system-of-a-feather · 28 minutes
just saw multiple people asking in the comments of a post if they can use and wear a carabiner for their keys if they're bi or otherwise not a lesbian and I simply have to ask if people know that carabiners are used for many purposes beyond signaling lesbianism. like girl they were invented in the early modern period for their functional use as a clasp it's not like they're some closed lesbian practice......
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It's reminiscent of petting a sea urchin right now
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grackle should be a verb. it’s what grackles do. they’re just grackling. petition to change the name of bird to grackler bc they grackle
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system-of-a-feather · 2 hours
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Barnevelder oc that's been in my wips forever
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system-of-a-feather · 7 hours
Yall, can someone explain to me why people try to engage in discourse on someone's blog who clearly states that they have no real opinion or stance on a discourse topic? Like I'm not the only one whose gotten it cause I've seen it on other blogs, but why do some people on tumblr dot com feel the need to send anons at other anons through a blog that does not care for the topic.
Just make your own post about it and don't make a random third party mediate and get spammed with it.
I'm not gonna humor it because I really don't like pointless noise filling my chill space, but come on guys.
There's more to life than arguments and laughing at each other's statements and concerns.
People have a lot going on in their life, no need to hold onto small issues and make them into anything more than a one off.
I have no ill feelings or judgement to the confused anon and I'm not at all interested in furthering the discussion into anything larger.
DNI people that want to talk about DNI discourse. (JOKING, SHITPOST)
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system-of-a-feather · 8 hours
I wasn't hating or being aggressive that's just how I type.
Oh okay.
I was just like "is reading a DNI that scary" I read as a bit of a snarky / mockery tone and so it came off as a bit needlessly aggressive.
Have a good day 👋
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system-of-a-feather · 8 hours
I guess to answer the question.... nothing really?
I don't think there is anything wrong with having a DNI.
So uh... 👍
If I said anything that would state the otherwise, maybe uh, re-read cause I don't think we should piss on the poor either.
What's wrong with having a DNI? what if you don't want pedos on your blog? Is reading a dni that scary?
...??? I'm??? not even??? sure what this is??? referring to????
I have no real issues with DNIs like, they're not my thing but, to each their own.
The best guess as to what this is referring to is maybe the post I made like a week (or two? not sure time still flies) about how I think some people take the "if you sit down at a table of 4 nazis there is now a table of 5 nazis" to extents that aren't productive and produce echo chambers and I might have mentioned something about DNIs as an off shoot comment / tangentially related comment??
But like its literally fine to not interact with people you don't want to interact with and asking people you don't want interacting with you / your blog to not interact. This is tumblr dot com and a place for entertainment and what not.
If I did say something about DNIs in that post, I think you are 1) missing the point of the original post and focusing on the wrong detail cause none of that post was meant to be about DNI discourse and 2) That post wasn't meant to be a judgement or value statement on really anything as much as an observation of a potential problem and 3) I really don't know why you seem so heated about it to send this like...
Sir this is a Wendys.
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system-of-a-feather · 8 hours
What's wrong with having a DNI? what if you don't want pedos on your blog? Is reading a dni that scary?
...??? I'm??? not even??? sure what this is??? referring to????
I have no real issues with DNIs like, they're not my thing but, to each their own.
The best guess as to what this is referring to is maybe the post I made like a week (or two? not sure time still flies) about how I think some people take the "if you sit down at a table of 4 nazis there is now a table of 5 nazis" to extents that aren't productive and produce echo chambers and I might have mentioned something about DNIs as an off shoot comment / tangentially related comment??
But like its literally fine to not interact with people you don't want to interact with and asking people you don't want interacting with you / your blog to not interact. This is tumblr dot com and a place for entertainment and what not.
If I did say something about DNIs in that post, I think you are 1) missing the point of the original post and focusing on the wrong detail cause none of that post was meant to be about DNI discourse and 2) That post wasn't meant to be a judgement or value statement on really anything as much as an observation of a potential problem and 3) I really don't know why you seem so heated about it to send this like...
Sir this is a Wendys.
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I am realizing this whole post radiates "holy fucking optimist" because the TLDR is "my entire life, childhood, and understanding of my trauma that directed and informed my entire life, world view, and ways I interacted with myself was a lie, but hey, I prefer it being a lie and reality is SO much better so I have no complaints"
I think one of the wildest things about recovery thus far - particularly as a system with at least heavy psychological abuse and arguable programming - is just really realizing how much of my trauma narrative I've lived my whole life with was largely manufactured and wrong.
I'm not meaning in the sense 'its a lie' or 'I don't have trauma' because the foundation of my narrative was correct; my parents were abusive and neglectful, they were harmful and traumatizing
But the details and the impact and the understanding of my childhood and trauma was so fucking shaped, curated, controlled and directed by my sister - who until literally 21 or 22 I thought was my ONLY positive and supportive person in my life even when she was a leading player in our CSA
And at a certain point - I don't even remember what exactly, I think it started with XIV, then Data and Jii sharing concerning things, then her own actions both confirming and validating it - we really realized, of all our abusers and all our trauma-makers, our sister has and always been the most insidious
Because she was the ONLY supportive older person in our life and because she had been toying with us and our dissociative amnesia since before we could generally reliably remember things and she really got in there really young, we never really seemed to ever question ANYTHING she told us. She told us how our parents were. She told us how the world works. She told us how we had to act and how wed die if we didnt. She told us of conditions we didn't have but fully believed we did and how to cope with them. Our whole understanding of our family, life, and medical / physiological conditions were really almost entirely shaped by her.
