puppetwoman17 · 8 days
Hope I didn’t make yall wait too long! Here’s chapter 3❤️.
For anyone who hasn’t read this yet, here’s the summary:
Despite revealing his identity to the JL, Billy still has secrets he’d rather not get out. Like the family he told them he didn’t have. Or the fact that he regularly worked himself to the bone to make up for Black Adam’s mistakes. But when an invasion lands the heroes with nowhere to go, Billy offers the only place he knows: his uncle’s house.
But it’s fine. This is how his life has always been, and he’s okay with it. It would be really nice if the League understood that, though.
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puppetwoman17 · 9 days
The only person who knows Billy is the Captain WITHOUT being told, is Ebenezer.
Unlike everyone else, he can see CC Batson in the man’s face. But he knows it isn’t him. He can’t be. Because his brother is buried under Khandaq rubble.
There’s no proof that it’s Billy. Cap has Solomon’s Wisdom and knows what not to say to even tie him in any way to his human body. But Ebenezer knows. Somehow. They’re not close. They hate each other. But family is family for a reason. They know you better than anyone.
He doesn’t say anything tho. Who’d believe him? What would he get out of lying when Marvel could just as well refute everything. Besides, the kid’s not his responsibility anymore. If he wants to die for a world that doesn’t care about him, that’s his problem. E’s just going to live and die with his nephew’s trust fund.
There’s also a small part of him that can’t help but be smug. Because while everyone, even the Justice League, scrambles to find anything on the Captain, anything at all, E knows the truth. Captain Marvel is nothing but a thrown out orphan with nothing to his name. Just E’s annoying nephew.
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puppetwoman17 · 11 days
WIP Game! Thanks for asking me to play❤️
Tagged by: @im-not-buying-it-ether
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
1. There’s Nothing I Wouldn’t Do For You- FNAF time travel fanfic centered around Michael Afton and his found family. William’s possessive, there’s a friends to lovers romance, some horror, and a lot of domestic fluff!
2. The Batson Family Soap Opera- What it says on the can. Billy grapples with his many responsibilities while trying to keep the League in the dark about his very alive, very not-good-guardians relatives.
@anessthetic @billymarvel @rad-batson @wolfsbanesparks @cerealboxlore @billybatsonbrainrot @billybatsonmylove @billy-and-friends
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puppetwoman17 · 14 days
Okay I just need to put this here because I cannot stop thinking about it(which is what tumblr is for so yeah).
There’s this one Captain Marvel fanfic I read that’s unfinished. I can’t for the life of me remember where I read it or the name, but it was def memorable.
Basically Cap is accused of r wording a younger female hero(who I think ACTUALLY did it to him as Billy but never said anything) so the League gets worried that he’s been touching the YJ team and throws him out. Cap hides, not transforming and staying as Billy as a manhunt for cap begins.
Constantine is the only person who knows who he is and begs him to reveal his identity, but Billy won’t do it. He’s not mad at the JL for what they did, to John’s annoyance, but he’s still traumatized(I think there’s a scene where Aquaman beats tf out of him, like I said it’s been some time).
I’m just sitting here, thinking about Cap going into hiding and Billy just growing up watching everyone who doesn’t know absolutely hate his hero persona. There are wanted posters around the world. Heroes regularly try to find him. The few times he’s mentioned by one on the news it’s with total disdain.
His sister and Freddy are completely outraged by this but Billy can’t help but be understanding. It’s not like he HAS to be understanding for him to be a morally good character. He just keeps thinking in favor of the JL. He tells them that, realistically, no one’s going to NOT believe someone when they make such claims, especially if the apparent perpetrator looks like he could throw a tank. ESPECIALLY x2 if the person who made the claim is a teenage girl.
How would Billy live his life, only being able to help from the shadows? How would magic users cope with KNOWING, but being unable to say anything because it’s the ONE time their champion has ever given them an order? How would it feel like for the JL and YJ? Believing that they did the right thing, but still feeling a gaping hole in their ranks?
They’d chant that it was right, it was right, it was right. But why does it feel so wrong?
Would the JL ever find out? Or would Billy have to gain the courage to tell them? Or would someone else entirely spill the beans, whether to use it for their own gain, or just be so completely tired of their self-sacrificial champion?
