nagichi-boop · 3 days
Y’all might wanna know but I bought the Shadow one! I’ll get Amy if and when she comes out, too. Hopefully it will come out in the UK. qwq
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Saw this Reddit post and oh my days, it’s Shadamy!
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nagichi-boop · 6 days
Shadow the Hedgehog 🤝 Discord
Outliving all their loved ones
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nagichi-boop · 6 days
We’re all asking if Amy or Rouge will be in Sonic 3, but no one is asking if there will be chaos. It’s based on Sonic Adventure 2, right? Gimme chaos. Show me Shadow interacting with them and then Sonic being seeing and Shadow just being all “hmph” or whatever. Come on, Sonic movie. You know you want to.
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nagichi-boop · 8 days
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nagichi-boop · 8 days
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Saw this Reddit post and oh my days, it’s Shadamy!
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nagichi-boop · 12 days
I am trying to stop believing I have BPD but I keep seeing posts/videos about BPD that fit me to a tee.
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nagichi-boop · 13 days
Currently working on chapter 11 of A Star That’s Out of Reach. Which probably sounds unimportant considering I recently released two chapters, but I’ve actually had them written for…maybe even a year now? I just never posted them. But this is the first chapter I’ve written since then, so it feels like a kinda big step. Hope y’all like flustered Shadow~
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nagichi-boop · 14 days
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I have soooo much stuff I haven't posted here ;; ANYWAYS LOOK AT THEM!!!
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nagichi-boop · 14 days
Once again, apologies for posting my fic on the wrong account initially! I’ll try not to make that mistake next time. >_<;;
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nagichi-boop · 14 days
A Star That’s Out of Reach (Chapter 10)
[Previous] - [x] [Masterlist] Uhh I accidentally posted this on the wrong account, oops! I was wondering why it wasn’t showing up on my feed. I had a whole paragraph but I can’t be bothered to rewrite it. My AO3 post of this chapter kinda sums it up tho. Anyways, please enjoy! — x —
“Shadow sweetie,” Rouge sighed as she discovered Shadow on the couch once again. “I know I said I didn’t want you to disappear again, but it’s just as worrying that you haven’t left the house in days.” Shadow barely responded, simply letting out a quiet huff as he continued to stare at the to. Rouge walked in front of it, then switched it off and turned to look at Shadow, her hands on her hips. “That’s it, I’m making an intervention. We’re going for a walk, even if Omega has to carry you.”
“ERROR: PLEASE REPEAT,” Omega interjected, mildly annoyed.
“We can’t just let Shadow rot on the couch all day! Besides, don’t you miss sparring with him?” Omega paused contemplatively for a moment.
“WE MUST GET SHADOW OUTSIDE,” Omega now complied with a newfound motive. Without any more convincing, he picked up Shadow from the couch and somewhat carelessly threw him over his shoulder. Much to his and Rouge’s surprise, Shadow made little effort to resist. He adjusted his position on Omega’s shoulder, facing forward with his arms folded while leaning against Omega’s head.
“Well then,” Rouge spoke, slightly taken aback. “Let’s get some fresh air, shall we?” The three of them exited the house via the garage exit to accommodate Omega’s size and started slowly walking around the fields outside their house. Rouge quickly realised that neither Shadow nor Omega would be making any effort to speak, so she did her best to initiate conversations, but Shadow only responded with quick, sharp noises.
“Clearly this isn’t working,” Rouge eventually conceded. “Let’s just go home.” She turned and began walking slowly back, her ears drooped sadly. She knew Shadow was not the sort to open up, but she had never witnessed Shadow being so morose. Shadow glanced down at her, beginning to feel guilt over his behaviour. He sighed, then hopped off of and began walking besides Rouge with his arms still folded. Despite only being a small action, Rouge immediately lit up.
“Does this mean you’re ready to talk?” Rouge asked excitedly. Shadow opened his mouth, but only air escaped it, so he shook his head. “Okay, so I guess you can’t physically speak right now. But perhaps I could ask questions to figure out what’s wrong?” Shadow stared down contemplatively, then nodded. Rouge smiled slightly.
