babbleandtea · 2 years
Hiya, sorry for the lack of posting lately, life got a little stress-y and I took on too many personal projects. Surprise, heh woops.
I do want to post some writing soon tho. Hope you are all well, take care 💛
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babbleandtea · 2 years
April will probably be quiet for writing. Maybe a couple here and there but not sure what to do for May??
What kind of writing would people like to see here? Asks are open if people have any requests!!
Note: Heads up I may decline a request if I'm not comfy with the ask
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babbleandtea · 2 years
March Writing Challenge Complete
Hi hey hello, I can’t believe another month is done! Time really just slips by huh?
Anyways, I really enjoyed to 200 word cap this month, it was a fun challenge for myself to try and convey thoughts, feelings, moods in such a small amount of words. 
The prompts for me were a little hit or miss but I did like that I had something to start with and not just a blank page.
Anyways I don't know what I am going to do for April, might take another little break, post here or there or if anyone has any requests, I could definitely try (if it is within my comfort zone that is) and take a shot at it!
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babbleandtea · 2 years
Day 068: Bloom
You groaned as you slumped farther into your chair. Your brain felt full and studying just felt pointless at this point, but you had to keep going, especially with that exam tomorrow. You took a moment to stare at the ceiling, hoping that eventually the urge to keep studying would be graced miraculously upon you. A couple minutes passed and no luck. With that you hoisted yourself from your chair and went into the living room.
“Hey dude, how goes the studying?” Huxley was busy puttering around the room watering and caring for his plants. The living room could easily be a forest at this point.
“At this point, it's not,” You flopped on the couch and fell over the back to watch him.
“You know flowers don't bloom all year round,” He spoke softly and his focus was on a plant he was tending to. You wondered if he was talking to you or the plant, “Take your time, pace yourself. Remember that you can't be going 100% all the time. Take a break, drink some water, so that you can bloom another day. Take care of you.”
Your face flushed, slightly stunned, “I love you.”
Author Note: All I could think about was Huxley telling his friends how proud he was of them for ‘blooming’ into the people they are. Proud of them for moving forward, learning and growing. I could see him nurturing and caring for them like the many plants he own and loved. MY HEART. 
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babbleandtea · 2 years
Day 067: Roam
Everything changes. Maybe not all at once but eventually. It started with my family, my friends. Slowly we drifted apart. Some from fear, some from denial and many torn from this world's cruel hands, that just keeps turning. There were whispers around town and soon they became scowling looks, and cold shoulders. Some sought me out, fascination and intrigue pulling them to me. Not the attention I sought. Finally unable to watch the times of sand tick away, I left. It was hard, I left notes to those that still stayed by my side, as long as they could.
Now I was roaming the lands for a new home. Somewhere bigger where I wasn't known by every passing face. Somewhere that I could become someone new. In the new city I could be anyone I wanted. That is until people started to notice me again, notice that time has no affect on me. They would give me the same feared looks, or glances of curiosity. When that time hit, I would roam again, find a new city and become a new face in the crowd.
A viscous cycle spurred on by a single bite.
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babbleandtea · 2 years
Day 066: Playful
She followed the unfamiliar sound. It was laughter, but what made it odd was that it was his laughter. She slowly peaked in the room to see Fen, her hatchling dragon, hopping around the floor chirping merrily. She heard his laugh again and her eyes drifted to Jasper. He was laying on the floor, white hair fanned around him and a smile gracing his sharp elf features. He almost looked different. Different from the elf that had been nothing but cold and snarky towards her. Yet here he was laughing and genuinely smiling while this little green dragon now bit and tugged his hair.
She leaned a little too far and the door made a slight creak. Her cover blown. Jasper immediately righted himself, clearing his throat as she decided to enter. She felt as though she had intruded, she felt bad and sat opposite him. As she did so Fen hurried to her lap, hopping up and down trying now to catch a lock of her hair with his sharp teeth. She couldn't help but laugh.
“They are quite playful at this age,” Jasper stated, his voice still held warmth, “Very few see them this young. You're lucky.”
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babbleandtea · 2 years
Day 65: Wisdom
The two of them sat in silence, not even the radio played as they drove down the quiet highway. Julian tapped her knee anxiously as the silence between them was starting to get to her. Her and Kayden, Graeme's friend, were on their way to some sort of pack meeting.
“So, you're the Alpha,” Julian stated bluntly.
“I am,” Kayden smiled as he glanced over at her, waiting for her to continue.
Julian held her tongue, sifting through her thoughts, unsure where she wanted to go with this conversation. She popped her lips, consumed by her thoughts.
“Come on, you've got to have more burning questions than that buzzing around in that brain of yours,” Kayden shifted, moving one hand at the top of the steering wheel, the other to the gear shift, his posture more welcoming, “Come at me with your worst.”
“How do you become an Alpha? Did you beat the Alpha before you in battle? Were you the best battle strategist? Or-or like the one with the like sage wisdom?” Julian immediately wanted to eat her words. Not exactly how she wanted to word that question.
