#|| I feel like people forget underneath the ice she is a chaotic neutral - it is right there /chaotic/ neutral
icecoldwilliams · 1 month
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|| Honestly fair warning, earning Nina's friendship or more is such a trip. Literally.
Some days you meet up and she barely talks, just shops on her phone, vibes w you in silence. Maybe invites you for drinks at a bar or to go shopping. Maybe a trip to a art museum, enjoy the high life together.
Others she's like "Want to take a helicopter out to this wreck of a cruise ship I sunk?" "Want to go street racing?" "Hey I know this great underground ring around here, want to go make some extra cash?"
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floraisondiadem · 3 years
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vanessa kirby . cisfemale . she/her . wasn’t that ofelia avita markoviæ walking the palace grounds ? it’s nice to see the lady in waiting out and about on such a fine day as this. I’ve heard from the court spies that they are notoriously taciturn, whilst also managing to be quite protean. the thirty year old is eager to find out who exactly is behind the killings from what’s being said at court. I heard that they themselves are vrajiit ( malleable anatomy & vocal replication ). it’s funny, whenever I think of them, I think of spiderweb cracks swiftly branching out across a surface, rows upon rows of faces lined up on a shelf ready to be borrowed and the porcelain reticence of a doll. great to see the mannequin around, isn’t it ?
full name: ofelia avita markoviæ meaning: ❛ advantage | life, son of the god of war ❜ nickname(s) | aliases: ophie, lia | avita markoviæ, ekho occupation; current | former lady in waiting | academy graduate, theater puppeteer home: danruba martial affiliation: unattached. pansexual. affiliation | alignment: herself | neutral chaotic, neutral neutral disposition { positive }; protean, courteous, discerning disposition { negative }; taciturn, abrasive, possessive notable physical traits: silver ear cuff piercing on left ear in the form of three rings intricately weaved with runes, a precautionary measure countering her guises. the faint scent of freesia.
tw: death, tw: body horror, tw: blood, tw: murder
✧ the twins ofelia and odysseus entered the world one dreary, wintry—she will never forget the cold, how it cradled her nor the flakes of snow that kissed her cheeks—morning in danruba to vrajiit wise woman solveig whom practiced the art of anthropomancy with eyes the color of glacial ice and her wife the elusive as the tide willonia; a boat maker turned bone carver, from animal bones to the bark on the skeletal trees does her touch reach and twist with a voice that demanded a bent knee from the seed of a man named alasdair.
✧ to fill any other spaces, any leaking cracks were the weaved tales solvieg told of the old gods, a heavy presence in the shape of another member upon the family tree or the presence little ofelia swore she could feel in those moments of her mother brushing her fingers through her hair to make a braid. she dared not look in the mirror, ofelia’s fear keeping her fidgety frame stilled. 
✧ willonia called them her little minnows as age progressed; brushing a hand across their cheeks the two didn’t understand why there was tears in their mothers’ eyes one day, the other parental no where to be seen not even a shadow, threatening to spill over nor the meaning behind such raw display of emotion. frantic were they to make it go away, wrapping arms around her in an embrace she did not return—but oh ofelia would understand later, on the battlefield, bloody and tired and so so cold as she buried the blade in her brothers throat—I’m sorry little minnow—leaving her lips in their mother’s voice, the hot gush of blood warmed her quivering hands briefly, odysseus’s look of shock blending with her gaze of animalistic fear and tracks of tears. cowardice, her mind hissed, a desire to live, she chokingly responded. fingers pressing against her brothers’ dead frame—that suddenly mirrored her own. 
✧ a drawn out tear soaked sigh, then she picked up the jagged rock.
✧ the two entered the academy together, hand in hand, only knowledge under their belts was the rough play they’d grown used to with the other children in the village. the fights ofelia would get into occasionally gifting the other party with a broken nose. inexperienced. but they knew how to bite at least. were quick on the feet. devouring gazes that ate up their lessons in spite of fumbles, in spite of ofelia’s revulsion towards the reason for the preparing. they grew apart there, different connections different interests different reasoning's for being here. for wanting to stay. ofelia nearly loosing herself within it’s walls. they exited the academy separately when the time came. ofelia’s only glimpse of odysseus is cursory.