“Does it perhaps have something to do with Amy Rose?” Rouge asked, to which Shadow nodded. She then stopped to think for a second. “Did you have an argument?” Shadow shook his head, then paused for a moment before trying to speak again. Yet again, he couldn’t get a word out, but this time it seemed more out of reluctance than an inability to speak. “Hmm…it’s okay if don’t feel comfortable saying.” They continued to talk in silence for a moment before Rouge piped up again. “Are worried that you’ve lost her as a friend because of something you said?” He nodded slowly. Rouge got back to thinking before her eyes widened at a realisation. “I see…I think I understand what you mean.” “I DO NOT,” Omega added bluntly. “PLEASE CLARIFY.” “What Shadow means is that he and Amy didn’t see eye to eye on something, so he’s worried that they aren’t friends anymore, right?” Rouge explained, to which Shadow nodded in agreement. Though normally Rouge’s astute observations conflict with Shadow’s reluctance to be open, in moments like these, they are very convenient for him.
“I messed up,” Shadow suddenly spoke with a defeated tone, having eased enough to talk. He stopped and stared at the ground. “I let my guard down and I lost her.”
“I’m sure that’s not the case,” Rouge assured as she placed a hand on his shoulder. “We don’t share all of the same opinions, but we are still friends, right?” “This is different,” Shadow replied, glancing to the side to look at Rouge without turning his head. “I should have just kept my mouth shut. But I let my feelings get the better of me again.”
“It happens to the best of us, hun. Don’t beat yourself up over it.” Rouge noticed that Shadow looked away again, this time frowning a little. She more or less understood the situation in its entirety, but was keeping it vague so as not to make Shadow cagey. “I know this is probably the last thing that you want to hear, but the only way to move on from this is to talk honestly to Amy. Sitting in this grey area will only make you anxious.” She paused for a moment before continuing. “Regardless of what happens between you two, I’ll be by your side.”
“LIKEWISE,” Omega chimed in. Shadow stood in place quietly for a second, then huffed contently. With a smile, he turned to face them both.
“Thank you,” he softly replied. “I guess I just began to feel lost for a while there.” “We understand,” Rouge added. “I know how difficult it is for you to open up, so it’s understandable that it hits more when things don’t go as expected. Just know that we will always be here for you when you need us.” The three of them fell silent for a moment, walking along aimlessly.
“I think that’s enough sappiness for one lifetime,” Shadow noted with a sigh, becoming a bit uncomfortable. “Let’s go home.” They made their way home, chattering happily along the way. When they approached the door, Shadow hesitated, causing Rouge to raise a curious eyebrow.
“You two go on ahead,” he insisted. “There’s something I need to do.”
“Of course, Shads,” Rouge acknowledged. “Let us know how it goes.”
“I will,” Shadow agreed, then turned and walked away. Rouge watched him leave anxiously, then took a deep breath and entered the house behind Omega.
Shadow approached his secret spot and was surprised to see that Amy was already standing there, her arms folded. He stood still, too nervous to approach. His heart was mixed with a sense of desire and pain. He took a shaky breath in, then exhaled. With as much composure as he could muster, he approached Amy.
“Good evening, Amy,” he greeted softly, startling Amy who turned around in a panic. “Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to spook you.”
“Oh, i-it’s okay!” Amy stuttered nervously. “I just wasn’t expecting you to be here.”
Shadow placed a hand on his hip and smirked playfully. “You didn’t expect me to be here at the spot that we always meet at around this time?”
Amy blushed from embarrassment. “That’s not what I-” She suddenly stopped as she was caught off guard by Shadow laughing. It had been a while since she had seen Shadow so open and relaxed. She stared in bewilderment for a while, then smiled warmly. “Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you smile like that.” Shadow composed himself then looked at her affectionately, which she reciprocated. Shadow made his way closer to her and stood beside her, looking out over the city with her quietly for a moment.
“I’m sorry about the other day,” Amy spoke suddenly, causing Shadow to tense up a little.
