#Tarot History
nyxshadowhawk · 3 months
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Fifteenth century tarot cards, possibly the oldest known deck. Look how beautiful they are! These are from way back before they were used for cartomancy.
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servantofthefates · 21 days
Christian Symbology in Tarot
The High Priestess
B and J are for Boaz and Jachin, pillars in Solomon’s temple.
The Hierophant
He is a Catholic pope whose robe and shoes bear the Crucifix.
The Lovers
It depicts Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden being blessed by Archangel Raphael.
Wheel of Fortune
Fixed sign Aquarius is represented by an angel holding the Bible.
The Hanged Man
He portrays the sacrifice made by martyrs. His halo is that of a saint.
There is a Catholic pope imploring the Reaper to spare his life.
The figure on the card is Archangel Michael.
The Devil
It shows Adam and Eve enslaved by Satan after they consumed the forbidden fruit.
The Tower
That is the Tower of Babel from the Book of Genesis.
It depicts the Final Judgement as described in the Book of Revelation. The figure is an amalgamation of Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Michael.
The Aces
It is the hand of God that holds the Wand, the Cup, the Sword and the Pentacle.
Ace of Cups
The dove and the host represent the Holy Spirit. The chalice is the Holy Grail.
Seven of Cups
The cloaked figure in the second cup is Jesus Christ after having risen from the dead.
Knight of Cups
He is the Arthurian knight in search of the Holy Grail.
Queen of Cups
Her cup, arguably another depiction of the Holy Grail, is crowned by a Crucifix.
Four of Swords
It depicts a tomb inside a church.
Queen of Swords
There is a cherub carved into her throne.
Three of Pentacles
The place is an abbey. One of the men is a monk.
Five of Pentacles
The leper and the beggar are outside a church.
A lot of people like to say that tarot is evil and against Christianity. But A. E. Waite and Pamela Colman Smith imbued the Rider-Waite tarot not only with Jewish and Greco-Roman, but also Christian, symbology. Tarot is for people of any spirituality.
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rhianna · 6 months
The Cary sheet, an uncut sheet from Milan, c. 1500.
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Research by Michael Dummett and others demonstrates that the tarot pack was invented in northern Italyin the early 15th century and introduced into southern France when the French conquered Milan and the Piedmont in 1499. The antecedents of the Tarot de Marseille would then have been introduced into southern France at around that time. All Italian-suited tarot decks outside of Italy are descended from the Milan–Marseilles type with the exception of some early French and Belgian packs which show mixed influence from Bolognese tarot (see below).[2] The earliest surviving cards of the Marseilles pattern were produced by Philippe Vachier of Marseilles in 1639 and went up for sale in 2023, having recently been discovered by Thierry Depaulis.[3][k
Tarot of Marseilles
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grumpy-potat · 9 months
Common Tarot Decks History
Tarot has a long history, that is much-contested, built on mystic and controversial origins. Much of it has been embellished to give it an exotic and mystical origin. This has led to many fights about its true history, where decks originate, and who can practice the art of tarot. While some forms of reading tarot are held by certain groups, cartomancy has been around for a long time. Early Tarot originated in modern-day Italy during the Renaissance as a card Game. Modern tarot's There are many styles of decks. The ones you are most likely to encounter are inspired by or are direct reprints or redesigns of The Rider-Waite-Smith Deck, The Thoth Deck, or the Tarot de Marseille deck. While some of the older decks that have been discovered are also in print they are less in use today.
Tarot de Marseille is one of the older decks still regularly used by people. It is the deck that inspired the previous two. Hailing from Marseille, France, we categorize it in two ways. TDM 1 and TDM 2 classify which generation it is from. TDM 2 is the older classification and corresponds with the 18th century and TDM 1 with the 19th. The earliest designs from 1709 were copied to wood blocks and reprinted and sold across the region and into Belgium and Switzerland. This spread created variations and different printings with distinct regional styles. Eventually, it would spread beyond French-speaking regions and across the Channel to England and back down into Italy. It is also important to note that we could potentially find even older decks in the French region. History is not fixed, at one point they found a tarot deck in a well, so this history is always evolving and we are always learning more.
