you.
He puts the Martina on the table, scooting it towards you, causing you to look up at him. You were nervous, obviously. You recognized him as one of those superhero academy kids- Well, they weren't kids, but you know... Was it Umbrella Academy; No, it was Sparrow. Why would it be Umbrella. The thought made you laugh, 'Umbrella. How stupid of a name that would be for an academy.'
"Hey," He awkwardly waved and you repeated the action. He sat next to you and watched all the club goers. It was a nice silence, between you two, something Ben wasn't used too.
It was awkward on your part, but you didn't want to get up and leave, because that would be rude. You also didn't want to tell him to move, because you didn't own the couch and he could sit wherever he wanted.
"Nice weather, huh?"
You couldn't help but laugh at his attempt at small talk. He must have been just as nervous as you. You looked over at him, "Yeah. I guess if you like the pouring rain."
He awkwardly rubs his neck, "Do you like the rain?"
"Yeah. When I don't have to drive."
He scoots closer to you and you copy. He picks up the Martina, handing it to you, "Want a drink?"
"Usually, I wouldn't take drinks from random strangers, but you seem trustable." You take the drink from his hand and down it like a shot. You shake your head from the sting, before looking at him, "You're part of that Sparrow Academy, right?"
"What gave it away?"
You look him up and down. "You guys are just... Different. You know?"
He groans, slouching before rubbing his face, "Yeah... I do."
"You have the tentacles right? What's that like?"
He smiles, shaking his head, "Well-"
"And it's like I'm the only one taking it seriously," Ben complains as you both continue to walk. He holds the umbrella for you both, but he was losing his temper.
"Have you tried talking to them about it? I mean you guys are like family right? You should talk about how you feel." You try suggesting, tilting your head.
He looks over at you, his eyes softening. You had no idea how cute you were, did you? It was sweet to him that you thought they could just 'talk'. "Sometimes it feels like we're strangers living in the same house."
You frown, as you turn into your apartment complex. He follows close behind and you think about what you're going to say next.
"That's sad. No one should have to face the world alone."
"You're alone." It comes out and Ben's eyes widened when it left his mouth. He felt bad and assumed you'd get mad, but you just giggled.
"Actually, I moved out here for school. My parents live in my hometown, but I get your point. Two alone people finding each other; Maybe we can be alone together."
"Doesn't that defeat the purpose of being alone?"
"Yeah, that's the best part. You're no longer alone."
Ben wanted to kill everyone in the house. Why did they always get on his nerves? He wanted to just punch a wall, repeatedly. He knew he shouldn't have, but he went to the pub- The one he met you at. There was a tiny little voice in his head, hoping he'd see you again, even if he tried to deny it. Luck must have been on his side, because you were at the same table.
You looked over to see the male from before. You smiled seeing his familiar face, "Hi, Ben right?"
"Yeah, Y/n?"
"Yeah," You push some hair back, watching the dancers and the parties.
Ben looked down at his beer, before looking over at you. You looked good- Like really good. Maybe it was the alcohol, but god he wanted to feel your skin under his.
"I never took you for a beer guy."
You snapped him out of his thoughts, "Huh?"
You gesture towards his Bud Light. "Beer. You look more like a Rum guy. Hell, I thought you'd drink Vodka or Whiskey before beer."
"Well, you don't seem like a party club girl."
You laugh, running a hand through your hair, "I'm not. I was actually hoping to see you again." You look over at him, blushing.
Ben kept a straight face, but inside he was freaking out. Did you want to sleep with him too? God, you had such a pretty face. He scooted closer to you and your eyes widened. You watched as he slowly leaned towards you. You could smell the alcohol on his breath and usually, that would bother you, but when his lips touched yours, you couldn't even think.
You could feel his hands groping and feeling your skin. His lips were on your neck, sucking and licking you. You moaned, tangling your fingers into his hair.
You wrapped your leg around his waist, giving him access to rub his crotch onto yours. You moaned loudly into his neck. You could hear his heavy groans and huffs in your ear as he continued to thrust into you.