✧ was it divine punishment? this memory, this crime that crushed her with guilt, twisted itself like her gift did to the flesh and left her voice a mock of what it used to be. two toned. as if another resided there in her throat, could be peered at if one dared close enough. a darker whisper nearly swallowing her own voice trapping her in that cycle of would she ever be her own again.
✧ connections, a recommendation, well oiled by honey dripping from tongue, praises the glacé. you’ll sing for another now little minnow. the abuse of her mother’s title, the blood that tied itself to her veins in which she hardly ever spoke of got ofelia placed in the position. a proper decoy. protection against assassination's. big words and a heavy duty placed upon shoulders that could easily let it crumble however the vrajiit are kin. she’d remain. 
⇢ P o w e r s & A b i l i t i e s;
malleable anatomy; user can modify the physiological features of oneself and others, including face, body, skin, or size (to a limited degree) to disguise or look like another person. while removing/concealing a body-part, like a finger, eye, etc., is possible, the user can't actually add anything new to the body-shape. they can, however, shift the flesh to a remarkable degree, although the changed being will always be recognizable as a member of their species.
vocal replication; user is able to mimic the voices of others or imitate sounds such as animal noises and explosions. any sound the user hears they can replicate with perfect clarity along with any manner the sound was made in.
⇢ W e a k n e s s ( e s ) | L i m i t a t i o n (s);
✧  the process to alter, to redesign, her features is rightfully so an agonizing one no matter the tolerance built. likened to pressing your face up against a gravel road and dragging. leaving the vrajiit vulnerable to attack while she redresses herself in the appearance of another using long nails to rip the skin revealing the new face underneath the gore.
✧ limited to hands, face, hair length and color. she has yet to attempt full body transformations. same goes for altering other people but their transformations don’t extend for a long period of time like hers does. 
✧ tries not to use this ability too much due to the pain it causes unless required of her.
✧ sounds that are too high or too low in sound frequency may be impossible to replicate or cause considerable strain on the user's body.
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disasteromnia · 5 years
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a hoe really out here doing this huh…anyway this is the short version of her profile and I’ll edit it once I complete everything….god I hope that happens soon
☃ 【Alesia’s Profile】 ☃
❄ Name Data  ❄ 
Xxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx
Chaos Trio Leader, Headache #1 (by Crowley)
Mom (by Ace & Kalim)
Tsundere (by close friends, usually just to make her more flustered)
イーラ (a hint to her real name!)
Alesia : “noble natured” ; a variant of the name Alice, which was derived from the Germanic name Adalheidis
❄ Personal Data  ❄ 
"January 18th"
Blood Type
AB (Rh-negative)
According to Ali, it’s always snowing in her hometown
Song Themes
“It’s Not Like I Like You!!” (painfully obvious lol)
❄ Professional Data  ❄ 
Night Raven College
2nd Year
Best subject(s)
Calligraphy, playing guitar, singing, stargazing
Under the cut : Personality, Background, Relationship, and Magic
❄ Personality ❄
Ali is a very gentle and friendly person, often befriending most people easily. She can also be quite reckless, always doing whatever she feels at the moment instead of thinking things through. She is often out causing chaos in Night Raven College with others (notably, Choco and Wende) much to the staff’s chagrin. She is also self aware of her annoyance and proudly claims herself as a 12 yr old, as if it were some sort of medal. 
Despite her usual childishness, Ali is very capable of stepping up to the responsibility when she feels like it. Usually, it’s when one of her friends is feeling down and needs someone to talk to. While she does allow others to come to her for comfort, she is very hesitant on relying on others for emotional support. She has a few people she openly cries to, but she never tells them why.
When she feels like the other party is comfortable enough with her, she will continue to talk to no end. Often, these conversations are without rhyme or reason as she just genuinely enjoys being able to be with friends. There is, however, a particular topic that she refuses to speak of. No matter how close someone may be to her, she will never talk about her time before Night Raven College. If anyone were to ask her why she refused to talk, she’d answer vaguely like how it was just a normal life before quickly changing topics. If someone were to try and pry the information out of her, she immediately acts cold and defensive, and the air around her starts becoming freezing. Depending on how hard they try to pry, she will not hesitate to cut off that person from her life right then and there.