The design of this deck utilizes pips for its suit cards and for its Trumps it names the High Priestess as the Papesse and the Hierophant as the Pope. The Lovers is also changed to the Lover and there are two women on the card that he has to choose from, the Magician is referred to as the Juggler, Death is not named, and the Tower is called the House of God. References to the Pope, The House of God, and a Papesse might have been part of the reason why the church of the time didn't approve of tarot and considered it blasphemous. The deck utilized symbols that would have been well known and made sense to the people of the 18th and 19th centuries where the church was a large part of their lives.
The need to utilize this symbolism held back a lot of early tarot decks as they tried to fit within the confines of Tarot structure. But they were eventually able to break loose from that. Different esoteric movements would come forward. One large one that had a big influence on tarot was the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Their study of many other religious and occult practices integrated many different beliefs, but that is another story for another time. Two of their leaders near the end of its life, Arthur Edward Waite and Aleister Crowley would make some incredibly influential Tarot decks that still dominate today's market.
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Rider-Waite-Smith Decks are some of the most popular. Originally published by William Rider & Sons Limited in 1909 and created by two members of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Arthur Edward Waite, and Pamela Colman Smith, it is one of the most influential versions of tarot. The imagery was drawn by Pamela Colman Smith. The deck drew inspiration from historical decks, mainly the Tarot de Marseille (which we discussed earlier) and the Sola Busca deck(An Italian deck from the late 15th century). Unlike the Tarot de Marseille, and much more reminiscent of Sola Busca, Smith drew fully illustrated suit cards. Waite when developing the order and system for his tarot divination also Changed the order and renamed some of the Trump cards from what was in the Tarot de Marseille, more in line with other versions that he would have studied in the Golden Dawn. One of the big changes was the order of Justice and Strength, which he flipped the order of, making Strength #8 and Justice #11. Although in the time they were published, and when Arthur Waite and Pamela Colman Smith died, in 1942 and 1951 respectively Tarot wasn't a popular pastime. It was still mostly relegated to people who were interested in occult practices and sought out esoteric communities and secret societies. Mostly a tradition that would be passed down, but it wouldn't stay that way for long. Soon all that would change when the founder and chairman of US Games Systems, Stuart R. Kaplan, happened upon a deck of tarot cards in the late 60s at a toy fair. He began selling tarot cards in bookstores and writing books on them for the American market and they are still highly regarded to this day. When working on his book Tarot Classic he included the Rider-Waite-Smith deck and its history, which made him seek it out. When he found out it was no longer in print, He was able to negotiate with William Rider & Sons to get the rights to the Rider-Waite-Smith deck and begin publishing them in the United States. By the mid-70s there was an explosion of tarot becoming mainstream and most cards came from US Games Systems.
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The Thoth Tarot was developed by Aleister Crowley and painted by Lady Frieda Harris. They worked on the deck during World War Two. Aleister Crowley was also a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn at the same time as Arthur Edward Waite. A fight between the leading members ended up with its dissolution. The art in the cards uses a technique called Projective Synthetic Geometry as taught by Rudolph Steiner. This is very apparent in its suit cards which utilize pips and this art style ties them together quite effectively. The Thoth Deck renames many of the cards. Magus replaces the Magician, Strength is replaced with Lust, Justice is replaced with Adjustment, Temperance is replaced with Art, Judgement is replaced with Aeon, and the world is replaced with Universe. Also, Strength and Justice are put back in the place they were in the Tarot of Marseille. Because of the popularity of Rider-Waite-Smith Decks, by the time Thoth decks were being published, they were more of a niche deck for people with a more esoteric bend. Although They have never been out of print since their initial run in 1969. This deck also utilizes symbols, beliefs, and deities from Aleister Crowley's occult philosophy/religion Thelema. You don't need to be a follower or know about Thelema to use these decks.
Just as the RWS deck and the Thoth deck broke away from the mold of the Tarot de Marseille and started to work within their own modern language and symbolism, today we have decks that are doing the same and speaking to a more modern society. Like the Wild Unknown Tarot, it doesn't rely on more esoteric, kabbalistic, or religious symbolism and utilizes animals and nature for you to connect with, or Clarity Tarot uses minimalist representations and black-and-white line art to deconstruct the meanings found in more traditional decks to create deeper connections between the reader, the deck, and the spiritual energies.
