oursystemblog · 6 days
what are your thoughts on others taking inspiration from / making a similar blog to this one?
Go for it :-D 👍
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oursystemblog · 12 days
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ah yes Skirt And Hairbow, Indistinct Shadowy Being, and T-shirt But Emo Somehow
why do i get gender envy from resident dishes doer. what
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my skirt wearing powers grow
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oursystemblog · 12 days
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this is the funniest possible result of making a system blog
why do i get gender envy from resident dishes doer. what
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my skirt wearing powers grow
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oursystemblog · 12 days
why do i get gender envy from resident dishes doer. what
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my skirt wearing powers grow
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oursystemblog · 13 days
You don’t have to answer this if you don’t want but, if you guys have different genders to the other- what’s the experience like with sharing the same body with the different gender identities each alter may or may not have?
Is it similar to being genderfluid?
-local aroace trans man singlet
i don't know what being genderfluid is like so i can't say Haha but i do hear a lot of other systems confused the experience for being genderfluid before they figured it out
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some of us do have different genders and ways of presenting/dressing and also some of us Do Not Like the body's gender, which Isn't Fun usually, but it's kind of funny to end up fronting wearing someone else's clothes. usually mine because i'm the resident Constantly-Wearing-A-Hairbow-er
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oursystemblog · 13 days
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Yea :-) 👍
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oursystemblog · 14 days
so there's the Resident Dishes-Doer™️
may i ask about what other things you guys enjoy? :D could be a hobby, a positive fronting trigger, etc. oh and if you're comfortable answering this as well, are there things about certain system members that would make it obvious who is fronting?
such as how in our case only a specific person will eat a certain food. so even if we've been unsure of who's fronting, if that food gets grabbed then we'll know who's currently around lol
The most notable thing that comes to mind is that our host and co-host have Very Different physical mannerisms from each other as in "host is constantly moving and swaying and fidgeting and singing to themself" vs "co-host actually dislikes fidgeting and other Extraneous Movement and is Very Quiet, obviously" so it's a pretty easy tell regarding who's fronting if we are (or aren't) bobbing our head to music or swaying back and forth while sitting
Also the co-host has a pastel rainbow sweater they like to wear
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oursystemblog · 14 days
i found your blog (all very funny btw) and i was wondering what "fifth one is an introject though not very connected to their source" meant? it was in the bio and i wanted to make sure i knew what it meant :3
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The fifth guy shown in the lineup is an introject of a fictional character (also called a fictive) but doesn't very strongly identify with the media/character he was based on -- sort of just looks like the character and has a vaguely similar-ish personality but otherwise goes by a different name and doesn't have memories from his source or anything else
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oursystemblog · 14 days
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Well that's one way to do it
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oursystemblog · 19 days
hello is it ok if singlets/non-plural ppl follow? :) I don't want to overstep my bounds, but I like your comics and I like learning and being able to understand my plural friends experiences a little more. hope I worded this ok ^^;;
Yea 👍
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oursystemblog · 19 days
sincerely i love these comics, theyre so silly sometimes.
i particularly like your comic that was about guardian/co-host being a person with a life now. i think one of our parts who fronted during stressful times is getting there. or she will be soon hopefully.
okay now my question, how did you start making comics? do you have composition tips or is it just. putting thoughts next to each other kinda thing
also do you do other art? are you comfy sharing it?
thanks :-) Glad to know that comic resonated, it's an odd experience but a good one not to be alone in
As for comic composition i'm Very interested in the topic so i could probably ramble about it for A Long Time, but it would be a bit irrelevant because the comics i post on here in particular are very "just putting thoughts next to each other" style--kind of like a visual journal entry because it's easier for us to show things with art instead of words
We draw other art all the time, though i'm unsure how i would share it without immediately revealing our main account. Actually wait here's some non-system-related doodles we made a long time ago and didn't post on our main
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oursystemblog · 19 days
is wishing you could be a system a symptom of being one? i was reading your blog yesterday and i got very very sad, and other system content will often make me sad because i relate to feeling like, in system terms, an original personality/memory holder who is too sad and traumatized to function and doesnt want to front, only its like i always have to be me no matter how much i hate me, and hate existing. so as a result i just dont function really. i relate to stuff you said about shutting down when in too much distress, like going emotionally numb, and i also dissociate a lot. but even when my mind is on something else and im acting different, its not really like switching to a different mode of awareness. i think it might be better if it was. i wish i was an alter so i could go dormant forever. im scared that its too late to completely rehaul how i conceptualize... living, thinking, being, etc... im scared i have to be me forever. im not sure this is a normal or appropriate way to feel... and im sorry for asking something so emotionally loaded too. i dont even know what im asking really... i guess just, if you have any advice, and if you ever felt this way before you realized you were a system, and how you realized. thanks if you answer. sorry
Hi, i wanted to try and write a helpful response however it ended up being Way Longer than i expected to say anything substantial so it's under the cut
I can't really give a 100% certain answer to your question—Symptoms like emotional shutdown and dissociation in response to stress/trauma are also possible without necessarily being a system, ultimately I can't say whether or not you are one (it took me a while to even say whether or not I was one haha). I personally didn't have the experience of wishing i could be a system before i figured it out, but I think I've heard from some other systems that they did experience that; I suppose it's different for everyone.
