servantofthefates · 19 hours
Pulling a clarifying tarot card is an impulsive and desperate act.
Impulsive because you rush to get additional information, instead of simply taking a few moments to understand what you have already been given.
Desperate because instead of accepting that the truth is not what you wanted, you deny and bargain, hoping to somehow get the answer you expected.
Six times out of ten, your mind only needs a few seconds to comprehend the answer that was given. Consider a card’s alternative meanings. Relate it to the others that surround it.
Two times out of ten, you will need to consult an external source to get the clarity you need – but you will get it. Google can offer a lot of help. But owning a credible book is a great step.
The rest of the time, you will need to accept a harsh truth. And that takes more than just a few minutes. But with bravery and strength, you can certainly do it.
None of the time is a clarifier ever actually needed. Always stick to the spread you planned in the beginning. Anything else would be shameless cheating.
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servantofthefates · 2 days
Meet my new favorite deck, the Somnia Tarot! ✨
I hope it inspires you as much as it inspires me. 🥰
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servantofthefates · 2 days
Next week, the Full Moon is happening at the same time as the Venus-Jupiter Conjunction.
Full moon means ripening.
Venus means love.
Jupiter means expansion.
This could mean the ripening of someone's love, and the expansion of their courage, forcing them to confess their feelings. ♥️
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servantofthefates · 2 days
Spell Ingredients in Traditional Witchcraft
As one would imagine, some of this is now illegal, considered barbaric, or relegated to myth. But others remain. For example, blood magic has stayed.
Human or Animal Fluids and Body Parts
Your blood proves your devotion and serves as your signature. Your target’s blood allows you to manipulate them. Similarly, your saliva, when consumed by another person or an animal, gives you considerable power over them.
Animal entrails are consulted for divination. Their organs are often used in healing balms and all sorts of potions. In curses, the animal that represents a person can serve as a living poppet.
Fruits, Herbs and Other Foodstuff
Then and now, these are staple ingredients. Leaves and eggs are used for divination. Plants, tree barks, grass, crops, and fruits are used in healing ointments, sleeping draughts, teas that induce miscarriage, and worn and edible amulets.
Perhaps lesser known is the use of poisonous mushrooms, flowers and seeds. Simply by being cooked or brewed, they can kill a target from a distance – if fed to an animal, that distance can extend beyond continents.
Religious and National Relics
This list includes the more generic garments of saints, crowns of kings and queens, and armors of warriors, as well as the very specific Holy Grail, Blood of Christ and the True Cross (fragments of the wood from the cross Jesus supposedly died on).
These relics are believed to hold immense power that can be harnessed to heal untreatable illnesses, grab or maintain power, increase beauty and wisdom, raise the dead, and attain immortality. As can be expected, rituals that require them are rarely executed, as these items are rather unusual.
Objects Obtained During a Quest
A common wildflower taken from the top of a specific mountain… A normal fish taken from a particular river… Your typical holy water taken from a faraway cathedral… Ordinary items made extraordinary through the method by which they were obtained.
The logic behind it is that the spellcaster proved the strength of his or her intentions, by overcoming any challenge that came with securing them. Such ingredients are incredibly potent.
Yes, traditional witchcraft can sound weird in this time and age. Click here to find out why.
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servantofthefates · 5 days
Strict Tarot Rules My Grandma Taught Me
Sweep the floor with a whisk broom before every reading. It shows respect for the old gods who will be coming in.
Answer only three questions for a querent in one seating. Revealing too much sacred information will dilute its meaning.
Always use the Celtic Cross for a personal reading. “You cannot truly appreciate the weight of the advice you are giving if you don’t fully understand the way the querent is feeling.”
Make an offering to the querent’s higher self before proceeding. “The body may want a reading, but the soul may be unwilling.” A piece of chocolate or anything sweet should be appropriate.
Ensure the querent’s hands are clean. Prepare a hot towel or a water basin. It rids their body of negative energy and keeps your cards from getting dirty.
Dim the lights before you deal the cards. “The Fates live next to Hades. They are not used to harsh lighting.”
Play soft and quiet music. It calms the mind and encourages the querent to bravely tell you what they really seek.
You shuffle, they cut. Shuffling lets the cards connect you to the source. Cutting allows the cards to feel the querent’s life force.
