mangasstuffcomics · 2 days
This is ridiculous it's 2024
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And there still trying to claim the curse of hatred is gaslighting propaganda or a theory somehow tobirama wasn't the only person who mentioned the curse of hatred not only did obito mention the curse of hatred so did hagoromo
And not one person not even hashirama denied the curse of existence infact hashirama added on to the conversation and mentioned madara love for izuna
How the hell do these people not see the absurdity of accusing the concept of the Curse of Hatred, of minimising the experiences of those who have been abused or racially discriminated against?
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How? Where is the link between the two? Kishi gave a very clear reason as to why Uchihas specifically fell victim to the COH. What has women suffering mental breakdowns due to social neglect or abuse got to do with anything? They're stupidly trying to insinuate that giving the COH as a reason for the Uchihas hatred is minimising their trauma in the same manner as diagnosing women who have suffered abuse with hysteria, but there is no correlation. Again, because a very clear reason was given as to why it affects specifically the Uchihas. It began with Indra who hated his father and brother for the former's decision to entrust the future to Ashura. And as Indra is the progenitor of the Uchiha's, his hatred was passed down. That's all there is to it. What the fuck is all this nonsense about minimising people's traumatic experiences in reality?
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No one tried to "confuse" anyone, Tobirama literally described the Uchiha to be a clan possessed by evil. That, and he didn't even say that they were inherently filled with hatred (or "hysterical" as this person likes to claim), he explained that very specific criteria have to be met in order for the Uchiha to fall victim to the Curse. It's not as if every single time an Uchiha feels hatred or gets "hysterical", it's automatically because of the COH. So this just further debunks this persons already feeble point. Because they're acting as if the story indicated that whenever an Uchiha gets hysterical, it must be because of the COH, showing how little they paid attention.
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Because in this situation, it is their particular group's problem.
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Scientific proof? It's a fucking supernatural phenomenon. There's nothing scientific about it. That's like asking for scientific proof for the existence of chakra. Do they not see how stupid that sounds? It's fictional. These people are ridiculous. The only scientific part about it is the part where chakra gets released inside the brain and reacts with the optic nerves which leads to the emergence of their Sharingan. But again, chakra is fictional.
Then they bring up Shikamaru's revenge mission against Hidan and Kakuzu in attempt to support their point, when not only does that again ignore both why the curse only affects the Uchiha as well as the specific criteria that must be met for the Uchiha to fall victim to it in the first place, but it also indicates that they think that the manner in which they sought revenge was in any way comparable.
Let's test that out.
Shikamaru wanted revenge on Hidan and Kakuzu and only Hidan and Kakuzu, as they were the ones who were directly responsible for Asuma's death, that's understandable.
Sasuke - He didn't only want revenge on those who did him wrong, his hatred extended to the entire village, the vest majority of which did him no wrong whatsoever.
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That would be like Shikamaru's revenge extending to everyone in Hidan and Kakuzu's villages too, there's no comparison.
Madara - Much like Sasuke, his revenge extended to the entire village too, the vast majority of which again, did him no wrong.
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Again, no comparison with Shikamaru.
Does Obito even need any explanation? He's the one who caused by far the most shit in the entire series, but let's just stick with the theme from Sasuke and Madara. Much like those two, Obito's carnage extended to the entire village, who did him no wrong.
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The series made it exceedingly easy to distinguish between a regular person wanting some measure of revenge, and when an Uchiha who has fallen victim to the Curse of Hatred, wanted some revenge.
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mangasstuffcomics · 7 days
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This chapter is called “Sakura’s depression”, she was sad because she didn’t feel that she was strong to compete in exam chunnin and Sasuke noticed her sadness. This scene happens right after, Sasuke praises her to make her happier, and he winks to her and smile when he knew that he was able to make her feel better. Meanwhile, Naruto wasn’t understanding what was happening between them hahahah (he’s so cute!). Studio Pierrot completely destroyed this beautiful scene. (Click on second gif to see it bigger)
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mangasstuffcomics · 7 days
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Studio Pierrot Changed Stuff (And Here’s the NaruSaku Version)
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mangasstuffcomics · 12 days
Team 7, watching Sakura punch the f*cking ground open for the first time -
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Hatake Kakashi:
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Naruto Uzumaki:
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Sasuke Uchiha:
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*cough* Turned On *cough*
. .
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mangasstuffcomics · 13 days
I want to point something out
If beetwen sasusaku there was nothing going on then.