And the past two or three years since we cut her off and humored challenging everything we learned from her? Realizing how much of it was controlling BS and just straight up wrong?
Most specifically, realizing that my parents were dumb and traumatized but genuinely doing what they could with what they knew to support us to the best of their ability? Most specifically that my parents, especially older, would really do whatever they can to make sure we suffer as little as possible and grow to be independent? Most specifically that they genuinely just want fair appreciation for massive financial help and nothing more when they offer HUGE support????
I have been regularly attacking my parents, denying support because its a "controlling trap", and fighting with my parents to defend my oldest sister for SO many years when literally it was all fucking because??? ???
My sister is mentally ill and traumatized so I also dont think she lied about the trauma / family / world perspectives she had but good god, to be the guinea pig, puppet, toy and projection project of someone so intensely not coping, not well, traumatized, paranoid (likely clinical) and refusing to seek help due to aforementioned paranoia.
Fuckin hell man
I vent about this more because its absurd and less because it hurts because honestly, the reality that I've learned is way nicer and preferred to the hell story I lived my life under
As much as it sucks, Im glad and happy to find out it was all wrong and my life is way better
But holy fucking shit is it a mind fuck to have your whole ass trauma narrative flipped on its head in two years after 6 years of PTSD / DID therapy
Save for like one abuser, all my most hated abusers are now some of my best supporters, and my only supporter is now the only person I have cut off.
Its so fucking wild
Especially as a fused whole because I just get random memories, a lot of good ones too, and really have to wonder What The Fuck Martha
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I think one of the wildest things about recovery thus far - particularly as a system with at least heavy psychological abuse and arguable programming - is just really realizing how much of my trauma narrative I've lived my whole life with was largely manufactured and wrong.
I'm not meaning in the sense 'its a lie' or 'I don't have trauma' because the foundation of my narrative was correct; my parents were abusive and neglectful, they were harmful and traumatizing
But the details and the impact and the understanding of my childhood and trauma was so fucking shaped, curated, controlled and directed by my sister - who until literally 21 or 22 I thought was my ONLY positive and supportive person in my life even when she was a leading player in our CSA
And at a certain point - I don't even remember what exactly, I think it started with XIV, then Data and Jii sharing concerning things, then her own actions both confirming and validating it - we really realized, of all our abusers and all our trauma-makers, our sister has and always been the most insidious
Because she was the ONLY supportive older person in our life and because she had been toying with us and our dissociative amnesia since before we could generally reliably remember things and she really got in there really young, we never really seemed to ever question ANYTHING she told us. She told us how our parents were. She told us how the world works. She told us how we had to act and how wed die if we didnt. She told us of conditions we didn't have but fully believed we did and how to cope with them. Our whole understanding of our family, life, and medical / physiological conditions were really almost entirely shaped by her.
And the past two or three years since we cut her off and humored challenging everything we learned from her? Realizing how much of it was controlling BS and just straight up wrong?
Most specifically, realizing that my parents were dumb and traumatized but genuinely doing what they could with what they knew to support us to the best of their ability? Most specifically that my parents, especially older, would really do whatever they can to make sure we suffer as little as possible and grow to be independent? Most specifically that they genuinely just want fair appreciation for massive financial help and nothing more when they offer HUGE support????
I have been regularly attacking my parents, denying support because its a "controlling trap", and fighting with my parents to defend my oldest sister for SO many years when literally it was all fucking because??? ???
My sister is mentally ill and traumatized so I also dont think she lied about the trauma / family / world perspectives she had but good god, to be the guinea pig, puppet, toy and projection project of someone so intensely not coping, not well, traumatized, paranoid (likely clinical) and refusing to seek help due to aforementioned paranoia.
Fuckin hell man
I vent about this more because its absurd and less because it hurts because honestly, the reality that I've learned is way nicer and preferred to the hell story I lived my life under
As much as it sucks, Im glad and happy to find out it was all wrong and my life is way better
But holy fucking shit is it a mind fuck to have your whole ass trauma narrative flipped on its head in two years after 6 years of PTSD / DID therapy
Save for like one abuser, all my most hated abusers are now some of my best supporters, and my only supporter is now the only person I have cut off.
Its so fucking wild
Especially as a fused whole because I just get random memories, a lot of good ones too, and really have to wonder What The Fuck Martha
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A comic about how our system (especially our host) feels about our experiences as a P-DID system, and our place in the system community as a P-DID system.
text written out under cut
"I wish we weren't a P-DID system."
"I've been the lone host of this system for 11+ years. The dominant part of it."
"It's been a lot to deal with."
"I wish I wasn't the host of our system."
"I wish I could switch out with someone willingly,"
"Because sometimes it's all too much."
