#tcf cale
slinknoxx · 2 days
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zharaely · 2 days
Choi Han heard Cale’s calm voice next to him at that moment. “There’s still some time left, but…” Choi Han turned back toward Cale. “Choi Han.” “Yes, hyung-nim.” “Happy birthday.” Cale could see the ripples in Choi Han’s eyes. They were not like strong waves crashing against the shore but gentle waves splashing and shining brightly. “…Happy birthday to you too, hyung.”
It's June 11 now, and it just so happens to be my birthday today, so here's a small scene from one of my favorite chapters along with my favorite characters! To everyone who also has their birthday on the same day, happy birthday to you! ^-^
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aidanisking · 14 hours
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Found the Cards
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iikisa · 3 hours
red dragon!krs and almighty raon miru!
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quaint-ignorant · 5 months
do you see the vision
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fictional2dcharacters · 3 months
When Cale gains a new ancient power or ability, he never tells anyone. The only way you know of his powers is if he uses them in a fight or you were there when he got it.
No one knew about Record until Cale used it trying to find the White Stars reincarnations. Heck, they still don’t know what that was.
To them, Cale just suddenly gained the ability to remember everything he read and he was also getting a fever from it, so no one knows what that was.
When he used Instant to destroy to the statues, NO ONE knew whatever THE FUCK THAT WAS—LIKE— Cale transcended time to destroy and statue, and then he looked like he took a shower in KNIVES SOMEHOW?? AND THEN HIS PLATE STARTED TO BREAK???
When Cale first used the super rock in the gorge of death no one knew a single thing about whatever the fuck was happening, but they just had to accept it
[this bit was added on later- whenever Cale used the “Blood-drenched rock” or whatever it was called while he was trying to use Embrace on the White Star, and he ended up using Embrace on one of the White Stars attacks but the button or whatever was holding it started to break so it was basically a bomb and he just ran through the castle like a mad man, and to everyone else it looked like Cale was covered in blood. Absolutely no one had any clue that he wasn’t in fact bleeding from everywhere on his body so that’s literally what they were assuming]
When Cale helped the Jungle because Arm had taken an island hostage and rigged dead mana bombs around the shore and everyone’s like
“oh no, what do we do, if we try to take it back all the hostages will die” and Cale is just like “leave it to me. I will eat all of the dead mana” LIKE SIR-💀
And then they go along with the plan anyways!?! AND THEN CALE STARTS CONTROLLING THE FUCKING TREES???
Cale:*reveals a new power in the heat of battle*
The enemies:😨
The allies:😨
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blueteller · 1 month
Normal person with voices in their head be like: "This is terrible! Am I going crazy?!"
Cale, with 7+ voices in his head on regular, be like: "This is pretty neat actually"
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crazydaymycrazyway · 3 months
Alberu, having dinner with Cale
Raon: Cookie prince, how's food?
Alberu: It's great, Raon-nim. Send compliments to the chef
Raon: Okay
Raon, teleporting to the kitchen: You look cool when you hold your long sword
Beacrox: ...alright
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slut-for-plot · 3 months
So, I’ve been reading quite a few TCF reaction fics lately and something I’ve noticed about all of these tics is that they all say Cale managed to take the war against the white star from 20 to 2 years and you know what? They’re wrong.
Cale had 2 years to prepare for the war with the north and as he’s running around he finds out a bit about arm and what they’re doing but not their purpose. This man finds out about the crazy stuff the white radish and the sealed b*tch have been doing only after the war with the northern alliance happens. You know how long it takes him to deal with all that?
A YEAR! One mother f*ck*ng year! Raon isn’t even 7 yet! This man Thales 20 years of war and terror and pain and suffering and deals with the problem in one f*ck*ng year. Sure he collected most of his allies and strengths in those first 2 years but Cale was still pretty much working blind when it came to the white radish and his plots.
People, you think 2 years is impressive? This man really did most of it in one and our beloved fool was in an entirely different dimension for 3 months of that year. Cale is legitimately terrifying and these fics are not giving him enough credit.
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rie-092 · 4 months
chapter two : the rumour.
summary : clopeh can't enter the henituse museum without finishing his book length prayer for his cale-nim.
