Guys what do we think about a marriage of convenience between Cale and Leilin in a crossover between “Today the Villainess Has Fun Again” and TCF?
No romance whatsoever, just two extremely rich children of Dukes finding a kindred spirit, become best friends, and decide to get married to deal with less trouble.
One day when they’re hanging out together on Cale’s bed talking about how annoying having responsibilities is like they’re about to have a sleepover and it’s like-
Leilin: *laying on her back while hugging a pillow* sigh, you know, people keep making up rumors that you and I have a secret relationship because we spend so much time together.
Cale: unfortunately, I’ve heard them. Rumors are so delusional.
Leilin: as always. They keep asking about marriage and our relationship and it’s so annoying! They can’t seem to accept that we’re just friends!
Cale: *nodding understandingly* how frustrating indeed.
Cale: *has an epiphany*
Cale: is that bastard ex-fiancé of yours still trying to get you back?
Leilin: UGHHH don’t remind me!
Cale: what if we have a contractual marriage?
Leilin: *sits up in surprise*
Leilin: what do you mean?
Cale: what if we got a marriage contract so you’re protected from his bullshit?
Leilin: you mean play into the rumors and actually get married so everyone shuts up and leaves us alone?
Cale: essentially, yes.
Leilin: really? You’re sure?
Cale: of course.
Leilin: I am so in.
Soulmates in every platonic meaning of the word-
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I’m writing a fanfic about what happened before chapter 677. Basically Jack meeting Angelina in his dreams and AAHSFJAVSBS
She literally loves him so much. He’s her baby, her little saint, and Hannah is her precious holy maiden, her poor scarred and tormented child.
Basically Angelina explaining to Jack how she hated what her church had become and how she ignorantly tried to fix it by sending saints and holy maidens but it just ruined their lives.
This post is sitting in my drafts until I finish and post it on Ao3. THE VOICES WONT STOP. JACK NEEDS A LOVING MOTHER RIGHT THE FUCK NOW.
Go read I guess? Or not, this was 100% self indulgence lmao
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Guys Bud is seriously one of my favorite characters that I routinely forget about and I feel so bad about it-
Like he’s so forgettable. Just a silly little goofy mercenary king guy, oh look, haha funny he’s an alcoholic!
But he has a powerful wind ancient power, and bro is literally a sword master with aura and everything, he’s pretty strong!
Not to mention he’s an amazing actor-
But the reason that he’s my favorite character is that he’s one of the only people who still reacts accordingly to Cale doing his usual bullshit.
Cale: hey, guess what, I’m about to recite exact information from 9,889 books of records that I read in the span of a week. Absolutely no one I’ve ever interacted with has had the slightest inclination that I had the ability to do this.
Bud: UHHHHH- this man has literally read more of these records in a week than I have literally ever and I’m the fucking mercenary king. Someone just kill me-
Cale: I can hear my ancient powers voices and they tell me things about their lives and how I can use their powers
Clopeh: *worshipping the ground Cale walks on* Cale-nim! He’s a legend! Loved and blessed by the gods, how amazing!~
Bud: No. No, absolutely NOT. Clopeh is a respected sword master, a very powerful one at that. What the fuck is happening. THEY HAVE LITERALLY FOUGHT AGAINST EACH OTHER-? CLOPEH WAS ACTIVELY TRYING TO KILL CALE LIKE HALF A YEAR AGO- this is not normal. I’m not just going to ignore this-
Basically anytime Cale does anything-
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And also Bud and Glenn are so gay for each other don’t even-
And there was also that time he was kidnapped by dogs, which that is fucking hilarious considering he’s a sword master with an ancient power LMFAO
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Rosalyn: You're an exception, you're different 😍
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Cale, after beating the sh*t out of White Star: Awe. He fell down.
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Y'know how in LCF/TCF fanfics, Cale is always described as beautiful and handsome – causing him to unintentionally form a harem where all races simp for him (especially Alberu and Choi Han).
My ✨headcanon✨ is now how Cale has this ethereal beauty because of his ancient powers. I say this because we all know that elves and dragons are characterized to be very beautiful, right? Dragons, especially, as they even make the whale tribe look like squids. And these races are close to nature... Now, who is the human closest to nature? CALE-motherf****ing-HENITUSE with his TOO MANY TO COUNT ANCIENT POWERS. I also think Vitality of the Heart contributed a lot to this. I personally think a healthy person is a pretty person.
Long story short: Cale Henituse can take my soul away if he'd like. I am weak against a pretty face (Don't judge me)
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Rosalyn: ohmygosh Witira is so pretty. I could stare at her for hours holy shit. Her hair is such a pretty color and that scar on her back is super hot-
Witira: Rosalyn is a powerful archmage. Her expert control of mana and her overwhelming power is very attractive.