"I know it would probably be just as - if not more- distressing."
"But sometimes I find myself envious of system that can switch and share responsibilities."
"I want to switch, but I'm also scared of the idea of letting go of front. Maybe that comes with being a P-DID system."
"I'm scared of what might happen if someone else fronted, alone."
"I feel guilty for thinking that, because I know of a handful of instances,"
"and all of them were FINE. Nobody even suspected it was Titan or Harby, not me."
"Of course, they only front very rarely. I can count all instances I know on two hands. And only when I physically can't front. Due to sleeping\being unconscioud or something similar."
"I feel bad that the others don't get time to do the things they want to."
"I feel like none of this might be real, because I rarely see people talk abt [about] P-DID experiences."
"I feel like an outsider in the system community."
"I wish there was a bigger P-DID community to share experiences with."
[text in boxes say: "*something about switches* #pdid" "*talk abt switching* #pdid" "*switching meme* #pdid" "*switching* #pdid" "*switches* pdid"] "I feel sad everytime I see post[s] about switching in the PDID tags. They remind me that's not me."
"You can't do that."
"I'm -- we're -- tired of constantly hearing P-DID is just the OSDD-1 of the ICD. We don't think they're the same at all."
"When we hear people with OSDD-1 share their experiences, we can't really relate. Neither subtype reflects our experience as a P-DID system."
"I feel broken and wrong."
"I feel like we don't belong in the system community."
"We don't share a lot of the common system experiences, because we have P-DID."
"But we don't feel like we belong to the singlets, either."
"We feel alone with our struggles."
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I honestly also know what I want to say and share and that doing so would be immensely helpful and Chunn brain would say "Do as a robin and don't think so much about it, if you want to do it simply do it, make like a robin" and if I wanted to I could make myself do that but I don't want to do exposure therapy atm and I think I might just settle and tell our fiance I >want< to talk about things, won't and don't want to fight my trauma brain, and that I could really just use some affectionate pats and care for the internal conversation I had as a nice acknowledgement for trying.
I'm honestly a scared and overwhelmed kid with little reliable and trustworthy adult support still, even when I'm not particularly in trauma space.
Man I think the hard thing about being a csa victim / survivor as an adult is that you never really got the chances to talk and engage in the discussion of sex and sexuality in a safe environment, because your first introduction to it was hostile, unsafe, and a lot of unfamiliar information thrown at you before you were ready and able to really understand or process it but also - when everyone else was exploring it - you were already pretty familiar with it in this botched forced-to-rapidly-learn adult manner and so you skipped the opportunity to ask questions or evaluate your understanding of it in a safe place that could actually help you understand it in a healthy and functional adult way.
Its really kind of uncomfortable to admit, but its hard to get out of a child's botched understanding of an adult activity when you've developed this understanding and had it repetitively reinforced while being excluded from normal developmental experiences.
I honestly kind of wish I had a place I could ask a trusted adult questions as a young teen should have been able to ask, but navigating it all as an adult who is also now a valid partner and is not seen as a minor is just... stressful and makes me paranoid of ulterior motives and I loose the ability to speak.
It honestly sucks.
(This is not an invite for support or advice or input; same hats and moods and relatable stuff is fine, but I don't want any advice or input or I will bite block you)
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Man I think the hard thing about being a csa victim / survivor as an adult is that you never really got the chances to talk and engage in the discussion of sex and sexuality in a safe environment, because your first introduction to it was hostile, unsafe, and a lot of unfamiliar information thrown at you before you were ready and able to really understand or process it but also - when everyone else was exploring it - you were already pretty familiar with it in this botched forced-to-rapidly-learn adult manner and so you skipped the opportunity to ask questions or evaluate your understanding of it in a safe place that could actually help you understand it in a healthy and functional adult way.
Its really kind of uncomfortable to admit, but its hard to get out of a child's botched understanding of an adult activity when you've developed this understanding and had it repetitively reinforced while being excluded from normal developmental experiences.
I honestly kind of wish I had a place I could ask a trusted adult questions as a young teen should have been able to ask, but navigating it all as an adult who is also now a valid partner and is not seen as a minor is just... stressful and makes me paranoid of ulterior motives and I loose the ability to speak.
It honestly sucks.
(This is not an invite for support or advice or input; same hats and moods and relatable stuff is fine, but I don't want any advice or input or I will bite block you)
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@venturingbones @londor @hiiragi7 @shinylyni @bellatrixobsessed1 and anyone who wants to do this
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tag game?
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no pressure, tagging: @draconicsnail @breezysuffers @sentient-tapioca @that1ghostsoph @praisephantom @liquidpaperfoundation @kamira19 + anyone else that wants to join
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“no one’s ever mad at me unless they tell me so” is the best assumption i’ve ever made
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Just a reminder for people that forget, science is largely done by people with PhDs and PhD is a Doctorate of Philosophy, this the "Ph"
People trying to divide philosophy and science and / or put philosophy down are largely missing the point that science and research is basically applied philosophy.
Science and philosophy are like birds and reptiles or squares and rectangles.
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It looks like pride but its actually her favorite toy to kill
She's actually homophobic
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