guewsy · 27 days
Yeah but to be fair from the groups perspective Hiccup was like Gustav. An annoying kid who has it too easy, gets away with everything, doesn't change is behavior and is costing them a lot of resources and money.
Hiccup isn't even that nice to Gustav. everyone practically groans when Gustav is near.
Besides imagine you were in fishlegs' position, the kid you used to be friends with is the reason the town gets destroyed frequently wouldn't you distance yourself as well.
And for Astrid I think she never really knew him as anything other than the chief's son who later became the reason things were going wrong. I don't think they had any reason to really like Hiccup. He was causing more harm than Gustav ever did, and they all act like Gustav is the worst thing on earth. Even Hiccup.
the dragons series had a lot of inconsistencies tbh and I've yet to see anyone spell some of them out? so I'm gonna be the critic i need in my life
this childless Grandma is not a healer.
she is a Seeress or a Wise Woman. the Berkians canonically refer to her as The Elder.
A Seeress' job is to commune with gods and spirits (mostly thru getting high) and give advice to their King or Jarl (or Chief). Gothi does this canonically by being the final judge for whether Hiccup or Astrid got to graduate/get the honour of killing the Monstrous Nightmare.
Seeress' were almost always women, although men did occasionally become Seers, it was considered emasculating and unnatural.
Seeress' may also live in high, isolated places in order to be closer to the Gods, which Gothi most definitely does. They could also take vows of silence, which is most likely what Gothi has done, if she isn't physically mute.
Seeress' were highly respected and had a considerably amount of influence over their clan.
Berk's attitude towards the dragons
The end of Httyd 1 showed multiple people riding and co-habituating with Dragons. They had feeding stations (made out of old braziers), stables etc:
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But RoB/DoB opens with the village seriously struggling to assimilate the Dragons into their lives, with the Dragons stealing food and shitting in the town square.
Fishlegs & Hiccup
Fishlegs is not Hiccup's friend in Httyd 1, he's one of Hiccup's bullies.
Fishlegs hangs out with Snotlout, the twins and Astrid and laughs along with them when teasing Hiccup. He may be a conflicted or opportunistic bully rather than a flat out asshole, but he's still participating.
Fishlegs is one above Hiccup in the pecking order, if Hiccup's not around to be bullied then Fishlegs is next in line. But as it stands Fishlegs is allowed into the friend circle, whereas Hiccup is not.
Fishlegs is the bully that needs Hiccup around so that he doesn't get bullied himself. He for sure wants to be friends with Hiccup too, but he's not going to risk his position in the group for Hiccup.
Snotlout & bullying Fishlegs
the series (The Iron Gronckle ep mostly) makes out that Snotlout has been terrorising specifically Fishlegs (both physically and verbally) to the point that Fishlegs has become meek and anxious because of him.
which is just blatantly not true, see my above point on Fishlegs being one of the bullies.
Snotlout is mean to Fishlegs, sure. but he's also mean to Hiccup, and on occasion to the Twins. Snotlout is second in command of this group's/generation's pecking order, and he only bows his head to Astrid because she is sitting solidly at the top (and he has a crush on her).
As soon as Astrid is booted off of her pedestal by Hiccup, Snotlout starts acting friendly to Hiccup. So does everyone save Astrid.
and once Hiccup is top dog, Snotlout takes orders from Hiccup, because Hiccup is the most successful and respected of their group. Even when they lead him into dangerous situations like the final battle against the Red/Green Death.
Snotlout is not The Bully TM he's just one of many bullies. He wasn't trying to single people out, he was just trying to fit in with the standard the adults of Berk had set, and one of those standards was bullying the weak.
Astrid & bullying hiccup
the series loves to forget that Astrid was the Leader of the group for most of Httyd 1, and she was at best a passive observer of their bullying Hiccup, and at worst an active participant. She shared Berk's views on "get tough or get out" and applied them to Hiccup.
Astrid took things a step further and started stalking Hiccup as soon as he started out pacing her in training. She pushed him around and hit him, while even Snotlout had only teased him.
Saying that Astrid and Hiccup have "known each other all [their] lives" in RTTE is true in that they have lived in the same village and grown up at the same time, but they most definitely weren't close in Httyd 1.
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guewsy · 1 month
Alright, weird ask but here it goes. Hi. My name is Avalon, I’m the main writer.
Over the past few months, something has been physically wrong with my body and I’ve had to step back from writing. I work already but have had to reduce my hours from how bad pains are getting. I have student debt, it’s stressing me the fuck out and it’s not helping the situation. I was working so hard to fix this goal on my own but bills are tackling me on top of a loan I had to take out for a vehicle last year when my last car caught on fire (it’s actually a whack ass story) and normally I don’t ask for help but this is the one exception because I just had to reduce my hours due to health reasons on my end.
