itsjustjelly · 1 month
Currently trying to pick up a new dnd/ttrpg campaign to get into and listen to while at work, if anyone has any suggestions of ones you like, I am accepting anything, honestly the nicher the better bcs I've listened to a lot of the more popular ones.
Here are ones I have listened to/plan to listen to/refuse to listen to/can't listen to, just so you don't recommend any of these:
Have listened to-
TAZ Balance
TAZ Amnesty
TAZ Graduation
Critical Role Campaigns 1 & 2
Fantasy High (Freshman and Sophomore year)
Unsleeping City
Tiny Heist
Mistfits & Magic
JRWI Riptide
Blood in the Bayou
JRWI Convergence
Fated Five
Dungeons and Daddies
High Hopes Low Rolls
Anime Campaign
The Encounter Table (up until the split)
Rusty Quill Gaming
Fools Gold
Dungeon Meshi (not a campaign but its similar enough in vibes that I felt the need to include it)
Sword AF (plan to listen to season 2 when it releases)
Ones I either started and lost interest in, or just don't wanna watch/can't watch-
Critical Role Campaign 3
A Crown of Candy
Escape from the Bloodkeep
The Seven
A Starstruck Odyssey
A Court of Fey and Flowers
Burrow's End
Prime Defenders (got so many spoilers I lost interest)
Fantasy High Junior Year (paywall, plan to watch later)
Neverafter (paywall)
JRWI Apotheosis (paywall, been meaning to watch but I cancelled my subscription during their hiatus)
The Suckening (same as above)
Legends of Avantris (wanna watch but I have no idea where to start)
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itsjustjelly · 2 months
My thoughts on Tenma Parents!
I am the Tenma parents' number #1 defender in a way. I still think they fucked up Tsukasa, but not intentionally.
(fyi, Tsukasa is definitely a mama's boy and I don't accept criticism. Saki's on the contrary)
I think Tsukasa's parents loved both him and Saki equally, unlimitedly, and wholeheartedly. The sad reality is that life handed the entire family a shitty deck of cards. And while love is unlimited, time and attention isn't.
They try their best, they genuinely do, but it's difficult juggling their job AND an ill child AND another child.
Due to Saki's (uncontrollable!! Remember!!) condition, one of the parents has to be with her nearly at all times and the other one has to work for the additional hospital bills (since the government can't cover some surgeries or procedures. Idk how it works in Japan but)
They try to be there for Saki and Tsukasa a lot but they do notice growing concerns abt both of them.
Saki's getting quiet, nearly bursting into tears every time Tsukasa or any of them leaves the hospital room. She clings on to people a lot to the point of where it hurts.
Tsukasa's getting quiet too. He thinks they don't notice, since he's trying to act upbeat and cheery in front of Saki to cheer her up, but they can't ignore... that. Whatever is happening to him.
They both don't know what to do.
Despite their best efforts, Tsukasa was still left home alone most of his late childhood and early teens.
They don't have favourites, but after a while, they can't say they know their son anymore. They saw him grow up without them, and it's the most heartbreaking thing to not be there.
They had to miss his middle school graduation. They tried to take time off work, but neither of them got off fast enough to reach the ceremony. Both only saw him that day at the hospital.
But Tsukasa lied. Lied to Saki's face, because he didn't want to upset her.
Tsukasa's mom: "Sweetheart, we're so sorry-"
Tsukasa: "-that you had to leave the ceremony early? It's okay!"
Their parents look at him confused because the issue is that they weren't even there. But Tsukasa gave them eyes, begging them to play along.
Tsukasa's mom: "...yeah. y-yeah, work called in and we really couldn't avoid it much longer"
Tsukasa lets out a sigh of relief before nodding and smiling "really! It's okay!"
When leaving Saki's ward, his mom asked him why he lied, and he just looked at her and shook his head.
Tsukasa: "...Saki does this thing, where she blames herself for stuff she can't control. I-I don't know how I know it, but I'm sure she'll do the same if she found out you weren't there. I don't want to see her doing that."
Outside, his mom pulls him into a hug, whispering apology after apology as she holds him. He kept insisting, it's fine! Really! He's a future star, with loads of celebration to come! Who cares if they missed one?
His mom looks at him, with genuine sadness, and asks him to be honest with her. Is he upset?
She noticed him froze, before shaking his head.
Tsukasa: "Not at all, mom! I understand why you both couldn't make it"
Tsukasa's mom: "...You can understand and still be upset. You're allowed to be"
But despite her best efforts to make her son open up, he still shakes his head and tells her it's alright.
She thinks he doesn't know that she knows. She knows that he wants them to worry less about him, which made them worry more.
