#osdd positivity
lefluoritesys · 9 months
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No, you're not.
(Made by me)
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a-systems-positivity · 7 months
if you've ever purposefully tried to deny your system/"turn it off" and it still keeps happening, your system can't be fake.
you can't subconsciously fake something while fighting against it.
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If you need help with discovering who you are or you have a new alter you’re trying to figure out we made a short quiz you can use to categorize some basic things like gender, hair color and personality traits :) We found it helpful and we hope you do too!
FYI this will not ask for your email. You can complete it completely anonymously. To see a summary of responses you can submit then on the next page re-review your responses in full!
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moonlitmeadowsys · 1 month
i find it hilarious when one member of the system has a crush on someone that no one else does. like they’re fronting and they’re all lovey dovey and crushing, then anyone else fronts and is like… 😬
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raindropssys · 1 year
Reminders for Systems (DID/OSDD)
you don't have to know everything about your system
alters having similarities does not mean you are faking
recovery and healing takes time and it is not a linear path
it is okay to be scared, anxious, stressed, angry, etc.
alters who identify with a system role, you are more than *just* your role
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hoagsobject · 1 year
Magical girl with did who goes through 5 super long outfit change sequences mid fight every time she switches
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theelectricalcity · 5 months
shoutout to those who hate their source but can't/don't want to separate too much
shoutout to those who feel guilt over something that their source or source's creator did
shoutout to those that miss their sourcemates, but don't if they should interact with them or not
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burntcanary · 6 months
Not my usual positivity post but i am. so fucking tired of running into hateful anti endos on here. so heres a plural positivity post
in no particular order (and all /platonic)
I love you systems
i love you systems with trauma
i love you systems without trauma
i love you systems who dont remember their trauma
i love you systems whos trauma doesn't always effect their splitting
i love you systems who only split due to trauma
i love you systems who split without any trauma
i love you systems who are simple
i love you systems who are complex
i love you systems who have many alters
i love you systems who have few alters
i love you systems who rarely split
i love you systems who split frequently
i love you systems with family dynamics
i love you systems with "crack ship" partnerships
i love you systems with in system relationships
i love you systems with in system children
i love you systems with fictives
i love you systems with factives
i love you systems with nonhuman members
i love you systems with mixed origins
i love you systems with complex origins
i love you systems with amnesia barriers
i love you systems with no amnesia
i love you intentionally created systems
i love you accidentally created systems
i love you traumagenic systems
i love you endogenic systems
i love you systems with thought forms
i love you spiritual systems
i love you disordered systems
i love you nondisordered systems
i love you systems with symptom holders
i love you systems with shared symptoms and illnesses
i love you systems with no mental illness
i love you systems with mental illness
i love you systems with inner conflict
i love you systems without inner conflict
i love you systems with "problematic" alters
i love you systems with hosts
i love you systems with hosts different than the "original"
i love you systems with no host
i love you systems with no original
i love you systems who want to fuse
i love you systems who dont want to fuse at all
i love you systems who want some fusion but not all fusion
i love you pro endo systems of all types
and honstly. i love you systems who are anti endo, i get it, i hope that one day despite your current views you can maybe learn to trust and be kind to all system types. until then, i wish you the best of luck/gen
feel free to add to this! mostly put what i know but if you have any system types that you want added to the post, go for it! you can also send me an ask and i can add it here to this post. ily all /p and i hope you have an amazing timezone :D/gen
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chaos-in-one · 2 years
Anyways I love you all systems
Especially the ones who get a lot of shit for how you are
I love you large & polyfragmented systems
I love you introject heavy systems
I love you systems with no intention to work towards final fusion
I love you self diagnosed & undiagnosed systems
I love you systems who aren't sure yet what kind of system you are
I love you systems who want to be seen as separate individuals rather than parts of a whole
I love you young systems
I love you nonhuman heavy systems
I love you systems with a lot of lgbtq alters
I love you systems who don't use the more mainstream language to refer to yourselves
I love you systems with no host & with multiple hosts
I love you systems who formed through trauma that isn't as well recognized
I love you systems who feel your system *is* linked to other disorders you have
I love you psychotic systems and systems with MaDD
I love you non-white systems
I love you physically disabled systems
I love you systems who don't remember their trauma at all
I love you systems with complicated identities
I love you systems who do fit in stereotypes about systems, and ones who fit in none of them
I love you systems who are loud about who and what you are
I love you systems who worry you're faking
I love you systems from religious and ethnic minorities (ex: Muslim systems, Jewish systems, Celtic systems, Tibetan systems, etc.)