I’m stressed out of my mind. I would seriously appreciate ANYONE who could help, spread this, boost it, PLASTER IT if you can’t donate because hey, I get it. I don’t normally ask for help, I actually hate doing it because I prefer to work towards my goals by myself but I am reaching a point in my health where pain is becoming my new normal. I tried to work more hours at my job to fix this but I pushed myself to a point where I physically could not do it. I appreciate all of you. I seriously do. I miss writing here, I just haven’t had the energy for writing at all and it’s killing me that I have to ask you guys for help like this.
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guewsy · 2 months
Oh My God this sounds wonderful, definitely update me when you do write it. I would love to read it. It always astounds me how talented people are at coming up with plot ideas.
I'm really curious about the type of clues they'll find and hoe they'll put them together. Oh and maybe they'll learn about their uncle Matthias in the process.
Every post about Kanej's kids is about them being fully immersed in the crime side of Ketterdam. I don't think for a second that Kaz and Inej would want their kids to go down the path they did or make the decisions they had to make.
I don't think they would be naive or sheltered but definitely cautious and protected. Like they would be taught self defense and how to act in situations, but i doubt they would ever be put into these types of situations.
If they do have kids I also like to imagine that they wouldn't live in Ketterdam.
Also both Kaz and Inej view stealing and lying and murdering as bad. Inej always asks for forgiveness and that is the reason Kaz views himself as beyond forgiveness and as a monster. So for sure that is not something they want their kids to feel.
I think maybe the kids might not even be fully aware of what their parents do if they still continue doing it when they have kids. Because the longer the work the more targets on their backs, and they wouldn't want their kids to have a target on them.
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guewsy · 2 months
Every post about Kanej's kids is about them being fully immersed in the crime side of Ketterdam. I don't think for a second that Kaz and Inej would want their kids to go down the path they did or make the decisions they had to make.
I don't think they would be naive or sheltered but definitely cautious and protected. Like they would be taught self defense and how to act in situations, but i doubt they would ever be put into these types of situations.
If they do have kids I also like to imagine that they wouldn't live in Ketterdam.
Also both Kaz and Inej view stealing and lying and murdering as bad. Inej always asks for forgiveness and that is the reason Kaz views himself as beyond forgiveness and as a monster. So for sure that is not something they want their kids to feel.
I think maybe the kids might not even be fully aware of what their parents do if they still continue doing it when they have kids. Because the longer the work the more targets on their backs, and they wouldn't want their kids to have a target on them.
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guewsy · 3 months
Why does every fan-art post King of Scars depict Zoya with a darker skin tone. She is literally described as Ravkan passing. Nikolai was surprised to find out she was Suli.
i don't even understand the representation angle. Do you think light skinned south Asian or mixed people (which Zoya is) don't exist.
Besides Inej already exists, funnily i think you can find more fanarts with Inej being the lighter one.
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guewsy · 6 months
I don't know if this has been said before, but I was just re-watching Lockwood and co and the reason the 'asset' line from Lockwood hit Lucy so hard was because her mother didn't care about her at all until she started making money for the family.
She was only valuable because she made money, and with Lockwood, she finally thought someone cared for her not the money she bought in.
I think that makes her reaction make a bit more sense, because it's that mixed with the fact that she didn't want her name to appear anywhere and Lockwood announced it on the news, so she was already mad about that.
When I first watched it her reaction didn't make sense to me because it was on par with Inej's reaction to being called an investment. But with Inej it makes sense because she was literally sold into slavery and her worth was weighed in how much business she could bring in. But I didn't understand why Lucy would get mad because she obviously likes being praised since she got it so rarely, and calling someone an asset isn't that bad. considering it's definition is literally 'a useful or valuable thing or person'.
I don't know, this may have been really obvious to most people, but it just clicked for me, so i thought I'd make this post for people who maybe were like me and didn't catch on.
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guewsy · 10 months
The picture wasn't loading and I thought it was going to be a picture of perry the platypus.
Why does no fanart of Kaz or Jesper, that isn't based on the show, include their hats as part of their outfit.
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guewsy · 10 months
Why does no fanart of Kaz or Jesper, that isn't based on the show, include their hats as part of their outfit.
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guewsy · 10 months
I don't have many followers either, but here you go
ohhhh i hope this reaches a lot of people..plz reblog cuz i have 2 followers and i want this to be not biased as possible
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guewsy · 10 months
Inej's MBTI type on most websites is Isfp. But no other Isfp characters remind me of her. Does any one have any fictional characters that remind them of her.
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guewsy · 10 months
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guewsy · 10 months
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guewsy · 10 months
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guewsy · 10 months
I genuinely don't understand why they call the "Investment" line by Kaz his best approximation of flirting. The girl he had a crush on was DYING IN HIS ARMS.
I would assume flirting would be the furthest thing from his mind.
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guewsy · 10 months
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guewsy · 10 months
I don't know if this is a niche reference but you know the "best handshake ever" from Castle. That but make it Kanej.
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