paschameleon · 2 months
Now that I’ve got your attention. I wrote a Cinderella retelling and published it on Wattpad.
If you want to read it, here is the link
Okay that’s it 😁
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paschameleon · 2 months
I need feedback
So I am working on the villain kids of my Next Gen series.
Here are some villains that I want to pair up together, but I am unsure If they would work. I would love to hear your feedback!
Each villain has their own row and might appear in another villain's row.
Tell me what you think.
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paschameleon · 3 months
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It's love, Brother Love say Brother Love's Travelling Salvation Show Pack up the babies and grab the old ladies And everyone goes 'Cause everyone knows Brother Love's show
Sorry... not Disney themed this time folks.
I watched Lost & Found and made some fan art for the best scene in the whole movie:
I suppose it's kinda Disney related considering the fact that the actor who plays the main character in the movie is the guy who voices Kuzco from The The Emperor's New Groove.
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paschameleon · 4 months
Here we have:
Melody (Ariel and Eric's daughter)
Gabriel (Belle and Adam's son)
Zena (Aladdin and Jasmine's daughter)
Matoaka (Pocahontas and John Rolfe's daughter)
Lian and Ping (Mulan and Shang's daughter and son)
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paschameleon · 4 months
Here are the children of Snow White, Cinderella, and Aurora.
First off there's Robin, then Charlotte, Jacob, and finally twins Rose and Briar
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paschameleon · 5 months
Merry Christmas!!!
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paschameleon · 6 months
So I have a story outline for a Disney retelling of Peau d’Âne. If you guys have any suggestions feel free to write in the comments
Having lost both of her parents at a young age, Leira is a princess living with her wicked and cold-hearted stepfather, the King. Terrified of losing his hold on power, the King forces her to work as a scullery maid so that she would not be fit to be a queen. One day, to get rid of her for good the King orders a fairy to kill Leira. The fairy cannot bring herself to kill Leira and reveals to her the King's plot. She then urges her to flee the kingdom. To make her unrecognizable she also gives her a coat made from the fur of a donkey. She must wear the coat at all times because it is magical and will keep her hidden from the Evil King.
The princess flees to another kingdom and eventually finds work in a bakery. Wanting to keep her identity a secret, Leira introduces herself as Ane. Ane is a hard worker which makes her coworkers jealous. As a result, they are not kind to her and mostly ignore her, which Ane does not mind. Being sheltered for most of her life, Ane likes to be alone and she finds making friends difficult anyway.
While looking for berries in the woods Ane meets Charlene, the crown princess, who introduces herself as a palace apprentice. They talk for a while and get to know each other. Charlene helps Ane pick berries too. For the first time, Ane feels as if making conversation is easy. In the end both girls take a liking to each other. Back at the palace, Charlene learns that her parents plan to throw a royal ball for her birthday, but Charlene knows it's actually a social event for her to find someone to marry, which she hates. She wants to marry for love and does not want to be rushed or forced to pick someone right away. Charlene persuades her parents to invite everyone in the kingdom, secretly hoping Ane will come.
Ane hears about the ball and wants to go, but her coworkers at the bakery mock her because she will make a fool of herself, she has nothing elegant to wear and has no princess qualities to attend such a grand event... she is much too odd, quirky, and socially inept. This leaves Ane feeling insecure, but she still decides to attend. After everyone leaves, the fairy comes to check on Ane to make sure she is okay. Ane explains that all is well and that she is planning on going to a ball, but she doesn't have anything to wear. The fairy explains that before passing away, Ane's mother kept all of her precious belongings in a magical chest and entrusted the fairy to give it to Ane once she is of age. In the chest there is a ring that Ane has seen before and 3 dresses one the colour of the weather, one the colour of the moon, and one the colour of the sun.
The fairy uses magic so that Ane won't need to use the donkey skin coat while wearing her mother's dresses.
Ane arrives at the royal ball in her dress colour of the sun and captures the attention of everyone, including Princess Charlene, who goes to her immediately. Ane stands out and she quickly becomes the talk of the ball. Ane and Charlene share a dance, and their connection grows stronger. Charlene reveals that she is not a palace apprentice, but the princess. However, Ane remains hesitant to reveal her true identity, fearing the consequences if her stepfather were to discover her presence. Charlene is intrigued by Ane's ring, which she wears on a chain around her neck. Ane explains that it was her mother's ring, given by her father. She explains that the ring glows when the person who gives it loves the person who receives it. The ring glowed after her father gave it to her mother, so the ring is special to her since it is the only reminder she has left of her parents. As the night unfolds, the two princesses have fallen in love.