(A headcannon that the Whale beast people find displays of pure raw power to be the most attractive thing in a potential mate)
Guys the Witira x Rosalyn brainrot is getting to me
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ch.7 Tcf Drabbles
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I want it to be battle of the glib tongue.. but I don't know how to make one ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ
If anyone can make one, feel free to use this, just erase everything that was written or edit it however you want lol (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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Guys help I rlly wanna write a story from Ohn’s pov where it’s all angst and the whole premise is “I wish my dad knew I loved him”
Because Cale has unimaginable trauma and cannot fathom that anyone would have positive feeling towards him because he has walls that are carefully constructed and built to keep him from getting hurt again
But Ohn really loves Cale. He saved her and her brother, and then proceeded to give them a family and a home. She loves him like he was her real father, but he cannot process that somehow
He’s always like “no, I’m a bad person, how could I be loved” meanwhile Ohn wants to hug him and never let go. She wants to be his little girl. She wants him to teach her how to ballroom dance even though she knows he probably doesn’t know how. She wants to brag to him about learning something new. She wants him to brush out her hair every morning and style it in the way he knows she likes. She wants him to know that she loves him so much and that she would do anything for him
But she knows that it won’t happen soon, so she’s okay with it. She’s okay that he doesn’t know that she would pass out from crying if he ever left her, because she has to be okay with it-
She has to be okay with the fact that her dad doesn’t know he’s loved and cherished, like she used to think until her brother would pull her out of it.
I’m crying windows and shitting tears, why did anyone let me get this attached to a goddamn fictional character
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Ohn, my little traumatized baby…
Calling him dad:
I feel like Cale would have a blank face with mildly wide open eyes if the kids were to call him dad.  Raon would fumble with the words a little because while he considers him his father, he still feels shy about being so open about it.  Hong is beet red while shouting in a mix of embarrassment and excitement about proclaiming this to his dad’s face.  On would say it a bit quietly but steadily, glancing away for a second before maintaining eye contact because she wants him to know they mean it.  She looks almost unfazed but there’s a slight red on her ear. They see Cale have a blank look on his face and know it’s because he’s an idiot and needs a moment to process. Which is absolutely right because he’s like ‘me? Dad? Where did they get that idea? Well, not that i mind, but– when did this development happen?
And he’s close to saying they should not call him that if they feel weird about it, but he sees the genuine excitement on the boys’ faces, and the fond determination on On’s face that seems to know his turmoil and tells him that yes they mean it and no this doesn’t feel weird it feels liberating and suddenly he can’t say anything.  He just pats each of their heads before letting them fall into his arms in a warm embrace.  
Because children should be happy.
And his kids will be happy for as long as he can make it so.
So if calling him ‘dad’ makes them feel like this, he’s okay with it.
(He’s more than okay with it)
He ignores the way his chest feels.  Because that’s not important right now.
What’s important is that On started sniffling like she was about to cry.
That was new.  On had never made such an expression.  She seemed happy and relieved.
Like the weight she had been carrying as the older sister that was thrown away by her home was finally lifted from her small shoulders.  The usual serious expression was gone.
And Cale hugged her tighter.  He ignored the way his arms trembled from the effort.  So did the kids.
Because children should feel like children.
And On was feeling like a kid again. 
And her siblings were right there with her.
With their dad.
With this large yet little family of theirs.
In their own corner of the world.
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The Real Reason Why the APs Got Sealed When Cale is in Central Plains:
God of Balance, Miette voice: Gasp! You KICK this world? You kick at this world's delicate balance like the football?
God of Balance: oh! oh! Jail for the APs! Jail for the APs for one thousand years!
Cale: lol nah
Cale: *initiates jailbreak for his APs*
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I want Cale to use the skills he had as Kim Rok Soo more because like I get that he isn't physically strong now, but he also wasn't for a long time before and would have had to compensate. Also he was on like the most bamf teams apparently. Now imagine a time of peace where cale is truly relaxed and someone like Choi Han or Ron accidently sneak up on him and he just like judo flips them. It would be hysterical
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appellomancers are based
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The Human Who Can Never Forget
Cale: Raon, I am someone who cannot forget
Cale: …But I really don’t know that guy
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Guys help Witira x Rosalyn has got me in its grasps-
Idk what it is but seeing two powerful women love and appreciate each other give me dopamine the drugs could only dream of creating
So, as any normal person would do, I wrote 850 words about them on my phone like a psychopath
Well- enjoy! I’ll probably write the rest later if I’m being perfectly honest-
Rosalyn couldn’t remember when she first started feeling nervous around the future whale queen.
Actually, she 100% did.
