#actually pdid
b1gr4tm4n · 4 months
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pretty much
– Elliot
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delphientropy · 2 months
have you ever felt so blurry and dissociative you ignore all system shit simply to exist but Simply Existing hurts because ears ringing head hurts everything is tingly nothing is real and everyone i interact with feels like a stranger and a friend at the same time to the point where people interacting with me and talking to me like they know and are close with me is weird but i also dont feel like someone else and people who dont know youre a system arent even aware you Dont Feel Real so you feel gross whenever they look at you and i feel like nothing and everything andOh hey is that the solar eclipse
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chemicalcarousel · 9 months
It's fucking funny when you start to notice the "tells" of certain alters, such as speech patterns, posture, voice pitch, accent, hand gestures, ect.
Like "wait a minute... why am I fucking man spreading like a fucking clown.... oh.... oh it's him."
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Shoutout to systems/plurals who have unusual experiences or beliefs about their system/plurality!
You think you were born plural? Hell yeah!
You have a mostly or entirely non-humanoid system? That’s so cool, friends!
You don’t feel like you spilt so much as individuals souls gathered in your body? That’s so valid!
You consciously made your system? Good for you!
Your system has lots of non-introjects with extensive backstory, trauma, and disorders that the body doesn’t have? I hope you’re all doing well!
You’re all introjects? Super dope!
You have a ton of inner world relationships? That’s adorable!
You have no inner world? That’s so interesting!
You have any other non-standard experience? You’re valid and I believe you!
Plurality is incredibly complex and I doubt we’ll ever fully understand it. As much as we try to put rules on the plural experience, minds and souls (if you believe in them) are not interested in complying. I think it’s important to remember that mental diagnoses aren’t biological truths, they’re portions of patterns we see repeated. No two experiences will be the same, and the experiences that fit into that pattern aren’t the only ones. Being plural isn’t a chemical process like ATP production. There aren’t chemical components and structures that facilitate it the same way every time. The way our brains work are as unique as our DNA and our environments. We will never succeed in labeling everything they do. What we can do is believe the people who don’t fit into a box.
I love you, you’re so incredibly valid!
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chaos-in-one · 2 years
Anyways I love you all systems
Especially the ones who get a lot of shit for how you are
I love you large & polyfragmented systems
I love you introject heavy systems
I love you systems with no intention to work towards final fusion
I love you self diagnosed & undiagnosed systems
I love you systems who aren't sure yet what kind of system you are
I love you systems who want to be seen as separate individuals rather than parts of a whole
I love you young systems
I love you nonhuman heavy systems
I love you systems with a lot of lgbtq alters
I love you systems who don't use the more mainstream language to refer to yourselves
I love you systems with no host & with multiple hosts
I love you systems who formed through trauma that isn't as well recognized
I love you systems who feel your system *is* linked to other disorders you have
I love you psychotic systems and systems with MaDD
I love you non-white systems
I love you physically disabled systems
I love you systems who don't remember their trauma at all
I love you systems with complicated identities
I love you systems who do fit in stereotypes about systems, and ones who fit in none of them
I love you systems who are loud about who and what you are
I love you systems who worry you're faking
I love you systems from religious and ethnic minorities (ex: Muslim systems, Jewish systems, Celtic systems, Tibetan systems, etc.)
I love you all <3
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boosystem · 12 days
Today’s mood : I want a partner system or a QPR
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delphientropy · 2 months
mmm another term...behe
edit: since i saw a pro endo reblog and passive aggressively say that they "aren't going past thr boundry" and tagging this as syscourse, PRO ENDOS CANNOT USE THIS TERM. youre on our DNI anyway???? fuck off.
term and flag made by me!
a keyhost is a host in which they are the "main alter" and rarely can leave front. oftentimes whenever they do leave they always come back in a short amount of time, as if they are bound to the front room/control room. this is similar to being permanently frontstuck, though not quite.
other alters may sometimes have to control the body through the keyhost, so outwordly it can seem like the keyhost is doing or saying something, when really it is another alter.
EDIT: i redid the key symbol since it was REALLY low quality:]
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without key symbol
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i havent seen any terms like this, other than a pro endo one that has some similarities so i made my own thing! tell me if this has already been done aha..
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chemicalcarousel · 1 year
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a-place-to-exist · 1 year
i know a lot of systems form because of abuse but. i wish there was somewhere i could read about systems who didn't. and i don't mean non-traumagenic systems but just systems whose trauma wasn't mainly abuse. i want to find people i can relate to
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cyberconstellations · 3 months
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★Cyber Constellations★
An 18+ Dissociative Disorder System Server
Hello! We're looking for members to join our server! It's a server for anyone over the age of 18 who has DID, OSDD, UDD, P-DID, or any other dissociative disorders, and considers themselves a system/plural!
★More Server Information★
Self-diagnosis friendly.
Kin & past life friendly. (we have specific channels for discussion about kin sources!)
Any form of sys/.tem dis/.course is prohibited. The staff here do not engage with it at all.
System responsibility is expected of all of our members.
The join link is on our carrd, so please read the server rules there (and optionally this post) before joining! And please, feel free to reblog so we can get more members! Thank you~!
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crypticmutts · 3 months
hai . paws at ur door
cann we req a sysbox that says " this host loves their singlet partner " if yu can ,,,,,
Ofc!!! I made some different versions aswell :>
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boosystem · 24 days
hi ! it's fairly normal for periods of quietness to happen in a system. I personally have gone through that before, a period of little to no contact with other alters. it doesn't make your DID any less real. I know it can feel really scary, but try not to worry!!!
Thank you so much for answering me!! I will try not to worry. I am glad to see it happened to other system too. Thank you again for sharing with me :)
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celeroncollective · 1 month
everyone is "born plural" dipshit it came free with your fucking human development
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delphientropy · 3 months
you ever just get a memory of the body that's Not Yours™️
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chemicalcarousel · 1 year
that kind of "seamless switching" where you don't immediately notice the switch is a really weird experience because you'll just go about whatever you were doing and then realise oh i'm fronting now damn how did that happen
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absent-minded-capital · 3 months
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Im so normal when it comes to the custom status trust
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