“It’s okay,” Shadow assured, trying to keep his composure. “Your feelings are just as important as my own.” Shadow then paused.
“That’s true I suppose,” Amy agreed. “I do worry that you prioritise other people’s emotions over your own though.” Shadow didn’t respond, which made Amy nervous again.
“I know you still blame yourself for what happened to Maria and you’re afraid to hurt others, but you deserve to view yourself as more than how you can serve others,” she continued. She then looked at Shadow with sincerity. “You deserve to be loved.”
Shadow folded his arms and looked away, gripping himself tightly. “Perhaps, but I’m not sure I’ll ever find it again.” “You will,” Amy insisted. “Actually, there are plenty of people who love you already.”
Shadow glanced down at Amy. “I think you’re overestimating how popular I am. People are attracted to more optimistic personalities like you and Sonic.”
“That may be true,” Amy acknowledged. “But that doesn’t mean you’re incapable of receiving love. Rouge and Omega care about you a lot, right?” Shadow glanced back at the city. “I suppose you’re right. But sometimes I worry it’s more out of a sense of pity.”
Amy pondered for a moment. “I can’t speak for them, but I doubt that’s the case. They care about you because they like you. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t have even bothered to look for you when you went missing.” She then paused again before continuing. “I’m sure you already know they care about you though – sometimes it can just be hard to accept it.” Shadow smiled bittersweetly. “You’re right. I know that logically they care. It’s just hard for me to accept people getting close to me, so I tend to come up with ways to push them away from me before they can do so to me.” He looked back at Amy. “I guess that probably doesn’t make much sense.” Amy shook her head. “It makes plenty of sense to me.” She looked up with a somber expression. “I often just avoid things that scare me entirely. I guess I apply the whole ‘what you don’t know can’t hurt you’ philosophy a bit too strongly in my life.”
“I don’t think that attitude is always wrong personally,” Shadow commented. “Personally, there are times where I wonder if some things are best left unspoken.”
Amy fell silent as she felt a twinge in her chest. “Forgive me if I’m reading too much into this, but are you referring to when you confessed to me?” Shadow hesitated. “It was a mistake to think telling you my feelings was wise,” Shadow croaked uncomfortably. “I knew your feelings for Sonic were still raw – I should have at the very least given that some time.” “Shadow, please don’t say that,” Amy spoke sadly. “I always want you to feel that you can speak your mind to me with no regret.” She then turned away from Shadow a little, looking down to the ground. “And I’m sorry that I reacted so inappropriately to your confession.” “It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not,” Amy corrected. Shadow’s throat began to feel sore, his body becoming more tense. “You have always listened to me without judgement regardless of the topic. And yet despite everything you’ve done for me, I blatantly disregarded your feelings in favour of my own comfort. And I…”
Shadow looked over at Amy and was surprised when he saw she was frantically wiping away tears. Despite his better judgement, he pulled Amy into a hug, holding her close to his chest. Amy was taken aback at first, then wrapped her arms around Shadow in return. She quietly tried to compose herself, then gently pushed herself away from Shadow.
“Even despite everything, you’re still as kind as ever,” she chuckled as she wiped away a few stray tears.
“Regardless of how you feel about me, I still wish for us to be friends,” Shadow confessed. “If you will allow it, that is.”
Amy giggled. “Why wouldn’t I want to be friends with you?”
“Well…isn’t it uncomfortable?”
Amy tilted her head. “Uncomfortable how?”
“Isn’t it weird to hang around with someone you know has feelings for you?”
Amy hummed thoughtfully. “Do you feel uncomfortable being with me?”
Shadow shook his head. “I mean, I guess it is a little awkward, but I don’t want to lose you as a friend. I am sure these feelings for you will pass over time and we can go back to what we were.” Amy’s ears drooped, to which Shadow tilted his head in confusion.
“Would it be such a bad thing if those feelings stayed?” Amy asked, blushing a little.
Shadow became confused, raising an eyebrow. “I don’t get it. Why would you want that?”
“Because I love you, too,” she confessed. Shadow stepped back a little, then covered his face with his arm to hide his reddening cheeks.