You were thrown onto a bed and you giggled as he practically jumped on you. He kissed your skin as his fingers go to unbutton your blouse. You fiddle with his shirt as he pulls your blouse off. He gets off of you and throws his shirt across his room. He pulls down your pants, nearly creaming when seeing you in some cute, lacy, red underwear.
Where you expecting this? A guy fucking you? Maybe not him specifically, but where you hoping to get laid? You probably were. He kisses your pussy between your panties, his breath causing a shiver to run up your spine. He could feel the heat radiating off of your pussy and he had to stop himself from creaming right there.
He pulled your panties aside and lightly kissed your pussy. As he pulled his lips back, he sucked on you. His hands squished your thighs and you were sure his fingernails were going to leave marks. You groaned as he worked his tongue inside of you, feeling your gummy walls.
Your hands find their way into his hair and you pull him closer to you. You hear him groan against you, sending vibrations throughout your body. You moaned loudly, bucking your hips into him. You could feel his nose brushing your clit, creating more pleasure to consume your body. You had never wanted a man inside you more in your life.
It was strange since you hadn't known this man very long. Yet here you were, on his bed in his room in his house. Usually, these things would intimate you, but this felt natural. You liked this.
You liked the way his mouth sucked on your skin. You liked the way his fingers felt hot against your thighs. You liked the way his breath felt on your vagina. You liked the way his nose rubbed your clit.
He pulls your waist up and you instinctively wrap your legs around his waist. He was ontop of you, his biceps squeezing you tightly. You could feel his abs pressed deeply against your stomach, and his chest pressed against your breast. You could feel his hard dick pressed against your crotch as he rubbed it against you.
You moaned loudly because of the stimulation, covering his own groans. You could feel his smirk against your neck, but you were to cock drunk to say something. He shimmed off his boxers, before grabbing his cock and leading it towards your pussy.
He pushes the tip against you, before slowly pushing it inside. He was girth and thick, his veins perturbing the sides, so he knew he had to be easy with you. Your nails dug into his shoulder blades, before scratching his back. He moaned in slight pain, before bottoming out inside of you.
He pulled out, before thrusting back in causing the headboard to Thump! against the wall. Usually, he'd care about the noise and waking one of the others, but now he didn't give a shit. Infact, he hoped they all heard him fucking you, because the power boost he'd get with everyone knowing he was having sex really gets him going. Though, he didn't need to thump the bed to get some noise, because you were moaning like you were being fucked by Zeus himself.
God, Ben felt good. Your eyes were rolled back, your hair was a mess, and your lips were parted to let the moans escape. Seeing you on cloud nine nearly made him cum, so he pushed his head into your neck, as to not lose himself too soon.
You groaned, your eyes adjusting to the sunlight peaking through the curtains. You stretched out your arms, before feeling another body- a very strong, athletic body- underneath your hands. You looked over to see Ben and you felt your face erupt in a heavy heat. Had he always been so muscular? You quickly sat up, and your blush deepened when you realized you were naked. You lifted up the sheets and much to your surprise [Not really], he was also naked.
You quickly got up, picking up your clothes and getting dressed. You looked around the room to see you were not in YOUR room. You groaned, trying not to trip over yourself as you slowly opened the door. You looked back at him when hearing it creak to see he was still knocked out. He must have been black out drunk, he had drunken a lot last night, since he didn't move an inch.
You lightly shut the door behind you as you sighed in relief.
"So, you're Ben's loud moaner."
You blushed, before turning towards a lean girl with black hair. She didn't look all to nice, in fact she looked very annoyed. She looked you up and down before walking past you.
"Sorry," You lightly whispered as she passed you.
She just rolled her eyes and the guilt in your stomach festered and you realized you had to get out. You went down the hallway only to curse when a door opens and you quickly hide behind it. It was a girl with curly brunette hair. She must not have realized you were there, because she quickly walked past you.
You rushed down a flight of stairs, before finally seeing your exit. As you go to open the door, a man opens it. He is surprised to see you and you want to die on the spot. Before he can ask you questions, you push past him and exit the house; Hoping to never see them again.
Marcus watched as you left, rather confused. He wanted to question what the hell was going on, but then he realized that you were probably taking a 'Walk of Shame' and he was not about to humiliate you more than necessary.