You’re confused? Well allow me to expalin it better something that the ss fandom has been saying for years
Starting from their very first scene
Sasuke blushing at sakura is nowhere to be found in the anime
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Instead we have a grumpy and indifferent sasuke (which sp loves drawing by the way)
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Sasuke worried about sakura  gone
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The little cute scenes (in the anime version they don’t even watch each-other, but act cool)
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Sasuke’s panel time with him realising how his life actually matters to smeone, GONE OFC
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My favorite scene, changed. They removed all the intimacy this scene was about. And once again sasuke’s panel was cut andsmirk ofc
Which happened once again in shippuden, when they fucking cut the best scene ever
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And they pulled the same joke in gaiden, where you had to pause it multiple times to even see him smiling when in the manga the panel was highlited as fuck
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OH and may I remind you that they actually held hands before it was actually cool? And guess what it was actually sasuke seeking sakura’s comfort and not viceversa. oh but hwo knows it since the anime just decided that it wasn’t neccessary
I mean it’s something that happens everyday with sasuke, having the most intimade way of holding hands
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And there are tones of other interactions ruined, and trashy fillers making nosense about those two
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mangasstuffcomics · 13 days
Have you ever read akasutki hiden ? Dose sasuke really compare sakura to the sunshine of the spring ?
Yep, he did. It was during the prologue of the Novel. Here’s a link to the online translation, and the relevant passage is below:
His own crimes were, and should have made him imprisoned, and that was actually one of the main reasons why Sasuke is doing this in the darkness.But, his charges were dropped and he is able to walk in the flittering sunshine freely, thanks to Uzumaki Naruto, or the shinobi that is now referred to “The Sun of Konohagakure”Then, Sasuke was desperately trying to break his ties of friendship with Uzumaki Naruto, but now Sasuke was grateful to him, and he is relieved that he did not let go of their friendship back then, many thanks to him, now that he still never lets go of their friendship, back then Naruto was the only one that has faith in him.But that was not all, even though he have abandoned, ditched, and many times cold to this certain person,Haruno Sakura has dedicated her love for me And always tries to give the spring sunshine in his own dark life.And also, the frozen colored hair shinobi, Hatake Kakashi, Sasuke’s teacher, he always continued to watch Sasuke, and treat him like he is still a member of Team 7, even now during these past-conflict days, he still trusts Sasuke, even Kakashi gave him the freedom to see the world like a scarecrow.And, I had the help of many other people..Now, everything changed for the better and, everyone, including himself can feel it.
So yeah, that was a rather important passage from the novel detailing Sasuke’s thoughts and feelings regarding the other members of Team 7.
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mangasstuffcomics · 17 days
Alright this extends from a twitter discussion, this is my counter argument to this post right here that they referenced, now this is my rebuttal.
You accepted that Ashura has reincarnated inside of you, instead of accepted that Ashura has reincarnated as you…. This makes me think that Ashura is just clinging to Naruto and isn’t actually him… Cause when people reincarnate they reincarnate as someone or something else, not inside of them, that’s more like a possession…
First off thats not how reincarnation works, several times in this post they make the argument that in order to be a true reincarnation that the two people have to be one and the same, this couldnt be further from the truth though.
Reincarnation, also known as rebirth or transmigration is the philosophical or religious belief that the non-physical essence of a living being begins a new life in a different physical form or body after biological death
In most beliefs involving reincarnation, the soul is seen as immortal and the only thing that becomes perishable is the body. Upon death, the soul becomes transmigrated into a new infant (or animal) to live again. The term transmigration means passing of soul from another body to another after-death.
THIS is how reincarnation works.
The body itself is not that of Ashura, but of Naruto, but Ashura’s SOUL is INSIDE Naruto’s body. They may have the same soul, but the new body functions largely as its own individual.
Take Inuyasha for example, Kagome is the reincarnation of Kikyo, she has no memories of Kikyo’s but she inherited her spiritual powers and affinity with a bow and also her love for Inuyasha. Kagome and Kikyo are separate individuals yes, but she still has Kikyo’s soul and her powers by extension. The same applies to Naruto, he and Ashura are different people yes, but he still has Ashura’s SOUL and as such his power, he also inherited his love for his brother Indra which was passed down to Hashirama for Madara, and then Naruto for Sasuke.
To clarify YES Kagome grew to love Inuyasha through her own experiences for her own reasoning, and Naruto grew to love Sasuke like a brother through his own experiences and for his own reasoning. But this was both DESTINED and FATED to happen because of who they were, or more specifically who they are inside. It was inevitable.