Honesty is better than sympathy. Exaggerating hopes and softening harsh truths do more harm than good.
Never forget to thank your cards afterwards. “The messages come from the goddesses, yes. But your cards make the effort to speak them in the way you can understand best.”
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servantofthefates · 8 days
Christian Symbology in Tarot
The High Priestess
B and J are for Boaz and Jachin, pillars in Solomon’s temple.
The Hierophant
He is a Catholic pope whose robe and shoes bear the Crucifix.
The Lovers
It depicts Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden being blessed by Archangel Raphael.
Wheel of Fortune
Fixed sign Aquarius is represented by an angel holding the Bible.
The Hanged Man
He portrays the sacrifice made by martyrs. His halo is that of a saint.
There is a Catholic pope imploring the Reaper to spare his life.
The figure on the card is Archangel Michael.
The Devil
It shows Adam and Eve enslaved by Satan after they consumed the forbidden fruit.
The Tower
That is the Tower of Babel from the Book of Genesis.
It depicts the Final Judgement as described in the Book of Revelation. The figure is an amalgamation of Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Michael.
The Aces
It is the hand of God that holds the Wand, the Cup, the Sword and the Pentacle.
Ace of Cups
The dove and the host represent the Holy Spirit. The chalice is the Holy Grail.
Seven of Cups
The cloaked figure in the second cup is Jesus Christ after having risen from the dead.
Knight of Cups
He is the Arthurian knight in search of the Holy Grail.
Queen of Cups
Her cup, arguably another depiction of the Holy Grail, is crowned by a Crucifix.
Four of Swords
It depicts a tomb inside a church.
Queen of Swords
There is a cherub carved into her throne.
Three of Pentacles
The place is an abbey. One of the men is a monk.
Five of Pentacles
The leper and the beggar are outside a church.
A lot of people like to say that tarot is evil and against Christianity. But A. E. Waite and Pamela Colman Smith imbued the Rider-Waite tarot not only with Jewish and Greco-Roman, but also Christian, symbology. Tarot is for people of any��spirituality.
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servantofthefates · 9 days
Two reasons your wish is coming true soon, possibly between May 13 and 19:
The Most Surprising Day of the Year will happen at the beginning of next week when the Sun meets Uranus. Monday or Tuesday, depending on your time zone. The effect will be felt also in the surrounding days.
The Luckiest Day of the Year will happen at the end of next week when the Sun meets Jupiter. Saturday or Sunday, depending on where you are in the world. The influence will be felt in the days before and after.
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servantofthefates · 10 days
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The Somnia Tarot
Photographic & Illustrated Editions
I haven't been this happy with a tarot deck design in years! 🥰 Will share in detail on YouTube soon. 💖
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servantofthefates · 13 days
Tarot Combinations for Health Issues
Tarot can help pinpoint hidden health issues. But in most areas, it is illegal for a tarot reader to give medical advice to clients. So if such topics do show up in the cards, all that a tarot reader can do is alert the querent of a possible problem and strongly suggest that they see a doctor for confirmation.
Nine of Cups reversed + The Devil
Abdominal or digestive issues
Temperance reversed + Five of Cups
Blood or chemical imbalances
The High Priestess + Four of Swords reversed
Respiratory diseases
Five of Wands + Death
Musculoskeletal problems
Eight of Wands + The Moon
Bacterial or viral infections
Four of Wands + Two of Swords
Undetected food allergies
The Empress reversed + Eight of Swords
Female reproductive issues
Four of Swords + The Chariot reversed
Male reproductive issues
The Star + Five of Swords
Poisoning (e.g., Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy)
Three of Swords + Five of Pentacles
Heart disease
The Lovers reversed + Four of Pentacles
Eating disorders
The Magician reversed + The Fool
Genetic disorders
The World + King of Swords reversed
Skin diseases
Strength reversed + Seven of Wands
Otolaryngology (ENT) or dental problems
Knight of Swords + Six of Wands reversed
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
Two of Cups reversed + The Devil
Sexually transmitted diseases
The Hermit reversed + Seven of Swords
Malnutrition or dehydration
Nine of Pentacles reversed + Nine of Wands
Chronic fatigue or stress
The Sun reversed + Nine of Swords
Mental health issues
The Tower + Ten of Swords
Terminal illness
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servantofthefates · 14 days
What It Means to be Plutonian, Venusian, Jupiterian…
Having your Sun and your Ascendant in Scorpio is not always enough for you to be considered Plutonian. And even if you have determined that Venus attended your birth, that may not be sufficient for you to be called Venusian.
