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Kedi. Dir. Ceyda Torun. 2016.
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Apparently a new Major Grom/Майор Гром movie just came out (like a week ago) and now I have to wait until it's available to watch online in good quality because I refuse to besmirch this potential masterpiece by watching it in 360p with barely distinguishable audio.
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The 佥 Characters
A quick guide to the different characters using 佥!
脸 (liǎn) 1. Face 2. The front part of something e.g. a shop 3. Self-respect
险 (xiǎn) 1. Insurance e.g. Health insurance, car insurance 2. A place difficult to access
验 (yàn) 1. To check, test or inspect something e.g. a blood test, to check a passport
剑 (jiàn) 1. A sword, dagger or sabre
检 (jiǎn) 1. To check, inspect or examine something
签 (qiān) 1. To sign something e.g. a contract, a document
捡 (jiǎn) 1. To gather or collect something
俭 (jiǎn) 1. This is an adjective meaning frugal
睑 (jiǎn) 1. An eyelid: Upper eyelid - 上睑 Lower eyelid - 下睑
佥 (qiān) 1. This character isn't really used that often, but in classical Chinese it's used to mean together
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Life in China #12 Weather in the South
The weather here is even more unpredictable than that of the UK. The day started out unexpectedly hot, hitting 34-35 with the air more humid than a sauna, and it ended with a thunderstorm and feeling like I was inhaling water everytime I breathed in.
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The Great Wall of China 万里长城 2024.
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BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out <33
Aww thank you!! <3
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BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out <33
Aww thank you!🥺💖💖 <3
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The 青 characters
Here's another post explaining the difference between characters with similar radicals, so here's a quick guide to 青!
请 (qǐng) 1. To ask, request 2. To treat (someone to a meal etc.)
清 (qīng) 1. To clean,clear
青 (qīng) 1. Green/blue color 2. An abbreviation for young people 年青人
情 (qíng) 1. A feeling, emotion
晴 (qíng) 1. Fine, clear e.g. Clear weather
静 (jìng) 1. Quiet, peacegul
睛 (jīng) 1. Eye, eyeball
猜 (cāi) 1. To guess, suspect, speculate
精 (jīng) 1. Energy, spirit, essence
靖 (jìng) 1. This also means quiet, peaceful but it's a more older form. 2. A surname
腈 (jīng) 1. Nitrile, acrylic
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Study Musings #1
Trying to finish my presentation and inevitably spending at least half an hour trying to pick the perfect template only to finally end up choosing the original template that I was considering.
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P-Verbs in Chinese
Most commonly used verbs starting with P in Chinese!
Participate - 参加 - cānjiā
Perform - 表演 - biǎoyǎn
Persuade - 劝说 - quànshuō
Plan - 计划 - jìhuà
Play - 玩 - wán
Point out - 指出 - zhǐchū
Prepare - 准备 - zhǔnbèi
Present - 展示 - zhǎnshì
Prevent - 防止 - fángzhǐ
Produce - 生产 - shēngchǎn
Promise - 承诺 - chéngnuò
Protect - 保护 - bǎohù
Provide - 提供 - tígōng
Publish - 发布 - fābù
Pull - 拉 - lā
Push - 推 - tuī
Put down - 放下 - fàngxià
Pay - 付款 - fùkuǎn
Practice - 练习 - liànxí
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The totally normal feeling of buying an iced tea on a humid dizzy day from my chinese university's family mart whilst they have an old 2010s BigBang song (blue i think?) blaring in the background, instantly transporting me 9 years back to warm summer evenings listening to exactly the same music drinking a similar tea.
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I FINALLY finished reading Master and Margarita.
I have no words to describe just how long it took me to finish reading this one single book, but now that I did I can finally cross it out on my main reading list after it has been waiting there ever since the pandemic.
That's why I decided to finally get around watching the most recent Master and Margarita movie and honestly? Not bad.
Plotwise I think they did great considering the amount of material that they had to fit into a 2hr 30min-ish movie.
The casting was spot-on, the German actor August Diehl played Woland/The Devil, which was really surprising as his Russian was really good.
Another pleasant surprise was that the actor who played Satan (Yuri Kolokolnikov, he was also in GoT!) in Doomsday/Конец света starred along as Koroviev, which really showed a new interesting side to his acting.
Music, costumes and especially the scenery was really good, my only slight disappointment was that Behemoth the cat got significantly less screen-time and that he wasn't as behemoth and chaotic as described (see below - I just think that the movie Behemoth doesn't really match the energy of the book Behemoth)
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Nonetheless, it's a solid 8 from me, so I recommend checking out Мастер и Маргарита/ Master and Margarita!
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♥️ love train! send this to all the blogs you love! don’t forget to spread the love! ♥️ (no pressure only if u want to ofc)
Aww thank you! 💖💖
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