The individuals may be different, but as reincarnations they still inherited their past lives powers and bonds/feelings towards the person who was most precious to them before dying. In Kikyo’s case it was her strong love for Inuyasha passed on to Kagome, and in Ashura’s case it was his strong love for his brother Indra and desire to save him passed down to Naruto.
When Hashirama and Madara died, the transmigration cycle resumed. Naruto Uzumaki became the next inheritor of Asura’s chakra and will, with Sasuke Uchiha inheriting Indra’s chakra and will. 
This is from the Naruto wiki, but it is still an accurate description of what reincarnation is in Naruto, the transmigration of someones soul into another persons body, which is exactly what Hagoromo says happened with Naruto and Sasuke.
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It’s important to note Naruto is the only one who refers to it as being haunted by a ghost and possession, Hagoromo specifically says in EVERY instance that Naruto and Sasuke are reincarnations and that Ashura and Indra have reincarnated inside them, so to use Naruto’s words here as evidence is inaccurate, because Hagoromo specifically says reincarnation, not possession. 
In Hagoromo’s own character file refers to it as the transmigration of souls walking through an eternity of samara, making the argument of possession null and void.
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Saṃsāra is a Sanskrit word that means “world”. It is also the concept of rebirth and “cyclicality of all life, matter, existence”, a fundamental belief of most Indian religions. In short, it is the cycle of death and rebirth. Saṃsāra is sometimes referred to with terms or phrases such as transmigration, karmic cycle, reincarnation, and “cycle of aimless drifting, wandering or mundane existence”
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You accepted that Ashura has reincarnated inside of you, instead of accepted that Ashura has reincarnated as you…. This makes me think that Ashura is just clinging to Naruto and isn’t actually him… Cause when people reincarnate they reincarnate as someone or something else, not inside of them, that’s more like a possession…
So this statement right here ^ is thoroughly debunked.
The definition of reincarnation and possession is vastly different with how they function and honestly disproves your own point of them being different people, because in order to be possessed you have to be CONTROLED by another entity which Naruto and Sasuke are not.
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To possess is to take control over, if Indra and Ashura took control over them and have been in control their whole lives that means two twin brothers consciously developed romantic feelings for eachother by your logic, which is even worse than them just being reincarnations.
Possession is a term more accurate for Edo Tensei or Karma, not reincarnation.
So what am I getting at here? Reincarnation in Naruto doesnt mean being considered the same person as the deceased, it just means you have their soul, it DOES NOT MEAN Naruto is Ashura, he still has his own identity, but part of that identity is influenced by Ashura.
Hagoromo actually refers to it in several ways but they all essentially have the same meaning.
‘Ashura’s chakra is clinging about you’ 
‘Ashura’s presence inside you’ 
‘Ashura has reincarnated as you’ 
‘Ashura has reincarnated inside you’.
All different phrases, but carry the same meaning, Ashura’s soul reincarnated inside of Naruto, and Indra’s soul reincarnated inside Sasuke.
Your putting too much emphasis on the wording rather than the meaning.
 Ashura clearly influenced Naruto in many ways despite them being separate people, by having the same soul its only natural that Naruto would inherit many of Ashura’s traits. Hagoromo himself points out how much like Ashura he is.
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So their not really that different after all. Ashura’s soul still had alot of influence on Naruto’s beliefs, personality, and ideals as well as his strong bond with Sasuke. Naruto may have reached those conclusions in his own way through his own experiences but the result remained the same as Ashura’s due to his influence from inside him.
However although their not the same person physically, I think its important to note they are the same person spiritually. They still have their own unique chakra signatures that can be distinguished by certain ocular jutsu’s, but they are still overall the same spiritually with the same soul and chakra.
Naruto Uzumaki became the next inheritor of Asura’s chakra and will, with Sasuke Uchiha inheriting Indra’s chakra and will.
Again this is from the wiki, but it still accurately depicts what happened. They are different people, but they still inherited Indra and Ashura’s will from having their souls inside them.
Dont misunderstand, Naruto and Sasuke still have their own wills too and not all of their decisions and feelings extend from Indra and Ashura, Im just saying that they had an INFLUENCE on them in several aspects of their lives, but they still formed their own bonds and relationships through their own life experiences. Zetsu even comments on how Naruto and Sasuke are cooperating closely together more than any other reincarnate before them, proving they are still their own person capable of doing things their own way.
