#gender census
gendercensus · 1 month
The 2024 Gender Census is now open!
[ Link to survey ]
The 11th annual international gender census, collecting information about the language we use to refer to ourselves and each other, is now open until 13th June 2024.
It’s short and easy, about 5 minutes probably.
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After the survey is closed I’ll process the results and publish a spreadsheet of the data and a report summarising the main findings. Then anyone can use them for academic or business purposes, self-advocacy, tracking the popularity of language over time, and just feeling like we’re part of a huge and diverse community.
If you think you might have friends and followers who’d be interested, please do reblog this blog post, and share the survey URL by email or at AFK social groups or on other social networks. Every share is extremely helpful - it’s what helped us get 40,000 responses last year.
Survey URL: https://survey.gendercensus.com
The survey is open to anyone anywhere who speaks English and feels that the gender binary doesn’t fully describe their experience of themselves and their gender(s) or lack thereof.
For the curious, you can also spy on some graphs and demographic data for the incoming responses here.
Thank you so much!
[ Link to survey ]
Image credit: Malachite and rhodochrosite.
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gytrash · 1 year
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I'm just trying to make pretty graphs...
Also if you haven't filled out this year's @gendercensus go do it now!!
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tjs-data-nerd-stuff · 7 months
I have finally managed to complete my breakdown of the Oceania results for the Gender Census 2023 (@gendercensus)! Life really got in the way this year but it's Finally complete and I feel happy to share with everyone.
You will find the PDF along with last year's in this folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YQhODMllcE5O3DkVvCT_zCFAtIR9yRGb?usp=drive_link
You will need to download it for the links to work.
Happy reading!
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
if you (like me) enjoy filling out the gender census every year, you would probably like yaygender.net's genderform!
it's a big list of possible identities, and you check as many or as few of them as you'd like, pick what colors you want, and then hit "Label Yourself" and it generates you one of these:
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it even gives you the html code for your lil label, so you can put it on your website! (though, it wouldn't work directly in a tumblr post, hence the screenshot)
it's really fun to mess around with! and you can even add custom terms in a box at the bottom, or change what the greeting text says
so go forth! and enjoy doing gender things!
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embervoices · 24 days
2024 Gender Census is live!
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cassolotl · 3 months
Starting to feel a bit...... gendercensusy.
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jonpertwee · 1 year
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intersexfairy · 1 year
ive been doing the gender census every year for years now and it's so cool to see how it's changing and improving! i also love knowing i'm included in the data each year :') so cool, i highly recommend filling it out.
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corde-love · 1 year
Apel do użytkowników języka polskiego!
*English below*
Drodzy, jeśli jesteście niebinarni płciowo lub znacie kogoś, kto jest i używa języka polskiego, to zainteresujcie się spisem
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My dearest, if you know someone who speaks polish and identifies as nonbinary, I would love you to share this post with them!
Dziękuję! / Thank you!
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quietlyqueering · 9 months
Reading through the feedback of this years gender census and there are so many people complaining about the fact that scotland isn't on the list of countries to choose.
I wonder why it's specifically Scotland and not any any other country but yeah anyway
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someone should create smth like the gender census but for leftists
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gendercensus · 1 year
The 2023 Gender Census is now open!
[ Link to survey ]
The 10th annual international gender census, collecting information about the language we use to refer to ourselves and each other, is now open until 9th May 2023.
It’s short and easy, about 5 minutes probably.
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After the survey is closed I’ll process the results and publish a spreadsheet of the data and a report summarising the main findings. Then anyone can use them for academic or business purposes, self-advocacy, tracking the popularity of language over time, and just feeling like we’re part of a huge and diverse community.
If you think you might have friends and followers who’d be interested, please do reblog this blog post, and share the survey URL by email or at AFK social groups or on other social networks. Every share is extremely helpful - it’s what helped us get 40,000 responses last year.
Survey URL: https://survey.gendercensus.com
The survey is open to anyone anywhere who speaks English and feels that the gender binary doesn’t fully describe their experience of themselves and their gender(s) or lack thereof.
For the curious, you can also spy on some graphs and demographic data for the incoming responses here.
Thank you so much!
[ Link to survey ]
Image credit: Avery at Tradescantia Hub
19K notes · View notes
@gendercensus gets the honour of being the last time i get to click on the '21-25' age group for something since my birthday is in a few days
if you're outside the gender binary pls fill out the gender census for 2023, they've been collecting valuable data on english language shifts in non-gendered language since 2013
it's important work and fascinating to see how the language has evolved, the operation has grown so much and i can't wait to see the report for the 10-year milestone!
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tjs-data-nerd-stuff · 22 days
We're almost at the end of it but I thought I'd do a sneaky lil day 10 update on the progress of the census based on the progress spreadsheet Cassian puts up!
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The country stats are looking quite impressive! Unfortunately, the US is still representing over half of the survey participants. It's difficult to get the survey as noticed in other places and some of us are not doing very crash hot in the percentage of population either. (*Cough* Aus coming up the end of English-Speaking and the gap between them and the UK *cough*)
NZ/Aotearoa has reached the goal I had in mind, overtaking Prefer not to say by a comfortable margin.
Aus still sits about 300 less than Germany. I'm starting to leave flyers places and encouraging friends again to share around. So hoping that helps give us a boost.
Over 30s are now at 19.2%! Which is really cool to see that number rise. I'm trying to figure out more places to share with a large portion of that age range but as someone in their early twenties, I'm often out of the range for a lot of those social groups.
I'm really excited about how many participants overall the survey has. It's predicted to be one of the biggest yet! Which is really cool.
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aziraphale-is-a-cat · 2 years
Babe wake up, new gender census just dropped
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cassolotl · 1 year
Short survey for nonbinary people about NAMES
Please click here to participate! I will publish the results. Also please tell your nonbinary friends about it, let's get several hundred thousand participants so we can once and for all find out the quintessential Nonbinary Name™️
Notes on privacy:
I won't publish the full spreadsheet of results, I'll only publish the list of names entered more than once, in order of popularity descending, so that people with unique names won't be outed.
The name question itself is optional, and there are other helpful questions to answer, so it's still worth taking part even if you don't want to tell me your name.
Edit: Survey's closed, results are here!
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