sadlynotthevoid ¡ 3 days
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sadlynotthevoid ¡ 3 days
*screams in probably-bi*
I hate everything and specially that mf who can't stop shaking at any minor stressful situation.
(It's me. I'm that mf)
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sadlynotthevoid ¡ 7 days
Roy, pointing behind him: See? That's why the Red Hood Defense Society exists.
Jason, roped in a blank: Roy, first, I'm not getting a defense society. I don't need one. And two— what the ever loving fuck. Where did all this people come from.
Stephanie: Too late. You already got one. It's true that you get cookies with your membership?
Kyle, running from a mob made of half of crime ally in the background: It was a joke! A joke!
The kid who stole his ring: do they call you Joker? 'cuz you ain't fun.
kyle comes up behind jason like "need help carrying those handsome?" and just grabs his tits
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sadlynotthevoid ¡ 7 days
The Tobirama one killed me. Like, what was going on with him? Dude, why do you even need a jutsu to make zombies?
To quote that shikanaru fic, 'no thoughts':
" “Damn, that guy created a lot of shit.” "
we should talk about the hokage more.
hashirama is CARING
tobirama is TOBIRAMA
minato is FAST
tsunade is STRONG
kakashi is GAY
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sadlynotthevoid ¡ 8 days
FUCK. honestly just FUCK. We missed a very important day yesterday.
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sadlynotthevoid ¡ 9 days
contrary to popular belief, someone who is fluent in their second language (L2) is unlikely to slip into their first language (L1)  in these circumstances:
if someone just said something to them in L2 (this a big unconscious cue, and you’d be really unlikely to respond in L1 right after that)
when swearing in the middle of a sentence (e.g. “oh merde, i forgot my keys!”)
during sex
when speaking to someone they normally speak to in L2
it is slightly more common in these circumstances:
swearing, as long it’s not part of a sentence (e.g. they might just mutter “merde” if they forgot their keys)
if they’re surprised (especially if falling/tripping or experiencing sudden pain!)
when speaking to someone they normally speak to in L1
in their sleep or talking to themselves
when very disoriented, such as when concussed or on certain drugs
that being said, it is very common for people to intentionally use their first language in front of people who don’t speak it for a variety of reasons (they might use a short expression they only know in L1, call their partner pet names, dirty talk during sex because their partner finds it attractive) – but this is on purpose!
also this doesn’t account for people who grew up in an environment where people often mix multiple languages in their speech (e.g. spanglish or franglais) – in that case, they may accidentally drop an L1 swear into an L2 sentence, though they’ll still generally stick to L2 when speaking to people who only speak that language
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sadlynotthevoid ¡ 11 days
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sadlynotthevoid ¡ 11 days
In an AU where Og!Cale and Bassen where together at a noble meeting, a random enemy mage showed up, caused chaos and dissapeared.
Alberu: Everyone, please calm down.
Eric, trying and failing to be subtle: *shout-whispers* Cale, what are you doing?!
Cale, way behind Alberu's point of view: *half-supressed giggles*
Alberu, ready to deal with the worst stress induced migraine of the year: *turns around* Young master Ca— *stops*
Alberu: What is going on?
Eric: Ah, Your Highness! We are not sure. I took my eyes off him for a moment and the next I know Young Master Cale was... Well, there.
Cale, squatting down next to the unknown magic circle: *giggles harder*
Alberu: Has he touched anything?
Eric: No but—
Amiru: It says what? *Cackles*
Cale, still trying not to laugh: I know right!
Gilbert: I got the oranges. *Shows both arms full of fruits*
Eric: Oh no. They're cooperating.
Alberu: *fastly making signals to his mages* Young master Cale, don't touch that!
Cale, taking a pair of oranges: Hm? Relax, I won't. Anyways, it's not dangerous at all.
Random mage guard: ...is not?
