nonbinary-polls 4 hours
ty @imoanurparentsnames for the submission!
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nonbinary-polls 3 days
i post polls for nonbinary people (as the name implies), roughly once a day
Reblog/like this if you鈥檙e LGBTQ+ and run an active blog in 2024.
Trying to find new blogs to follow. 馃馃徎
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nonbinary-polls 4 days
sorry for any of y'all in my inbox whose messages have been in there for a while
i see all of them, some of them i just don't really know how to answer or i'm getting around to
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nonbinary-polls 4 days
I consider myself both and neither binary or nonbinary, should i vote not nonbinary or consider myself so for the purpose of the poll?
if you are not always and 100% man or woman, you are nonbinary, according to some post i saw that i agree with
so yeah i would say you're fine to vote
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nonbinary-polls 6 days
Not a poll but I just wanted to ask what do you think about people who are non-binary that dont identify as trans or identify as cis and non-binary? /genq
i don't have an opinion on them, it's not my place to think of some way to be nonbinary as better than something different
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nonbinary-polls 6 days
ty for the submission from @imoanurparentsnames
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nonbinary-polls 6 days
are trans ppl/ demigirls/boys allowed to vote on the polls?
being a demigirl/demiboy is nonbinary!
if you are 100% binary trans, i'd prefer if you pressed the not nonbinary option, but i'm not going to (and can't) stop you if you want to vote. so basically do whatever
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nonbinary-polls 8 days
i got schuyler sistered 馃槶馃槶
currently helping fight in the asexual bot war
enbies 馃 aces
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nonbinary-polls 9 days
poll time :]
how many sets of pronouns do you use?
0 (i prefer that people refer to me by my name only)
9+ (distinct and specific pronoun sets)
I use any pronouns besides some specific ones
I use any and all pronouns
ty for the ask!
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nonbinary-polls 9 days
Not a poll, but how long have you known you were non-binary and how did you find out? I've been questioning my gender and I think I'm either non-binary or transmasc.
i mean i can make this a poll
personally i've known since i was 12 and i found it out by just researching the lgbtqia community
also, you can be transmasc and nonbinary, they aren't mutually exclusive. gender doesn't have rules (not here at least), you can do whatever you want with it forever
(I think I made a poll like this before but w/e)
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nonbinary-polls 9 days
Hi :), so I was wondering if you also take submissions for polls that are in a different language than English. (And if you don鈥檛. Do you maybe know a blog that does polls for (nonbinary people) in German specifically. I鈥檝e been struggling to find one.)
Also is additional context/commentary allowed in the submitted polls?
i'm fine taking submissions for polls that are not in english as long as there is also an english translation, i don't know of any blogs that do nonbinary polls in german
also of course additional context is allowed
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nonbinary-polls 11 days
Does Xenogender come under non-binary in a broad sense?
yes, it does not neatly fit in the gender binary so i would consider it to be nonbinary
(note: i was adding xenogender to the tags and one of the things that came up was "being xenophobic towards canadian people"??? what)
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nonbinary-polls 13 days
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nonbinary-polls 13 days
currently helping fight in the asexual bot war
enbies 馃 aces
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nonbinary-polls 15 days
it would be something of a problem if i didn't
Reblog if you support non-binary people <3
(I'm trying to prove a homophobic person in my class wrong :3)
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nonbinary-polls 15 days
Do you think "it/its" is a neopronoun?
-yes, it's rarely been used for people respectfully before so it's a neopronoun,
-no, it existed before as a pronoun so it's not a neupronoun,
-it's complicated/it depends (elaborate in reblogs, comments or tags),
I think using "it/its" pronouns is valid, but I'm not sure if it counts as using neopronouns or not.
If this one is disrespectful/harmful/transphobic in any way, feel free to not post it!
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nonbinary-polls 16 days
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