The next day, Charlene was so love-struck that she retired to her sickbed. Ane heard of this and decides to bake Charlene a cake and sends it to her. While baking the cake, Ane purposely drops her mother's ring in the batter. Charlene finds the ring while eating the cake, which makes her happy because it is glowing. Knowing that Ane loved her in return, Charlene declared to her parents that she would marry the woman whose finger fit the enchanted ring.
Not knowing where she lives and where to find her, the royal family makes the announcement that a grand event is planned, where each potential suitor would have the opportunity to try on the ring. Charlene hopes this will make Ane come to the palace. The announcement sent shockwaves through the kingdom, everyone tried to fit the ring onto their fingers, hoping to win the heart of the princess. Ane, conflicted and fearing the consequences of her true identity being revealed, struggled with whether to participate. The fairy, sensing Ane's turmoil, appeared once again to offer guidance. She encouraged Ane to follow her heart, assuring her that love had the power to overcome even the darkest of challenges. With newfound determination, Ane decides to attend the event wearing her dress colour of the weather. As she stood among the hopeful suitors, Princess Charlene's eyes lit up with recognition and joy as she saw Ane. Charlene rushed to Ane's side, proclaiming her love for her. At the same time, Ane reveals that she is a princess as well. A wedding is planned for the two princesses. Ane stops wearing the coat or her enchanted dresses that made her unrecognizable from the King.
The wicked King, having learned of the royal wedding, arrives at the palace in disguise, plotting to use the opportunity to eliminate Ane. Before the wedding the king appears and lures Ane to a tower room, where he puts her under a sleeping death curse. Charlene finds the king and Ane, but it is too late. Ane is dead. The king escapes, but Charlene chases him and orders the guards to go after him. They chase him towards a mountain. The Evil King fights Charlene. She somehow outsmarts the King and manages to make him fall down a cliff.
Charlene returns to the castle where the sleeping Ane is laid on a bed. Charlene weeps by Ane who is dressed in the dress the colour of the moon. The fairy shows up and in a desperate attempt to save Ane, Princess Charlene pleads with the fairy to help break the curse. The fairy, knowing the depth of Ane and Charlene's love, reveals a hidden power within the enchanted ring. As Charlene places the ring on Ane's finger, a radiant burst of light envelops the room, dispelling the curse and bringing Ane back to life.
The princesses get married and live happily ever after
The end.
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paschameleon · 8 months
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I've been wanting to draw something Snow White related recently. I decided to make a collage of some of my favourite next generation children of Snow White and the Prince created by other artists, including mine of course. 
So here are the children from left to right:
Prince Argent by @princess-ibri
Princess Rose Red by WhiteFangKakashi300
Prince Robin by me
Princess Amelia by @princess-ibri
Princess Rose Red by @violetrose-art
I feel as if they would get along very well with each other, considering they are all raised by Snow White.
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paschameleon · 8 months
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After much research, I finally found out where all of the princesses are from. Here are my notes…
Snow White: Snow White was first published in Germany by the Brothers Grimm, in 1812, in their book Grimm's Fairy Tales. Because of this I assume the Disney version is from Germany. 
Cinderella: Cinderella takes place in France and it is based on the French fairy tale by Charles Perrault, it says so in the credits. More proof is that all of the the women at the ball have French names and Cinderella’s house is referred to as Château. 
Aurora: The French symbol the Fleur-de-lys can be found everywhere in the castle and in the credits. Plus, in the credits it says the movie is based on the Charles Perrault version of Sleeping Beauty. 
Ariel: Ariel is from Atlantica which is a kingdom that is located somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea. This is confirmed by Disney and the creators of the Little Mermaid even stated that Eric’s kingdom takes Mediterranean countries as inspiration for the setting. Though it is not specified which Mediterranean region inspired it, Disney Wiki says possibly Southern Mediterranean basin. They did mention on the official Disney Princess YouTube channel that it takes place in Italy though. 
Belle: France. It says so in the movie. 
Jasmine: Ron Clements and John Musker, the directors of the film said that the movie was originally intended to be set in Baghdad, Iraq. However, it was changed to the fictional city of Agrabah during production due to the Gulf War of 1990–91. Agrabah is an adaptation of Baghdad. 
