number1villainstan · 9 minutes
your honor my client pleads tragic backstory
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number1villainstan · 13 minutes
honestly i don't have any story behind this, i just think that kaina has the Vibes. anyways ideally kai looks androgynous (and hot) enough to make straight men watching go "i'm not gay but".
kaina 100% adds him as a suspect as soon as the words leave his mouth. also doesn't tell him he's a suspect. anyways the obvious twist is that kai killed the oyaji, but the less obvious twist is that the oyaji is still alive and kai was testing her to try and prove to the rest of the Hassaikai that they should let him recruit her (or something. because if he was the murderer why is he actively inviting someone to inspect the situation, they're yakuza, they're already not going to go to the cops)
tsutsumi as an ex-cop private eye noir novel detective (smokes, drinks, vibes of a divorced wet alley cat) and chisaki as the opening-scene leggy femme fatale. please tell me i'm not insane
no wait, you're so right. this is the dynamic. i am always down for chisaki being unfairly pretty and using his natural charisma to his advantage. also i am always down for kaina doing anything at all. who is going to write this fic, because if it's not you it might be me.
"the oyabun of the shie hassaikai has been murdered. miss tsutsumi, i believe you are the only one who can help me find my father's killer."
or something. try to guess the plot twist.
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number1villainstan · 2 days
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that is indeed the correct reaction :)
do you have any headcanons in regards to kai chisaki's bio parents? did he get thrown out or do you think they died. or both. or a secret third thing i haven't considered. /from kainagant
i ABSOLUTELY have chisaki-parent headcanons. content warnings for discussions of child abuse/neglect/abandonment under the cut because chisaki is my favorite character and therefore i can and will put him through hell :)
These headcanons are kind of crack, but I think his bio father was Yaoyorozu's grandfather, the patriarch of the Yaoyorozu clan. His bio mother was the guy's secretary who he had to fire to hide the fact that he had an affair 🫢 She managed to extort a lot of child support/hush money from him, citing the fact that she had to take care of a baby and also the fact that she had his wife's phone number.
...not that any of that money actually went to child support, mind you. She was the type of mother who treated her child as an obligation at best and a show prize at worst--she enrolled baby kai in an expensive all-girls school (he's trans and i will fight you on that) so she could brag to her friends about it, but she would also make him go to school while sick and would only rarely cook any kind of meals for him. he was usually on his own to find or cook food in the house, and when an accident inevitably happened and he broke a dish she'd scream at him like he did it on purpose.
(In all honesty, I think she was the egotistical mean girl type who no one would want to hang out with if she didn't have power over them of some kind. In a modern AU Chisaki would 100% hang out on/gain a lot of comfort from r/raisedbynarcissists, as ableist as that sub can be.)
There are some points in the abuse cycle where she tries to reconcile with him, but of course solely on her terms. Usually she'd try to win him over by spending money on a bunch of new toys, almost always dolls or other "girl toys", instead of doing things like apologizing for screaming, asking him how his day went, or even asking him what toys he'd actually want and buying those. (Sound familiar?)
Of course, it only gets worse when baby Kai starts showing signs of being autistic. She absolutely takes him not looking her in the eye as a personal slight, along with playing with his toys "wrong", not liking certain foods or textures, stimming too loudly, or generally being 'strange'. Because of course she does. And of course, Overhaul isn't very easy to control at such a young age, and she takes *that* personally too--she's absolutely called him cursed and monster because of his Quirk.
But moving on to how he ended up on the street. When Kai's eight, she decides that she's done with her "creepy weirdo daughter" and dumps him at an orphanage. For the next couple years he's going to be running away from orphanages, living on the streets, getting dragged back to orphanages, and so on. There may also be shitty foster homes involved, if the Japanese welfare system is like that at all. He'll realize early on the weirdness of gender (he cuts his hair super short a few weeks after the abandonment, gets asked if he's a boy in a dress or a girl with short hair, and realizes that he could be whatever he wanted) and bounce between presentations during this time, and just so happened to be in boymode when the oyaji found him, which is how he got stuck in boymode for basically ever. But that's a story for another time, and not what you asked about.
Anyways, so, to recap: bio dad is the Yaoyorozu patriarch and Momo's grandad, bio mom is the secretary he had an affair with and also a shitbag (which left Chisaki with massive emotional scars), and I think he got abandoned/kicked out as a little girl.