What is required is a solid placement, which is achieved when on the day of your birth, a god was in his domains or in other places he enjoys, while forming sextiles or trines to energies that are compatible with him, as well as oppositions to those that are not.
If you are Apollonian
Victory comes easily to you. Not only do you have the drive to achieve, you find yourself winning even in times when you did not work for it. Extended periods of gloomy weather have a negative effect on your mental strength and emotional stability.
If you are Dianic
Male or female, you possess masculine strength, even if outwardly you look obviously feminine. Your intuition is both a blessing and a curse to you. On one hand, it helps you navigate life. On the other, it tells you when your wishes will never come true.
If you are Mercurian
You have a way with words. Whether through speaking or writing, you can enchant people to trust your intentions. You straddle between introversion and extroversion. When with others, you crave being alone. When with yourself, you are thirsty for companions.
If you are Venusian
Even if you do not fit your society’s definition of beautiful, you are attractive anyway. Something about you is alluring to other people either way. But you will always yearn for more beauty, resulting in a hot and cold relationship with your self-esteem.
If you are Martian
You never back down in the face of opposition. You fight battles you do not even believe in, just to spite your opponent. You will eternally struggle between choosing the path that serves yourself and others alike, and picking the one that puts you above them all.
If you are Jupiterian
Material abundance comes easily to you. Even when you think you are having a bout of lack, upon comparing your situation with that of your peers, you will still find yourself on top. Any display of selfishness from you is always punished harshly.
If you are Saturnian
You love structure, because it is how you climb the ladder of life. You despise people who cheat and take shortcuts. Your envy and jealousy make you suffer a crisis of faith occasionally. But you still stick to the rules and pursue a straight path at the end of the day.
If you are Uranian
There are days when you deem yourself a visionary, and days when you are sure you are a fool. Your occult powers make you think you are better than everybody, and yet you struggle with self-worth. Your friends are both your disease and your cure.
If you are Neptunian
You are not sure if your visions are real or simply manifestations of your rich imagination. Having faith in them will liberate you from your fears and insecurities. You are by default emotionally weak. It is a life-long mission for you to remedy this.
If you are Plutonian
You have a strong sense of justice that others do not understand. What to you is fairness they see as vengeance. What to you is self-love they dub as cruelty. Your darkness can be sensed by some animals. They will react to it with fear or aggression.
If you think none of this applies to you, it may be because you do not belong to any of these categories. Some natal charts are lukewarm, or in a more positive light, balanced: no particular god or goddess is clearly the reigning deity. This also happens when the god or goddess who attended your birth, is, upon closer look, being undermined by a rival lord.          
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servantofthefates · 16 days
The best New Moon of the year is almost here. ✨
Use it to start something new. Fix any problems in your life. Shift any wrong mindsets deep inside. 🌹
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servantofthefates · 16 days
The Only Tarot Spreads You Will Ever Need in Your Life
Learn these, and forget everything else.
1. The Celtic Cross Tarot Spread
Gives you a comprehensive answer to any question
2. The Soulmate Conversation
Tells you everything about your soulmate
3. The Three Wishes Tarot Spread
Tells you which of your wishes will come true
4. The Two Paths Tarot Spread
Guides you towards making the right decision
5. The True God Shuffle
Reveals which higher power you are connected to
6. The What If Tarot Spread
Shows you alternate realities
7. The True Colors Tarot Spread
Shows you a person's true colors
8. The General Prediction Shuffle
Tells you about your life in general
9. The Life Purpose Draw
Reveals your life purpose in this incarnation
10. The Major Arcana Grand Tableau
Shows you the full year ahead
11. Your True Passion Tarot Spread
Reveals your true passion and how to live it
12. The Life Advice Shuffle
Gives you advice about life's many departments
13. The Sex Life Draw
Reveals your sex life with a current or future partner
14. The Past Life Tarot Spread
Reveals the truth about your past life
15. Allies & Enemies Tarot Spread
Reveals who your allies and enemies are
16. Your Future Children Shuffle
Tells you about any future children of yours
17. Sports Match Prediction Method
Lets you win meaningful bets
18. Age at Death Prediction Method
Tells you how long you will live
19. The High Priestess Tarot Spread
Answers any question about the future
20. The Time Prediction Method
Reveals the timing of any event
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servantofthefates · 19 days
Old but gold. ✨
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Sola Busca Tarot (1400s)
The first ever tarot deck with a fully illustrated Minor Arcana, and the inspiration for the Rider-Waite.