She learned from Saki that Tsukasa doesn't have a lot of friends. He never mentions it a lot to Saki, but every time Saki asks him if he'd be hanging out with people, he just looks at her confused.
Tsukasa: "Why would I hang out with other people when I have the most incredible sister in the world!"
When he started to open up to her again, later in the future, when everything had settled down and life was beginning to move steady, she'll learn that his classmates think he's overbearing.
He wasn't getting bullied, nor was he actually disliked. But in terms of friends? They think he's a bit too loud, too tiring to deal with. Some even think he's a bit too selfish.
She would argue about that final point with her life. Because if anything, she wishes Tsukasa thought of himself more.
They learned more about him when he was 17. They learned about his friends, his troupe, his work, and how close he's gotten towards achieving his dreams. They're so unbelievably proud of him. He's grown into such an incredible person.
They just wished they could've taken the credit.
They loved their children equally. Even when Toya was pulled into the frame and they unknowingly gained a third, they loved him all the same.
But there's a difference in loving and knowing, because their son felt far more distant to them than their daughter. And they're trying their absolute best to fix that rift before it's too late
Both Tsukasa and Saki suffered majorly in their life, both in vastly different ways. But in terms of parents, I think Tsukasa got the short end. But not intentionally, y'know? It's like. Accidental child neglect.
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itsjustjelly · 2 months
AAA I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT RABBIT PLUSHIES THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT!! Also I listened to that song and it is Tyler-coded omg
So, fellow School Bus Graveyard readers, where are all my Tyler fans?? I'm seeing a criminal lack of love and appreciation for my guy in the fan base. Like, dude got impaled by a tree and lived, least he deserves is some respect.
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itsjustjelly · 2 months
I think actually we should absolve Chip of any and all crimes he has committed or will commit in the future, simply because he's silly. Idk I just feel like he has justification.
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itsjustjelly · 2 months
So, fellow School Bus Graveyard readers, where are all my Tyler fans?? I'm seeing a criminal lack of love and appreciation for my guy in the fan base. Like, dude got impaled by a tree and lived, least he deserves is some respect.
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itsjustjelly · 2 months
Since I moved my other video to Tumblr I figured I might as well to do the same to this one. I posted this to Tiktok back in September but ofc this audio got copyrighted too.
UMG, when I catch you UMG
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itsjustjelly · 2 months
AAA FLASHING IMAGES WARNING AT LIKE 0:44 (I'm so sorry I forgot to include it)
Posting this stupid tribute to JRWI Riptide I made when their hiatus first started, now to Tumblr to memorialize it (I originally posted it to Tiktok and the sound got copywritten 😞)
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itsjustjelly · 2 months
Posting this stupid tribute to JRWI Riptide I made when their hiatus first started, now to Tumblr to memorialize it (I originally posted it to Tiktok and the sound got copywritten 😞)
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itsjustjelly · 2 months
maybe in another lifetime they’ll bring back just roll what ifs
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itsjustjelly · 2 months
Love that my brain still refuses to let go of Riptide bcs it means I'll still be obsessed with it when it comes back, but it leaves me with the curse of it being the only thing I can think about with no outlet because THERE'S NO NEW CONTENT AND I JUST HAVE TO WAIT
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itsjustjelly · 2 months
Rare (and several days late) Project Sekai post, because shockingly I have multiple interests consuming my brain, but since the MIKUdemy stuff is in the ENG server now, does anyone else think Tsukasa's placement is really interesting? Because of all the groups he could've been placed in, he got the Cautious Heart group. Passion Heart seems like the obvious choice, but they placed him in Cautious Heart specifically. It seems so odd too, considering the other members are Haruka, Honami, Kohane, and Mafuyu, all fairly reserved and quiet characters. Tsukasa is very clearly not reserved or quiet in any capacity, so he contrasts pretty starkly to the rest in his group.
And then, in a conversation with MEIKO and Haruka, Honami said this:
Tumblr media
And that's what it is. While I definitely wouldn't call Tsukasa's personality discreet by any means, careful and deliberate are both fairly accurate. He crafts this boisterous and loud persona, makes himself seem reliable and confident so people depend on him naturally. He is very purposeful in how he acts, and I think it's so fun that the game acknowledges this nuance.
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itsjustjelly · 2 months
Happy 1 year anniversary to the wildest episode of Riptide! Cheers to traumatizing Charlie and the entire Riptide fanbase!!
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itsjustjelly · 2 months
An element of Chip's character design I don't see a lot of people implement into their fanart is his chipped teeth, which he actually chipped twice. Once in Loffinlot when he chipped his tooth as a joke trying to make Earl laugh, and then again later on when Gillion gave him a sand dollar and Chip bit into it to "test if it was real" or something. But yeah, Chip's teeth are fucked up!
