houseofevanbuckley · 14 hours
This is a genuine question, not at all a complain or diss
I’m just curious why are 9-1-1 fics writers so obsessed with codas and spec fics ?
What happened ?
I’ve been through a few fandoms and it’s the first time I see this happen
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neil-gaiman · 8 months
Because I'm curious and I really don't have much sense any more of who is here on Tumblr after the various waves of immigration from other sites and people leaving for other places, or who's reading this blog.
I'll let it run for a week, to increase the sample size. One simple question with ranges...
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great-and-small · 9 months
A dinosaur obsessed 12 year old studied fossils and found a 69 million year old hadrosaur skeleton embedded in rock while hiking. A fisherman in Australia noticed tiny shrimp in his net that looked slightly different from the others and he sent a few specimens to biologists for testing. Turned out to be a never before described species, going unnoticed in a popular lake. I posted a pic ~here on tumblr~ of a weird parasite on a dead fish and a parasitologist found it and asked to report it as the species has never been seen in my area before.
There is so, so much out there we literally don’t even know. And the best way to find that stuff out is to be intensely curious about everything you see. You might not discover a new species but you absolutely will gain a deeper appreciation for the world around you.
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susanontherocks · 1 year
I’m taking pottery lessons right now… and my teacher said “the kiln gods are being kind to me right now.” And that made me stop and think. Is there a god of pottery? I tried to look it up but it’s hazy.
In Ancient Greece, Athena was apparently the goddess of crafts, which is a bit vague. Hephaestus was the god of sculpting, but that’s not right either.
In Ancient Egypt, I found Khnum who made the other gods and humankind on his potter’s wheel.
I found two other gods of pottery in cultures I don’t know: Lianaotabi and Panthoibi.
But I wasn’t able to find anyone else. Pottery being such an important part of daily life all around the world, it seems like there would be more. Does anyone know of any other gods of pottery?
Edited: removed incorrect/inaccurate descriptor for Lianaotabi and Panthoibi peoples. Apologies, I found them through a random google search for “pottery gods.”
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kdo-three · 5 months
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Curious Curiosity Bettie Page
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kvotheunkvothe · 1 year
now I'm curious
this isn't about where you think your continuous memories start, but rather what you think is the earliest thing you can remember (even if it's only a few seconds or a quick image)
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Another sketch brought to you by #paleostream
Some still young Barbourofelis investigate a single crab that fearlessly stands it's ground.
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miss-conner3 · 1 month
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En Español: Aquí
¿Does the clothes make the lamb, or does the lamb make the clothes?
Some outfits and headcanons of my lamb while he looks great and remembers what modesty is, thanks to his older brother (owo)/
Since "it's just wool" is an excuse that, for me, only works when the other creature is not another sheep XD
¡I hope you like it!
Extra: An observation about a cat and a lamb...
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They are dancing (ouo)
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pockspocket · 9 days
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They're such losers...and are in love <3
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deep-space-netwerk · 8 months
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Ask and you shall receive.
So do y'all know about Curiosity's wheels? They have these cool hole patterns!
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The holes are ostensibly for tracking wheel slippage. The pattern is stamped in the Martian sand, and by taking a picture of the tracks and measuring the distance between the repeating hole marks, you can tell how much the wheels are slipping.
But the pattern isn't arbitrary! Curiosity (along with many many other NASA missions) was built by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory - or "JPL". While JPL is entirely federally funded and almost exclusively works on NASA missions, it's technically operated by Caltech, not NASA. When JPL was assembling Curiosity, they added some "JPL" decals to it along with the cool "Curiosity" label on the arm.
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Well, NASA HQ found out and got mad. "You can't put those JPL stickers all over our rover!" they said, and made JPL scrape them all off.
JPL reluctantly complied, but definitely got the last laugh. No decals allowed? Well fine - the holes in Curiosity's wheels say "JPL" in Morse code. So every few feet, the name of the real creator of the rover is stamped into the surface of Mars!
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eccentricorganisms · 8 months
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Thai Spiky Isopod
Family: Armadillidae Scientific Name: Isopoda sp. Adults : 0.5-1.2 cm
Just look at their little spikes!!! 😍 I didn't know the family name of these little potato bugs/rolly pollies (New York names) until a few days ago and I can't stop saying it.
Armadillidae. (arm-uh-dilly-day) It's really just the -dillidae that gets me. 😆
A lot of the information out there has more to do with keeping them in terrariums so I'm still on the lookout for more "scientific" information. 🤔
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dionysian-socialism · 6 months
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classycookiexo · 16 days
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feeldco · 6 months
Feeld is a dating app for the curious; those open to experiencing people and relationships in new ways. Polyamory, consensual non-monogamy, homo- and heteroflexibility, pansexuality, asexuality, aromanticism, voyeurism, and kink are just a few of the sexual identities and desires that make up the Feeld community. We’re on a mission to elevate the human experience of sexuality and relationships.
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thejournallo · 11 days
You have the right to have feelings, even if they are part of an unwelcome reality.
allow your feelings to be and accept them as they are.
the sooner you accept this fact the sooner you will ignore the 3D
for example: My crush does not want me back; I am hurt; I am entitled to be hurt; and I have the right to cry if necessary. Once I express all of those feelings, I will be able to get back on track because I know my crush will find me without any of my efforts because it is my reality.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 7 months
I’m Not Arguing, I’m Curious
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