Ben awoke with his head banging like someone was playing the drums inside his skull. He felt around his bed, disappointed when he realised it was empty. He groaned, sitting up, and rubbing his head. He pulled off the blankets and cracked his back, before getting dressed and heading downstairs.
Ben shook his head, shaking himself of the past. You were together again, and this time he was at your house instead of his. It felt more... personal. He felt a warm bubbling feeling knowing you trusted him enough to let him into your home, but you were also drunk. Not drunk enough where you weren't coherent, but you were a little wobbly.
"Sorry about the mess. I wasn't expecting company."
He didn't think it was mess. It was lived in, something he didn't know much about. It was comfy and he wanted to immerse himself into your home. Yes, that's what it was, a home.
"It's nice. I like it."
You shrug, throwing your bag, "It's not much, but it's home."
"Yeah..." He follows behind you as you lead him to your room. It felt way to personal to see this space. Your room was just like you, calm and comfy. He sat on your bed, fiddling with the blankets.
"This may be a weird question," You remove your blouse, pulling it over your head, before turning to him. He had already seen you naked, so you didn't mind to much. Besides- he's pretty easy on the eyes.
He looked at you expectedly and your face turned a nice pink. You were starting to wonder if she should even be asking this question. You looked away from him, deciding to focus on a book.
"The tentacles thing, you know, have you ever...?"
You hear him laugh and you felt embarrassed. You were starting to feel stupid, until you heard him respond.
"What? Used my tentacles during sex? No. Do you want to be the first?"
You were taken aback. When did he get so flirty? He was watching you, waiting and you didn't know what to say. You go to your dresser pulling out a shirt, disappointing Ben. He was hoping the conversation would lead to the same situation as before.
"So, no tentacle sex?"
Your face was hot, you were sure you were running a fever, as you quickly turned towards him, "What? No-" You shake your head, "No way."
Ben frowned. "No way?"
You began to stutter over your words when you realize how they sounded. "I didn't mean it- You're great- Like all aspects of you, even in bed. I just meant like that would be weird right? It'd be like fucking a squid- Wouldn't it-"
"I don't know, I've never fucked a squid." He's very matter of fact and straight to the point.
"Right. I just meant- Well, I mean, you know..." You looked around your room trying to find a way out when you saw a book peaking from under your bed. You quickly grabbed it and showed it to Ben. You sit on the bed and he scoots towards you. "I remember when I first got this comic book on you and your siblings. I didn't believe you guys were real. You remember how I told you how I moved out here for school?"
"Well, that wasn't entirely true. I mean it was, but I was hoping I'd run into you guys. You know, see you in action in real time."
"Oh, you saw me in action."
You blushed, rubbing your face, "Yeah... Yeah I did, huh? I thought you guys were so cool."
"So what you plan on sleeping with us all?" He asked, a little upset.
"No?" You said, a little confused. You didn't know where he got that idea from, but you hoped to shut it down. "I'm not really good with my words."
"Who is?" He lays on your bed, messing with his hair, "Sorry. About what I just said. I don't know why I said that."
"It's fine, Ben."
"Hey Y/n?"
"I really like you."
"I really like you, too."
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I am curious what would yandere five do if reader wanted to dance with five.
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He's too old to be breaking it down, yk?
With enough persuasion though, you might be able to convince him to do a little jig or something
NOT in public though. You only just got him to hold your hand in public and hug you in private [He has a hard time showing you affection and it does bother him]
I mean if he's at a party and everyone's dancing, then sure he'll dance with you, but if it's just you and him, you'll have to convince him to stop what he's doing to dance with you
You have to like set it up like a trap. Play music, dress up a little, candles, I think you get it. You have to appeal to his softer side, which isn't hard because he has a soft spot for you
If it makes you happy, he'll do it
Soft dances, like ballroom dancing kind of stuff. He's better than he initally let on
He does like being able to hold you and hear your heart beat. It soothes him
He could stay like that forever
He can just get trapped by you, but he always lets go of you when he finds himself falling to deep
Wants to do that kind of stuff with you. He's just not with the times and he's so very touch starved
Though, once you got him hooked, you're screwed
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