fvckastrology · 25 days
advice for the rising signs 🌅
do people still use tumblr?
aries: unclench your jaw sis
taurus: put some jewelry on, you showered today right?
gemini: pick ONE person in your phone and stop leading on the rest my guy
cancer: apologize to them!!!! you know who!
leo: nothing baby you’re perfect (saving myself an argument here)
virgo: drink your probiotics, baby bubblegut ily
libra: stop cheating on your gf/bf/theyf
scorpio: take a yoga class, fucking chill bro
sagittarius: opposite of scorpio, don’t chill, straighten up, get it together messy bitch
capricorn: order a pizza, take a day off, rob a bank, who knows?
aquarius: go to the library and learn to sit with your thoughts….. QUIETLY.
pisces: throw away your vape & block him
disclaimer: i’m not a licensed advice-giver, you are not a sim you have free will & autonomy xo
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fvckastrology · 3 years
rising sign mood
the bitch is back! feel free to check your sun/moon/mars too! comment your crush’s sign if ur brave 🥴
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fvckastrology · 3 years
How To Guess Someone’s Ascendant
(based on appearance) 
Has a well formed. angular bone structure and an admirable jawline  Eyebrows are arched and can often be thick The eyes look sharp (though they can really pull off the puppy dog eyes) The nose is prominent  Ruddy complexion and sensitive skin Will usually sport an athletic body  
Big doe eyes EXTREMELY pinchable cheeks Youthful and earthy appearance Usually of average height and build, the face is usually square Their aura is very calming  They carry themselves in a very elegant manner
Average to just above average height, slender body and long limbs When they smile their cheeks raise and create little balls (so cute) Beautiful long eye lashes Chiseled jaws Sometimes have cleft chins They walk as if on air
Moon shaped eyes that often look very sad Round face  Small noses that turn upwards Women can often have prominent breasts The energy surrounding them is often that of some sort of emotional turmoil
Hair is voluminous, thick and shiny  The face shape could be described as that of a lion Usually slim as they like to take care of themselves Moves in an elegant manner Teeth are large Appearance stays youthful as they continue to age A warm, nurturing aura Surrounded by an air of confidence and control
Fine, elegant features Their eyes show just how grounded they are The mouth is small and sensual The hair is big and well taken care of Tends to appear younger than actually is Graceful body
Serene and calm beauty Venusian type of body even if slim they can look plump  Glowing skin Hella good hair Heart shaped face Great taste in clothes Gentle aura that demands attention
Prominent nose, can be Roman They have an amazing profile Eyes are sharp and dark even if they’re blue or green, it’s as if they can see all of your darkest secrets (they probably do though) Usually found wearing black If you see them smiling then it’s real Dark silky hair Long fingers
Tall with long limbs Big teeth Eyes sparkle with curiosity Slim but can easily put on weight later in life Their face is long similar to that of a horse They are a bit clumsy
Resting bitch face Amazing bone structure  High cheekbones  Prominent collarbones  Sensitive skin Appears uptight and sad 
Dreamy eyes often light in color Attractive profile especially from the side Strong legs Good skin Their voice is calm and pleasing to the ear An air of eccentricity 
Ethereal presence The eyes are soft it’s as if their lost in a whole other world Graceful and soft bodies Charming laugh  Lovely smiles Feet are often tiny OR big
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fvckastrology · 5 years
the signs as lovers
(it's not that deep fam but check ur lover's venus/moon sign or ur own if ur beating it at night alone)
aries: i love you sike bitch die sksksksks
taurus: hey so who the fuck was that bitch looking at you at chipotle earlier i just wanna talk
gemini: oh fuck we're still dating im so sorry baby
cancer: *is still laying right next to you* you didn't call me when you woke up this morning >:(
leo: you want sum fuk
virgo: you're like really stupid all the time but i still love you don't worry i forgive you
libra: i!!! want!!! to!!! spend!!! the!!! rest!!! of!!! my!!! life!!! with!!! you!!!! *ghosts you for a year and two months* <3 <3 <3
scorpio: bitch if you ever fucking talk to me again i'll hit you with my car i will run you over i swear to god i-
sagittarius: why are we dating i literally hate you lol go away ugly
capricorn: pardon me but ya ass phAt
aquarius: why don't u ever play chess with me i let you meet my mom you privileged skank
pisces: i like really love you like more than anything but you're kind of a thot
tag ur friends/lover
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fvckastrology · 5 years
sun, moon & rising signs in one photo 🌟
(ur not gonna believe this, but i think u should check ur sun moon & rising)
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tag ur friends and reblog w your placements!!!