“D-don’t make jokes like that,” he stuttered, looking away from Amy with an angered expression. “You’ll give me the wrong idea.” “And what idea would that be?” Amy teased a little.
Shadow snarled a little, his face becoming even brighter red than before. “W-what kind of question is that?” Amy simply tilted her head curiously at Shadow with a sickeningly sweet smile, waiting for him to answer. Shadow sighed defeatedly. “You’ll make me think you have romantic feelings for me.”
“And what if that idea was correct?” Amy continued.
“Amy, please stop-”
Before Shadow could finish his thought, Amy approached Shadow and gently kissed his cheek, lingering for a moment. She then stepped back a little to stare at Shadow, who was on complete shock. He slowly placed a hand on his cheek, trying to process what just happened. He then became bright red and quickly turned away from Amy, his eyes wide as his heart pounded in his chest.
“W-what did you just…” Shadow stammered, trying and failing to compose himself. He then slowly turned around to look at Amy. “Did you just…”
Amy smiled, now mildly concerned. “D-did I upset you?”
“N-no, it’s just…” Shadow’s hand continued to hover over his cheek. He glanced at the ground for a moment, then looked Amy in the eyes, his expression like that of a deer in headlights. “W-what does this mean?”
Amy pouted, now blushing from embarrassment. “Are you really going to make me say it?” After realising how genuinely confused Shadow was, Amy took a shaky breath and then met eyes with Shadow, staring at him seriously.
“Shadow, I love you,” she clarified confidently. “And I don’t mean as friends – I mean romantically.” Shadow stared at her silently, lowering his hand. His face became more his usual colour, but Amy was surprised to see Shadow have a somewhat saddened expression.
“Are…are you sure?” Shadow asked in disbelief.
“Yes, I’m sure,” Amy asserted. “I think I have been for a while. I was so caught up in my pursuit of Sonic that I didn’t realise it until after you confessed.” She began to twirl her fingers around each other. “I ran away that day because I was so caught off guard by your confession, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since that day.”
Shadow folded his arms and began to nervously scratch at himself. “So…what does this mean?”
Amy’s blush returned. “What do you mean?” “I mean…what do we do now?” Shadow tried to clarify.
“Well…what do you want to do?”
Shadow went quiet. “I don’t know,” he confessed, surprising Amy. “I guess most people would start dating at this point, right?” Amy cleared her throat nervously. “I suppose you’re right.” She then looked at Shadow, taking note of his look of unease. “But…that doesn’t seem to be what you want to do.”
“It’s not that, it’s just…” Shadow continued to scratch at his arm anxiously, trying to compose his thoughts. “I’m not sure this is such a good idea. It all seems too fast.”
Amy smiled warmly, then approached Shadow, gently taking hold of his hands. “Then we wont rush it,” she suggested. Shadow met eyes with her once more, listening attentively to what she was saying. “We can have a trial period of sorts. We won’t be officially dating – we will spend time together and regularly check in to see how we feel. If it doesn’t feel like it’s working out, then we will stay as friends. Otherwise, if we decide we want to be in a relationship, we can. But whatever we do, we do as a team, okay? No hiding our feelings from here on out.”
Shadow gripped Amy’s hands a little. “Okay, I think I can do that.” He then looked away nervously. “Just one question.”
“What is it?”
“What are the rules for this ‘trial period’? I want to make sure I’m not overstepping any bounds.”
Amy hummed in thought. “That’s a good question. I guess I hadn’t really thought about that.” She then grinned at Shadow. “Maybe we should go away and think about that. Then when we meet again, we can decide what we are comfortable with during this trial period.” She then had a serious expression and poked the tip on Shadow’s nose with her finger. “But make sure to be honest, okay? You don’t have to agree to do anything you’re not comfortable with for my sake.”
Shadow smiled warmly. “Okay, I’ll do my best.” Amy returned a kind smile. “And that’s all you ever need to do.”