Ultimately, today when we are working with tarot we are doing much of what was being done in the past, trying to get a better understanding of ourselves, our spiritual connections, our relationships, and where we should be going into the future. Tarot is a fun and interesting way to connect ourselves with other people, the past, art, and many different ways of thought using symbolism and different philosophical, spiritual, religious, and psychological techniques.
For some fun, here are some comparisons of the Tarot de Marseille, Rider Waite Smith, and the Thoth deck of The Fool, the Lovers, Death, and the World cards.
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You can really see how it is important to connect with the art of your decks.
Links used to write this post
The World of Playing Cards
Early Tarot: Tarot Heritage
Atlas Obscura
Stuart R Kaplan Amazon Author Page
Rider-Waite-Smith Deck: Tarot Heritage
English Occult Tarot: Tarot Heritage
About Our Thoth Inspired Decks Tarot Cart
Labyrinthos tarot deck types
Tarot de Marseille FAQ
Tarot de Marseille
French Occult Tarot: Tarot Heritage
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lunavenefica · 2 years
⛤History Of Tarot- pt.1 - The Fool⛤
⛤ Today we will focus on the History and meaning of Tarot Cards, especially the First Card: The Fool (Le Bateleur in French).
The Fool is the first card of the Marseille Tarot.
The French equivalent "Le Bateleur" comes from the ancient word "Baastel" that could be translated into "a fool" or "magician, charlatan, impostor" : That's why this card is called the Fool in English!
During the Middle Ages, "les bateleurs" were removed from society since they weren't considered worthy.
In Renaissance astrology drafts, they were called "Moon Child", a name that used to be given those who couldn't be trusted.
⛤The card represents a man that faces all the tools needed to begin the practice of Witchcraft.
It is a character full of potential, who's ready for a new beginning and wants to expand his knowledge.
However, sometimes he can take part in illusions, bluff and pretentioussness.
⛤ If this card appears in one of your spreads, you should be ready for a new beginning as you own all the tools to make your own future!
Your knowledge will be reinforced, but be careful!
Sometimes, it can mean that you are being tricked by smoke, mirrors and false promises from a potentially manipulative individual.
⛤The key words for this card are:
new beginnings, innocence, naivete, spontaneity, endless potential, inexperience, excitement, leap of faith, risk, reckless, the unknown
Witchfully Yours,
⛤Isidora & Bleiz ⛤
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outsidereveries · 1 year
Did Atlantis exist?
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honestly, i interpret my cards in the way atlantis did exist. but the third card (two of wands) is about some sort of choice, possibly persistence.. with the previous cards (the empress, the chariot) i don’t think there is some sort of atlantis being imagination but i am thinking maybe atlantis isn’t what we know? it’s just my theory idek
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intuitivamente77 · 1 year
Descobrindo a Fascinante História do Tarô: Uma Viagem no Tempo
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O Tarô ou Tarot é uma antiga prática de adivinhação que tem suas raízes em uma variedade de culturas e tradições. Neste artigo, vamos explorar a fascinante história do Tarô, desde sua origem nos tempos antigos até seu uso moderno. Também exploraremos os diferentes tipos de baralhos de Tarô, e os principais nomes e referências que fazem a história deste vasto e misterioso Universo. Por último, trazemos à vocês as primeiras etapas para aprender a manipular essa ferramenta tão fantástica que é o Tarot. 
Vem com a gente :) 
Introdução ao Tarô - Primeiros Passos
O tarô é uma forma antiga de adivinhação que tem sido usada por séculos para obter uma visão do futuro e para buscar respostas para as perguntas da vida cotidiana. Alguns acreditam que o Tarô tem suas origens nas antigas escolas de mistério egípcias, e que seu simbolismo está entrelaçado com a tradição hermética ¹. Contudo, historicamente não há registro das cartas nestas épocas remotas. O Tarô tem evoluído ao longo dos séculos, e hoje temos uma variedade de decks e abordagens diferentes do Tarô.
O Tarô é composto de 78 cartas, divididas em duas seções, o Arcano Maior e o Arcano Menor. Os Arcanos Maiores são as cartas mais importantes, e representam os principais temas e ciclos de vida. Elas estão associadas ao caminho espiritual e podem nos ajudar a conhecer nossos desejos e motivações mais profundos. Os Arcanos Menores são compostos de naipes, e representam os aspectos mundanos da vida. Eles estão associados às nossas experiências diárias e podem nos ajudar a entender melhor nossa situação atual.