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itsjustjelly · 2 months
Reblogging again bcs I fucked up the first time, oopsies
I was going through old Vox Machina posts, and I found one from @/eponymous-rose, where they came up with funny alternate titles for the episodes of the campaign. I stole that idea and did it with JRWI Riptide! Here you go:
(Spoilers for up to 115)
Episode 1-2 : "Everything Immediately Went Wrong (Unsurprisingly)"
Episode 3-7: "What's So Funny?"
Episode 8: "This Hot Purple Tiefling Can't Possibly Be Evil"
Episode 9-10: "Is This the Plot of The Hangover?"
Episode 11: "You Should Really See a Therapist, Jay"
Episode 12-14: "These Are The Most Viewed Episodes Because a Popular Minecraft Youtuber is in Them."
Episode 15: "What's a Little Battle to the Death Between Friends?"
Episode: 17: "This Isn't Techincally Kidnapping, Right?"
Episode 16: "The Best (Worst?) Ship Name"
Episode 18: "The Single Worst Possible Character Design Decision"
Episode 19-20: "Holy Shit We're Finally Doing Dungeon Stuff"
Episode 21: "How to Queerbait your Audience"
Episode 22-23: "Cursed Artifact is Given to Person Most Likely to Use it"
Episode 24-25: "Battle of the Bands"
Episode 26: "I Bet This Decision Won't Have Any Consequences (Sequel to Cursed Artifact)"
Episode 27-28: "This Feels Like a Sidequest"
Episode 29-31: "Violent Game of Capture The Flag (With a Frankly Absurd Amount of Pantsing)"
Episode 32: "Oh Yeah, We're in the Middle of a War"
Episode 39-40 "Oh Yeah, We're Still in the Middle of a War"
Episode 33-38: "Cat Fight (Literally)"
Episode 41: "That Decision Had Consequences (Cursed Artifact Part 3)"
Episode 42-46: "Making Bad Decisions (but it Works Out)"
Episode 47: "Finally Naming the Pirate Crew After Almost 50 Episodes"
Episode 48: "Really Feeling the Treasure Planet Inspiration Here"
Episode 49: "Was This Episode Real?"
Episode 50-52: "What the Actual Fuck Grizzly"
Episode 53: "Crying About Daddy Issues in Cosplay"
Episode 53-55: "The Mario Water Level of the Campaign"
Episode 56: "Why Would You Do That?!"
Episode 57-58: "Family Reunions and Lesbians"
Episode 59-60: "Our Friend Might Be Dead. Anyway, Lets Go Shopping!"
Episode 61-62: "Making Bad Decisions Again (it Doesn't Work Out This Time)"
Episode 63: "Loss of the Single Best NPC in D&D History"
Episode 64: "Reminder That Your Actions Have Consequences"
Episode 65-67: "Roblox Murder Mystery"
Episode 68-68: "No, That's Not a Typo"
Episode 70: "Fighting Our Friend's Inner Demons (Literally)"
Episode 71-72: "The Feywild is Insane"
Episode 73: "Hey, Where's Gillion?"
Episode 74-80: "Hee Hoo! This Arc Was a Fever Dream!"
Episode 81: "Oops, This One's Got Self Worth Issues"
Episode 82: "Gillion Hatches"
Episode 83-84: "Semi-consensual Attempted Murder"
Episode 85: "How to Lose All of Your Money In Three Simple Steps!"
Episode 86: "Fight to the Death Between Friends, but with Character Development"
Episode 87: "Fanartists' Hell"
Episode 88: "Return of the Single Best NPC in D&D History"
Episode 89: "We're Not High Enough Level for That Yet'
Episode 90: "Cat Fight (With Murder This Time)"
Episode 91-92: "The Riptide Pirates Get Blazed (and Then Eaten)"
Episode 93: "Oh Shit, Lore"
Episode 94-96: "Callbacks: The Arc"
Episode 97: "The Best April Fools Prank Ever"
Episode 98: "Gillion Doesn't Die (Somehow)"
Episode 99: "This Ended Too Well, Something Has to Go Wrong"
Episode 100-101: "Something Went Wrong"
Episode 102: "We're Finally High Enough Level for That"
Episode 109-110: "Chip Dies (NOT CLICKBAIT!!!)
Episode 111-112: "Tonal Whiplash"
Episode 113: "No Comment"
Episode 114-115: "Here's a Massive Cliffhanger, See You in Six Months!"