i'd try to give a more helpful response about how i realized i was a system but i actually don't remember very much about it—I guess I was always aware that I had an "other state" of myself with Very distinctly different mannerisms from my own who was pretty consistently "triggered out" by specific situations (the other state was also aware of themself like "oh, i'm in This Mode again"), and then eventually i thought "that might not be normal actually" and started researching about dissociative disorders some more
Regardless of whether or not you have alters/are an alter, I don't think going dormant would solve the problem, even though I absolutely understand the feeling. While we were still discovering our system we were in a pretty bad place, and when we discovered our own emotion-holder she was very angry and sad—which scared me initially, and i Kind of Wished that she would disappear or that I could just be A Normal Regular Singular Person. A while later I calmed down and realized it was not productive to wish things like that, so I tried talking to her and telling her that it was okay to feel angry, but that things can be better now than in the past and we are capable of healing—treating her with compassion
I think having a conversation with A Literal Part of Myself that held our anger and sadness was helpful, but I also think it's possible to do something similar even if you're not a system—to treat yourself with compassion too, I guess is what I'm getting at here.
I didn't think it would get better, but it did. I mean it took a while and there were ups and downs , but as long as you're still here it is never to late to learn to live again and to recover
Ultimately, everyone's circumstances are different and maybe what helped me doesn't apply the same way to you, but please try to remember that things can get better. Healing is possible, i wish you the best
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oursystemblog · 20 days
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working on it
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oursystemblog · 21 days
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okay that was overall just a weird experience because usually it's The Host that gets sleep paralysis every 5 seconds and also we've never had another alter try to ??help ??? before so that was strange
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oursystemblog · 22 days
asks answering post
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^ We're a small system and we split not very easily/not very often, which is just our personal experience--every system is different . it is funny though since we're not super Familiar with the process of splitting so the few times that it did happen we were like "Huh why are we getting [insert symptoms here]? surely it's nothing" and then there was A New Guy
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^ Glad you enjoy them -- It's an Interesting experience for sure , i wouldn't say we never get lonely but some of us do consider each other family/siblings so that's Nice sometimes and we do generally enjoy each other's "company"
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^ 1. Hi fellow dishes fan :-) Yeah that's true also i have an easier time motivating myself to do things than others in the system so I Might as well
2. If you do end up also having a Dishes Doer then that is very funny to me . wow there is a lot of us huh . i mean that makes sense i guess
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^ Gonna be honest we're not really in any spaces/communities specifically dedicated to systems (aside from this blog) but we do end up coincidentally encountering other systems pretty often and it always surprises us haha . so i guess it's . more common than i'd expect?
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^ Hi, glad to hear that our comics have made you feel less alone, it took us a While to figure out the whole system thing and it was A Strange Time learning to accept it but things definitely make more sense now, Wishing you well too :-)
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oursystemblog · 22 days
What's your policy on questions?
If you have questions about our experiences you can ask stuff and i will try to answer 👍
If the asks are kind of just statements/things you wanna tell us like "this is a cool blog" or "we relate to that one comic" i Appreciate It :-) but i might not publish the ask because i don't really have anything to add onto it except for "thank you," and "glad to hear it," which i am saying In my head — or i might screenshot it and pair it with another ask instead of answering directly so i can answer multiple in one post
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oursystemblog · 22 days
hi this is something difficult to ask because you may not know the answer. but do "you" (host?) actually just black out and wake up hours later or do "you" feel conscious the entire day. like how does time even work to you.
Different systems can have varying levels of memory loss—full blackouts/periods of amnesia between alters are personally not a symptom we experience, but they are common especially in DID
What we get is that we're "conscious" the whole time but have emotional amnesia between alters, which is kind of like having no emotional connection to the memories of what happened while another alter was fronting—we recognized this as "why do some of my memories feel like they're In Grayscale" even before we knew we were a system which is kind of funny i think
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