How would the JL react? How guilty would aquaman feel? How horrified would they feel when Billy starts defending them instead of asking them to step a few paces back? How would they feel if he began ostracizing himself if he went back to work with them? Not being able to look anyone in the eye?
Now you can see why I can’t stop thinking about it😅
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puppetwoman17 · 19 days
Someone absolutely NEEDS to write a fanfic of the Squadron of Justice(basically a bunch of Fawcett superheroes) meeting the JL and Cap being like: oh yeah, these guys all live and fight in the same city. I’ve known them all since I was a toddler. We do karaoke sometimes.
Idk why, but I feel like they’re the type of team to go out like almost every day and call it a team bonding exercise. They just have fun without holding back ya know?
For the lineup I’m thinking:
The Marvel Family, obvi
Bulletman & Bulletgirl
Spy Smasher
Golden Arrow
Ibis the Invincible & Taia
Minute Man
For fun, I think they’d know who the Marvel Family is and have a ball confusing the JL!
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puppetwoman17 · 20 days
No because that last panel is something else. Billy’s been through a lot, no matter what continuity. For him to outright admit to something truly affecting him, MEANS something.
My boy is arguing with the literal embodiment of divine power and did not stutter once. HES the HOST BITCH!
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Injustice Year 1, Issue #19
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puppetwoman17 · 21 days
Okay but it does not matter what kind of relationship they have. Either way, Billy can confidentially say that he knows the king of Khanduq PERSONALLY. Like, they’re(technically) coworkers, brothers, whatever.
It just blows my mind whenever I think about it.
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puppetwoman17 · 22 days
Jim: You’re going to sacrifice yourself to help e save the human and troll worlds.
Angor Rot: I’m going to what now—?
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puppetwoman17 · 26 days
Only Mary can call Billy “Billy Bean”.
And only Billy can call Mary “Mary Fairy”.
Whenever someone else tries to call either of them by their nickname…
Let’s just say it doesn’t end well.
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puppetwoman17 · 29 days
Would you ever expand upon your joker junior thoughts more? I think that was such a well written idea and would love to hear what else you think about it
Oh my god yes. 100000% YES!
That post before was more of an idea vomit, didn’t cover all of what I thought, so I’m happy to hear someone wants to hear more.
So, JJ’s always been a tough convo for Tim. Obviously. But it’s not just because of how traumatizing the Joker can be, or about the shocks and psychological torture. It also reminds him of a grim time in his life. With Bruce still going through the motions post-Jason’s death, and Dick frequently spending all his time in Bludhaven, he hadn’t been watched much. Save for Babs, ofc.
That’s actually why they’re so close. She’s much more emotionally competent thanks to her dad, lol.
JJ wasn’t only a big thing for Tim, but for Gotham too. In a place like this, it wasn’t hard for whispers from the Joker’s men to travel to civilians and cops. Everyone knew why Robin was nowhere to be seen. Everyone knew why Batgirl looked the way she did, agitated and worried. Everyone knew why the cops searched that same warehouse over and over, never allowing anyone inside.
Which was also why no one was happy to see Nightwing, very obviously the first Robin, return after yet another sabbatical in Bludhaven. Of course, that stopped a little after everyone collectively realized that, oh crap, he doesn’t even know!
This begins a collective effort by the more clear-minded people of Gotham to NOT disclose anything JJ related. There has to be a reason, right? No way were they going to force Robin #3 to disclose anything he didn’t wait to. It didn’t hurt that a year or two later, a mysterious figure named Oracle began effectively making every news article or picture related to JJ disappear.
Everyone holds their breaths for the next few months. What if what happened to the second Robin happened to him? What if he was too crippled to go back out?
As the Batfamily grows bigger, it becomes way clearer that Robin #3 hasn’t said a WORD. Not even after they grow closer, when the screaming and murder attempts and arguments cease. He doesn’t say a word, so no one else does either.
Tim goes to great lengths to medicate himself against any variant of Joker venom or gas. The familiar smells just… bring things back to the surface.