As cartas do Tarô estão dispostas em uma variedade de diferentes tiragens, tais como a Cruz Celta, a Ferradura, Método Peladan ou a tiragem de três. Estas tiragens são usadas para obter uma visão de uma situação ou questão em particular, servem como um tabuleiro no jogo, onde cada casa será destinada a um quesito específico para direcionar a leitura a um ponto mais assertivo. O Tarô também pode ser usado em um contexto espiritual, para nos ajudar a nos conectarmos com o divino e para obter uma visão do nosso caminho espiritual. Além disso, pode ser usado para interpretação interpessoal de conceitos da vida mundana e cotidiana.Uma ferramenta completa de desenvolvimento consciencial!
¹ Ler: O Caibalion. Obra que detalha as leis herméticas que regem o Universo.
A Origem do Tarô - História Antiga
O tarô é uma prática antiga com uma longa e variada história. Acredita-se que os primeiros baralhos de Tarô foram criados entre o século XIV e XV na Itália, e foram usados como um jogo de azar. Além disso, que Tarô tem suas raízes na tradição hermética, e que seus símbolos representam a sabedoria e o conhecimento das antigas civilizações. Inclusive, muitas delas utilizavam oráculos como forma de adivinhação, como por exemplo, na cultura nórdica existem registros de que estes tinham um conjunto de símbolos intitulado Runas, que os sacerdotes, jogavam para saber o resultado de uma batalha. 
Mas sobre o tarot não existem registros históricos que apontem sua existência antes de 1400 D.C. Sendo um dos primeiros registros de cartas semelhantes ao atual Tarô, é o de Visconti-Sforza, produzido em Milão, na Itália. Ao passar dos séculos, somente em meados de 1690 a 1790 que o Tarô consagrou-se com sua numeração padrão de 78 cartas, e então, temos a aparição do Tarô de Marselha que se fez popular entre as côrtes, e que foi assim difundido por toda a Europa Continental sendo visto como jogo de azar e adivinhação. As cartas eram limitadas, sendo feitas em xilogravuras em papel, e como o comércio do papel ainda era limitado à elite, somente a realeza tinha acesso.
Outra curiosidade interessante, é que o nome Tarot ou Tarô não tem uma etimologia específica. Registros indicam que houveram alterações na nomenclatura, em meados do século XIV o tarô era nomeado de ludus cartarum, também passou a ser chamado de naibis, e, em determinado período que data do século XIV ao fim do século XV foi classificado como tarocco ou tarochino. O nome Tarot começou a ser utilizado a partir de 1590, tendo origem na França junto a classe de artesãos e artistas da época. Alguns dizem que Tarot é um acróstico para Torat/Torá, livro antigo da religião judaica. Outros dizem que o significado é “estrada da Vida”.
Os Arcanos como são conhecidos atualmente, também não tinham esse nome, eram chamados de naibis e/ou trunfo.
Somente a partir do século XVIII que temos o Tarot evidenciado em obras dos principais ocultistas da época, como Gebelin, Eteilla, Eliphas Levi, Papus e A. E. Waite, que trazem o Tarot para as ordens esotéricas aprofundando os estudos nestes círculos herméticos e místicos.
O Tarot permaneceu na zona de conforto da Europa Ocidental até metade do século XVIII e início do século XIX quando chegou aos EUA. Somente a partir da década de 40 a 1980 que o Tarot chegou às terras Sul Americanas.
Explorando os Arcanos do Tarô Antigo
Os Arcanos Maiores do Tarô são compostos de 22 cartas, e representam os principais temas e ciclos de vida. Eles estão associados ao caminho espiritual e podem nos ajudar a conhecer nossos desejos e motivações mais profundos. Sendo iniciado no Arcano 0 ou sem número O Louco e finalizando a jornada no Arcano XXI O Mundo. 
Passando por etapas de descobrimento de suas vontades, o Louco transita para seu autoconhecimento descobrindo-se ou encontrando-se com ou como O Mago, A Sacerdotisa, A Imperatriz, O Imperador e o Hierofante. 
Sequenciando o caminho do livre-arbítrio, onde já possui seu poder pessoal e de escolha se depara com o Arcano: Os Enamorados. 
