nolonger-roses · 21 days
YES YES and the smile Bilbo gives him??????? like, he tried to kill you the last time he saw you babe
the one scene that made me truly jump off my chair and scream "Your honor they are gay" was when bilbo came to warn thorin abt the other army and he was like
"bilbOH" With the immediate relief and relaxing of his shoulders and his eyebrows immediately frowning upwards GIRLLLLLLL AINT NO BODY GON TELL ME THAT SHI STRAIGHT
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nolonger-roses · 25 days
Now, the fellowship was really a mix of people who were somehow coneccted to each other, like Aragorn and Legolas knew each other and Gandalf. The hobbits are family to each other (and do NOT get me started on Sam and Frodo bcs I will lose it) and Boromir also knew Gandalf.
But the best is Gimli looking at Frodo after his dad told him how he had to endure his king (relative) for MONTHS pinning over a hobbit who, by destiny, is the uncle of the same hobbit whom he has to protect
Just crazy af if you ask me
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nolonger-roses · 2 months
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I've heard this headcannon once or twice saying that Hobbit's sleep in piles. So i had to interpret that but with Thorin, Bilbo and Frodo, in the end i had the fluffiest family feels doodle ever.
I think Frodo would definitely be a kicker when he sleeps. And when he's sleeping with Bilbo and Thorin and gets out of control with his kicking (Thorin being his main victim), he has to get carried back into his own bed.
Thorin would snore, especially when hes comfortable and is feeling safe. When he snores, he's probably also having the best sleep ever. Bilbo got used to dwarrow snoring while travelling with twelve of them and Frodo's a heavy sleeper (he could sleep upside down if he wanted) so it never became a problem.
If you have more ideas you'd like to share feel free to comment! I truly appreciate it <333
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nolonger-roses · 2 months
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This movie was AMAZING
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nolonger-roses · 2 months
Dwarves plus Gandalf definitely bet on Thorin and Bilbo ending up together
The thing is how they brought it up
Kili: I've never seen uncle behave like that with anyone. Do you think something will happen?
Fili: yeah, I bet he says something unintentionally after the quest is over
Kili: no way, Bilbo is the one who will confess by accident before the quest is over
Fili: wanna bet?
Kili: of course
Balin: what are you two talking about?
Then all dwarves + Gandalf started making bets on how and who would confess first
There where two sides: the one who thought it would be their king and the ones who thought it would be their burglar
All of them agreed that they wouldn't confess like normal people would (most likely by accident or in a middle of a fight)
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nolonger-roses · 2 months
No because I can't stop thinking about the exchange when Thorin had dragon sickness and Bilbo was facing him on top of the mountain. Especially when he said "the dwarf I met in Bag-end would never have gone back to his word. Would never have doubted the loyalty of his kin!"
The thing is he is talking about that Thorin, not the one in the top of the Carrock when he finally accepted him or stopped being so reserved or any version of him later. Not the Thorin he was able to reach, know and love. He is refering to the same dwarf that told him he didn't belong, that he ran away in the tunels and that he was lost. He meant the one who was mean to him.
And I think that even then, Bilbo saw the beauty within him. He saw something in him that made him stay and, with time, he was able to touch his soul in a way no one did. And Thorin knew this, that's why he was so heart-broken on that scene.
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nolonger-roses · 4 months
Dwarves were unfazed
We have the king who married the hobbit and was insane and obssesive about him even when he had the dragon sickness
A young prince dating an elf who was banished from the elf kingdom
(At least they had Fili who was responsible when he had to)
And then Gimli came. Someone responsible, intelligent and amazing in every way and he ends up with the weird prince elf who is the son of the elven king that kept the company prisioners
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nolonger-roses · 5 months
Imagine the fellowship playing monopoly
Aragorn is the only one behaving like an adult and making everyone pay and this game is taking all of his lifetime and willpower
Sam and frodo have an alliance (they don't want to be the reason the other loses so they are a team)
Merry and Pippin are the devils. They want to win so they will make you suffer, they will buy anything they can even if that makes them poor and they will laugh at your face if you end up in their propety
Gandalf also wants to win so he buysthe expensives properties and waits until someone falls
Boromir didn't know how a fun afternoon playing games could turn into something like this. He beggins excelently and then he is in debt to pippin and merry
Gimli is taking it seriously. He balances what to buy and how to procede (and he wants to beat Legolas)
Legolas doesn't know what he is doing and he is winning somehow
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nolonger-roses · 5 months
My favourite thing about rewatching the hobbit an unexpected journey is hearing Thorin call Bilbo a traitor for saying they smell bad
Thorin can dish out all the insults he wants but he can’t take one even if it’s to literally save his life
I think he was angrier then when Bilbo took the Arkenstone
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nolonger-roses · 5 months
I just know that at least one time each bilbo and thorin proposed to each other in the quest
Of course they don't know this because how could thorin know that giving an specific flower to bilbo meant he was in love with him or that asking to go for a walk in a green field was a traditional form of beggining courtship
But it was when bilbo asked thorin to show him how to engrave or to braid his longer hair that all the dwaves looked over them with silly looks (especially kili and fili)
A very confused bilbo with a red tomato king by his side was really funny, except for gandalf who was tired of their bs
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nolonger-roses · 5 months
So true that frodo is the little spoon
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didnt know if i should throw these together but i guess i'm going to. starting the new year off right
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nolonger-roses · 5 months
Thorin cooks Bilbo a meal as a type of thank you for the help and he refuses to take any gold or anything but the lad really loves food so let’s give him that, and he presents it to Bilbo all excited but Bilbo doesn’t eat anything he just stares at like the three course meal that’s in front of him and Thorin gets super nervous because oh no is it bad I’m so sorry Bombur prepped me for like a month for this don’t hobbits eat everything did I somehow manage to cook something that even a hobbit won’t consume oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck but Bilbo isn’t even noticing his panic because his brain is trying to catch up to the fact that Thorin just proposed to him
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nolonger-roses · 5 months
I just know that thorin would be panicking about going to the shire with his husband (obv bilbo) because he thinks the hobbits would judge him for being a dwarf
But the hobbits just think that marrying a king dwarf is the most normal thing Bilbo has done in his entire life
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nolonger-roses · 9 months
I just love the way bilbo brings out in thorin his "personality" and viceverse.