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★﹒ ( First name ) doesn't know if Clopeh Sekka has things for redheads. But there was a thing that she was sure of, Clopeh is a certified crazy bastard. He was worse than that dragon who commits arson and burns down a whole damn mountain while laughing like a madman. And what's the reason why he did that? Simple, because he was sleep deprived and the elementals won't let him have his peaceful sleep.
The girl deadpanned at the sight in front of her. Clopeh had promised that he would take her out to a museum today. So that's the main reason for the extravagant outfit that the staff of the orphanage prepared for her. But, before they could even enter this damn museum, Clopeh had his hands clasped as he recited a prayer.
Does.... He finally lost his mind? The little redhead crossed her small arms as she looked at Clopeh. Her hands were sweating to the fact that people were looking at them. While her lips unconsciously pouted. Fuck, her child's senses were screaming at her to throw a fit right here, right now to get this bastard's attention.
So, instead of doing that. She tugged the end of the cape of the knight who was escorting them. "Uh... Mister... Is sir Clopeh alright? He's been like that since earlier."
The knight sweatdropped at her question, he awkwardly scratched his cheeks and crouched down at ( first name )'s level. "Little miss, the young master is always like this when uh.. visiting this museum."
"Why?" The little girl innocently asked. "Because he is obse— I mean, he idolizes the firstborn of the family who founded this museum."
( First name ) couldn't help but notice how forced the knight's expression was. He was practically praying to Angela, the God of War, the God of Death and whatever mythical creature that this kid would stop asking him about his liege's weird habits. Yeah, this is considered weird— but just remember that one time when he accidentally entered Clopeh's room and those concerning amount of pictures and drawings of the Young Master Henituse plastered on his liege's room. It was more than enough to traumatise his poor self.
' Maybe I should ask the Duke for a bonus.' he thought.
"Okay." ( First name ) simply said, as the knight's face brightened. "I'm going to look around, Mister! Please tell me when Sir Clopeh came back to reality!"
( First name ) waved her small hand at the knight as she started looking around the museum. Then, a certain painting caught her attention. She noticed how detailed the painting was. And how beautiful the man in the painting is. He was wearing a commander's uniform and had a small smile on his face.
"Pretty." Her reddish brown eyes shone as she looked at the painting. She was caught up in her small words where she was cursing the gods and goddesses for being unfair to her because she wasn't able to get the beauty of this red-haired man in this painting. She wasn't able to hear the murmurs of the people around her.
All of them were flabbergasted because of one thing. They've seen a peculiar sight of a small redhead that looks a lot like their Young master Silver Shield! What? And this kid was looking at Cale Henituse's portrait with those longing expression (when the truth is she was planning the whole event where she will be burning all temples of the God of Death and Angela, the Sun Goddess across the continent) does the young master has an illegitimate child that the people doesn't know of?!
As they started making their gossip inside their little brains. Clopeh's knight had already called for ( first name ) saying that Clopeh was looking for her and they should go to a restaurant nearby instead of staying here. Because Clopeh wasn't able to finish his one book-length prayer and he couldn't enter the Henituse Museum without finishing it.
"Okay." ( First name ) stoically said as she walked away from the painting. Not even aware that a certain orange-haired butler had seen her and now he was speechless and couldn't move from his spot.
Hans, that butler has his jaw dropped as he remembers the little girl that he saw earlier. Those lazy reddish brown eyes that can look down at you like you were some kind of dirty insect were very similar to his liege! That crimson hair! And those mannerisms!
Hans swallowed hard as he started hesitating whether he should tell it to Cale or the Duke himself. But then, decided that the Duke had the right to know about the existence of his granddaughter.
Later that day, those rumours about Cale having an illegitimate child that he kept from the public's eyes had already spread to the Roan Kingdom and the other neighbouring kingdoms. Those rumours kept on getting more and more ridiculous.
And Cale Henituse, the person on the rumour was now laying inside his room on the Henituse estate while sleeping. Ah, slacker life, how sweet it is. He can sleep 15 hours straight now and can laze around after all of those shits that he got involved with. His lips then curved into a sweet smile as he opened his eyes. Only to find two pairs of cat eyes and a pair of dragon's blue eyes staring at him.