Pocahontas: USA... says so in the movie “In sixteen hundred seven We sail the open sea For glory, God, and gold And the Virginia Company”. 
Mulan: China. Says so in the movie. 
Tiana: The movie says that it takes place in New Orleans. 
Rapunzel: The movie is based on the Brothers Grimm version of the fairy tale. Rapunzel’s dress is loosely based on the traditional German dress "dirndl", but with a longer skirt. For these reasons I decided on Germany, even though it does take inspiration from other European countries, especially Mont Saint-Michel in France. 
Merida: Scotland. Says so in the movie. 
Moana: I guessed Samoa because she wears a Samoan-inspired ceremonial dress at one point in the movie. The song “We Know the Way” features more lyrics in Samoan than other Polynesian languages, and Motunui, the fictional island of the film, mostly drew inspiration from elements of the real-life island nations of Fiji, Samoa, and Tonga. 
Anna and Elsa: Arendelle was based on multiple locations in Norway. The team behind Frozen visited Norway to gain inspiration, and you can see Nordic influence all throughout the movie. 
Raya: It's difficult to figure out one specific country since Kumandra is based on multiple Southeast Asian countries.
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paschameleon · 8 months
What Special Interests May Look Like…
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Mrs Speechie P
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paschameleon · 8 months
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Tada! List of all the daughters (adopted and biological) of Disney Princesses in the DisneyVerse!
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paschameleon · 8 months
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« Je te lève, brandi bien haut, pour que vous voyez bien, je suis franco-ontarien ! »
Just a pride drawing for Franco-Ontarian day!
September 25 is the anniversary of the raising of the Franco-Ontarian flag. The flag was raised for the first time on September 25, 1975.
The official day recognizes the contribution of the Franco-Ontarian community to the cultural, historical, social, economic and political life of the province.
« Pour ne plus avoir notre langue dans nos poches »
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paschameleon · 8 months
May I also add that the prince did not save Cinderella. Cinderella technically saved herself.
Her devotion to the mice played a crucial role in her escaping her abusive household, thus furthering the example of how Cinderella's evergreen kindness towards others, despite her situation, lead to her uprising.
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Throughout the years, a lot of feminist critiques have panned Cinderella, including Emma Watson most recently, claiming that she’s a subservient doormat who lacks agency and waits for a man to save her throughout the course of her film. This criticism is null and void because Cinderella never once mentions wanting to find romantic love or wanting to meet the prince before attending the ball. This theory circulating, that many people have mindlessly reiterated, speculating that Cinderella planned to go to the ball to be saved by the prince is completely unfounded on the grounds that Cinderella ended up leaving the ball at midnight without so much as giving her name and, on screen, she verbally indicates that she had no idea the man she danced with the night prior was the prince at least three times. Ilene Woods, the original voice actress of Cinderella who had a lot of input into the development of the character, stated, “[Cinderella] was kind of spunky. She accepted life as it was and went after things she wanted. I think she was a spirited girl. I don’t think she needed the prince. I think she wanted to go to the ball and that was it at the moment. Then the prince wanted her and vice versa.”
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paschameleon · 8 months
Made a character that is sort of inspired by Mickey Mouse. She is a devil and I guess she doesn’t have ears… she can still hear though.
Anyway… I don’t have a name for her. I actually don’t have anything figured out for her except that she is friendly.
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paschameleon · 9 months
So I posted one drawing of Peau d’Âne and I did 2 other drawings of her wearing the other 2 dresses as well as an everyday dress. I’m still trying to come up with a Disneyfied version of her story. I’ve got a few ideas brewing.
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paschameleon · 10 months
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Here is my take on Descendants. Starting off with the older movies, we have:
Robin - son of Snow White and Florian
Gurri & Geno - daughter and son of Bambi and Faline
Charlotte & Jacob - daughter and son of Cinderella and The Prince
Diana - daughter of Alice (Alice in Wonderland) and John Darling
Jane & Daniel - daughter and son of Wendy Darling and her husband Edward
Danielle, Collette, Scamp, & Annette - daughters and son of Lady and Tramp
Rose & Briar - daughter and son of Aurora and Phillip
Amhar - son of Arthur and Guinevere
Rama & Mahala - son and daughter of Mowgli and Shanti
Gwyn & Roland - daughter and son of Robin Hood and Marian
Lloyd - son of Taran and Eilonwy
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paschameleon · 10 months
Snow White and Snow White hanging out at the wishing well, probably making wishes or something.
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