(Since the campaign is still ongoing, I will be updating this as new episodes release)
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itsjustjelly · 2 months
If you like D20'S Mistfits and Magic and your favorite character is Evan Kelmp, you should really watch JRWI'S Apotheosis bcs there's a character I think you're gonna like
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itsjustjelly · 5 months
Idk if I missed/forgot something, but like, did the Riptide Pirate's boob flag ever get replaced?? Or is that just permanently their jolly roger.
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itsjustjelly · 5 months
Finally updated it, now it's current
I was going through old Vox Machina posts, and I found one from @/eponymous-rose, where they came up with funny alternate titles for the episodes of the campaign. I stole that idea and did it with JRWI Riptide! Here you go:
(Spoilers for up to 115)
Episode 1-2 : "How Did Everything Go Wrong, We Just Started"
Episode 3-7: "Laughing but it's Really Creepy Actually"
Episode 8: "This Hot Purple Tiefling Can't Possibly Be Evil"
Episode 9-10: "Getting Drunk and Making Bad Choices"
Episode 11: "Nightmare Sequence: Jay's Turn"
Episode 12-14: "These Are The Most Viewed Episodes Because a Popular Minecraft Youtuber is in Them."
Episode 15: "Friendly Fight to the Death"
Episode 16: "The Moment a Food Became the Biggest Ship Name in the Fandom"
Episode: 17: "Accidentally Abducting a Child"
Episode 18: "Bizly Makes the Single Worst Possible Decision for his Character Design"
Episode 19-20: "Holy Shit We're Finally Doing Dungeon Stuff"
Episode 21: "How to Queerbait your Audience"
Episode 22-23: "Cursed Artifact is Given to Person Most Likely to Use it"
Episode 24-25: "Battle of the Bands"
Episode 26: "I Bet This Decision Won't Have Any Consequences (Sequel to Cursed Artifact)"
Episode 27-28: "This Feels Like a Sidequest"
Episode 29-31: "Pirate Gladiator Battle (and Lots of Pantsing)"
Episode 32: "Oh Yeah, We're in the Middle of a War"
Episode 33-38: "Cat Fight (literally)"
Episode 39-40 "Oh Yeah, We're in the Middle of a War: Part 2"
Episode 41: "That Decision Had Consequences (Cursed Artifact Part 3)"
Episode 42-46: "Everyone Makes Bad Choices but Everything Works Out in the End"
Episode 47: "Yeah it Took Us This Long to Name Our Pirate Crew"
Episode 48: "Forgot We Had a Boss Battle"
Episode 49: "Was This Episode Real?"
Episode 50-52: "What the Actual Fuck Grizzly"
Episode 53: "Crying About Daddy Issues in Cosplay"
Episode 53-55: "The Mario Water Level of the Campaign"
Episode 56: "Why Would You Do That?!"
Episode 57-58: "Family Reunion and Lesbians"
Episode 59-60: "Chip's Suicide Mission"
Episode 61-62: "Everyone Makes Bad Choices but it Doesn’t Work Out in the End This Time"
Episode 63: "Loss of the Single Best NPC in D&D History"
Episode 64: "Nightmare Sequence: Chip's Turn"
Episode 65-67: "Roblox Murder Mystery"
Episode 68-68: "No, That's Not a Typo"
Episode 70: "Fighting Our Friend's Inner Demons"
Episode 71-72: "The Feywild is Insane"
Episode 73: "Wait Where'd He Go?"
Episode 74-80: "Hee Hoo! This Arc Was a Fever Dream!"
Episode 81: "Oops, This One's Got Self Worth Issues"
Episode 82: "Gillion Hatches"
Episode 83-84: "Semi-consensual Attempted Murder"
Episode 85: "How to Lose All of Your Money In Three Simple Steps!"
Episode 86: "Friendly Fight to the Death but With Character Development"
Episode 87: "Fighting the Sun for Your Homies"
Episode 88: "Return of the Single Best NPC in D&D History"
Episode 89: "We're Not High Enough Level for That Yet'
Episode 90: "Cat Fight (With Murder This Time)"
Episode 91-92: "The Riptide Pirates Get High and Then Die"
Episode 93: "Oh Shit, Lore"
Episode 94-96: "Callbacks: The Arc"
Episode 97: "Nightmare Sequence: Gillion's Turn"
Episode 98: "Gillion Doesn't Die (Somehow)"
Episode 99: "This Ended Too Well, Something Has to Go Wrong"
Episode 100-101: "Something went wrong"
Episode 102: "We're Finally High Enough Level for That"
Episode 109-110: "Chip Dies (NOT CLICKBAIT!!!)
Episode 111-112: "Tonal Whiplash"
Episode 113: "No Comment"
Episode 114-115: "Here's a Massive Cliffhanger, See You in Six Months!"
(Since the campaign is still ongoing, I will be updating this as new episodes release)
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