See my other ancient tarot decks here.
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servantofthefates · 19 days
Never ask tarot the same question twice.
Imagine fully sympathizing with someone’s situation and giving them heartfelt advice and a thoughtful prediction.
Then when you are done… they go, “Nope. Try again.”
It is extremely disrespectful and insulting.
Your deck could hate you for it and gradually stop giving you truthful answers.
Instead of asking tarot again, just ask yourself: “Why can I not accept this answer? Am I in denial? Am I scared?” Maybe it is time to reflect.
But if the issue is not emotional or psychological, and the cards' meanings are simply unclear to you... you would be surprised what a little browsing can do.
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servantofthefates · 22 days
The best days of the year are coming soon.
The Sun will conjunct Jupiter from May 17-19. You may start feeling the effect as early as the 15th, or as late as the 21st, depending on your natal chart and where you are in the world.
Either way, Jupiter is the Lord of Expansion, as well as the biggest planet in our sky, so the beauty you will see on these dates will not end within these dates, but may stay with you for years, even decades.
Enjoy! ✨
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servantofthefates · 24 days
The Major Arcana as People
The Fool
Uranian energy. Someone strange, eccentric, unpredictable.
The Magician
Mercurian energy. Someone intelligent. Has a way with words.
The High Priestess
Moon or Dianic energy. Someone intuitive. Has a built-in lie detector.
The Empress
Venusian energy. Gorgeous. Loves beauty and fashion.
The Emperor
Aries personality. Brave and fiery. Extroverted and assertive.
The Hierophant
Taurus personality. Enduring and stable. Potential for affluence.
The Lovers
Gemini personality. Or simply confirms this is your soulmate.
The Chariot
Cancer personality. Emotionally soft but mentally strong.
Leo personality. Someone courageous, chivalrous, charismatic.
The Hermit
Virgo personality. Someone precise, organized and analytical.
Wheel of Fortune
Jupiterian energy. Someone naturally lucky. Generous and kind.
Libra personality. Polished. Extroverted but in a refined way.
The Hanged Man
Neptunian energy. Deep and profound. Quiet but formidable.
Scorpio personality. Someone mysterious, seductive, irresistible.
Sagittarius personality. Outgoing, versatile, open-minded.
The Devil
Capricorn personality. Someone determined, ambitious, worldly.
The Tower
Martian energy. A mix of Aries and Scorpio. Incredibly intense.
The Star
Aquarius personality. Innovative and smart. Friendly yet lonely.
The Moon
Pisces personality. Introverted. Loner. Creative. Mystic.
The Sun
Apollonian energy. Someone who exudes joy and warmth.
Plutonian energy. Powerful. Or simply a soulmate confirmation.
The World
Saturnian energy. Disciplined and serious. Magnet for success.
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servantofthefates · 27 days
The High Priestess Tarot Spread
I perform the comprehensive Celtic Cross spread when reading for others. Because I do not lightly advise a querent, or predict his future, without first letting the cards tell me of his hopes, his fears, his past, his everything.
But when I predict for myself, I use this spread instead.
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Step 1: Lay The High Priestess in front of you.
Embody her prophetic powers by gazing at her intently as you shuffle while asking your question.
Step 2: Pull three cards from the top of the deck.
• Card 1 (Ace of Cups) — The irrevocable truth about this person or situation
• Card 2 (The Lovers) — The destined purpose in your life of this person or situation
• Card 3 (Ten of Cups) — The inevitable future that will befall you and this person or situation
Step 3: Turn over the deck.
• Card at the bottom (The Fool) — The reigning energy over you and this person or situation
This is a traditional fortunetelling spread. It is not for the faint of heart. It will show you your future, whether you can handle it or not.
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