starful-emporium · 6 hours
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“Look darling - we’re trending!”
Happy Pride Month! 🌈
Fantasy High Junior Year on Dimension 20 was a WILD RIDE and I had so much fun! Happy to kick off Pride Month with these cutie patootie lesbian goddess wives. I love their color palette like OMGGG.
@caitmayart was such an inspiration this season with all her gorgeous art!
I’m hoping to do one full piece each week for the month featuring some of my favorite queer characters, since I won’t have the time to do daily art. BUT I am prepared for RadioApple Week and I’m still working on the Southern Comfort Food series!
Copics, gel pens, and washi tape from Notebook Therapy (Twilight Hour and Golden Hour collections)
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starful-emporium · 11 hours
this pride month i pray for free and safe Palestine for all my fellow queer Palestinians and for everyone
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starful-emporium · 11 hours
Can your please just share my linke on you profile to help my family evacuate Gaza
Pleas small things do alot for my family
Here is the link
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starful-emporium · 13 hours
happy pride with the bad kids!
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starful-emporium · 16 hours
in honor of pride month, here's the time I came out to my sister and she responded with a photo of the dog
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starful-emporium · 16 hours
good morning, remember that when you're doing pride solidarity stuff on tumblr that You and Your Friends and Your Supporters are simply using tumblr as your platform. do not ever give credit to tumblr itself. down to its core, its foundation, its ceo and its staff, tumblr is a irrevocably transphobic platform that routinely shuts down transgender people and hits them with undue censorship at every opportunity. this is the site whose ceo personally perma banned a trans woman, leaked all of her sideblogs and chased her to twitter to continue harassing her. do not fall for the vivian celebration posting, it's all a smokescreen. it's all corporate damage control. don't buy it for a second. stop buying badges and paying for blazes.
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starful-emporium · 16 hours
Reminder to use your public library and all the resources they have it makes their numbers look good and good numbers mean the library is likely to either keep the money they are currently getting or even get more money to fund more things! Use your library!
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starful-emporium · 17 hours
It enrages me everytime it dawns on me that there is no graduating class in Gaza this year.
How maddening it is to think that just last summer I watched as Al-Shaima Akram celebrated received the news that she got the highest score in all of Palestine in her high school examination, not knowing that come October, Israel will kill her and her family and all the joy that was left.
No tawjihi celebration videos will come out of Gaza this year and that is devastating.
Since October, Israel had destroyed every university in Gaza and destroyed 80% of schools, killing hundreds of teachers and professor and thousands of students in its deliberate attempt to destroy Gaza's education system along with everything else.
In the words of Gazan poet Khaled Juma "the school year that never started in Gaza has come to an end". No last day of school bells, no kids celebrating the last day of school. All these joyful sounds have been drowned out by the sounds of bombs. No deadline extension requests for final projects, missiles had their final say.
No graduation ceremonies when parents are instead burying their children. No plans are made for the summer either, when everyone is busy counting the days and the dead.
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starful-emporium · 1 day
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STAY SAFE!! [ID: the Gilbert Baker pride flag with the words “Happy pride to all those who are unable to celebrate openly and safely. You are loved and seen!” in all-caps black text over it. /end ID]
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starful-emporium · 2 days
Mahmoud Hilles owner of the donation campaign. The campaign is to get my family out of Gaza and to Egypt. Please participate🌹🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🌹😭😭
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Please donate if you can! Mahmoud hasn't seen his children in 7 years and is raising money for them to evacuate and reunite.
May God protect your family♥️🇵🇸
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starful-emporium · 2 days
new meme format?
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starful-emporium · 2 days
just saw that Jeremy Renner was cast in Knives Out 3 so i can only assume that the movie will be a medical thriller and he will be playing musky divorcée Dr. Green Hunter
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starful-emporium · 2 days
I stumbled across Zac’s old (2020) stream of him playing Animal Crossing with Emily and all I can picture is Gorgug and Fig 😂😂
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(dialogue from 2:28:50 of the vid, poses from 2:31:05)
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starful-emporium · 3 days
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Brennan when his friends use the spell he homebrewed for them
Brennan when his friends use the spell he homebrewed for them
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starful-emporium · 3 days
Take a wild guess which I was
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starful-emporium · 3 days
Bad Kids queer headcanons (excluding canon stuff lol)
Kristen is def someone who considers her gender as just "lesbian." being raised with the definition of woman being so strict and het normative, they can't connect to "woman" in a meaningful way, and uses any pronouns.
Gorgug is a bigender bitch if ive ever seen one. think i rb'd from the op of that headcanon a bit ago, they were saying how well it fits with his barbificer arc and just. Yes. Correct. She/he gorgug ftw.
Riz is fully uninterested in the whole gender thing. triple a vibes 100%, specifically the ambivalent kind. is okay with any pronouns but has no motivation to switch from he/him.
Fig being transfem <3 something about growing up as one thing and then suddenly becoming another, having your body do things outside your control and visibly weird. just gahhh perfect little niche to occupy my brain.
Adaine aro-allo truthers rise up! Seriously this girl does not want romantic intimacy, she would like the occasional casual date and getting her kisses in, and that's all, thanks.
Fabian is schrodinger's queer. hasn't connected the dots that liking men and women makes him bi. also has no idea how to separate jealousy and crushes, mostly bc his dad taught him to view other men as competition.
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starful-emporium · 3 days
my dog and 1 of my cats always watch me when i do my t shots and a couple ppl have told me their pets do the same thing when they do their injections so now im curious
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