#osdd system
kintsugicollective · 3 days
Sending love to unconventional systems!!
Systems with less than 5 OR more than 100 alters
Systems who remember their trauma but have emotional amnesia OR don't care/got over it (terrible wording but you get it)
Systems with no internal communication OR perfect internal communication
Inorganic systems
Systems without hosts
PDID systems or front locked systems
Little/middle heavy systems
Systems with personality disorders OR psychotic disorders
Non-human heavy systems
Delusional systems
Systems living with their abusers
Systems who forgive their abusers (not saying you have to, it is rare that you were abused by someone who deserves forgiveness)
Openly plural systems
Systems with alters who refuse to accept the system exists
Systems with trauma locked subsystems or alters
Systems with abuser introjects
Systems with alters who agree with the abuse
Systems with alters who hate each other
Systems with no inner-world / have Aphantasia
Systems with huge inner worlds
Systems with bad inner-worlds (that are triggering or actively dangerous)
Persecutor heavy systems
Systems with a structure (like a council of alters that make decisions)
Systems with only fragments
Systems who are strange!!!
You don't need to be textbook or be represented often to exist and be valid!!
*Some points are traumagenic exclusive but we are pro-endo and anyone can interact
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sadowife · 3 days
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✦ Irdiseverance Alter …
A flag for alters whose role is to dislike & disconnect from the system's Favorite Person { FP }. This alter may be an anger holder, but any alter can have this role. Exclusive to systems with BPD { Borderline Personality Disorder }.
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Requested By : @mygraine.
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sys-confessions · 2 days
My coworker came in and said "Do you know you're speaking with a Midwestern accent today?" and smh I forgot to mask this morning
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puppyoclock · 2 days
shoutout to my fellow silly bitches who wanna do some kind of logging (simplyplural, journaling, writing notes, etc) but cant ever remember to do it during the day. its rough out there
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delphientropy · 2 days
"the future is plural" "the future is singlet" the future is prioritizing healing. i hope the future is prioritizing healing, no matter what that healing looks like.
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moonyflesh · 3 days
“Technical Difficulties” - [Steven Grant x Reader]
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WARNINGS: fluff, single use of profanity
CHARACTERS: Steven Grant (Moonknight; MARVEL)
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🌙 .*.. ☎️
Your eyes flitted over the open book in your lap, a soft yawn leaving your plump lips as you flipped one of the yellowing pages, your eyes droopy with exhaustion (and possibly a hint of boredom).
Lulling your head back into the large leather couch, your eyes hazenly scanned the large studio apartment, analyzing what a mess it really was.
A cozy, almost welcoming mess, but a mess nonetheless.
You stood, stretching with a slight groan as your back popped, and you tossed the old, hardcover book on the messy coffee table by your calves height, your eyes scanning the papers that littered the surface, analyzing the Egyptian studies and documents for only a moment, before you tore your gaze away from the “fascinating hieroglyphs”.
A soft, oh-so-sweet accent rang through the flat, drawing your gaze through the seemingly endless bookshelves. Steven.
The strong cockney accent had you walking through the maze, your fingers dragging along the spines of the old, once-read books on each shelf, rounding a corner to be greeted by the adorable sight of none other than your loving boyfriend, Steven Grant, hunched over his brand new phone.
Paper manuals splayed out over the already cluttered wooden desk in a frantic splash of white and black text, illuminated by a small desk-lamp as you raised your eyebrows in amusement.
A small pair of “grandma glasses” hung precariously close to the tip of his nose, slipping lower before he would mumble a complaint under his breath and push them back up with a sigh.
“Did you call for me, baby?” You asked, rubbing at your eyes with a soft yawn, before running your hands through your hair, undoing any knots.
“Ah- there’s my beautiful darling!”
He immediately seemed a pound lighter when his posture straightened up from the device in his hand, his chocolate brown eyes meeting yours for a brief moment, a smile of simple relief on his chapped lips.
“Were you sleeping, love?” He quickly questioned, his eyebrows knitting at the sight of your sleepy gaze on him, but smiled and nodded when you shook your head negatively.
“No. Was just bored- i was reading one of your books and just could not find any interest in the concept of worshipping cats,”
He chuckled, faking a face of offense at your distaste in such an interesting matter.
Well, to him anyway.
You wandered to his side, elbows first on the desk, ignoring the stacked papers as your eyes curiously draped over the phone in his hand, noticing how it still was flashing the bright white greeting screen, the word “hello” in different languages flashing slowly over the screen like some sophomore’s lazy slideshow presentation.
“I uh- well, I’ll admit i’m still not fond of your begging me to get a new phone,”
He chuckled out almost bashfully, pushing his reading glasses up the bridge of his crooked, tanned nose once again.
“I cant figure this bloody thing out, love.”
You smiled down at the device, tilting your head in your hand, a small laugh passing your freckled lips.
“I did not beg. I simply…asked. It’s 2025, Steven. You couldn’t keep using that damn flip phone.”
Steven scoffed, a small, playful frown on his face as he cocked his head oh-so-cutely to the side, scrunching his nose at the fact that you were probably right.
You always were, though.
“Don’t fuss with me, love. I’m asking for your help and you banter with me?”
He smiled, nudging your shoulder with his own, scooting back out of the desk’s main area in the rolling office chair.
“I’m just askin’ for sum help, darling,”
He smiled lovingly up at you, like you were the most angelic being out there. Like he was so hopelessly in love with you.
How true that really was, you couldn’t imagine.
Sighing, you gingerly took the phone out of his hand and began the basic set up, casually pointing at buttons and certain things he should remember in terms of having a smartphone, like where the flashlight ability was, etc.
