Quick reminder: MPD was a "multiple personality" disorder. Not a multiple "personality disorder."
MPD was always in the category of dissociative disorders since it was first introduced in the DSM-III.
The name change in the DSM-IV merely put DID's name more in-line with how it was already categorized.
So if you see someone rambling about how they won't trust old sources that call it MPD because doctors didn't know DID isn't a personality disorder, remember the person saying that is a fool who has no idea what they're talking about.
DID, even when it was called MPD, was always categorized as a dissociative disorder.
Learn. Your. Facts.
Learn your history.
Don't use a name change to disregard research that came before.
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jakubmeow · 18 hours
"You can't just ignore, or be neutral about syscourse!"
Yes you can, just because somebody has a disability and wants to be involved in the community, doesn't mean they have to constantly fight with fakeclaimers, or endos, etc etc.
People are allowed to just chill out, have a nice time.
A lot of people cannot take threats and such, if they fight, they will be getting threats and such. I can handle threats, I can handle people being ignorant, but many people cannot handle that, and that is why they should not involve themselves in discourse.
I'm not claiming anybody is weak, systems are very strong people, and you won't ever be able to truly understand the horrors they went through that caused them to be one. They are the opposite of weak.
Don't feel invalid because you can't involve yourself in this constant war. Take a breather for yourself.
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thestudsystem · 3 days
Yeah the plural community has "source disconnecting" shout-outs, which I love, but can I give a shout-out to "source connecting/attaching" right now?
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pluralasking · 3 days
[pt: #fifty-eight]
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sirius-romsys · 1 day
"Having friends in your head must be so fun!!"
Okay, say it's fun when someone that isn't you takes over your body and decides to do something horrid? Not necessarily a crime, but say, broke up with your lover(s), or cut you off from your entire family.
We're all mentally unstable, at any moment one of us can just decide to commit and it's the end.
It's not fun. It's scary.
Especially because not all of us are "friends", many of us simply get along because we are stuck together.
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sootandfangdiary · 1 day
Question. Does anyone have any tips for exploring and finding stuff out about themselves as an alter/fictive. Because I have fronted multiple times now and I feel like my only personality traits are missing Falin and not being able to sleep. And I hate it.
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pluralpolls · 2 days
Could there be a poll on system size and whether or not they prefer using discord bots like pk and tupper?
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the-100-percent · 2 days
The weirdest thing about being in a system (imo) is being a cis guy but all of a sudden being in a AFAB body
Like bro why am I bleeding this isn't fair ☹️
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Priority check: While certain groups on Tumblr are acting like endogenic systems and people on the internet identifying as transabled are the biggest threats to disability rights, the former and possibly future President of the United States is fear-mongering about people invading the country from mental institutions after his felony conviction...
This fearmongering follows late last year when Trump threatened to force more people into asylums.
for those who are severely mentally ill and deeply disturbed, we will bring them back to mental institutions, where they belong... with the goal of reintegrating them back into society once they are well enough to manage.
And threatened to lock political enemies in these asylums.
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Just imagine what you might accomplish if instead of bullying niche groups for identities you don't understand, you were making sure your friends get out and fucking vote in November!
Because this right here is the real threat.
This is what we all should be fighting against.
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jakubmeow · 2 days
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Ty @lupincollective for making thiss teehee:33
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fictive-culture · 1 day
Fictive culture is "please please please PLEASE just acknowledge me. I don't care if it's as a character or as a person just someone notice I'm HERE."
🐀🌊 anon
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median-culture-is · 21 hours
median culture is i feel like the same person if the same person was a different person. i feel like a different person if the different person was the same person. yk what i mean
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For Systok accounts that are tired of the fakeclaiming and hate comments!
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Please do reblog and share! Not everyone knows about filtering comments, it seems, and some Systems on TikTok are quitting due to all the hate!
- Orisa
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interested in the perspectives of anyone whose plurality is affected by their therianthropy in any way
we are collectively a lion therian, but our inner world appearances are not lions. most of our alters look like humans even though we are a lion on the most instinctual and basic level.
we have a theory that our system was caused in part by our therianthropy. the lion who is the true core of our being has been there since birth, and all the human alters were created by the brain to function in human society.
we only ever see posts aimed at therian systems who are animals in the inner world. do any other therian systems have what we have? i would love to hear from anyone who has an interesting overlap between both identities but especially if you relate to our experience of the brain creating humans to deal with the challenges of navigating this world as a therian
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antiendovents · 15 hours
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"stop saying you want a dissociative disorder. but be an endo!!!"
... I just .. what is this???? What? My brain hurts
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Hiding Hate on Systok
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Hiding Hate on Sysblr
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Suggestions on Words and Phrases to Filter Out
arent real / arent valid / faking / fake / roleplay / roleplayer / dont exist / need trauma / ableist / cant be a system
Suggestions on Tags to Filter Out
Endos DNI / Endos fuck off / Endos not for you / anti-Endo / anti Endo / Syscourse
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