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number1villainstan · 2 days
do you have any headcanons in regards to kai chisaki's bio parents? did he get thrown out or do you think they died. or both. or a secret third thing i haven't considered. /from kainagant
i ABSOLUTELY have chisaki-parent headcanons. content warnings for discussions of child abuse/neglect/abandonment under the cut because chisaki is my favorite character and therefore i can and will put him through hell :)
These headcanons are kind of crack, but I think his bio father was Yaoyorozu's grandfather, the patriarch of the Yaoyorozu clan. His bio mother was the guy's secretary who he had to fire to hide the fact that he had an affair 🫢 She managed to extort a lot of child support/hush money from him, citing the fact that she had to take care of a baby and also the fact that she had his wife's phone number.
...not that any of that money actually went to child support, mind you. She was the type of mother who treated her child as an obligation at best and a show prize at worst--she enrolled baby kai in an expensive all-girls school (he's trans and i will fight you on that) so she could brag to her friends about it, but she would also make him go to school while sick and would only rarely cook any kind of meals for him. he was usually on his own to find or cook food in the house, and when an accident inevitably happened and he broke a dish she'd scream at him like he did it on purpose.
(In all honesty, I think she was the egotistical mean girl type who no one would want to hang out with if she didn't have power over them of some kind. In a modern AU Chisaki would 100% hang out on/gain a lot of comfort from r/raisedbynarcissists, as ableist as that sub can be.)
There are some points in the abuse cycle where she tries to reconcile with him, but of course solely on her terms. Usually she'd try to win him over by spending money on a bunch of new toys, almost always dolls or other "girl toys", instead of doing things like apologizing for screaming, asking him how his day went, or even asking him what toys he'd actually want and buying those. (Sound familiar?)
Of course, it only gets worse when baby Kai starts showing signs of being autistic. She absolutely takes him not looking her in the eye as a personal slight, along with playing with his toys "wrong", not liking certain foods or textures, stimming too loudly, or generally being 'strange'. Because of course she does. And of course, Overhaul isn't very easy to control at such a young age, and she takes *that* personally too--she's absolutely called him cursed and monster because of his Quirk.
But moving on to how he ended up on the street. When Kai's eight, she decides that she's done with her "creepy weirdo daughter" and dumps him at an orphanage. For the next couple years he's going to be running away from orphanages, living on the streets, getting dragged back to orphanages, and so on. There may also be shitty foster homes involved, if the Japanese welfare system is like that at all. He'll realize early on the weirdness of gender (he cuts his hair super short a few weeks after the abandonment, gets asked if he's a boy in a dress or a girl with short hair, and realizes that he could be whatever he wanted) and bounce between presentations during this time, and just so happened to be in boymode when the oyaji found him, which is how he got stuck in boymode for basically ever. But that's a story for another time, and not what you asked about.
Anyways, so, to recap: bio dad is the Yaoyorozu patriarch and Momo's grandad, bio mom is the secretary he had an affair with and also a shitbag (which left Chisaki with massive emotional scars), and I think he got abandoned/kicked out as a little girl.
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number1villainstan · 2 days
Read it on Dreamwidth
May Monthly Short Piece--an original fic, and also a really heavy one. Second person POV, no happy ending, vampirism as a metaphor for disability, ableism (including internalized ableism).
I used this post of mine as the themes, although some of the more hopeful bits (like learning to accept yourself) didn't happen in this story. This story is just full blown hopelessness.
(@rubyjewelqueen You wanted to see this, if I remember? It might not be up your alley though; it's pretty different from the idea the post gave off.)
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number1villainstan · 2 days
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I mean--I get where you're coming from with these tags, if the fact that the characters are 14 by itself makes you uncomfortable (as in, you don't like young protags/characters) then RGU is not for you. However, taking the grooming and abuse Akio puts them through into account, the fact that the characters are 14 should make you uncomfortable. Because they're 14 year old kids being groomed and sexually abused! But just because something is uncomfortable doesn't mean that it's bad, or that you should run from it. RGU is the kind of show that wants to make you uncomfortable and then make you sit with and process and understand that discomfort. It's not an escapist piece of media. RGU is a very uncomfortable story, on purpose--and that's really one of the things that makes it a good story.
So really, it's more like 'if you can't/don't want to handle the discomfort of knowing these kids are 14, then this show is not for you' :P
now i'm thinking about the time i saw someone say that they "headcanon" utena and anthy as 16 instead of 14 because that's what the show "makes them look like" and that's something i really just don't get because. you cannot tell me that there is a concrete universal meaningful difference between the way a 14 year old and a 16 year old looks like. that's a 2 year difference in a time where the rate at which you grow/mature wildly depends on the individual. and you certainly can't tell me that what a 16 year old "looks like" is a heavily stylized shojo anime character. they either look like both of those ages or they look like neither.
i don't even know what the point of this "headcanon" (in heavy quotes, because i don't think that's what that word means. they are textually 14 you can't just decide they aren't) is, because it doesn't even meaningfully change anything. the "pretend they're in college" take is fucking stupid, but at least it serves the purpose of making the person less uncomfortable and i can see why a certain type of person may want to do it even if i obviously don't agree. but pretending they're slightly older but still underage just seems completely pointless. why are you doing this.