Decidindo então prosseguir, entende o que é prazer quando depara-se em seu verdadeiro íntimo os Arcanos: O Carro, A Força (R. W. Smith) ¹, O Eremita, A Roda da Fortuna, A Justiça. E para todo prazer a dor aparece no caminho, levando o Ser a compreender que as escolhas feitas anteriormente são confrontadas no presente, sendo sequenciado pelos Arcanos: O Enforcado, A Morte, A Temperança, O Diabo, A Torre.
E mesmo quando tudo desaba, ainda há esperança na jornada, O Louco encontra A Estrela. Então decide evoluir, olha para os astros e segue no caminho, encontrando A Lua, O Sol, O Julgamento, e por fim O Mundo. Quando encontra-se em seu ápice, retorna à estaca zero, pois tudo está em movimento. A serpente engole a própria cauda.²
Os Arcanos Menores são compostos de 56 cartas, e estão divididos em quatro naipes: Paus, Copas, Espadas e Ouros. Cada naipe está associado a um elemento diferente (Fogo, Água, Ar e Terra), e pode nos ajudar a obter uma visão da nossa situação atual e das energias que estão em ação em nossas vidas.
¹ Rider-Waite Smith, Tarot desenhado por Pamela Smith, a primeira mulher a desenhar Arcanos para o Tarot, e reinventado por E. A. Waite preferiu deixar a carta da Justiça como Arcano XI, como o senso de justiça remete ao equilíbrio.
² Ouroboros é um símbolo antigo e versátil que é rico em significados e interpretações variadas. Senso de eternidade.
A Expansão do Tarô - Da Renascença à New AGE
O Tarô se espalhou pela Europa nos séculos XVI e XVII, pois a Renascença e o Iluminismo trouxeram um interesse pelo ocultismo e pela adivinhação. Os decks de Tarô foram expandidos e modificados para refletir os tempos de mudança, e uma variedade de novos decks foram criados. Durante este período, o Tarô foi usado como uma ferramenta de adivinhação e uma forma de obter uma visão do futuro.
O Tarô foi abraçado pelos ocultistas do Renascimento e do Iluminismo, que o utilizaram para explorar os mistérios do universo. Eles acreditavam que o Tarô continha sabedoria oculta, e que estudando as cartas eles poderiam obter uma visão das forças ocultas do universo. O Tarô também era usado para explorar o caminho espiritual, e para obter uma visão sobre a psique humana.
O Tarô redesenhado e reconfigurado por Arthur Edward Waite e por Pamela Smith foi um momento que trouxe maior amplitude a interpretação dos Arcanos, principalmente dos menores, pois antes desta, o tradicional Tarot de Marselha, a qual A.E Waite pegou referências, somente os Arcanos Maiores eram ilustrados, já os menores apresentavam apenas os símbolos do naipe ilustrados nas lâminas.
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Com isso ganhou grande notoriedade e difundiu a sua releitura e interpretação dos Arcanos às ordens místicas do oriente. 
Até hoje nos dias atuais o Tarot de Waite é o mais vendido e muitos preferem sua leitura, pois as imagens evidenciam com facilidade a interpretação na tiragem. 
Eis que em meados da década de 40 surge o famoso ocultista Aleister Crowley que com toda sua base cabalista, e com sua rica bagagem obtida pela passagem na ordem iniciática Golden Dawn cria junto a artista Frida Harris O Tarot de Crowley, baseado no livro que ele mesmo escreve O Livro de Thoth. 
Crowley, embasa em seus estudos e aplica severamente aos Arcanos a própria visão advinda do sistema magicko Thelema ¹ e a Qabalah (Árvore da Vida). 
Crowley trouxe uma nova roupagem para a maneira de interpretação dos Arcanos, inclusive trocando o nome de grande parte destes.
Um dos maiores ocultistas da história Aleister Crowley (1875/1947), deixou seu legado onde grande parte de artistas da década de 1970, como The Beatles, Raul Seixas, Paulo Coelho, entre outros, traziam em suas obras inspirações advindas deste mesmo.
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Agora no século XXI assistimos um ressurgimento do interesse pelo Tarô, com uma variedade de novos decks e abordagens do Tarô sendo criados. O Tarô está sendo abraçado por uma geração mais jovem, que o está usando para explorar os mistérios do universo e para obter uma visão mais clara de suas vidas.