Cale: Nope. That guy, I know people can be stupid but— Pff— he raised the bar really high. Look, that symbol over there, I think he must had wanted to mean "live" but he misplaced the apostrofe and put the last "syllable" sideways.
Random mage guard: *blinks* that symbol... Huh. I didn't recognize it because I rarely use it, but it's "oranges", right?
Cale, joyfully settling the oranges in weirdly specific positions of the circle: Right right! And those words over your left, I'm guessing he intended to write "to go down"— what a strange way to word it, by the way, couldn't he just put "die" like a normal person?— Anyways, it has too many spirals. It says—
Cale: *puts down the last orange* "To go dancing"!
The circle suddenly shines and the oranges grow hands and feet. Now there's a file of oranges dancing the conga around the ballroom.
Alberu: What the actual loving— orange. The loving orange.
Amiru, Gilbert and Cale: *having fun with the oranges in the background*
Eric: Well, at least they didn't destroy anything this time.
Alberu: Except my sanity.
Okay so i put my thang in the reblogs of this post at first but i decided i wanted to make my own post SO
Crack hc that as a bored lonely teenager og cale reverse engineered the magic language used in tcf and is basically fluent now (the way people learn hilichurlian or enchanting table text for fun)
But noone knows he learned that, and the moment anyone does learn he has mages salivating at his feet LOL
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sadlynotthevoid ¡ 12 days
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sadlynotthevoid ¡ 12 days
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sadlynotthevoid ¡ 13 days
Happily the Infinity?
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sadlynotthevoid ¡ 16 days
Tumblr adding polls was the best thing because it doesn’t matter what you’re asking, tumblr users LOVE sharing their opinions. You could ask something wildly abstract like “What cardinal direction do you associate with the person you reblogged this from?” and by the end of the day it’ll have 20k notes and there’s probably some kind of discourse happening in the replies.
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sadlynotthevoid ¡ 16 days
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sadlynotthevoid ¡ 16 days
“fish don’t even know theyre wet” and? you don’t even know youre luft (air equivalent of wet)
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sadlynotthevoid ¡ 17 days
Lmao. You're right actually.
Bassen the first.
Why is Basen’s life low key like Sofia the first
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sadlynotthevoid ¡ 17 days
AMTA for trying to kill my brother?
I (M10) grew up with my mother, but I recently moved to live with my birth father. Upon arriving I released that my father loves my adopted brother (M16) more than me and my brother is trying to steal my birthright even though he’s adopted and it’s rightfully mine. I naturally try to kill him to prove myself worthy of my inheritance and earn my fathers love but now everyone’s mad at me :(
Tim needs to stop pretending to be Damian on reddit its weird and just makes him look worse anyway NTA what 16 year old loses a fight to a 10 year old maybe your dad should think about unadopting you
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sadlynotthevoid ¡ 18 days
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No, wait, @muzwoom that's actually hilarious. He's so dedicated.
So far I headcanoned he only made up fake identities for himself, like to go undercover or for fun, but never I thought he would do that.
Do you mean he—
"He's awful."
"Says who?"
(Quickly, think fast) "The vizcount of Bheriuse. I heard he loathes him"
"Bheriuse?...Ah. Right. Bheriuse" *has no ide who he is talking about*
Cale proceedes to go back and buy a little land at the name of Jenuth Bheriuse.
Like that?
The funniest thing about og!Cale being called a trash an everyone acting like him is so kind of cartoon villain is that guys like Venion are described in the novel like "your typical noble".
Venion: sends people to kill his own brother, tortures a baby dragon, whatever Taylor had about him.
Is called a typical noble.
Og!Cale: drinks alcohol, breaks furniture here and there, glares.
Is called a lout, trash, famously infamous.
Just— what did everyone think he actually did in his daily life?
Why did the nobles, many of them who were way worse than him, act like he was Pitch?
Is it because og!Cale, different from them, didn't silence the bad rumors about him? People who were involved in really dark stuff actually feared a teen who failed shots on purpose. Lmao.
He's so good at playing people.
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