"What the fuc—"
Cale almost falls from his bed after seeing his children, On, Hong, and Raon staring at him. He was about to ask what was wrong when he noticed that everyone, by everyone I mean the Molans, Choi Han, Lock, Rosalyn, Mary, and Eruhabe was staring at him with those eerie smiles.
"Unlucky bastard, tsk, tsk." Eruhaben shook his head making Cale more confused. "Cale-nim." This time it was Choi Han who was looking at Cale with a hint of betrayal in his eyes.
What the heck is going on?
This time, Rosalyn chuckled as she spoke in amusement. "Have you heard the news, Young master Cale? The crown prince had fainted."
"What? Why?"
"Because he heard that his younger sworn brother has a secret child that looks a lot like him." Cale deadpanned, is that so? But then he realized something causing his eyes to widen. He is Alberu's only sworn brother! "Huh? What the fuck?!"
"So, be honest to us young master-nim." Ron spoke with his benign smile. "Young master-nim, are you hiding something from us~?"
Vicious people. Cale suddenly wanted to escape this hellish place. What the heck are they talking about?! What secret child?! What happened while he was asleep?!
Then, Hans barged into his room. "Mister Ron! The Duke has fainted!" Fuck it, let him sleep slack in peace!
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slinknoxx · 2 days
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zharaely · 3 months
Cale when it comes to stabbing his heart:
Cale when he seals a god:
Cale when it comes to the Hunters:
Cale, when he found out he was looted by his uncle: “MOTHERFUCKER MY RETIREMENT FUNDS!!!”
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he4d-banger · 4 months
Cale: I don't like cats
Also Cale:
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iikisa · 3 months
choi han from this red dragon!krs au in progress
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and have an unrelated red dragon krs.
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aryabrier · 4 months
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Cale-nim is so cool
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Guys, Cales group has no fucking clue what his ancient powers do.
I mean, they have an idea, but some of them it’s out the window.
They all know he has a healing power. Well, maybe not all of them, because he’s never gone around publicizing it-
But the few that do know, know that it stopped him from blowing up when his powers were imbalanced, so it’s pretty impressive
But they don’t know the extent of the healing. I mean, it’s really confusing when your commander coughs up blood while he has a power that’s actively healing him. It’s like, damn is it selective healing or something?
But that makes Cales information about it even worse, because Cale knows he could grow back a few limbs, that he can go without food, water, and sleep for like 3 weeks, but those aren’t things that come to mind when you think about a healing power
If someone tells me: healing power- I’m not going to assume that includes not sleeping and feeling fine. Hell, I wouldn’t even assume limb regeneration, that’s strong as hell!
But when he’s coughing up blood, that doesn’t automatically equate to healing.
His shield ancient power. It can grow trees for some reason?? Or maybe that’s just a whole different power entirely, they just don’t fucking know-
Also what does his water ancient power do? He had that one power a while ago where he was just generating water, but now, he has a water spear. That’s the same power, right? Or no? Maybe it’s 3, we’ll never know
The wind ancient power, he can create whirlwinds with that, but can it do something else? Probably, we don’t know, every other power seems to have 2 or more uses-
The fire ancient power, holy shit it’s just lightning- and why can it purify dead mana? It’s like “dead mana is very dangerous, and can only be purified by priests from the church of the sun god, dark elves, necromancers, and this random ass ancient power that gets stronger from burning money” LIKE HUH?!!??!
But that just adds to Cale’s image, like omg he can destroy dead mana, he’s so amazing
But then you think about it and it’s like “wtf do his powers even do”
Like does he have to talk to the wind to use his powers or something? Cause he does that sometimes, and we don’t fucking know
What about his rock ancient power? What even is that?! That’s literally just artillery- it’s a thousand stone spears, that is terrifying. And then it’s just like “wait what do you mean it asks Cale if he wants to sacrifice himself” and “WHY DOES CALE SAY YES???? WHAT THE FU-”
Cale always says “I will purify it” but no one, and I mean NO ONE, except Cales allies, will ever understand that purify means literal goddamn LIGHTNING
They’re just guessing at this point, and if one day, Cale says “I can kill god” everyone will just nod like “yup, that checks out”
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