crommelynck · 9 years
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Gustav Klimt’s “The Kiss” tattooed by by Alice Kendall, Wonderland Tattoo,  Portland, Oregon
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crommelynck · 9 years
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Saturday is the day of the week following Friday and preceding Sunday. Saturday is the seventh and therefore last day of the week according to many commonly used calendars, but it is the second-to-last (sixth) day of the week according to ISO 8601 (see below). The Romans named Saturday dies Saturni (“Saturn’s Day”) no later than the 2nd century for the planet Saturn, which controlled the first hour of that day, according to Vettius Valens. When the day’s name was introduced into English and other Germanic languages, however, the name was selected as a calque of the god Saturn, after whom the planet was named.
This is when  scientists, philosophers, loners and ascetics are born. People who usually have a more serious and responsible attitude to life. It is a day for self-introspection, deep meditation and lonely concentration on the more meaningful aspects of existence. People are a bit more susceptible to sadness and worry. It is a good day for finishing off old business but not for starting new projects. It is also inauspicious for weddings and long journeys.
Various associations with Saturday include agriculture and creativity, fortune and hope, and protection and banishment of negativity. 
In Astrology, Saturday is associated with the planet Saturn and its colours are dark purple and black.
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crommelynck · 10 years
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David Bowie as Count Robert Lecter Mads Mikkelsen as Dr. Hannibal Lecter
"Since our timeline is a little more present, there’s a little bit of JJ Abrams-style alternate universe storytelling where [Robert Lecter] could still be alive." - Bryan Fuller
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crommelynck · 10 years
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crommelynck · 10 years
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crommelynck · 10 years
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crommelynck · 10 years
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crommelynck · 10 years
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They look so pretty I could die. 
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crommelynck · 10 years
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crommelynck · 11 years
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Mads Mikkelsen by Patrizio Di Renzo
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crommelynck · 11 years
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crommelynck · 11 years
Personal to-do list for shitty times:
Drink good tea.
Watch funny viral videos.
Read a comfort book. (Read Harry Potter or Hobbit or Little Princess.)
Hug a book, if you don’t feel like reading.
Read the old stories and character details you wrote.
Write something you are good at, if you are feeling like it.
Drink more tea.
Take a hot shower, brush your teeth, put on a face mask.
Put on clear nail polish. (So you won’t get even more frustrated if you ruin your nails.)
Bake feta cake. Then eat freshly baked feta cake.
Do 50 sit-ups.
Whatever the case is, be thankful that you and your loved ones are healthy.
If the case is a health problem, remember it could be worse.
In every case, remember it could always be worse.
Don’t forget that nothing is permanent in life. Bad moments too will end, just like good ones did.
Don’t listen to yourself.
Don’t think about future.
Don’t think about the past.
Knit aimlessly.
Remember there is goodness in the world in all forms. There are beautiful people, kind people, puppies, oceans, unknown lands and giant squids and deep sea creatures and massive trees and lions and thunderstorms and funny things and orgasms and London streets. 
There are also diamonds and trains and Russian sky and Chopin and Beethoven and Tolkien and dragon stories and myths and very old people and very talented people. 
And tamagotchi and gummy bears and Milkyway and wind and hot sand and snowmen and promises that are kept and honest people and classy men and well-dressed women and rain and handshakes and French kiss. They are all goodness. 
Eat tasty food, even if they are not the healthiest choice.
Force yourself to talk to people (because you know how bad it got when you acted like nothing happened).
Tell your friends that you are scared/frustrated/sad. 
Watch The Lion King.
Listen to Neil Gaiman’s speeches and feel better about the possibilities.
Drink water.
Fall asleep listening to audiobooks, so you won’t have to hear your thoughts. (Go for Philosopher’s Stone.)
Don’t try to sedate yourself with anti-anxiety drugs or natural tranquilizers or alcohol. They help but then you end up being afraid of dealing with emotions when you are sober.
Write letters to friends and ‘talk’ to them if you cannot reach anybody or the hour is too late.
Smell lavender.
Drink some more tea.
Have faith in sunrise and the morning light. It will get better. Eventually. 
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crommelynck · 11 years
If I could I'd 'Love, Love, Love' this multiple times on tumblr. Instead I'll just keep reading it over and over. Love hesitates. Treat yourself to a bit of exceptional writing.
“I’m not sure about this…”
Fate looked at Love and pursed her lips. “Don’t be absurd, this is your job.”
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crommelynck · 11 years
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If you’ve been wondering where I was, well as you can see I was on a Paul Banks hype! (And now I’m on holiday and won’t be around for a couple of days but just wanted to share the personal photos with him) Since I’m one of the biggest fans of him (solo or in Interpol, won’t matter, he’s a great inspiration for me) seeing him 2-days in the front row just 50 cm away where we could even count his moles, listening almost all of his songs (in solo project), meeting, getting signatures on albums and other stuff, or being in the same place made me speechless. (I literally lost the ability to can. I couldn’t compute. I forgot to speak. At all. So let alone asking the question I’ve been meaning t ask for years I couldn’t even make a proper conversation. But it’s ok because he was super adorable and I’m still high, yeah.
And for the photos… You can see Cansu (crommelynck) in second row (who’s also trying to function as normal and failing) and me on third row. I found the last photo last night and it still amuses me. Paul is looking at me in a sassy way as if he’s saying “Guuurrl!” LOL
I’m still not over it, sorry. (No, I’m not)
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crommelynck · 11 years
Journalists asked him to pick three albums of the store and he recommended these:
The Art Tatum Legacy he's holding there,
Bob Dylan's Nashville Skyline that I bought (just after he left),
Best of The Mamas and The Papas.
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Kontraplak Vinyl Store, Istanbul
Imagine walking into a record store and Paul is there? Uh, Paul, what do you recommend?
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crommelynck · 11 years
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crommelynck · 11 years
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petit tailleur, directed by louis garrel (2010)
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