Kayden couldn't help but laugh, “We voted.”
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babbleandtea · 2 years
Day 064: Sweet
“Come on, please,” You whined tugging on your boyfriend's arm. He sighed as you tried to pull him along with you. It didn't work. He watched you, amused, as you tried your hardest. You groaned and tried a new tactic. You trapped him in your arms and looking up with the biggest, pleading eyes you could, “pleaseee?”
“Aww, you're cute,” He kissed the tip of your nose, clearly unaffected by your strongest weapons. You were startled when he effortlessly swept you into his arms and trapped you. He peppered your face with kisses and for a moment your brain was buzzing on a high of affection. His face was smug, knowing all he had to do was distract you long enough, and you would forget what you had initially asked.
“Hey,” You focused yourself, fighting back a giggle. You grabbed his face, preventing him from kissing you more. Your eyes met and his eyebrow peaked with intrigue. You continued, “You can't distract me from my goal of getting candy, it's like my life blood.”
“Oh trust me,” He managed to push through your grip on his face, kissing you delicately, “Your blood is plenty sweet enough.”
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babbleandtea · 2 years
Day 063: Forward
There was a knock at the door. You hastily wiped at your face and cleared your throat before letting them know they could enter. You balled your hands into the oversized hoodie and pulled your knees farther into your chest. 
“I hurried over as soon as I got your text,” Huxley wasted no time making his way over to you before he stopped beside the bed, “Can, can I hug you?”
You barely nodded before he got on the bed. He pulled you into his lap and hugged you. You tucked your head farther into his chest, gripping his shirt before tears started to fall again.
“I just don’t– I can’t–” Your voice cracked every time you tried to say something. 
 “You don’t have to say anything,” Huxley’s voice was low, you could feel the rumble in your own chest. He brushed away the tears that fell, “I know everything is a lot right now. Sometimes the best we can do is just keep moving forward. Even if it’s brushing your teeth, getting out of bed, anything. Just keep moving forward. But most important is knowing that I love you and you're doing amazing. I’ve got you.”
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babbleandtea · 2 years
Day 062: Carnival
“Y’know Eldrick was oddly quiet tonight,” Vira yelled back at Locke who gripped tightly to her waist. When they didn’t respond, she continued speaking her thoughts out loud, “Did Kayden give you any info? It’s odd that they would send us on a mission without any information. I wonder if –”
“Vira, stop!” Locked yelled. They had made it to their destination. Locke quickly got off the bike and pulled the helmet off and gasped for breath like they had held it the whole time. Vira was immediately distracted by all the lights glowing in the night, followed by the large crowd. They were sent to a traveling carnival?
“Did Eldrick–” 
“Nah, my idea,” Locke took her hand, encouraging her off her bike, “I thought maybe a carnival date would give you a much needed break. So–” “A date?” Vira cut them off.
Locke shrugged before continuing enthusiastically, “Yeah! A date? Just me and you.”
Vira was silent for a moment before breaking a slight smile, “I would really like that.”
Locke laughed ecstatically and started to pull Vira towards the busy street, “All right! Time to win you a giant stuffed wolf plushie, to remind you of me, of course.”
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babbleandtea · 2 years
Day 061: Work
“Hey Jules,” Graeme knocked as he opened the door, letting himself in. There was a grunt in response, “I brought you soup.”
“Yayyy,” Her voice was nasally and strained. He made his way to the living room where she was wrapped in multiple blankets. She smiled weakly, slowly sitting up to accept the bowl. On the coffee table he placed a cup of tea, some cough drops, more tissue and a bottle of cough syrup. Julian scrunched up her nose at the cough syrup.
Graeme flopped down on the couch beside her and laughed at her look of distaste, “It will help and you know it.”
“Doesn’t mean I have to like it–” Julian was caught off guard by her phone ringing. There were only a few people who actually called her. Grabbing at the phone quickly.. Graeme was pretending to watch the TV but listened in as she started to agree to go into work. Graeme snatched the phone from her hand, “Hey sorry, Julian is very sick and unable to work today. Thank you for understanding.”
“Greyyy,” Julian whined as he put the phone out of her reach.
“Don’t care,” Graeme shook his head, “Now finish your soup.”
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babbleandtea · 2 years
Day 060: Highlight
Coasting. Best word to describe this week so far. Only Wednesday and I feel utterly drained. I slowly made my way to the door and stared at the door handle. Even lifting my arm to open the door felt like a task. I didn’t even get the chance to attempt as the door swung open, met with the excited smile of my partner, “Baabe, you're home!” 
Like a puppy that had waited for me all day to come home, Asher wrapped me in a tight hug, lifting me from my spot. My breath left my lungs as I tapped his arm, urging him to release me, to let me breathe. He placed me down, not even giving me a chance to catch my breath before he kissed me quickly. A peck on the lips, nose, my eye, kissing me so frantically that he missed my cheekbone. My exhaustion still nagged me but it was slowly numbed by his touch, his laugh, his embrace. Intoxicating. I giggled into more kisses, he was the highlight of every day. No matter the mood I was in, he was always there. Like a lighthouse in the darkest storms, guiding me home.
