antiendovents · 29 minutes
If you don’t mind this you can delete if it’s a bother but can i self promo our blog rq? @starlightsystemss
yeah, suree,, sorry it took so long I was sick when you sent this I think ((still kind of am but oh well))
Also you said in a different ask you spelt it wrong so here's the proper spelling (that you sent in) @starlitsystemss
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antiendovents · 2 hours
We have to fucking evacuate our house due to a fire
I'm the only one able to front right now because everyone else keeps having panic attacks
I'm scared but I have to try and stay calm
im really sorry that's happening, I hope you're all safe and that you manage to find a safe place to calm down :(
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antiendovents · 4 hours
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((reposting this because the anon accidentally sent it off anon and requested I repost it without their @ visible— I accidentally cut the last part off in the screenshot tho-))
thats— I just what— I'm sad you got kicked because that sucks but like,,, spontagenic?? What???? Good on you for calling it out
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antiendovents · 6 hours
Yk sometimes I wonder what is really going on inside ALL endos heads... 👁🧩
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antiendovents · 16 hours
i dont even know how to vent about all the shit that is going on i just wish things werent horrible anymore.
i don't know what's going on but I'm sorry and I hope things get better for you anon
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antiendovents · 20 hours
Can endos follow DNIs for once. The block button is not that hard. (insert image of ash baby)
reall,,, the block button is my bestest friend and some people really need to meet them. They're nice I promise :(
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antiendovents · 21 hours
ever have a treat so good you split an introject of it? anyways, meet slurpee-
i don't believe we have— but hello slurpee!
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antiendovents · 23 hours
about the " future is for plural " idea, a bit ago we thought of the slogan " not your horror trope " !!
we like it more bc we REALLY hate being referred to as plural/our disorder being referred to as plurality, and " not your horror trope " attacks the demonization of DID/OSDD!!
- apollo
mhm!!! That's pretty cool :3
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antiendovents · 1 day
i genuinely irritates me so much when singlets think they have a say in the system community like i dont think singlets should be putting "anti-endo dni :3" in their bio like thats not ur community??
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antiendovents · 1 day
Not a vent, just want some help ^^;
we legit just had someone DM us asking why we "chose to be a system"... I don't even know how to respond to this, it doesn't seem like they are trying to be malicious, mean, or rude?? They sent it as an anon and used an anon tag we haven't seen before, and it was just that question. has anyone had this happen before, and how do you handle it?
🌿🍀 Vineyard system
i don't believe we've received an ask like that before but we'd recommend just deleting it or blocking the anon. It may not seem mean but it's very endogenic kind of question, suggesting you chose to be a system. It could potentially invite endos over to your blog if they see that one of your asks / anons is asking those kinds of things. Though if you feel like you're comfortable and able to handle any potential endos then you could try educate them / answer the question by saying that you cannot chose to be a system , it really depends
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antiendovents · 1 day
Hoon!!! 👋🏻 —Hoon
Hoon!!! Waves waves
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antiendovents · 1 day
Yes but it's not a choice for everyone. If it's a choice for you then that's fine, but for us our gender wasn't a choice. We didn't chose to be trans, we just are. We don't believe generalizing statements should be made about gender at all, which is why we said you should just stick to saying that gender is not comparable to mental health / disorders, because it's not. I added the transphobic rhetoric part because many transphobes do infact use the argument that gender is a choice as an excuse to hate on trans people, which is why if you make a generalizing statement that says gender is a choice (its not a choice for everyone) it can come off as a bit transphobic or can be confused for their statements. that's all I really have to say about this now
I saw an anti endo say "Gender is a choice, mental illness is not." to stick it to transids. And I gotta say, neither of them are choices what is bro on about. 😭😭 Again, I'm an anti but some people just care way too much they start being weird about it.
yeah,, I guess I can see what they were trying to do but like, gender isn't a choice either— it would be better to just say they're not comparable, because they're not 🥲
Really I understand what some anti endos are trying to do when they say things like this but,, you're just doing it wrong bud. There's no need to suddenly start repeating transphobic rhetoric (though I know that's not the intention that is what it ends up being), just stick to simple facts such as "gender should not be compared to mental health / disorders" and stuff.
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antiendovents · 1 day
how about we take their "the future is plural" and correct it since they can't do anything right?
one preposition, and it sounds right. and basically self explanatory, so you don't need to go into the details and say the entirety of "in the future, those who suffer from cdds will be accommodated appropriately"
"the future is for plural"
maybe,, I don't know. What do people think of this?
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antiendovents · 1 day
I saw an anti endo say "Gender is a choice, mental illness is not." to stick it to transids. And I gotta say, neither of them are choices what is bro on about. 😭😭 Again, I'm an anti but some people just care way too much they start being weird about it.
yeah,, I guess I can see what they were trying to do but like, gender isn't a choice either— it would be better to just say they're not comparable, because they're not 🥲
Really I understand what some anti endos are trying to do when they say things like this but,, you're just doing it wrong bud. There's no need to suddenly start repeating transphobic rhetoric (though I know that's not the intention that is what it ends up being), just stick to simple facts such as "gender should not be compared to mental health / disorders" and stuff.
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antiendovents · 1 day
also happy pride month!
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antiendovents · 1 day
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555, my favourite number :3
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antiendovents · 2 days
"oh wow this person seems cool! they like all the same stuff i do and make fun posts AND theyre a system like me! i wonder if i could maybe be their friend- annnddd thats an anti-endo dni in their before you follow post."
thats so real,, hate when it happens tho
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