“Alright, you need a password. Something that’ll keep your phone locked, until you wanna use it.”
His eyebrows curiously knitted together, as if that was the silliest thing in the world.
“A…a passcode? Ooo, it’s like a riddle every time i want to contact you! Well- except ill already know the answer every time-”
Your heart swelled with a small huff, his innocence too much for your corrupted thoughts as you laughed.
“Uh- yeah. Like a riddle. So….?”
He pursed his lips for a moment, scratching at his black curls that were messily unstyled and stuck to his forehead.
“Make it…make it your birthday, yeah? That way I’ll never forget, and you’ll always be able to get onnit.”
He looked up at you, his hands reaching out for your hips, drawing you to his seated form, letting you stand between his thighs with a soft smile, one that absolutely melted you, and you couldn’t resist.
“…my birthday?”
He nodded eagerly, rubbing mindless circles into your hips through your loose trousers, shrugging.
“Would you rather it be our anniversary date-?”
God how dearly you loved this man.
“No, no- i just-”
He leaned closer to you, leaning into your stomach as he buried his head into your tummy, nestling his forehead there.
“I don’t deserve you, Steven.”
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the-system-arcade · 2 days
The _System_Arcade_v2.0
Welcome to the System Arcade! Your one-stop shop for everything you need!... If you’re a part of a system, that is! 
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A while back, the original admin of this blog made an interest check for a server for system folks who also kin. After 4 years of inactivity, we’ve decided to do a hard reboot and start running this server again with new and updated things! 
What We Offer:
A safe space for systems to meet new people, chat it up, and generally unwind! 
Individual chats for different headmate roles as well as general system chats, along with a space for people who kin!
Forums for a wide range of sources / pieces of media to talk about and find fellow fans/kin/introjects of! 
Plurakit! ( Obviously, haha! ). We also have Tatsu, Dyno, and YAGPDB.xyz
All types of sources are allowed! Cringe culture is dead! 
Requirements to Join: 
Please have the body be 14+! We have spaces for minors to talk to other minors as well as adults to talk to other adults. ( And on top of that, there’s no NSFW allowed in this server. ) 
Be a system ( obviously … ) 
Besides that, just don’t be a jerk! We don’t tolerate discrimination or drama of any kind, including syscource. This is a place for any system to meet with other systems!
So. . . What are you waiting for? [JOIN_TODAY]!
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collective-meong · 17 hours
systems, if you have a villain fictive, do you ever feel guilty for their crimes? i am very struggling with guilt that is not mine rn. help
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kintsugicollective · 20 hours
Sometimes being a system is convincing uur dad to buy hot wheels for one of the littles.
Sometimes being a system is crying at 3 am BCS U got triggered
Sometimes being a system is smiling so hard Ur cheeks hurt BCS someone called you by your own name
Sometimes being a system is giving your younger sibling everything in the hopes that they grow up better than you did
Sometimes being a system is walking in circles because you don't remember why you stood up
Sometimes being a system is not knowing who you are
Sometimes being a system is hugging your body and knowing that you exist to love it
Sometimes being a system is mourning the person you could have been
Sometimes being a system is loving the people you are
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sadowife · 3 days
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✦ Memory Holder Alter …
A flag for alters who are memory holders.
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suuuuuper fun to go through old sketchbooks from older headmates who were long gone by the time you formed and seeing them critique eachothers art and handwriting on the side of the page
feels like im looking at a piece of old history in a weird fucked up way
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Is it just me or does it seem like the MHA tags end up trending every other week?
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delphientropy · 2 days
sometimes i wish we would switch. sometiems i dont want to be "the host, the one who does everything, and the entire system depends on for functionality." sometimes i want to be someone else. sometimes im too tired. sometimes i want to scream and beg someone else to front and ever then it doesnt feel real. it never feels real until its involuntary. im not a real system if i force myself out. i cant even force myself out if i try, actually. it gets painful and i cant. sometimes i want to, and sometimes i dread realizing that im the host again and im not another alter..
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thestarscapesystem · 3 days
Hi! Psychology major here, please stop claiming to have a disorder you don't! <33 Endo is a slur at this point, it sucks ppl like you want to RP characters and appropriate actual mental disorders!!
Actually we are a diagnosed OSDD1b system that was mostly formed from trauma! Nice try though<3
Do you post on fake disorder cringe to? Wouldn’t be surprised
Edit: I hope this mf doesn’t graduate istfg
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(TW - Repeated Child Abuse, dissociation, mental illness, mentioned death!)
Endos dni!
This, is a Nightmare sans that came to me in a dream, where he was a system. So, I've built upon it!
After suffering such... extreme, abuse from thr villagers, again and again and again. He was near always.. dissociated, at such a young age...
In this AU, dream didn't exist. Nightmare was the only guardian of both light and darkness, positive and negative.
However Dream, is one of Nightmare's headmates. He has, the following:
Night (AKA passive) - Host.
Dream - Little.
Guardian (AKA older dream) - Caregiver, protector.
(Corrupted) Nightmare - Persecutor, trauma holder, protector.
Shattered - Persecutor, gatekeeper.
Dream was the first headmate that Night was aware of, Dream often co-fronted or was co-conscious after a back run in with the villagers, and basically Night would begin dissociating and kinda... forget. He knows the villagers are bad, but he doesn't think they're nearly as dangerous as they are.
Eventually the bad sanses, lead by Killer after the death of their Nightmare, find this guy in an AU- and uhh adopt Systemare!
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aurangg · 3 days
I wish I could physically live in our innerworld and not this real physical world.
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