#life update
flightyalrighty · 3 days
This next page, with is now scheduled for this Thursday at its usual time (7am), is gonna be the last page I'm gonna upload until June 27th. This is to ensure Infested has some buffer pages so I'm not scrambling last minute to get each page done every week. Thank you all for your patience and understanding.
That being said, my Headless and Ascended Ko-Fi supporters will get to see pages as they come out, and the Ascended supporters, specifically, have access to early script pages -- So if you really, truly can't wait, and absolutely must see what happens next as soon as possible, you can check out the aforementioned memberships here.
ALL tiers will also have access to all of Infested Chapter 1: The Cave in the form of a PDF once I put that together, and I'll be looking into doing a limited print run of The Cave if I can afford such a thing.
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afterthefuneral · 3 days
So I work for a company that designed some merch for Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. (I design toys and holiday decorations for a living). I can’t get super specific but it’s awesome. The items are getting ready to go public and I was asked to help with a photo shoot and potentially model some of the product. When things are publicly available I will post and share them here. But until then I can’t. But it’s awesome! A dream come true!
Also everything was done a year ago, I didn’t get to design anything but I watched as it was done. And it’s INCREDIBLE. It’s getting me so excited for the sequel!
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makeste · 2 days
how's life treating you? been a while since we last saw you here
life is pretty good but I am le tired. that's the normal state of things though, so I can't complain. thanks for asking!
probably the biggest news is that I'm on the verge of becoming a genuine honest-to-god homeowner, which is WILD, and something I never thought I'd achieve as a broke millennial. I lucked out; my landlord decided to sell the condo apartment I've been renting for the past six years, and offered to sell it to me at an actual reasonable price. so I've been working crazy hours to make it work finance-wise. it's still going to be tough and I'm going to be fairly house-poor for a good while, but it should work out in the end.
it does mean that I'm going to remain pretty busy though, so my fandom activities will remain limited to whatever I can manage during my occasional brief spurts of manic energy brought on by chapters such as this latest one. I'll try to stay tuned throughout these last few(?) chapters at least though. if for no other reason than I expect to be VERY emotional and will probably need to write a whole bunch of words about it.
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wedarkacademia · 5 months
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My love language is peeling an orange for my beloved.
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incorrectbatfam · 6 months
POV I tried to manifest becoming Jason Todd in 2023 but the universe somehow misheard me for Selina Kyle and now I'm currently waiting on my girlfriend's 6-year-old daughter's approval to continue my relationship
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literatureaesthetic · 28 days
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18th april '24 — london
this was such a special trip for me. my first time travelling entirely on my own, discovering and falling in love with a city. i've been to london a few times growing up, but i've never had the chance to really explore and live in it until now. forever an experience i'll cherish <3
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flightyalrighty · 2 days
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hoo nelly!
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slfcare · 4 months
to all sweet people who encouraged me to finally go to the gym: I went! Three months later than I said would, but better late than never right? (I was so scared to go and know nothing!) i’m going to a ladies-only gym and everybody was so helpful, non-judgemental and clean(!), but you guys gave me that final push that was very much needed so thank you <3
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cyanwyrmy · 3 months
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I’m scheduled for top surgery! Wow! 🎉 🎉🎉
Still don’t really believe it’s happening haha but I trust Dr. Bob!
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bunny-ology · 3 months
I started off in college as an education major wanting to be a middle school science teacher, but ended up quitting that because of how ableist the major was.
I switched to an agriculture degree because I grew up on a farm, and during 2020 I was constantly at home and convinced myself I could physically do the work, and I completed that degree despite the professors being ableist and morally questionable.
While I was an Ag major, I was working for the geology museum on campus, and decided to get my Masters degree in museum studies. During my studies, I realized how disabled people are constantly left out of deai discussions in the museum field, only ever seen as potential visitors and never potential workers, and so I finished my degree with independent research into how disabled staff are treated.
During my last semester in grad school, I started working as a substitute teacher and realized that my education major professors were wrong; I as a disabled person can totally be a teacher without a problem. My grad school advisor also told me that a lot of myself professionals go back and forth between the school system and museums. So I'm taking the leap to try to become a teacher
I just took my GACE (the Georgia certification test) and passed at a professional level! Once I am hired by a school, I will start taking the remainder of classes that I need to be considered a full fledged teacher
I've literally just made a circle, but the agriculture and museum studies degrees are still a huge help to me as a science educator. Other than space, agriculture perfectly set me up to understand everything required for students to learn and places me in a good spot to introduce an FFA chapter to the school, while my museum studies degree has allowed me to see education from a different perspective than my coworkers in order to more adequately come up with ideas in joint discussions. Additionally, I included disability and deai research in almost everything I did from work to school, and as a disabled person myself, I feel that my understanding of accessibility and empathy for other disabled people has prepared me more for interacting with disabled students in my classes.
Not a single bit of my journey was for naught, and I no longer feel ashamed or regretful towards my agriculture degree. I'm also excited to continue learning and eventually helping others to learn too
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criminalamnesia · 2 months
hello everyone, small life update:
im sorry I haven’t been posting/writing. I know a lot of people are anticipating traitor part 6, and I want to give it to you, but truthfully I have not started working on it yet.
school comes first to me, and I’ve been very busy recently. April is also an extremely busy month with finals coming up, so I fear my inactivity will continue for a bit longer.
I also just haven’t had the motivation to write for fun recently. I feel awful to keep everyone waiting, especially because traitor has grown my account so much and I’m so incredibly grateful for all the love I’ve received.
I promise you that I have not forgotten about it, it just can’t be prioritized at this moment. I do plan on going back to it and finishing it in the kinda-near future.
thank you all so much for your patience :)❤️
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maihonhassan · 1 month
Life update:
"Haal ye hai ki apni haalat par, ghaur karne se bach raha hun main."
- Jaun Eliya
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literatureaesthetic · 1 month
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i can't do an april wrap-up/monthly book recommendation post because i only finished one book in april, and it was a short story(🥴)
april was a month of travelling, of exploring, and of heartbreak (having to reject an offer from oxford because i can't afford relocating rn is going to haunt me for the rest of my life). reading, for the first time in a long time, hasn't been a priority for me, and that feels really good??
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flightyalrighty · 5 months
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Happy New Years to all 2000 (!?!?) of my followers!
What a wild year this has been for me, too. I finished a three-year-long flatter job on a graphic novel, got my own published comic series possibly on the way (depending on some factors), and, oh yeah!
I started Infested.
We're not done with this first chapter yet, but it's close to over -- And I promise, it's gonna end with a bang.
So again, happy New Year, everyone! See ya in 2024!
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Well. Hello maggots, your stupidly Crowley-coded mascot got himself landed in the hospital because he did not take care of the fucking haematoma properly (yes I know you told me to I know you said don't walk I'm sorry). At least I have the Good Omens book to cuddle. I'm waiting for the doc to arrive and they finally gave me a bed I was sitting up and walking from one building to another it was a nightmare.
I will be good I swear. Not just pretendy good, but properly good.
I love you!
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Good news! Husbeast and I have been approved and our offer accepted so unless the home inspector finds something seriously wrong with the house, I'm moving soon!
Slight damper on that good news: we close somewhere around christmas and need to be like, functionally moved in by 1/20 because I have surgery coming up lol. (I'm fine I'm just getting spayed)
So if I'm not very active on here it's because I'm signing like a billion emails and moving a shitload of housewares.
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