He tries not to act like Jason whenever the Joker gets out of Arkham. It’s already hard for everyone to hold him back from killing the monster. Jason doesn’t need some second-rate copy of his trauma trying to get sympathy. Unlike Jason, he didn’t die. He didn’t come back differently, or lose footing on his life, his job, whatever.
It would just be better if Tim acted as aloof and concentrated as he always did. Not make a big scene, and follow Batman’s orders to a T. No need to worry anyone.
Honestly, the only reason no one notices the literal war going on in this boy’s head is because he doesn’t want to cause a scene.
Oh, and if you’re wondering what he says when one of the bats finds him the next night, still avoiding them…
Yeah, he full on denies EVERYTHING. Looks whoever it is, Jason, Steph, Dick, straight in the eye and says that what they saw was fake. Edited. Something to threaten Bruce with years ago. Tim just ran because…because…Anyway, he’s fine. Don’t worry about Tim Drake. He’s fine.
Babs groans over the comms when everyone hounds on her to tell them everything. Like hell is she gonna tell them a single thing until she has Tim’s full permission.
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puppetwoman17 · 1 month
Katara: Huh? Oh yeah, I know the Fire Lord. We kinda saved the world together. Cool, right?
Katara: Oh I gotcha. Hang on, lemme just call Toph Beifong. Ugh, yes, THAT Beifong.
Katara: This is my husband, Aang. Hm? Oh yeah. I forgot, he’s also the avatar.
katara is one of those impossibly cool people who “has a guy” for everything. like run into any sort of problem and she’s just like “hang on i gotchu. just contact this number and they’ll know what to do.” but half the time that guy is just sokka
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puppetwoman17 · 1 month
Sneak peek of The Batson Family Soap Opera, Ft. The Justice League
Billy jerked up, not even in a mild daze. His eyes were big and clear. His grip on the blanket tightened. He looked around, arms jerking to hold something, before he saw the small light in his pocket.
“Shit,” he mumbled, voice grainy from the lack of water. He fumbled for his phone and swiped. Bart only got a quick look at the profile picture–a stock photo of a beach–before Billy got up.
M’gann let out a small whine as he rounded the couch. “Billy?”
“Sorry, just gimme a sec, yeah? Gotta take this.”
“I–okay,” the martian smiled sadly as she watched their friend walk towards the dining table behind the living room.
His knuckles were white, Bart noticed.
Now, you could say that eavesdropping on your friend and den dad’s conversation without his permission was a bad thing, but he wasn’t the only one! It was clear that the others were too! In fact, Cassie took the remote and subtly pushed down the volume to a more helpful level, and it was no secret that she had super hearing. The only person who seemed remotely uninterested was Z.
On the other hand, going for the bandwagon was never the right thing, but sue him. He inched his head toward his backrest and breathed quietly, fearful to miss anything.
Huh. He sounded almost…dejected.
“Yeah it’s me, did you need some—Hold up, calm down!”
Bart exchanged glances with Artemis and Roy. What was wrong? Was Billy in danger?
A second longer, the back of the room was silent. Even Billy’s breaths couldn’t be heard. A quiet murmur could be heard from his phone.
He wondered what—
The couch-full of heroes jumped at their den dad’s angry tone. Some of them slowly turned to look behind them. Others stayed rooted to the TV, staring through the reflective screen.
“I—No, do you hear me? You—E, you are not going to—DON’ T YOU DARE! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I’M GONNA HAVE TO CLEAN?!”
Billy swiftly ended the call, breathing harsh and loud. He plodded back to the swaddle of cushions, though he didn’t get back in like everyone thought.
Zatanna looked silently at her so-called Champion, eyes clear and knowing. “How bad?”
“I’ve got a lot of shit to clean up tonight.”
“You got it, boss!” The sorceress rose from her seat and adjusted her hat before smiling apologetically at the rest of them. “Sorry, Billy and I need to handle something.”
“Anything we can help with?” Conner asked.
“Even if it’s small, we’ll do it,” Gar said eagerly.
Bart was going to offer his assistance too, but one look at Billy told him that he wouldn’t be taking any help that wasn’t Zatanna’s.
“It’s nothing,” he said. “I can handle it.”
“You sure? It sounded pretty serious.”