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nagichi-boop · 17 days
Logically I know my friend has turned down several invites out because she’s busy, but man does it hurt that she’s barely around. It’s another instance of me deluding myself into thinking I genuinely matter and am important to someone, just for them to disappear on me.
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nagichi-boop · 17 days
…though of course, it would be utterly ironic if my current feeling of confusion and depression was because I feel abandoned right now. I’m over here debating whether there’s any justification to thinking I could have something like BPD or c-PTSD because I’ve been ‘fine’ for months, but in hindsight, perhaps the reason I don’t feel that way now is because my very few friends have been plucked away for different reasons.
One got a boyfriend and only ever hangs out with him and her other friends (and only ever occasionally invites me out with her and the group, who make me feel uncomfortable and insecure). Another got a boyfriend, but I also didn’t hang out with her much anyways. And another has been busy recently (idk why) and seemingly has no time to hang out with me (plus she can be hard to see anyways cuz she’s always going off to places).
I went from feeling like I finally had some good solid friends, to feeling completely alone and isolated again. As I’m writing this, I’m wondering if maybe that’s made me feel abandoned.
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nagichi-boop · 17 days
BPD is such a divisive diagnosis. If you don’t have a diagnosis, you’re not welcome and should be ashamed for self-diagnosing to fit a trend. On the other hand, getting a diagnosis is difficult and you’re sometimes even suggested not to get one because doctors become scared of people with it.
So…what do I do? Continue to forever say “I relate to BPD traits” and never know for sure if I do? Pursue a diagnosis and make medical care even harder for myself as a chronically ill, neurodivergent AFAB? Force myself to believe I have something else like c-PTSD and deny the possibility of BPD?
It’s also not like I haven’t tried. I tried for years to be assessed and kept being told by mental health professionals “we don’t really do that in the UK” and “seeking a diagnosis isn’t advised.” So either I deny the possibility of having it so that I am not offensive to people who have diagnosed BPD, or I continue to say I relate to it but be accused of following a TikTok trend.
There’s no winning, huh?
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nagichi-boop · 21 days
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nagichi-boop · 21 days
So I’ve come to terms with the fact I’m probably a furry? I don’t know much about the fandom at large, so idk if there are different types. I know that there’s a difference between therians and furries, but not in much detail. I’m aware of the implication that most ignorant stinkies know of, which is why despite me wanting to kinda make a fursona and some OCs, I’m also aware I can never actually share this hobby irl.
I’ve ‘joked’ about being a furry irl, but I know I can never actually say I like furries - they’re kinda hard to dislike given how chill and creative most of them are. I know I’d be ripped to shreds if anyone knew because they all call me a furry in a mocking tone, so it’s clear they view it as an insult.
It kinda sucks because although I know I’d never have the talent or money to make/commission a fursuit, part of me has always wanted those cat ears and maybe a tail and gloves. But alas, I just have to imagine it.
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nagichi-boop · 1 month
My thoughts on the Knuckles series
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I want to preface this by saying that if you haven't watched the series yourself and have the means to do so, I suggest watching it yourself and forming your own opinions on the series. The episodes are about 25-30 mins long, so it should take about 3 hours. But if you'd rather give the show a pass, I understand, especially given that so many people have given rather mixed reviews on the series. I don't think I have much to say that hasn't already been said, but I thought I'd share my personal thoughts on the series.
I will be discussing spoilers in this post, though I won't be breaking apart the plot per se. I just want to discuss some thoughts on the series, good and bad, since I know some people have been very harsh on this series. And as a disclaimer, these are personal opinions rather than outright critiques.
For a tldr rating though, I'd give the series like...6.5/10?
Things I Liked
I really enjoyed the plot of the first episode or so. The scenes with the Wachoski family was probably some of my favourites for the series, even if only brief. I wasn't sure that they would include the other characters, so it was nice to see most of them. I wasn't super keen on the GUN agents necessarily, but I thought their story parts were the most enjoyable. I enjoyed watching Wade scheme to save him and immediately fumble the bag, but ultimately sort of recreate his plan? I also appreciated him using the siracha to free himself from the GUN agent since it was starting to wear a little that he seemed utterly incompetent - more on that later.