It was during the battle at the Gorge of Death. Raon, the young dragon, was going through his first growth phase.
When she saw his little chubby face sticking out of the blanket, her heart wrenched.
Though, she could feel Cale’s nervousness waving off of him. It was hard to notice, but Cale relied on Raon a lot of the time in battle. With the dragon going through his first growth phase, she would need to step up.
It was the first time that she had controlled so much mana. It coursed through her veins and buzzed in the air around her. She had to fight to keep it from dissipating back into nature.
They were partially backed into a corner, and Cale helped the Whale Tribe beast people go berserk.
Now, maybe it was blood loss, but watching Witira go berserk made her light-headed. The way she became half-transparent like she was the water itself was mesmerizing.
For that beautiful person to be as equally powerful, Rosalyn found herself feeling butterflies in her stomach.
That outstanding pure power that Witira holds at her command- just thinking about it made Rosalyn's face flushed.
After that, every meeting they had while helping Cale, Rosalyn found herself just falling harder and harder for the gorgeous whale.
When the war ended, their meetings of chance had a brief pause because Cale had no reason to call them together anymore.
While working in her laboratory in the villa that was in the Dark Forest, Witira was stuck in her mind.
Her clear, smooth skin, her deep blue eyes, her long eyelashes, the mole under her lip…
Rosalyn couldn’t focus on anything. Well, anything else besides Witira-
She was having some trouble with her research as she needed someone with a high water affinity, which she evidently did not have.
She wanted to see how a high fire affinity interacted with a high water affinity.
Now, that idea by itself was purely curiosity on Rosalyns part. But when she thought about it more, Witira entered her head, and didn’t leave.
Now Rosalyn had the fire affinity, maybe she could use this as an excuse to meet with Witira…
“Maybe I can ask Witira-nim for help…”
Rosalyn mumbled to no one but herself.
“What could I help you with?”
The smooth voice made Rosalyn jump, knocking over a few bottles and papers.
“Sorry-“ she panicked, and started to clean her papers back up. “You surprised me-”
Witira also helped gather the mess back up. Her long, slender fingers brushed by Rosalyn’s hand and Rosalyn had to look away to compose herself.
‘Cold.’ Was all she could think. It was a nice cool, the type that you would relish in on a hot summer’s day.
“No, no. That was my fault- I apologize for frightening you.”
Bright red eyes meet cold blue. Rosalyn breaks off first out of fear of studying the rest of Witira’s face too closely.
“I couldn’t help but overhear you muttering my name, so my curiosity was… stimulated.” Her smooth voice nipped at your ears like a cold wind.
“Ah, my apologies. I simply find myself at a roadblock- a wall of sorts.” She brushed her hair behind her ear bashfully. “I am conducting an experiment- one that requires a strong water-affinity, but regretfully, I find myself lacking in that area.”
Rosalyn watches Witira scans her research papers, notes half organized or sprawled out randomly.
“Could I be of any help, miss Rosalyn-nim?” Witira catches Rosalyn’s eyes scanning her.
“I believe you could. And please, just Rosalyn is fine, Witira-nim.” Rosalyn pushes down her fluttering emotions.
“Alright Rosalyn, please do the same for me as well.” Rosalyn’s head spins and all she can do is nod.
“What does this experiment that you’re having trouble with entail?” Long nails brush the notes of paper, delicately lifting up corners to look at hidden writing and Rosalyn has to stop herself from thinking about how attractive Witira’s hands are if that’s even possible-
“Ah, well, you see I had this hypothesis-” she pulls out a piece of paper from the pile with notes more coherent than the rest. “So when a water attribute and a fire attribute mix, the water extinguishes the fire, right?”
Witira nods, “but if the fire attribute is stronger, the water dissolves into steam.” Rosalyn explains her theory comprehensively.
“So it got me wondering: if the only factor that determines if water beats fire or vice-versa is the strength of the attribute, I wondered what would happen when a high affinity fire attribute comes into contact with a high affinity water attribute.”
Witira brings a hand up to her mouth in thought- (holy hell is she attractive)“how curious. I have many-a-time witnessed fire be snuffed out by the domination of water, but just as equally as those times have I seen fire burn so bright to resist being extinguished.”
Witira smiles at her. “Your hypothesis is indeed very interesting. You wouldn’t mind me helping, would you?”
To be continued I guess-?
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Deruth: What did you do this weekend?
Cale: Joined a Cult, got engaged, became the Priest of said Cult, blew up a building, called off the engagement, adopted some children, and set another building on fire. Not nessicarrily in that order.
Deruth: ...this is revenge for ignoring you, isn't it?
Cale: :)
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I couldn't get this idea out of my head, so here it is
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