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The fact that Naruto was able to succeed where Hashirama and Ashura failed is also proof of their individuality, but that was also predestined to happen.
Ultimately, Naruto managed to succeed in Asura’s final goal which all other reincarnations failed at: end the rift between the two lines of the reincarnated brothers. Naruto achieved this after defeating Sasuke, who then finally accepted Naruto’s ideals.
Everything I said for Naruto applies to Sasuke so I dont really need to reiterate it.
Onto the next point.
My point is that Indra and Ashura clung to people of their bloodline that was a lot like them, in terms of personality or ambitions, and thereby were reincarnated… So Naruto and Sasuke aren’t brothers and instead are just possessed by brothers..
This is impossible, because Indra and Ashura didnt possess Naruto and Sasuke like I said, but reincarnated inside them not long after they were born once both previous reincarnates were dead, meaning Indra and Ashura had NO idea what Naruto and Sasuke’s personalities or ambitions would be later in life. Their not psychic, they cant see the future so this argument is invalid. 
They simply reincarnated inside Naruto and Sasuke because they were newborns and Hashirama was already dead, so all that was needed was for Madara to die which didnt happen till years later when Naruto and Sasuke were born. Once Sasuke was born Indra reincarnated into him, and when Naruto was born Ashura reincarnated into him. Naruto and Sasuke just happened to be born at the right time, there was nothing more to it than that.
So now that we’re done with the reincarnation counter argument, now for why NaruSasu is problematic because of it and yes, they are in fact brothers.
For starters going off what I said about reincarnation alone already makes things problematic, infact it is the MAIN reason its problematic. Just because Naruto and Sasuke arent literally Indra and Ashura doesnt change the fact that they have their SOULS, meaning they are literally SOUL brothers, do you really not see the problem with two guys who were TWIN brothers in their past lives to be romantically involved? come on now.
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Here he says that he and Sasuke aren’t true brothers, which means that they’re not actually related despite being reincarnated from brothers.. Which again, to my knowledge, if you’re reincarnated from brothers you’d still be brothers… But he says that they’re not…
This is flawed on so many levels, as I’ve already explained how reincarnation works in both Naruto and Japanese beliefs they are SOUL brothers. If your soul was reincarnated into a new body, and your brother or sisters soul was reincarnated into another body, would you want your reincarnates in a romantic relationship with eachother? I know I wouldnt, because as shown in Naruto Indra and Ashura are still very much conscious inside them, which means they are AWARE of whats happening, they just dont have control over them.
Even if they WERENT conscious its irrelevant, because the core issue is that they are THERE and they are BROTHERS, this is not incest in a physical sense, but in a spiritual sense this is very much an incetuous ship as they share both body and soul, that is still VERY problematic because they are STILL brothers, not by blood, but by soul.
While Naruto does say that he sees Sasuke as a brother several times, it doesn’t seem like that at all… To me it seems more like a crush that he doesn’t realize he has, or a crush he isn’t ready to believe he has…
Thats all speculation and how you choose to perceive things, but there is beyond enough evidence that proves it wrong which I’ll go more in depth in another post I’ll link back to here. But honestly theres not only tons of evidence that proves it wrong, theres literally nothing anywhere in canon that suggests romantic feelings between them in the first place. Thats a fact not an opinion.
Want my more condensed version of why NaruSasu are brothers refer to my twitter thread here
But just to add one of my points here, which is the other biggest reason NaruSasu is problematic, is that they are ACTUAL brothers.
I know right? I just said their not Indra and Ashura and are their own person how are they brothers? simple, thats true only for the show, however theres one other key factor that makes any argument you try to pull from the show for WHY their not brothers null and void. Which is that they are brothers by DESIGN.
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Unfortunately the link is no longer available but this persons summary is pretty much what Kishimoto said. And the one above it is an actual sceenshot from when the site was still up.
From the beginning they were modeled after two real life brothers, Kishimoto and his twin brother Seishi, that was always the INTENT when making Naruto and Sasuke’s bond, so regardless of if their brothers by blood, by soul, or by bond, they are brothers by design, theres not a single argument you can come up with that’ll change that.
So in conclusion, yes, Sasuke and Naruto are real brothers by design, so for some people to call it incest is not far from the truth, because to ship Naruto and Sasuke your essentially shipping Kishimoto and his Twin brother.
I didnt wanna make this too long, so I focused on just the reincarnation aspect as that was the main point of the argument, and saved the other stuff about their relationship for another post so there wouldnt have to be a ton of scrolling on one post. But honestly? I think this post sums it up pretty well on WHY shipping this is problematic, you dont HAVE to stop shipping it if you dont want to, Im just pointing out why saying they are not brothers is factually incorrect.
