xenglitch · 2 days
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A comic about how our system (especially our host) feels about our experiences as a P-DID system, and our place in the system community as a P-DID system.
text written out under cut
"I wish we weren't a P-DID system."
"I've been the lone host of this system for 11+ years. The dominant part of it."
"It's been a lot to deal with."
"I wish I wasn't the host of our system."
"I wish I could switch out with someone willingly,"
"Because sometimes it's all too much."
"I know it would probably be just as - if not more- distressing."
"But sometimes I find myself envious of system that can switch and share responsibilities."
"I want to switch, but I'm also scared of the idea of letting go of front. Maybe that comes with being a P-DID system."
"I'm scared of what might happen if someone else fronted, alone."
"I feel guilty for thinking that, because I know of a handful of instances,"
"and all of them were FINE. Nobody even suspected it was Titan or Harby, not me."
"Of course, they only front very rarely. I can count all instances I know on two hands. And only when I physically can't front. Due to sleeping\being unconscioud or something similar."
"I feel bad that the others don't get time to do the things they want to."
"I feel like none of this might be real, because I rarely see people talk abt [about] P-DID experiences."
"I feel like an outsider in the system community."
"I wish there was a bigger P-DID community to share experiences with."
[text in boxes say: "*something about switches* #pdid" "*talk abt switching* #pdid" "*switching meme* #pdid" "*switching* #pdid" "*switches* pdid"] "I feel sad everytime I see post[s] about switching in the PDID tags. They remind me that's not me."
"You can't do that."
"I'm -- we're -- tired of constantly hearing P-DID is just the OSDD-1 of the ICD. We don't think they're the same at all."
"When we hear people with OSDD-1 share their experiences, we can't really relate. Neither subtype reflects our experience as a P-DID system."
"I feel broken and wrong."
"I feel like we don't belong in the system community."
"We don't share a lot of the common system experiences, because we have P-DID."
"But we don't feel like we belong to the singlets, either."
"We feel alone with our struggles."
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pluralcultureis · 3 days
Plural culture is if I can't figure out which of these mf fictives are here with me right now, I'm boutta whip out akinator on them and find OUT 😭 /j
"hey I can feel you in front who are you?"
"uhhhh.. fictive"
"which one??"
".... Fimcktive"
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"Can you switch for me?"
“Can you switch for me?”
This is a reupload because our account had a few issues, that are all fixed now.
Feel free to ask any questions you would like us to answer.
Switching Questions and Answers 1:
Answered by Blade 
This question can have both positive and negative implications, depending on the person and the situation. I would like to discuss certain scenarios where this question may or may not be appropriate.
Scenario one: Clinical setting (Appropriate)
In a clinical setting, such as therapy, this question may be asked. However, the wording of the question is inappropriate but the intent of the question is. The therapist may be trying to assess the system's ability to reach out to others and switch in a calm setting. This can help the therapist understand the system's communication and willingness to collaborate. If the therapist is familiar with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), they may be asking in order to use a therapeutic approach known as the "Switching technique." It is important to practice this technique in therapy and the therapist will have a better understanding of where to start teaching this technique based on already established levels of communication.
Scenario Two: Asked to switch as proof of disorder (Inappropriate)
If someone, whether it be a friend, stranger, or therapist, asks you to switch as proof of your disorder, this is highly inappropriate. It suggests that your disorder is a show or not real. Switching for systems cannot be controlled and should not be used as a means of proving the disorder. Even if the system has experience with the switching technique, it should only be practiced in a calm setting and used in practice to protect from distress, not to entertain others. Positive triggers, while not negative, can still cause harm to systems. Switching can cause headaches, fatigue, and communication issues if someone is forced out without warning. Forcing someone out can also make them feel invalidated as an individual and could potentially harm progress in future communication or willingness to collaborate.
Scenario Three: Asking because they want to talk to a specific alter. (Mixed)
In a clinical setting, a therapist may want to work through trauma with a specific alter or has done so in the past. They may also be trying to understand the system better. In this case, the therapist may ask this question to see if the alter will come out. However, it is important to note that this can be both good and bad. If the therapist is pushing for a forced switch, it is not appropriate. In a personal situation, if the person is suggesting they do not want to talk to the current fronter and only want to talk to a specific person, it can be harmful. This can also be the case if the person is not a good friend and only wants to talk to an alter they find "interesting," such as a fictive. This suggests that our lives are for others' entertainment, which is not acceptable.