I love you all <3
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lefluoritesys · 8 months
A list of ways hosts can be hosts because a lot of systems stress about it a lot, including us:
Somebody who stays at front the most, AKA the general definition. You got somebody here who you see most often despite there being many people in the body.
Somebody who stays in the body as default. Nobody wants to front? We have a person right here.
Somebody who does school/daily tasks. Everybody else is there for backup and to fool around, and while they help out as much as they can, the host will be the person to do all the daily stuff needed to function.
Somebody who takes care of the physical body. While you have soothers and caretakers, a host can be somebody who is also a physical protector. There are systems in which alters literally cannot eat, bathe, or sometimes even walk on their own, which is when the host helps out.
Somebody who is best equipped to deal with that specific period of time. Whether the host will change when that period ends or not, there are hosts who become hosts temporarily, doesn't matter for how long. The amount of time can vary from a few days to a few years.
Somebody who manages the outside world. And no, that might not be the same as doing daily tasks and school. Whatever managing the outside world means is different for every system, and is always valid.
Somebody who's been stuck at front for an incredibly long time. Whether they are still stuck or unstuck, they can still be called hosts if they want to.
Somebody who stays being the host for sentimental reasons. Whether it be they spent a long time at front beforehand or something else, there are hosts who can stay being hosts for pure sentimentality.
Somebody who is best equipped to deal with the outside world. And again, no, that does not always mean the statements stated previously. Somebody who is best equipped to deal with the outside world may be anybody, depending ont he system's needs.
Somebody who chills at front and lets others take care of everything. Whether it be because the host is resting or not.
Somebody who wakes up in the body no matter who fell asleep in the same body before them. They might be the default, they might not be, but brain makes sure to make them switch in their sleep.
Somebody who the system decided is host, and who feels like a host. It doesn't matter how often they front, because hosts being more often than others in the body is outdated information, and a label not all systems have in the first place.
Continue the chain if you so desire.
(Note: This is not about the desire to be host or who they are as people. Hosts are still hosts if they want to be or don't want to be, whatever sexuality or race or nationality or personality, yes, however, this is all about functionality.)
-physical persecutor
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therosesonfire · 1 year
Heya, The Dad here with a note for Systems and alters
If you know the host/body is having a hard time mentally but you're not really close to them there is still a lot you can do to help!
Take showers for the body, It really helps with people feeling better and the stress of not taking them
Eat something! Especially if you know the body has trouble eating. Depression can put you in Dark places that make you not want to
Drink Water! This is especially important for Teenage body systems as they probably live mostly off soda (like our system awhile ago)
Go outside! Being outside can be really comforting and its proven that 20 minutes outside can help with mental state
Talk to supports or friends of the host/system! Talk about your worry about the host/body and see if theyve noticed things or even know how to help
Make sure the host is taking breaks, Fronting all the time isnt easy, and make sure they arent overworking themselves!
Im sure all of this has been said before but I feel it needs to be said again so you know you're not powerless in the system and can help
(Please note, Host and Body are used interchangeably here and remember thats not always the case! If anyone is having trouble try to help, but you better be taking care of yourself too >:[)
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anti-endo-haven · 2 months
someone went into our askbox and told us we had to be pro endo bc only endo systems get introjects based on songs. is that.. is that true?? are we. am i faking??? i dont. i thought i finally figured everything out but now im so confused
That’s not true at all. You can have an introject of a song, no matter what other people say.
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moonlitmeadowsys · 1 month
there’s a lot of power in loving your system.
when the mere existence of systems is stigmatized and controversial, when people act like there’s a “right” and “wrong” way to be a system, and when there’s so many people that just don’t understand…
it’s powerful to love yourself and your system for the way that you are.
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