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number1villainstan · 2 days
Chisaki: I mean, parts of my childhood were good. If I didn't like whatever foster home I was in, I always knew I could just leave and go live on the streets. I'd have trouble finding food and shelter sometimes, but I could still leave whenever, unless they'd like, locked me in or something, but I always left right after they did that, and it wasn't like those foster homes always provided food and shelter, so-- Pops: *starts hugging Chisaki* Chisaki: Chisaki: This is another one of those 'disturbing' anecdotes, isn't it. Kurono: I didn't want to say anything but yea.
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number1villainstan · 3 days
Unfortunately the only Mitsuki/Kaina stuff I know of is a) on Ao3 and b) my own works (both short oneshots) lmao
I really like your thoughts on it! I've always kind of approached it as an AU sort of thing, or in canon a what-could-have-been memory for Kaina--like, she met this spunky fashion designer when they were both around 20 years old, and the idea of Mitsuki stuck with her for years. I think Kaina might have conflated the idea of Mitsuki with the idea of freedom, even. In an AU where the Tartarus breakout happens way sooner (years sooner) they might find each other again, but it would be very different than what Kaina imagined/remembered.
I also think Kaina and Katsuki would get along better than most people think--they're very similar personalities, not the same but similar. On the other hand, when they do disagree, it's a Big Deal--they're both way too stubborn to back down themselves, and often times a third party has to get involved. They don't make drama out of it, exactly, but both Katsuki and Kaina are made of steel, and when steel hits steel sparks tend to fly. Like when baby Katsuki says "I'm gonna be the #1 hero, no matter what!" and Kaina tells him that the rankings are rigged (against people like Katsuki, no less) and the whole system is rotten.
I've reblogged stuff about like "send more asks!" before and I've decided to be the change I wish to see in the world SO
personally I like sniperhaul as a platonic pairing, not least because i see them both as Gay In The Wrong Direction. like in my mind they're constantly bickering but also refuse to leave each others' sides for more than a day because they both went through the same shit. they don't even dislike each other they're just constantly lowkey fighting for no reason other than habit
Also like. opinions on Bakugo Mitsuki/Tsutsumi Kaina? both in the sense of 'how would these two very different adult women interact' and in the sense of bakugo "i'm gonna be the number 1 hero at all costs" katsuki having tsutsumi "the hero system is fundamentally corrupt and being a hero is shit actually" kaina
(have i sent you an ask before? i think i might have)
hey there! i've never received an ask on this blog before, from you or anyone else, as its only like two weeks old. congrats on being the first 🎉🎉 (if you did send me an ask before, then tunglr ate it)
honestly chisaki kai is one of those characters that i perceive as aroace, which is like fifty percent me projecting and the other fifty is vibes. so whatever pairing i put him in is closer to a queerplatonic relationship than anything else. this is honestly the case for all shipping i do because i'm very aromantic but it's not always on purpose. but i'm also a shameless multishipper and i think that there's no single most correct pairing or even a single correct interpretation of said pairing.
this is all to say i love your take on sniperhaul. i definitely imagine them as the kind of duo who are always being catty with each other. borderline just pure rude if it weren't for the fact that the reason why they can banter freely is because of how well they understand each others' boundaries.
i feel like i have seen kaina/bakugo's mom fics and went. h u h. if you have any recs then i'll definitely read them. i think i was looking for something specific at the time so i scrolled past but now that you bring it up again i'm definitely intrigued. in regards to my first impressions of the pairing though. to be honest there's not a lot of canon information on mitsuki. her personality is assumed to be basically just katsuki but more chill. however i also think that the mothers of feral anime boys deserve to be even more feral because after ren gyokuen from magi something in my brain chemistry was permanently changed. so i'm just going to take liberties here and write mitsuki a personality that's not just "bakugo katsuki's mom".
so its obvious that katsuki takes after her, and she seems to understand that a lot of his mannerisms come from her. so i think she was one hell of a teenager. her quirk basically makes her have flawless skin. mitsuki was the definition of it girl. sorry she can't answer the phone she's at a party. maybe she even hooked up with kaina in college. if you really want to drive the katsuki connection in hard, maybe she was even a bit of a mean girl. though i think she wasn't as problematic as katsuki because she didn't have people feeding her ego constantly in the same way. anyway this is all to say that i think mitsuki mellowed out a lot with age. but she definitely still has something of a youthful spirit leftover from her heyday. her skin can be a metaphor for that.