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fvckastrology · 5 years
why i fell for the signs
check your moon!!!!
aries: because they tied my shoelaces together when i wasn't looking
taurus: because they love themselves and that makes me love them
gemini: because they are funny and have the same sense of fucked up humor as me and don't get offended when i tell them i want to die
cancer: because they are so sweet and cute and their laugh is perfect and their smile is perfect and their personality is perfect and
leo: i didnt have to because they already fell for themselves
virgo: because they understand what it's like to pit yourself against yourself so often that it kills your internal self
libra: because they are pretty hot ngl
scorpio: because they pushed me down the stairs
sagittarius: because they tell jokes that make my head fall off and also because they make me want to kill them
capricorn: because they are 10001.4% spouse material
aquarius: because they give life.... well life and would probably help me dispose of a cadaver if i asked nicely
pisces: because they are so soft and pure and sleepy but also evil little sadistic cunts it's great you get the best of both worlds like hannah montana
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fvckastrology · 5 years
mood strips for the signs 🖤
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check ur rising, tag your friends
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fvckastrology · 5 years
random things the signs remind me of 🤠
(check uranus 🤔)
aries: getting a flat tire on the freeway
taurus: overdraft fees
gemini: pigeons with uneven eyes
cancer: epipen commercials
leo: burning cookies in my easybake oven
virgo: piss water
libra: velcro shoes
scorpio: the fat ass worm from a bug's life
sagittarius: i be flossin' i be flossin' i be flossin' i be flossin' i be flossin' i be
capricorn: my chemical romance
aquarius: mesothelioma
pisces: nemo's fucked up ass bad fin
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fvckastrology · 5 years
the signs as cute valentine's dates 💘
(check sun, moon & venus)
aries: takes you out to a subpar restaurant, but at least pays for you and then literally fucks you in the back of their car who is chivalry we don't know her
taurus: literal candlelight dinner (awe) in their living room and snuggles in a rose petal hot tub even though their mom keeps calling and interrupting naughty fun time
gemini: theme park date but you had to go home early because they got cotton candy in your eye and there might be an infection :/
cancer: takes you on a cute little evening coffee shop date and accidentally spills their boiling coffee on you but sike, little did you know they brought chocolate and napkins
leo: spends v day in their bedroom with you but even though you literally had to teleport inside of their mirror just to get them to look at you once, they still love you and got you flowers
virgo: makes fun of you the whole day but surprises you with a picnic dinner under a starlit sky outdoors and cool guess what? they bought you a new lamp for your room
libra: took you to the beach even though it's cold as fuck, you guys both got the flu and sick snuggles for the rest of the day, yes this happened in one day congrats
scorpio: admits they couldn't think of anything so you guys end up playing scrabble and they keep throwing the wooden letters at you but later they spell "i love you" with them on the board and then ya fuck
sagittarius: wraps you up in a blanket after you guys just vandalized a catholic church with spray paint and forces their headphone in your ear so you guys can listen to music and make out for a few hours
capricorn: creates the ideal lusty bedroom setting with rose petals and lace and even bought you sexy lingerie but you guys end up roasting everyone at work and drinking your weight in hard liquor
aquarius: dumps you for valentines day but also tells you they love you for the first time in your entire relationship awe so romantic
pisces: takes you to a cute little painting class and you guys get kicked out for painting dicks on the walls so you guys just end up making out on the walk home
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fvckastrology · 5 years
2019 new year's resolutions for the signs 🎉
aries: stop sucking dick and go get a real job
taurus: liquor is not the only beverage. try water.
gemini: if u want to be less hated, maybe stay in one room and one room only this entire year
cancer: tissues exist. so stop fucking crying and get a move on if u want people to respect u more
leo: believe it or not, there is a world outside of your little big headed bubble. explore that shit.