Scenario four: Asking to reduce potential harm or risk to the system (Appropriate) 
In a personal setting, if the system has been triggered and someone who
should not be out for their safety, such as a little, has fronted, it may be beneficial for someone to ask for a specific protector to front to handle the situation. In this case, being asked or told for someone to front can benefit the system. The person asking in this situation is most likely a good friend and is asking for good reasons so that there is less pressure in the system to figure out a solution if an external person is guiding the system through who should be trying to front.
Answered by Blade 
Switching Questions and Answers 1
This is a reupload because our account had a few issues, that are all fixed now.
“Can you switch for me?”
Feel free to ask any questions you would like us to answer.
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littlest-bugz · 4 months
When you’re mid sentence and suddenly forget literally everything you were talking about
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moonlitmeadowsys · 21 days
me a few years ago: why do i feel like i just came into existence when i was 12 or 13? why do i not really remember my childhood very well? why do i have such a horrible memory in general? why do my identity and behaviors vary so drastically?
me now: oh
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astrangerthatlovesyou · 7 months
“It’s okay to not be okay”
Unless it impacts your work performance…
Or your grades
Or how you act
Or if it causes you to say no
Or if you’re harder to be around
Or if you need time alone
Or if you talk about it
Or show symptoms
“It’s okay to not be okay”
Unless you have trauma
Unless you have one of those “scary” mental illnesses
Unless it inconveniences me
Unless you’re undiagnosed
Unless you cry or scream or make a scene
Unless you don’t keep that shit to yourself
Unless you make me uncomfortable
Unless I can’t infantilize or fetishize you
Unless you have hallucinations
Unless you have psychosis
Unless you get angry
Unless I think you’re cringe
Unless you can’t preform hygiene tasks
Unless you’re disabled, or trans, or gay, or not white, or fat, or AFAB, or intersex, or a man… so I guess anyone
“It’s okay to not be okay”
As long as nobody ever finds out.
Our society has a severe issue with performative activism, and mental health is a huge example of this. Every time someone considers reaching out, they run through this list mentally. This is why true activists and resources need to be loudly supportive of all the things on this list. Take the subtext out of your support.
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the-abyssal-system · 14 days
Telling people you’re a system: terrifying
Being called your own name in a conversation with someone who knows you’re a system: pretty nice actually
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allegedlysilly · 8 months
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delphientropy · 2 months
have you ever felt so blurry and dissociative you ignore all system shit simply to exist but Simply Existing hurts because ears ringing head hurts everything is tingly nothing is real and everyone i interact with feels like a stranger and a friend at the same time to the point where people interacting with me and talking to me like they know and are close with me is weird but i also dont feel like someone else and people who dont know youre a system arent even aware you Dont Feel Real so you feel gross whenever they look at you and i feel like nothing and everything andOh hey is that the solar eclipse
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lokilysolbitch · 2 months
y'all know when someone keeps talking about their "quirky" childhood and adult habits but it's just like. textbook examples of a complex dissociative disorder. but you can't just be like "maybe you're a system" bc that could freak them out way too much all at once.
or you'll offhandedly mention a Uniquely System Specific Experience and they go "wait i relate to that lol. it must be from my depression/anxiety/etc" like. uhmmmm. not quite, not quite. time loss and seeing people in your head that grow and change independently of you is not uh,,,,,,,,,i don't think that's anxiety uh,,,,,,,,
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pluralcultureis · 2 days
plural culture is oh my god my alter is so gay. get me out of here /lh
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crypticmutts · 4 months
When you split super easily so one minor inconvenience causes three new pests in your brain
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sysboxes · 4 months
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[Text: This system is primarily male/male aligned.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use!
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moonlitmeadowsys · 1 month
constantly switching between,
“i don’t want to be wrong about having this disorder because the idea of being wrong and being back at square one is scary.”
“i don’t want to be right about having this disorder because the idea of dealing with it for my entire life is scary.”
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system-hottakes · 4 months
age is a very complicated matter within systems, but i feel like on important thing to say is that BODY AGE COMES FIRST. i do not care if you're both the same age alter-wise, if your body ages are illegally different (adult and minor, ect) then you should not be dating. yes alter age can sometimes affect the maturity of alters but it differs from system to system and body age should always come first before you start to bring up alter age / consider it
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the-abyssal-system · 1 month
Co-fronting is such an experience because sometimes it’s like I don’t know who I am and everything is confusing and bad, and other times it’s just the two of us having two separate conversations simultaneously
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