Além disso, outros métodos vêm sendo utilizados para abordagens terapêuticas, para obter uma visão sobre nossos sentimentos e emoções. Hoje difundido pela internet apresenta-se como ferramenta versátil, viralizando nas maiores redes sociais e comunidades pela internet.
¹ é uma filosofia religiosa baseada em um postulado de mesmo nome, adotado como princípio fundamental por algumas organizações ocultistas, desenvolvida no início de 1900 por Aleister Crowley, um escritor inglês e mago cerimonial. A lei de Thelema é "Fazes o que tu queres, há de ser o todo da Lei.
Aprenda Tarô - Os primeiros degraus
Aprender a ler cartas de Tarô pode ser uma tarefa difícil e esmagadora. O Tarô é um sistema complexo, e pode levar tempo para entender os símbolos e significados das cartas. Mas não se preocupe, como já diz o velho ditado “ninguém nasce sabendo”. Aqui estão algumas dicas para ajudar você a aprender a ler as cartas de Tarô:
Leia, leia, e leia bastante! Tenha sempre junto de você seu diário mágico! Nele você anotará todas as suas interpretações, dúvidas e futuras tiragens.
Recomendo muito iniciar os estudos através dos livros do Nei Naiff, um importante escritor brasileiro que trabalha com o Tarô há praticamente 3 décadas.
A internet é ilimitada e tem conteúdos valiosíssimos para quem procurar corretamente. Consuma criadores de conteúdo que abordam o Tarot em suas diversas faces. Uma boa indicação é o canal Tarô Solar no YouTube.
Adquira um Deck de Tarô! Importante para que você siga com seus estudos e pratique. Além de meditar sobre as cartas e sua simbologia. É importante você ter pelo menos um.
Aprenda os Arcanos Maiores: Os Arcanos Maiores são as cartas mais importantes, e representam os principais temas e ciclos da vida. Reserve um tempo para aprender o significado de cada carta e anote cada minúcia e sua interpretação.
Aprenda os Arcanos Menores: Os Arcanos Menores são os fatos, e representam os aspectos mundanos da vida. Anote também seus significados no seu diário.
Entenda os métodos de jogo: Aprender a ler as cartas de Tarô não se trata apenas de entender as cartas, mas também de entender os métodos. Reserve um tempo para aprender os diferentes métodos, um simples para iniciar é com três cartas, mais pra frente vou ensinar por aqui este e outros métodos. 
Prática: A melhor maneira de aprender Tarô é praticar. Assim como para tudo em nossa vida. A prática leva a perfeição! Lembrando que o estudo do Tarot é infinito. Veja, tratam-se de centenas de anos e um único enigma, o Tarot.
O tarô é uma antiga prática de adivinhação, e tem suas raízes em uma variedade de culturas e tradições. Neste artigo, exploramos a fascinante história do Tarô, desde sua origem nos tempos antigos até seu uso moderno. Exploramos os diferentes tipos de baralhos de Tarô, também fornecemos um guia para aprender a ler as cartas de Tarô.
O Tarô é uma prática antiga que tem sido usada durante séculos para obter uma visão do futuro e para buscar respostas às perguntas da vida. É uma ferramenta incrivelmente poderosa, e pode ser usada para explorar os mistérios do universo e para obter uma visão mais profunda de nosso íntimo, escolhas e ações. Se você estiver interessado em explorar os mistérios do Tarô, não deixe de conferir minhas outras redes sociais:
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@intuitivamente77
Vou deixar aqui para vocês alguns links para Decks e livros de Tarot que servirão de ajuda no aprendizado.
Nei Naiff estudo completo do Tarô https://amzn.to/3E6IxzL
Tarot Rider Waite https://amzn.to/3Yu1WD2
The book Of Thoth by Aleister Crowley https://amzn.to/3HXDDGD
O Tarot Mitológico https://amzn.to/40QwpwH
Gilded Tarot Royale https://amzn.to/3XndTcg
Manual Prático do Tarot https://amzn.to/3lzRLhF
História do Tarô https://amzn.to/3jRWpHe
Obrigado por chegarem até aqui! Nos vemos em breve! 