if mitsuki is a woman who has held onto her youth, kaina is a woman who lost her youth early on. the phrase 'old beyond her years' applies here. she doesn't know how to be a teenager anymore. she forgot. what is it like to not spend every night haunted by the lives she took with her own hands? she doesn't remember.
when they meet then mitsuki takes one look at kaina and tries to ask her out for a drink. it's a small thing, but slowly, kaina is relearning how to be a person and not a weapon. mitsuki is showing her how. and mitsuki can't really understand what makes kaina miserable, what makes kaina wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night. but mitsuki can stay awake with her. she can hold her close and say. hey. you're more than whatever you see when you look at your own hands. anyway this got really long. i'm just making stuff up on the fly but yeah they could have that kind of dynamic.
ok ok. cracks knuckles. kaina and katsuki. the thing is that they have surface similarities i think. "so how should i solve this problem i have…" kaina and katsuki both stare at me like im fucking stupid "blow its brains out??" there's a duh here. they're both the kind of person who is smarter than other people assume based off of first impressions. but that's only because they're the straight arrow type. there's no fucking around the point with these two, they're blunt and very goal focused. they tend to hyperfocus on whatever they're currently trying to do, and they don't stop to wonder if it's wrong or just a liiiitle fucked up. cue the rude awakening.
you mentioned bakugo's hero thing vs kaina's hero thing, but i think that they're not as at odds as one might think. bakugo's hero thing was never a "save everyone" shirou emiya style (thats midoriya's patent). he admired all might because all might was always victorious. kaina probably wouldn't have a strong opinion one way or another. he's obviously missing something to make him a "true hero" or whatever. but she's not stain, for goodness sake. the whole idea of there being a perfect hero feels incredibly fake to her. if anything, katsuki's honest "i'm going to win to save people" approach might be more genuine than some fragile idealism that he can't actually back up. actually. to be honest, katsuki would be exactly the kind of hero that kaina wants to see more of. he doesn't mince words or pretend to be more righteous than anyone else. full transparency: he can be kinda a dick. but if society is going to employ heroes than people need to understand that heroes are people too, and yeah. people can be dicks. pardon my french. i'm channeling katsuki.
i don't think kaina would care one way or another that katsuki is striving for number one. the hero rankings were never really a thing to her. kaina's problem with hero society wasn't the same problem as what stain had. i think people assume that it is, because stain kinda had half of a point, except for the culling the fakes thing. but i think kaina would very much disagree with stain. because stain wanted more pure heroes. he wanted to exalt the ideal hero, put them above everyone else. and kaina just wanted heroes to get off their high horse and admit that they aren't perfect. nobody is.
deep breath. so yeah. thanks for the ask. thanks for reading my incoherent rambles too, assuming you got this far. hopefully i actually answered your questions, but if i didn't then sorry, this definitely got away from me. i also followed you back from my mainblog, so cheers to being mutuals. i'll try to send you a bunch of asks too, since 🤝 be the change you want to see in the world.
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number1villainstan · 3 days
Pops: What do you want for your birthday, Kai? Chisaki: An end to quirk discrimination and poverty, the reinvestment of societal energy and resources into solving environmental and health issues, and all of the knowledge in the world. Pops: Alright, smart aleck. What achievable things do you want for your birthday? Chisaki: uh Chisaki: books?
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number1villainstan · 4 days
just. the sheer amount of chaos and screaming that would happen, because you *know* vader would try to convince leia to 'come to the dark side' and 'rule the galaxy as father and daughter' and meanwhile leia's just like 'what the fuck are you talking about'. and when it finally gets through his thick skull that leia's not switching sides vader decides that he'll switch sides instead
star wars AU where like 6 months before the start of A New Hope vader finds out leia's his daughter
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number1villainstan · 4 days
star wars AU where like 6 months before the start of A New Hope vader finds out leia's his daughter
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number1villainstan · 7 days
The raisins-to-grapes thing kinda makes sense--microwaving is known for making things soggy, since it's about heating stuff up by exciting the water molecules inside. Still fun though.
Definitely run the experiment with the new grapes. I doubt it's dropping the grapes, it's probably the size--if they're not small enough, they don't absorb enough energy for the plasma inferno to happen. (And if they're too big, the energy doesn't concentrate enough.)