virgo: get a big ass cup of coffee and isolate yourself, no one has time for your "advice"
libra: stop pretending you actually have people's best interests at heart and embrace your shitty personality
scorpio: start charging real money for your affection, you'll be rich by april
sagittarius: walmart sells gorilla glue. do everyone a favor and use that shit as chapstick
capricorn: go fucking vegan you animal and sign up for tinder
aquarius: pick up a hobby that doesnt involve leading people on and then abandoning them before they make the next move
pisces: be a little more self centered for once also delete ur snapchat no one cares
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fvckastrology · 5 years
what i am getting the signs for christmas 🎅
aries: flame retardant
taurus: a cake that expires in two days
gemini: a deck of cards so they can play with those instead of other people's emotions
cancer: a cute gift basket with some bath bombs and chocolate and maybe some drugs
leo: socks even though they deserve nothing from me
virgo: a million dollars and a 18 ounce bag of skittles
libra: nothing
scorpio: some tear gas and probably an xbox one
sagittarius: a bag of peppermint cookies and if they're allergic then oh well
capricorn: a lot of gift cards and a six pack of dr. pepper
aquarius: a dictionary smh
pisces: a puppy and maybe a cute collar for it if they're extra nice
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fvckastrology · 5 years
the signs as different holidays 🎁
(tag ur friends omg)
aries: the purge
taurus: thanksgiving
gemini: april fool's day
cancer: mother's/father's day
leo: Christmas
virgo: presidents day
libra: valentines day
scorpio: Halloween
sagittarius: new year's day
capricorn: pay day
aquarius: kwanzaa
pisces: easter
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fvckastrology · 6 years
the signs literally right now 🌚
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fvckastrology · 6 years
what the signs died of 😵
aries: rolled their eyes so hard they got stuck and they couldn't see that car coming
taurus: overeating and/or homework and also too many boyfriends
gemini: accidentally shot themselves in the foot and survived, but then panicked and died of a heart attack
cancer: literally anything and everything also their cousin stabbed them
leo: was jerking off to pictures of themselves and overdosed on orgasm
virgo: overthinking and finding out YOLO was in the dictionary
libra: being so nice that their heart got hella big and busted a blood vessel in their chest, causing internal bleeding
scorpio: dick exploded, left three dead one in critical condition
sagittarius: was hit by reality so hard they were dead on impact
capricorn: literally drowned in pussy and couldn't swim
aquarius: the fucking government finally flanked their ass
pisces: performing in the shower, slipped on a pantene bottle and died of embarrassment in front of their invisible crowd
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fvckastrology · 6 years
the signs as shit my cats do 😼
aries: beating the SHIT out of my other cat and then acting like nothing happened
taurus: not sharing the cat treats like a proper gentleman
gemini: **rawr XD nuzzles**
cancer: meowing really sad when i turn the lights off and go to bed
leo: literally hitting me in the face when asking for attention or belly rubs
virgo: hissing at absolutely nothing
libra: pushing other cat off of bed
scorpio: being territorial of the shit they just took in the litter box
sagittarius: not paying attention and running into the door (hard)
capricorn: sleeping all day and becoming a literal NASCAR driver at night
aquarius: offering me a toy mouse as some sort of sacrifice for their kind
pisces: actually being nice to me for once
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fvckastrology · 6 years
what the signs are doing this summer 🏖
aries: fighting anyone who says the weather is 'nice'
taurus: either going to the club, tanning or doing literally nothing at all
gemini: faking a great summer on ig but actually bored af
cancer: getting skin cancer bc they can't afford sunscreen
leo: breaking up with all of their boyfriends to focus on themselves
virgo: joined a local book club yep that's about it
libra: getting pregnant twice
scorpio: getting bitches pregnant twice
sagittarius: driving to ukraine to hide a body
capricorn: working and maybe practicing pole dancing
aquarius: buying thongs on eBay
pisces: hanging out with their friends and/or forcing hentai on their friends
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fvckastrology · 6 years
the signs when you insult them 😡
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check ur mars 😤
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