Todos os direitos reservados Intuitivamente77 Ⓡ
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(via How Waite's Contempt of the Minor Arcana Reinvented Tarot)
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inlakinslabyrinth · 1 year
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the-cricket-chirps · 4 months
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Leonora Carrington
(Tarot Card) ca. 1955
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servantofthefates · 2 years
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Soprafino Tarot | 1835
Essentially the Italian Marseille, the Soprafino was one of the 19th century’s most popular tarot decks.
In this faithful reproduction, Osvaldo Menegazzi copied even the smallest stains and imperfections when he hand-painted the cards, to absolutely preserve their authenticity.
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rhianna · 4 months
The Fool with zero, from Vergnano Tarot (cropped).jpg
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icyg4l · 3 months
Pick-A-Girl Group: What Purpose Do the Women In Your Life Serve?
Continuing on with my Women’s History Month series, I am going to do a reading on how the women in your life feel about you and the effect of these feelings. I am going to be using the True Heart Tarot Deck and the Archetype Oracle Deck. These readings are supposed to uplift, relate to and inspire women so I hope they serve their purpose. I Without further ado, please pick your pile. 🫶
***Disclaimer: Regardless of your gender identity, the women that are in your life deserve to be celebrated as long as they have pure intentions. Much love. 🩷
Left-to-Right (1-4):
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Pile One: If you resonate with the image of FLO, then you deserve the whole fucking world. Pile One, the women in your life absolutely adore you. You probably resonate with the song’s theme: recognizing beauty in yourself when everyone is against you, specifically as a black woman. You have come such a long way. The women that are currently in your life have seen you make mistakes and allowed you to do so. They recognize your evolution. A lot of you have a best friend who you’ve been friends with for a long time and she is so proud of you. She is proud of the person that you have become. This pile has some cheerleaders around them. I feel like the women in your life are meant to take inspiration from what you are going through right now. I think that you may be going through your redemption arc.You’re forgiving yourself for a lot of things that you’ve done in the past. The women in your life see that and are following suit. After all, living life does mean not being a robot. These women who are around you are all ears, very receptive to what it is that you are doing with your life. You’re like their Oprah, lol. If you have a story to tell, share it with her. She may need to hear it. I channeled the show: Beyond Scared Straight; specifically the parts where the prisoners talk to the kids about their life stories and the reasoning for why they should not end up in jail. I feel like you could be someone’s mentor, whether they’re younger or the same age as you, perhaps even older. You are someone’s Reesa Teesa too, lol. I get the feeling that you need to be talking about yourself, Pile One. There is an audience full of women who are willing to hear you out and listen. When I pulled from the oracle deck, I got the following cards: 
God: Benevolence and compassion. Recognizing the eternal force within yourself and others/Despotism and cruelty. Using power to control people 
Mother: Nurturance, patience, unconditional love. Joy in giving birth to life/Smothering or abandoning children. Instilling guilt in children for becoming independent.
Poet: Expresses soul insights in symbolic language/Turns a lyric gift to negative or destructive effect. 
Cards Used: 2 of Swords, 4 of Discs, 9 of Cups, Prince of Wands (RX), King of Discs, Four of Cups, Temperance.
Pile Two: If you resonate with the photo of Destiny’s Child, you got some ride or dies around you for real. I think that you’ve been through hell and back with the women in your life and they do not play about you. I think the women in your life want you to know that you are so worth it. I’m not going to lie Pile Two, it sounds like you’re in a toxic love situation and your girls want you out of it. Your friends, cousin or little sister could have told you that you need to exit stage left multiple times. They absolutely believe you deserve better. Hypothetically speaking, If y’all fell out today and an emergency happened tomorrow, they would be on the way to the hospital. I feel like family is so important to you. They feel like you’ve forgot about them but I don’t think that you have. Circumstances make it difficult for you all to see eye-to-eye. The women in your life want you to know that you are not alone. They will forever be there for you no matter what, even if you have lost your damn mind. These challenging times will make the bond between you and these women stronger. When I pulled from the oracle deck, I got the following cards: 
Artist: Expressing a dimension of life that is beyond the five senses. Inspiring others to see life symbolically / Using talent as an excuse to mistreat others. Posing as the Starving Artist to elicit pity.