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mangasstuffcomics · 17 days
How are there still people who argue that the Curse of Hatred wasn’t real?! I understand not liking it as a narrative device as lots of people have problems with curses/prophecies/etc as narrative devices. But it’s very much a real thing in the Narutoverse. The Sharingan awakening from pain/loss/fear is tied to the Curse which is why Uchiha are the only ones susceptible. Another reason why I love that Sarada awakened hers out of happiness which shows that the new gen is now possibly free from it
It honestly baffles me that so many people still actually think that fans are pulling the Curse of Hatred out of their asses. Not liking it’s execution in the plot is one thing, but denying its canonical existence is another thing entirely.
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mangasstuffcomics · 1 month
I don't know how people watched 17 yo Sakura with no shinobi background and no power up punch a fucking goddess with no hesitation and still called her a weakling and a coward
I don't know how people saw Kakashi confirming the sincerity of Sakura's love for Sasuke and how she only wanted to save him, and still believe that she only liked him for his looks.
I don't know how people saw Karin confirming that Sarada is Sakura's biological daughter, and still believe that she was some form of experiment.
I don't know how people saw Sakura mentioning during her confessions how Sasuke wouldn't be happy if he continued down the path of vengeance, and how she wanted to return to the days where he was genuinely smiling, and still believe that her confessions were totally selfish and all about herself.
I don't know how people saw Sasuke describing Sakura as a precious comrade and how he eventually saw the shadow of his family within her and the rest of Team 7, and still believe that he never gave a damn about her.
I don't know how people had the idea of the Curse of Hatred shoved down their throats so many times and how Sasuke's Pt.2 self was molded by the loss of love in his past, and still believe that Sasuke was completely himself throughout the whole series.
I don't know how people watched the Sakura vs Ino fight with the former explicitly explaining how she wanted to escape from Ino's shadow, and still believe Sakura ditched her friend over a boy.
I don't know how people saw how Gaiden ended with words literally confirming that the love between the Uchiha family is the real deal, and still believe that Sasuke was somehow forced into it.
Believe me I have plenty more, the list just goes on and on.
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mangasstuffcomics · 1 month
Stop using screenshots from the anime and the movies when comparing Sarada’s similarities to Sakura!
Just stop. People often use Sakura from “The Last” and Sarada from “Boruto - Naruto the Movie” when comparing the two. Don’t you realize that they are not the canon drawings? You should always compare the original drawings when comparing characters. Use the pictures drawn by the author instead.
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In the manga, you can easily see that Sarada has Karin’s eye shape and not Sakura’s.Sarada’s are more narrow, just like Karin’s. She does not have Sakura’s face shape either. She has a more slim face than Sakura that she clearly inherited from Sasuke. How can you see similarities between Sarada and Sakura in the original drawings?
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mangasstuffcomics · 1 month
Stop using screenshots from the anime and the movies when comparing Sarada’s similarities to Sakura!
Just stop. People often use Sakura from “The Last” and Sarada from “Boruto - Naruto the Movie” when comparing the two. Don’t you realize that they are not the canon drawings? You should always compare the original drawings when comparing characters. Use the pictures drawn by the author instead.
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In the manga, you can easily see that Sarada has Karin’s eye shape and not Sakura’s.Sarada’s are more narrow, just like Karin’s. She does not have Sakura’s face shape either. She has a more slim face than Sakura that she clearly inherited from Sasuke. How can you see similarities between Sarada and Sakura in the original drawings?
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mangasstuffcomics · 2 months
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Brutalia is back
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Bruce still has feelings for her and they did you know what
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mangasstuffcomics · 2 months
Hey Maddy, what do you think of the argument that Sasuke was never 'in the darkness', just that he saw how 'corrupt and abusive' Konoha's system(?) was with the only back-up being Danzou's order to massacre the Uchiha clan as some quest for power.
Goodness, there are actually people who still claim that the notion of Sasuke being in the darkness and consumed by the Curse of Hatred is bullshit. Of course Sasuke was in darkness. I mean, what exactly do these people think that Naruto and Sakura were trying to save him from throughout the entirety of Pt.2? Do these people think that they were trying to to save Sasuke from his severely bad mood or something? Honestly…
Okay in that case, I’d ask these people to go back and reread a few things.