Billy seemed to freeze up at that. Something that didn’t go unnoticed by the older heroes. He avoided looking at them and instead chose to nod with Zatanna, who smoothed the creases of her clothes and walked toward the zeta tube teleporters.
He turned back. “Everything’s fine.”
“Doesn’t seem fine,” said Conner.
“It’s none of your business. Go to bed when it’s lights out.”
And with that, Billy and Zatanna made for the zeta tubes without another word. The only remaining sound in the room was the familiar jolt of the boom tubes as the two magic users left the Team base.
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puppetwoman17 · 1 month
I think about Moon Knight a lot. Specifically about the fact that gods speak through their avatars when needed. But the way Khonsu speaks through Mark/Steven/Jake tells me they haven’t been an avatar for very long, as the body isn’t used to the possession.
So I got to thinking: Billy became intertwined with magic at a young age, even younger than most DC mages. Sometimes it’s ten, sometimes it’s seven(personally I like to go with seven). It’s basically part of him. So, the whole possession thing like in MK would be much easier for him.
For other avatars, it still takes time. They were chosen at older ages. Even the more experienced ones still twitch uncomfortably or raise their head too high. It’s always erratic.
No matter how many gods are speaking through Billy, though, his body always moves smoothly. His body can walk and eat and move however he wants, without issue. Even that odd, powerful echo in his voice isn’t an issue.
For Billy, it’s normal.
For the JL, though, it’s just another reminder that their teammate had to go through so many changes at a young age.
MK teams up with the JL once, and Khonsu can’t help but use his avatar to speak. Everyone is instantly worried because MK keeps jerking and looking up. His eyes glow. His voice is hoarse and his body looks like it’s locking up.
The only person who doesn’t look worried is Captain Marvel. Before they know it, his eyes are glowing too.
“Your avatar looks pathetic,” the gods say through their champion, and everyone immediately steps back because the echo is so all encompassing and tempermental.
MK jerks as his god says “yours is handling it perfectly. I wonder why.”
“Do not spin this on us, Khonsu.”
“I do wonder, are there any child labor laws on Olympus?”
The gods of Olympus and the god of the night sky are at each other’s throats.
That is, until Billy decides to intervene and take control of his body, halting the conversation because the gods have big mouths.
“That’s enough of that today.” He loos at MK. “No one likes a bully, Khonsu. Even if they were asking for it.”
That day sticks with the JL. It reminds them that their teammate is something entirely different from them. Younger, for one. But also that his life is dedicated in service to those who blessed him. He is completely integrated into a world of myths and gods and magic.
If they’re being honest, it scares them.
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puppetwoman17 · 1 month
No, no, you don’t understand. Tim Drake shouldn’t be the one with a caffeine addiction; he has his Zesti drinks. BILLY BATSON should have a caffeine addiction.
I mean seriously, how else is he supposed to deal with tricky fae, rogue mages, and bucket fulls of magic paperwork? And his whiz radio gig? And his school work? And his JL reports?
Yall are letting caffeine addicted!Billy Batson pass you by 😞.
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puppetwoman17 · 1 month
It’s easy to forget, but Michael is canonically a really good artist. If not for William being…William, I feel like he could’ve made a living off of them.
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FNAF Abby and Gregory discover Michael is an artist too
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puppetwoman17 · 2 months
This is HUGE information actually! This means they haven’t completely forgotten Cap’s role as Magic’s guardian and champion. His role in the magic community is much too important for it to be unaffected if he’s hurt. That’s not even me reaching, that is completely understandable!
I hope this is used again soon!
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WAIT, THE "magic users suffer greatly when ever captain marvels badly hurt/messed up" iS A REAL THING?????? WTF, I THOUGHT The FANS JUST MADE THAT UP, (btw this is batman/superman 2019 #2)
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puppetwoman17 · 2 months
Okay so I just saw a TikTok that had my post about JJ! Tim and I am SCREAMING. Like, I always wondered how the og posters felt seeing their posts on TikTok, but now I AM an og poster.
The TikTok is by cinemaofmemes btw.
Also, to anyone that may have come to my tumblr from that post, I know it’s not completely canon. I just had the thought in my head and wanted to air it out. So pls don’t come for me😅
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