God:  Benevolence and compassion. Recognizing the eternal force within yourself and others / Despotism and cruelty. Using power to control people 
Goddess: The feminine expressed through wisdom. Nature, life force, and sensuality / Exploitation of the female nature and form 
Cards Used: Ace of Discs, 9 of Swords, Princess of Cups (RX), Prince of Discs, The Hierophant, Princess of Discs, 4 of Cups (RX), The Devil (RX), 10 of Cups.
Pile Three: If you resonate with the photo of TWICE, you got the grandmother spirit around you. Did you grow up in the church? Or at least with a god-fearing grandmother? I feel like the women in your life hate to see you unhappy and this is what you’re feeling right now. I think that you may be uninspired/unfulfilled with what life is giving you right now. It’s not an uncommon feeling. But smiling can make all the difference. The women in your life want to see you smile, make you smile and laugh. They want to be there for you like how your grandmother was. No one will ever replace Granny but her presence is always there. You may be questioning God/your higher powers because of something that deeply affected you. But the women around you want you to not feel ashamed or want you to feel like they are judging you. They have been in the same predicament. They only want to see you get better. They hate to see you like this. It may be hard to do this but look at the glass half full, rather than half empty. They want you to get back to yourself, the version of you that isn’t defeated. When I pulled from the oracle deck, I got the following cards: 
Child: Nature: Friendships with animals. Communication with nature spirits / Tendency to abuse animals, people and the environment. 
Destroyer: Releasing what is potentially destructive. Preparing for new life / Intoxication with destructive power. Destroying others’ dreams or potential.
Child: Magical: Seeing the potential for sacred beauty in all things. The belief that everything is possible / Pessimism, depression and disbelief in miracles. Believing that energy and action are not required for growth.
Cards Used: The Devil, Princess of Cups, The Star, Judgment, The Moon, Temperance, Seven of Swords.
Pile Four: And lastly, if you resonated with the photo of the Spice Girls, you seem very sensual. Are you a SWer? Do you attend pole dancing classes for fun? Do you know someone who does either of these things? I feel like the women in your life appreciate how physical you are. You’re probably an artist and you're sensitive about your shit too. The women in your life feel as though you have a lot of talents. You’re very multifaceted and they love to brag about it, especially the older women. You could been the cousin who had to show off the latest dance move. So as a result, you became the leader of the pack. You can be naturally nurturing but it can drain you. The women around you feel like you need to put up some boundaries so that you can still worry about you. They respect your quality of being a giver, but do you even respect yours-[GUNSHOT]. There is a woman that you are close to that admires a quality that you hate. She compliments it any chance she can get because she wants to uplift you. I feel like people always try to touch you, whether it’s your hair, your arms, or even your butt. The women around you could immediately shut it down or call them out or defend it. They want to protect your innocence. Even though you are grown, you have that ingenue within you. They know how you can get (especially while under the influence) so they refuse to let you get that way. When I pulled from my oracle deck, I got the following cards: 
Servant: Delight in serving others with a free and loving heart / Using the lack of money as an excuse not to move forward with life 
Bully: Highlights your tendency to intimidate others. Helps you confront the inner fears that bully you / Conceals deep fears behind verbal or physical abuse.
Hedonist: Inspires creative energy to embrace the good things in life. Celebrates the beauty in yourself / Pursues pleasure to the detriment of health. Indulges at the expense of others.
Cards Used: The Star, The Lovers, Judgment, The Emperor, 7 of Cups, 10 of Swords, Ace of Cups, The Moon, 8 of Cups (RX).
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thelordofsiriusblog · 8 months
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outsidereveries · 1 year
Hello. You should read on how ancient Egypt was like? And wheres your master list? I don't want to break your rules!
out of topic: my masterlist; it’s usually on the pinned post in my nav but oh well
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king of pentacles, the chariot rx, ten of cups, the tower, the hermit • 10 of swords rx
they were really powerful nation. really experienced, really balanced, really cautious if needed, with really satisfying amount of resources, no matter food or anything else.
although at some points there were delays that led ancient Egypt to lack of specific direction if needed, there were definitely happiness in the ancient egyptians’ life. i do feel there were troubles when their nation is happy for some reason: was this because they had Nile that was helping them having crops? because everyone around them wanted piece of this, right?
there were points that shifted the nation. the tower being here, i can feel the shock, the sudden change and the worries because of it. all because of the chariot reversed. egyptians before wanted simpler things: to live well. nothing else.
in conclusion, it looks like egyptians had to adapt 😐
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