Like when Sasuke told Obito that he wanted Konoha to “experience this hatred of [his]”, and then Obito subsequently thinking to himself that when Uchihas had been hurt, they truly learn what is was to hate:
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Or when Obito told Kakashi, Yamato and Naruto about the “blood-soaked Uchiha destiny of Hate”, and how it was a Curse that had been repeating itself continuously for generations:
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Or when during that very same conversation, Obito then went on to clarify that Sasuke was deeper into the Curse of Hatred than any other Uchiha in history because he was “[shouldering] the entire burden of Uchiha hatred” by himself, all on his shoulders, and how his hate was the source of his power and his greatest weapon:
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Or the time when Kakashi acknowledged the fact that it was “the history of repeated, accumulating hatred that [had] created the Sasuke before [them]”, therefore not only once again confirming that Sasuke was indeed being heavily influenced by the Curse and that the person on the surface wasn’t who he truly was, but it also reiterates the fact that Sasuke was more afflicted by the Curse than any of his predecessors because he inherited the accumulated hatred of all the past generations on all him:
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Or the time when Itachi confessed to Sasuke that he used the hatred that was within him, a hatred that made Sasuke go rogue and turned him into what he was currently - an international criminal:
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Or the time when Tobirama explained the Curse of Hatred very explicitly, by elaborating on the fact that when an Uchiha experiences the loss of a loved one, that love is “replaced by an even stronger hatred that changes them”, much like it did to Sasuke. He then went further and revealed how nearly every Uchiha in the past who experienced this loss, was “taken by darkness and fell into evil”:
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Or the time when Hagoromo linked the notion of love transforming into hatred with what Sasuke was currently experiencing, and how the loss of the love from his past was what molded Sasuke into who he was currently. Therefore once again exemplifying the fact that the Sasuke before them was only a gross distortion of his true self:
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So yeah as you can clearly see, Sasuke being consumed in darkness and hatred was most definitely a thing which was reiterated time and time again. I mean honestly, how can they not acknowledge that after seeing him like this?:
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It wasn’t just a matter of resenting Konoha’s Council for what they put Itachi through; Sasuke’s reaction to the news was the Curse of Hatred personified. If he had a clear head and wasn’t consumed by hatred at the time, he would have realised that destroying the entire village, whom 99% of the residents had nothing to do with his clan’s massacre, and also wanting to slaughter the current 5 Kages, who again had nothing to do with the massacre, would be going about rectifying the situation in completely the wrong manner.
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mangasstuffcomics · 2 months
Guys, I love sns but I hate disinformation and this news is very popular among sns fandom.
“Sasuke and Naruto were supposed to end up together, but editors didn’t allow it”
“Naruto was supposed to end with an open ending, where you can still understand that Naruto and Sasuke love each other in a romantic way”
“Kishimoto likes shonen-ai and Sasunaru is his favorite pairing”
the first is none other than the second, but less detailed. The third is also false, because all of these came from the same “sauce” with no official interview. In fact, if you’ll try to find forums (here the news started to get popular) that bring the “official interview” you’ll find all these informations together
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(Ignore the informations after the red line, I don’t know if they are true, but I think not bc they are “after the interview” that never existed. If you know, lemme know) I clicked on the link and it showed me this.
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Translation from Spanish (with google translator):
Interviews mentioned like this
"Warning: I took this out of a page yaoi. A girl named Yuka published it in sasunaru world. I don't know if it will be true but she says that he said it in a mini conference at the ExpoAnime in the United States"
As you see, it all started from this “Yuka” that said that she took this informations from a conference at the ExpoAnime. SHE SAID, she didn’t give any sauce, any link. Literally nothing. Already this should already make you understand that it is false, but I wanted to argue going to the origins.
Also that “confirmed twice” doesn’t give me anything. I can say that Naruto actually was supposed to end up with Karin and I can say “confirmed twice”
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As you can see, then it’s a sns shipper herself that says that this is fake, after years.
So: no official sauce, denied several times and not only by this person... it can be only false.
Pls reblog this even if you are are sns shipper, so you’ll educate sns fandom
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mangasstuffcomics · 2 months
Love dick and Damian moments
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Tim and Damian went bludhaven to watch Dick get the key to the city
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Look how proud Damian is of him
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mangasstuffcomics · 2 months
Alot of Tim and Damian recently from dc comics
First we got that hug
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Now this
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mangasstuffcomics · 2 months
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Tim: good cop
Damian: bad cop
Dick: you better fucking be interrogated by my brothers
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