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babbleandtea · 2 years
Day 059: Floral
"Oh where, oh where did my darling go?"  The vampire's voice echoed through the trees. She hummed happily in contemplation as she looked around the brush and trees. A melody caught her attention and she hurried after it. She bolted through the forest with ease and velocity. The tune led her to a break in the trees, a strong floral smell erupted in her senses. She moved forward to a small field filled with an abundance of flowers. There sitting amongst them all, singing the sweetest melody, was her love. The human woman was sitting among the flowers, features highlighted by the full moon. The vampire made her way through the flowers to her love. She took a seat behind her, softly caressing her shoulder up to her neck, leaning close to her ear, "I found you."
"That you did," she looked out of the corner of her eye and the vampire, "Though I didn't think I was hard to find."
"Yet, you didn't make it easy either. A flower as radiant as you, sitting in a field of flowers," the vampire leaned forward to kiss her, "Although I should say, none can compare to you, my love."
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babbleandtea · 2 years
Day 058: Spring
“You know there is something about a giant werewolf having allergies,” She tried to suppress her laugh as she brought over the box of tissues. There was a groan from her partner before a string of sneezes erupted from him. 
“What is that even supposed to mean? I’m still human,” He paused, considering his next words carefully, “For the most part anyways.”
“You’re a human that turns into a giant wolf,” She corrected. She was silent for a moment, thinking of the best way to say her next thoughts. She cleared her throat and proceeded, “And I think that an abnormally large wolf having the sniffles would be quite the uhh sight.”
“You think it would be cute,” He stated bluntly, gold eyes half lidded with annoyance.
“Yes!” She exclaimed, hands thrown into the air, “Can you blame me?”
“I’m not cute,” He growled. Another string of sneezes rang through him. He groaned angrily, clearly frustrated. As cute as she thought he would be in his wolf form right now, he clearly felt defeated and wanted it all to be over. She wrapped herself around him, “Okay, okay, you’re cute and a big scary wolf. Happy?”
“...Fine,” He grumbled.
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babbleandtea · 2 years
Day 057: Sunny
Sunday morning, the sun broke through the blinds, streaking the room with beams of soft light. Birds chirped merrily outside, signaling the beginning of a new day. I slowly opened my eyes, only to promptly scrunch my face in distaste. I grabbed my alarm clock, the bright red numbers read eight am. I grumbled, grabbed the blankets and promptly pulled them over my head. I really wish I could greet this warm sunny morning with a smile. Unfortunately being up until four am working on a school paper, gave different feelings about this early wake up call. 
It felt better now that I was firmly tucked into the dark cocoon of my comforter. I closed my eyes, hoping to get even just a little more sleep. Letting out a long breath, I snuggled closer into the pillow. 
Before sleep was able to take me, a loud knock at my door scared me. My heart shot to my throat as I fell as a cluster of blankets to the floor. I thrashed against the blankets and let out a loud groan of irritation. A voice from the other side of the door responded, “Just letting you know, I made coffee.”
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babbleandtea · 2 years
Day 056: Magic
“Okay, okay you need to start over.” 
Everything that’s happened in the last twenty minutes has your head spinning. Moments ago you were alone in your apartment studying, and now there was a fox sitting on your bed talking to you about magic. He let out a long sigh and reached out his front paw. You looked at it and back at his face. 
“Take my hand, I’ll show you,” He was annoyed, that much was obvious. You hesitantly took his paw in your hand. As soon as the paw was within yours, a glow overtook him, swirls of light and smoke puffed around his form. A tall man pushed through the smoke and now loomed over you. Started, you almost fell off your chair. His hand in yours, that was no longer a paw, pulled you up, prevented your fall. He sighed, “If you break this connection, I will turn back into a fox. Getting here took a lot out of me and I need to borrow some magic to maintain this form. Focus.” 
You blinked up at him, shocked and still utterly confused. He pinched the bridge of his nose with his free hand, “Children understand this faster.”
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babbleandtea · 2 years
Day 055: Square
“You’re such a square, you nerd!” 
The voices echoed through his head, echoes of his past. He shook his head in hopes to shake the thoughts away. It’s been years, he doesn’t even get picked on anymore, but the thoughts still linger. He looked at a text from his friend inviting him to a party that they were going to. He felt a weird obligation to go, like he had to or he would be seen as lame, boring or a loner. He stared at his phone, he really didn’t want to go. There would be so many people, and some he didn’t even know. He started wagering with himself, it would be a new place sure but his friend would be with him. Though, then he would be glued to their side, and he didn’t want to be overbearing. He shook his head, once again physically trying to get rid of the negative thoughts. He sighed and finally typed back his response. 
Not feeling it tonight, thx tho!
How about a movie at my place instead?
He smiled at his phone, sometimes you meet the right people in your life that want to be a square with you.
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