Like thorin shows his soft and caring side. All those glances and smiles and the way that at the end he confesses that home (and love) is above gold. He feels comfortable in showing that he cares but it is more noticeable the more time he spends on the journey.
And that in bilbo appears a fiercly protective side as well as determination and confidence. And I think it was there before Thorin but he needed someone to encourage him.
They are so different and yet that is what makes them perfect together.
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nolonger-roses · 9 months
frodo is such a complex and sad character
after all the things he went through, the two stabbings, losing his finger, the hunger and thirst, the fatigue, all the emotional trauma and losing himself in the process. After everything, he still saw his home get damaged. And the worst parte is that no one acknowledged what he did. He wasn't treated as the hero he was nor was he important
And at the end, when he realised that he couldn't go back, that all the pain wouldn't go away, he accepted himself and left in order to heal. He did the right choice again
He saved the world by losing himself but I don't think he regretted it. He made a world were his loved ones could live, just not him.
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nolonger-roses · 10 months
Can we talk about all the times that thorin and bilbo are together in the Elven Kingdom??
First Thorin's face when he saw his lover bilbo was no longer with them
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Also when OF COURSE bilbo let thorin out first and they just stare at each other just because they can (the fact that this scene is way longer with them just staring at each other)
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And thorin is ALWAYS looking at Bilbo
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Then their silent *babe help me* *of course babe*
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Ando Bilbo triple checking only that Thorin is in the barrel??
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Of course Thorin is proud of bilbo and waited for him to come down to smile at him like that. Plus, there are also some moments when we can see thorin looking at bilbo half-drowning and Thorin looking back and forth from the hobbit to the currents
I also think is funny how we get a frame of bilbo killing and orc and Thorin looking at his side
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And of course we can't forget the outtakes where thorin was literally losing his mind looking for bilbo, he was screaming, searching every barrel and commanding others to find him. I can't put the gifs but in https://youtu.be/mzz2gtZMhQg (2:41) Thorin can be Heard screaming for bilbo (https://pin.it/zaYS9VP R13 is the creator of this gif)
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And here (sorry for the Quality) we can SEE that Thorin is following bilbo with his eyes. He doesn't stop looking at him for one second
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And at the end we can see how thorin and bilbo are getting more and more close with each frame??? Like can't they stay away from each other?? The answer is no
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I have more scenes but I think this little Moments between them is what's makes them a great couple
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nolonger-roses · 11 months
Can we talk about all the times that thorin and bilbo are together in the Elven Kingdom??
First Thorin's face when he saw his lover bilbo was no longer with them
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Also when OF COURSE bilbo let thorin out first and they just stare at each other just because they can (the fact that this scene is way longer with them just staring at each other)
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And thorin is ALWAYS looking at Bilbo
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Then their silent *babe help me* *of course babe*
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Ando Bilbo triple checking only that Thorin is in the barrel??
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Of course Thorin is proud of bilbo and waited for him to come down to smile at him like that. Plus, there are also some moments when we can see thorin looking at bilbo half-drowning and Thorin looking back and forth from the hobbit to the currents
I also think is funny how we get a frame of bilbo killing and orc and Thorin looking at his side
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And of course we can't forget the outtakes where thorin was literally losing his mind looking for bilbo, he was screaming, searching every barrel and commanding others to find him. I can't put the gifs but in https://youtu.be/mzz2gtZMhQg (2:41) Thorin can be Heard screaming for bilbo (https://pin.it/zaYS9VP R13 is the creator of this gif)
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And here (sorry for the Quality) we can SEE that Thorin is following bilbo with his eyes. He doesn't stop looking at him for one second
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And at the end we can see how thorin and bilbo are getting more and more close with each frame??? Like can't they stay away from each other?? The answer is no
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I have more scenes but I think this little Moments between them is what's makes them a great couple
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