I once again appreciate the references to the Sonic universe. I only really noticed the Knuckles hat (which if I'm not mistaken is a reference to the OVA cartoon?), but I also saw someone mention Sonic 06 before watching it, which helped me recognise the reference to the game (both Knuckles' power and the creature that I assumed to be Iblis). I also saw a Reddit post pointing out that the alien attack mentioned by the bowling tournament announcers took place 50 years ago, which could be a reference towards Shadow, but it's not outright stated to be that.
The animation was surprisingly good. Part of me thought the animation quality would be off, but it was more or less on par with the movies from what I could see. Some scenes were a little off, but I can't really fault it since they're trying to incorporate an entirely CGI creature interacting with everything, but for the most part it was awesome.
Things I Didn't Like
I think one of my bigger issues with this series was the humour. That's not to say I didn't find it funny, but the constant surreal/cringe humour eventually wears on you. It worked at the beginning because Knuckles and Wade alternated being the 'straight-man', but for the most part, the characters fell into the same 'I'm dumb' type of humour. I don't quite know how to explain what I mean by this, so I guess I'll give a few examples to illustrate what I mean.
There's Knuckles himself, whose 'stupidity' mostly comes from him not fully grasping human culture. There's also Wade Whipple, who is portrayed as an idiot or loser, something he's called by the other characters. There's Jack Sinclair who acts intimidating while still being dumb behind his seriousness, and was the kind of character that seems threatening until they're dethroned, by which time they start wailing like a baby. We see this mostly when Wade is captured and 'duels' with him, only for him to lose and plead with Wade not to take his clothes this sounds really sus out of context. I didn't particularly care for him, which made some scenes drag as Wade's story with him was being addressed, but he's more of a stepping stone character for Wade's development.
I thought Knuckles and Wade themselves were funny for the most part, but it does begin to grate a little when their goofy humour is pretty much all you get. I get that Wade is the underdog guy, but it didn't feel much like he actually grew as a person. I thought perhaps he would learn to be more self-reliant and competent, but even at the end of the series, he mostly just stalled for Knuckles. This sort of ties into the complaint a lot of people have that the series focused less on Knuckles and more on Wade, which I agree with. It was set up at the start that Knuckles was looking to find his home and purpose, but it didn't feel like that was fully explored. It was sort of implied at the end that the Whipple's were his home, but it felt like a lose end more than a solid conclusion. I also wouldn't have minded if Knuckles actually spent time training Wade, but that didn't really happen either. Most of Wade's 'development' happened away from Knuckles, which made Knuckles feel more like a bit character a lot of the time.
And then there's Wanda Whipple. I'll be honest, I really disliked her character. For the first few minutes it was fine, but the entire scene with the Whipple family dinner just felt awkward and annoying to me. It felt like I was watching two children argue, which I suppose was the point, but watching a grown woman act like a child was just uncomfortable and felt like it was dragged out for ages. I think the only scene I found her funny in was towards the end when she dislocated her thumb, but that was about it. Every other scene she was in felt unenjoyable for me, and frankly I hope she's not in the third movie at all (or if she is, please make it short).
I suppose I could sum this complain up as there being too many comedic relief characters without there being straight-man characters to balance out the chaos. The beginning worked well because Sonic, Tails and Maddie worked as straight-men for Knuckles, so it was funny to watch him be a menace since we could see everyone else's reactions. But for the rest of the series, it was mostly just silly humour. Even the 'adult' jokes weren't particularly funny to me (thinking specifically about the metal detector scene), but maybe I'm just not the right demographic for this kind of series? Who knows.
I watched the series with my dad, and I agree with his thoughts on the series. He felt it could have been done in a movie instead of having a tv series that seemed to drag on a lot. I do agree that some scenes felt like they were going on for too long, which at times felt like I wasn't even watching a Sonic series at all. I guess they want to flesh out the characters unique to the movie universe, but it felt a bit weird to have Knuckles barely involved in the plot given the series was named after him.
