cordelia-cardale 3 hours
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Our two favourite writers 鉂わ笍
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cordelia-cardale 4 hours
Never did I think this emoji would join the blacklist along with the mirror and carriage emoji
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cordelia-cardale 6 hours
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It鈥檚 Pen and Colin and their book!
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cordelia-cardale 7 hours
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mama violet bridgerton holding the title of #1 polin supporter
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cordelia-cardale 7 hours
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Oh baby Pen with mummy Violet
This picture is WILD. This is engaged Pen. This is overjoyed Violet at the news. But this is also very worried Pen because of LW but also the fact that their engagement has been sprung onto the Bridgerton family, unto Eloise, without warning. And she鈥檚 back in the house that used to feel like home once but now feel like a strange place that can鈥檛 quite be explained. Except this time she鈥檚 not hiding anymore but stepping into the house with the loudest announcement. She鈥檚 marrying into the Bridgerton house. Pen鈥檚 mind is racing and her biggest dream and worst nightmare are colliding
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cordelia-cardale 8 hours
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LUKE NEWTON!!!! He did not just. How many hours??? I NEED to know.
Once I was normal then Luke chose chaos
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cordelia-cardale 8 hours
Do you guys remember that scene where Colin's "friends" are talking about all their sexual escapades and one of them mentions how one of the girls had "Much to offer upstairs."
And I just can't wait for all those dudes to be absolutely gagged because Colin Bridgerton is about to wife up a big tiddy, bad bitch who he's in love with.
Our boy is WINNING
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cordelia-cardale 8 hours
To be Luke Newton鈥檚 little curl as Colin Bridgerton
That curl being out there and taking no prisoners
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Oh, to be Luke Newton鈥檚 little hair clip.
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cordelia-cardale 8 hours
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Emma. (2020) // Bridgerton
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cordelia-cardale 9 hours
Leave us aloooone 馃槴
I鈥檓 kidding never leave us alone, we鈥檇 go insane the way Colin has gone insane with need
theyre both insane and that is why this fandom is always in shambles
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cordelia-cardale 9 hours
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Like I鈥檓 sorry but the wolfish look on his face? He鈥檚 really about to eat her up and she鈥檚 going to let him
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cordelia-cardale 9 hours
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Nicola said: 10 Days but who鈥檚 counting?
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cordelia-cardale 10 hours
So Colin really went from charming serial flirt to non functioning, bashful teenager with the biggest crush on his best friend in the span of one kiss huh? The duality of this man
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cordelia-cardale 10 hours
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It鈥檚 only Pen and her soulmates 鉂わ笍
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cordelia-cardale 12 hours
So apparently posts in queue is not enough anymore, now gotta do posts in drafts 馃槀馃槀馃槀
So many posts but I鈥檓 terrified people will think I鈥檓 insane 馃槀馃槀馃槀
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cordelia-cardale 12 hours
Unpopular opinion: Penelope doesn鈥檛 love Colin as much as Colin loves her
holy shit. this is a wild take.
penelope's love for colin is very soft, its nurturing, it's a love that has developed and been hidden for so long that it becomes like second nature to her. she fell in love as a child with this sensitive happy boy and that love bloomed under his sunshine like personality. it's a love that isn't shown explicitly and i think a real problem with S1 and S2 is that lust and passion is the driving force, not love. so you're expecting this drive and passion in penelope but she's been in love for so long she doesn't need to be loud and proud, she's already there. she's in love but she hides it because colin isn't there with her. he's ignoring it. she shows her love in her subtle ways, encouraging him, showing kindness in difficult scenarios, and always being his constant.
colin is a much more different story and i think this is what drives your opinion because colin's feelings have been awakened and you can compare it to first being in love. everything is heightened, it's passionate, it's possessive, it's jealousy ridden. it's loud and in your face because we're being shown colin falling in love, not penelope, who already loves him very much to the point that when he comes home with this new persona she's like 'wtf is he doing??? brother urgh' and in part two we're going to be able to really see penelope shine and give into those feelings and embracing them, finally!
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cordelia-cardale 13 hours
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When you are such good friends you literally swallow her moans and bite on her lip while being knuckles deep
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