Alright we have some findings. Grape related. For some reason, I can’t recreate the effects? I’ve managed to replicate the microwaving exactly but they won’t set on fire again. We’re doing further investigation into this as we speak.
Oh that is *incredibly* strange. maybe the grapes are the wrong size? Are you still seeing sparks, or are you just getting warm grapes?
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number1villainstan · 7 days
Yeah, that does seem unlikely to not have another repeat. Although it could be a *rare* grape-by-grape basis. Also, I found this article that's supposed to explain why it happens--it apparently has to do with absorbing energy and the size of the grapes vs wavelength of the microwaves (physics waves) that the microwave (appliance) puts out.
Alright we have some findings. Grape related. For some reason, I can’t recreate the effects? I’ve managed to replicate the microwaving exactly but they won’t set on fire again. We’re doing further investigation into this as we speak.
Oh that is *incredibly* strange. maybe the grapes are the wrong size? Are you still seeing sparks, or are you just getting warm grapes?
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number1villainstan · 7 days
The freshness one sounds the most realistic to me, but it could also be a grape-by-grape basis. Definitely go do some research on what's in grapes (but watch out for AI-generated misinfo and other stuff).
Alright we have some findings. Grape related. For some reason, I can’t recreate the effects? I’ve managed to replicate the microwaving exactly but they won’t set on fire again. We’re doing further investigation into this as we speak.
Oh that is *incredibly* strange. maybe the grapes are the wrong size? Are you still seeing sparks, or are you just getting warm grapes?
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number1villainstan · 7 days
That is interesting. Maybe it's the breed/type of grapes that's involved in spontaneous combustion? I can see it being linked to some chemical that's higher in concentration in some breeds or brands of grapes than others.
Alright we have some findings. Grape related. For some reason, I can’t recreate the effects? I’ve managed to replicate the microwaving exactly but they won’t set on fire again. We’re doing further investigation into this as we speak.
Oh that is *incredibly* strange. maybe the grapes are the wrong size? Are you still seeing sparks, or are you just getting warm grapes?
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number1villainstan · 7 days
"You look like shit."
"Thank you, Yuna, I really needed to hear that. Why are you here exactly?"
"For Eri."
"You want her back? I thought you were done with her."
"Done with her? She's my kid."
"Yeah, your kid who killed your husband so you didn't want her anymore. I know how this works."
"Well clearly you don't, because what the fuck, Chisaki. You think I'm going to abandon my kid?"
"You already did abandon your kid. And then Pops gave her to me because he couldn't be arsed to take care of her either."
"Do you want me to take her back or not?"
"By all means, take her! I am not equipped to take care of a child! I'm just saying, you are not as innocent here as you want to pretend!"
"I'm not pretending anything! I don't care about how innocent I am! I just want my kid back! Fuck off!"
"Fine! Whatever! I'll go get her, just--"
"Absolutely not, I'm coming with you."
"Excuse me?"
"I'm coming with you, idiot. What, are you deaf now? I want to see my kid! And make sure she isn't missing any limbs!"
"Do you think I'd let her arm get chopped off? I'm not that negligent--"
"Maybe you are though! You said yourself that you're not equipped to take care of a kid! How am I supposed to know that she doesn't have a broken leg or something--"
"She's right here, you two. Quit arguing."
"...hi, Hari."
"Hello, Kurono."
"Hey, Eri baby. Are you alright? ...is that an alligator plushie?"
"'s a caiman. Nemoto gave it to me."
"I told you she was fine, Yuna."
"Shut up, Kai."
"In any case, if Eri's leaving, we should help her pack up her stuff. Kai, would you help me out?"
"Yeah. Yeah. Just--Yuna, can you tell the oyaji about this?"
"Why can't you?"
"Because he'll think I'm lying and I dumped her out on the street or something. He trusts you. He doesn't trust me."
"He doesn't trust me."
"He trusts you more than he trusts me."
"That's ridiculous. You tell him."
"You tell him."
"No, you tell him."
"You tell him."
"You both tell him."
"But Hari--"
"Both of you tell him. Now, Eri, are you ready to go?"
"Can I say goodbye to Nemoto first?"
"Sure, I'll go find him. And then we'll grab your stuff and hand you over. Kai, Yuna, you two go tell the oyaji, I'll take care of Eri. Seriously, you two are worse than Nemoto and I--"
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number1villainstan · 7 days
Alright we have some findings. Grape related. For some reason, I can’t recreate the effects? I’ve managed to replicate the microwaving exactly but they won’t set on fire again. We’re doing further investigation into this as we speak.
Oh that is *incredibly* strange. maybe the grapes are the wrong size? Are you still seeing sparks, or are you just getting warm grapes?
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