myceliumtoaster · 7 days
Looks like they’ve already beat last year’s record but reblogging to boost!! It only took me like 8 mins (and only that long bc I’m fluid in a lot of things so I had to think a lot)! Super quick and easy :)
The 2024 Gender Census is now open!
[ Link to survey ]
The 11th annual international gender census, collecting information about the language we use to refer to ourselves and each other, is now open until 13th June 2024.
It’s short and easy, about 5 minutes probably.
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After the survey is closed I’ll process the results and publish a spreadsheet of the data and a report summarising the main findings. Then anyone can use them for academic or business purposes, self-advocacy, tracking the popularity of language over time, and just feeling like we’re part of a huge and diverse community.
If you think you might have friends and followers who’d be interested, please do reblog this blog post, and share the survey URL by email or at AFK social groups or on other social networks. Every share is extremely helpful - it’s what helped us get 40,000 responses last year.
Survey URL: https://survey.gendercensus.com
The survey is open to anyone anywhere who speaks English and feels that the gender binary doesn’t fully describe their experience of themselves and their gender(s) or lack thereof.
For the curious, you can also spy on some graphs and demographic data for the incoming responses here.
Thank you so much!
[ Link to survey ]
Image credit: Malachite and rhodochrosite.
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myceliumtoaster · 8 days
Brb currently listening to Billie Eilish's new album and bawling my eyes out
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myceliumtoaster · 14 days
Hi hi still taking a break from tumblr but wanted to share something I remembered today! When I was super little (maybe like 7, 8 years old) we had a family dog named Haley, whom I'm now absolutely certain was my first familiar. She was a more timid spirit, but one that would absolutely jump to protect my brother, mother and I at any sign of danger. At this age, I was convinced for a long while that when I spoke to her, she understood every word I was saying. I would even give her chances to prove it to me, telling her to blink twice if she was secretly someone else trapped in a dog's body (which sounds a little creepy but I know little kid me meant in a spiritual sense). She would do it when we were alone, but never around anyone else in my family, so everyone just brushed it off as something silly a little kid would do and believe. I ended up getting embarrassed and never brought it up again. But I knew she was different in some way, I could feel it.
Now that I'm 21 and a much more experienced witch, it makes total sense to me! Haley is long-passed, but she still visits me in the spirit realm from time to time. I still think about her often, and thank her for all that she's done for me. I know she's still protecting me to this day, even if I can't always see it.
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myceliumtoaster · 15 days
nothing has been more important to my being queer than when i went to my first pride parade, got seperated from my group, had a panic attack about it and was sitting on the side of the road holding a tiny genderfluid flag and freaking out. then this six foot five drag queen in four inch heels appeared from literally nowhere and sat down next to me. i, this scared-shitless trans bi kid at pride for the first time, very nervously told her she looked pretty and i told her my name and that i got lost and didn't feel like i should be at pride and she held my hand and said "oh, honey, everybody deserves to be here, especially you. pride is for everybody who's ever gotten lost, who's been scared of who they are or where they are. you think we never been scared before? pride's for you, honey, because you're scared. you don't have to be proud right now, but you're gonna be one day, honey, i'm sure of it."
i found my group soon after that and i never saw that queen again but to this day i am convinced i met an angel.
so yeah. pride is for you. pride is for all of us.
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myceliumtoaster · 16 days
I think being a shapeshifter would fix me
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myceliumtoaster · 16 days
I definitely did not think that your name was Mycelium Toaster nuh uh-
MUAHAHA, MY DAD JOKE, ITS WORKING!! (it's meant to be taken both ways I just like being silly!!)
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myceliumtoaster · 18 days
Life update am in a cycle of processing + healing so I'm gonna be gone for a bit! Will return once things settle and I get back into a good routine. Best wishes to anyone else out there who's going through a rough time. We deserve rest!
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myceliumtoaster · 18 days
How could you NOT fall in love with the glow of the moon and stars, the warmth of the sun, the ancient life within the trees, and the sweet melodies of the winds?
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myceliumtoaster · 22 days
God I know this isn't witchcraft but ME ME ME I (lightly) bite my partner's arms and hands all the time to ground + stim
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Laios is definitely the type to bite his partner to stim
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myceliumtoaster · 24 days
I'm Laois for sure. I can NEVER tell when someone's flirting with me I always think they're just being nice (and everyone thinks I'm flirting with them meanwhile I'm just a silly himbo who processes about 11% of social cues)
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myceliumtoaster · 30 days
Boss I can't come in today I spent too long looking at this and found inner peace
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hey boss i can't come in today it's a sunny day and there's a lovely breeze coming in through my window, yeah it's rustling the branches of the tree outside that's finally bloomed so it's pretty serious
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myceliumtoaster · 1 month
Put on some Bob Ross underwear this morning and gotta say, I watched Kung Fu Panda way too recently
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myceliumtoaster · 1 month
Me a few days ago: hey apollo I know I'm new to worshipping you but I'm gonna be real I can't take my heavy flow, cramps + sinus infection at the same time rn... can I request assistance? Like even if it's not everything I just can't do all three currently
Apollo: yes, BUT
You better burn some incense for me first
And maybe do some sun salutations again I like those
Me, already lighting the incense: ON IT
The next day: flow is like 2x lighter, cramps are nonexistent, can actually breathe
Me: I said it didn't have to be all of them??? Apollo?????
Apollo: you're welcome :)
also me last night: hey apollo i know i dont worship you but can you make these bumps go away pretty please?? i’m scared it’s something else, i’ll go ahead and sit in the sun tomorrow as a thank you if you do
Apollo: bet
(the bumps are almost fully gone when i wake up in the morning)
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myceliumtoaster · 1 month
I needed a place to keep the mouse when I was watching Avatar the Last Airbender so I put it on the first flat surface I could find and uh
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myceliumtoaster · 1 month
Every piece of dogshit art makes the world a better place to live. Better to create poorly than not at all.
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myceliumtoaster · 1 month
Guys important question...Are reheated biscuits thrice-cooked bread?... like if you use a toaster oven to reheat them with some butter?
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myceliumtoaster · 1 month
Does anyone have good plans for Beltane?? It's my second time celebrating and I'm likely gonna do a maypole in the backyard (and burn some good stuff, I love a good cauldron manifestation)!! I wanna hear what the rest of y'all are up to, lowkey or highkey, done up or dressed down :)
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