It's unfortunate because I think that they initially set up something interesting. I thought they'd focus on the GUN agents pursuing Knuckles, with Knuckles training Wade along the way. But the GUN story got shelved almost immediately to focus more on the bowling stuff - Wade and Jack had an awkward sword dual, and Wade had a bowling match with his dad? I honestly thought The Buyer (that ex GUN weapons guy) would be Wade's dad, but instead we randomly got introduced to Pistol Pete...I dunno, it felt weird to me. It felt like they mashed three unfinished stories together into one weird amalgamation.
I feel like they could have focused more on the GUN agents plot. Perhaps they could have clashed a few times with Knuckles and Wade, but ultimately fail over and over. Wade would have learned indirectly from his warrior training to be strong enough to defeat Jack at bowling and show his progression. The GUN agents would be replaced by The Buyer after he grows tired of waiting for them to fulfil their deal, and who would be more of a threat. While that's happening in the background, we could watch the bowling tournament with Jack losing instead, then have The Buyer crash the party like he did in the actual series. But this is all just me brainstorming what I would have done.
Anyways, those are my thoughts. It's a shame since I love the Sonic movies a lot, but I'm not too worried about Sonic 3 based on this series. Jeff Fowler (the writer for the movies) only wrote the first episode of the series, which was arguably the best episode, so I am confident that Sonic 3 will be good. Admittedly it has me a little worried, but I'm trusting them to do Shadow justice with his debut.
Sorry this is such a long rambly post, but hopefully it's cohesive enough to follow for anyone actually reading it.
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nagichi-boop · 1 month
So assuming that Sonic 3 will at least partially follow the plot line of Sonic Adventure 2, here are some of my thoughts/predictions about things that will happen in the movie to fit Shadow’s lore into the movie universe;
• In regards to Shadow’s motivation for disliking Sonic, either (a) he resents him for having a human family while his was lost, (b) he thinks Sonic and his friends are stupid for getting close to humans as they are ‘inferior’, or (c) he doesn’t really care about any of that, but just that Sonic gets in his way. • Similar-ish to the last point, but I want Shadow to come to respect the Wachowski’s. Maybe not fully like them, but at least acknowledge they are good people. Whether that happens gradually or after he gets his real memory of Maria’s wish back, I want him to soften a little to them.
• I don’t think Shadow will be adopted into the Wachowski family. Not because they don’t want him, but rather I think he will become a free spirit, similar to how he is in Sonic 06.
• Although in SA2 Amy is the one to talk Shadow into helping stop the ARK hitting earth, I think Sonic could work well as the one to talk him down. He lost family, but he found a new one. He could convince Shadow that not all of humanity is evil. That, or maybe even Tom could talk to him? Who knows. I think Amy would also be a great option to match what happens in the games and I’d love to see that moment recreated, but I worry since we have had no word of her actually appearing in Sonic 3. That and I feel like they’d want the moment to be between Shadow and a ‘main’ character instead, especially with Sonic’s backstory being much different in this universe. • I also think it would be kinda cool if Sonic saved Shadow in space instead of him falling to earth. Not only does this avoid potentially rehashing the whole “I forgot again” storyline that Heroes and ShTH covered, but it also might make him more accepting of Sonic as a friend, or at least someone to respect.
• This is very much wishful thinking, but if Rouge and Omega return (either in this movie or in the future), please please PLEASE let them be a trio again, or at the very least friends. I don’t want any of this “Shadow can’t have friends” nonsense. TMOSTH proves how much more likeable he is when he isn’t just edgy and mean.
I think overall, I just really really hope that if Shadow is kept in the series after the third movie, he becomes an anti-hero instead of a villain. I want that version of Shadow back, not the “I’m edgy and I hate everyone” version. We saw a bit of his older self in TMOSTH and Prime (which I need to catch up on), so it gives me a little hope that Shadow in the movie will be more like his old self. And as a side note, I hope he’s like that in Sonic x Shadow Generations. Given its rehashing his backstory, maybe that’s a sign that he will be written to be like his previous characterisation? Who knows. A girl can only dream.
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