As long as someone doesn’t try and dig into her past, she will remain fiercely loyal and caring for them, no matter if they were close friends or not. However, this blind loyalty is usually her downfall, especially when it comes to a certain contract-making dorm.
Ali isn’t quick to get mad, and is usually unaffected by whatever people say of her. Most times, she takes any insults as compliments. The only time she ever openly expresses anger, aside from someone trying to pry her past out of her, is when people point out her feelings for two certain individuals. She is very tsundere, openly expressing that she has no such feelings despite being beet red.
Chaotic Neutral
Loyal, caring, is usually up to no good so it won’t be a boring time, does anything just to have a good time, great friend to bring along to buffets, unaffected by most things, either helps you or lets you copy her homework, has enough confidence to do stupid things in public, great for hugs during a hot day because her body feels cold
Is usually up to no good so expect to get in trouble, tsundere, blind loyalty usually leads to her in very unfavorable situations. childishness that makes her look apathetic at times, horrible sleeping schedule, very reckless
Quick to learn (but never studies), decent flexibility and has good lower body strength, natural air cooler, guitar serenading
❄ Appearance ❄
“Dark brown,” her hair reaches down to her shoulder area and usually has a a portion of it tied up with a green or black ribbon. 
“Black eyes,” however when using magic there is a strange pale green tint.
165 cm / 5 ft. 4 in.
120 lbs / 54 kg
35-27-36 in. / 88-68-91 cm
34C (US)
❄ Background ❄
Background story unlocks at Bond Level 10
❄ Magic ❄
Ice Magic 
Ali is very proficient in using ice magic, and often uses it to cause mischief. However, when she becomes too flustered her will accidentally freeze anything within a 3 meter radius of her.
Freezing Arrows : an offensive-type spell that can be very deadly ; a large oval-shaped ice block appears in front of her and continuously shoots arrows made of ice. It is able to not only freeze anything it touches, but impale her targets. The spell ends once the ice block has been fully used up or if destroyed.
Hailstorm : an offensive-type spell similar to Freezing Arrows, but is not as deadly. Instead of shooting arrows, the ice block shoots chunks of ice, and at most it can give a concussion and some cuts and bruises.
Frost Flower Shield : a defensive-type spell ; she creates a large shield resembling a flower. Penetrating through the thick ice is very difficult, even if it is up against fire magic.
Ice Wall : a defensive-type spell ; often used to create an obstacle for whoever is trying to catch her. (i.e. Crowley)
Ice Floor : Ali freezes the floor underneath her, making it very hard for anyone to stand on it.
Snow Maiden’s Dance : A fighting style she created by herself, she creates ice sword projectiles imbued with other elements. It was based off the exotic traditional dances she saw as a child. She currently has 5 dances. She often uses these for show, but makes sure not to put too much power into it. (to be expanded with what 5 elements she can use it with)
Water Magic
She uses water magic as an extension to her Ice Magic. She doesn’t use it as much, and often uses water for healing.
❄ Relationships ❄
Canon Characters ; from Ali’s perspective
Malleus Draconia : Ah Mr. Dorm Leader! Mhmm mhmm, I’m not all too close to him, but he makes it easy to tease Sebek.
Lilia Vanrouge : Ah, the grandpa! He’s much easier to talk to, we actually get along fairly well. I just wished he’d stop teasing me.
Silver : Has a VERY punchable face. I would kick him in the gut…What?! No, I don’t like that moron! DEFINITELY DO NOT!
Sebek Zigvolt : Ah, that brat. He’s fun to mess with. Any time I join them for tea time and Malleus isn’t there, I make sure to give him a heart attack. Heh.
Riddle Rosehearts : Listen, if you’re gonna threaten to cut my head off make sure to actually do it, coward!
Ace Trappola : MY SON! I love you so much you are my precious child I-
Deuce Spade: Also has a very punchable face. Of course I mean what I say- I DO NOT LIKE HIM EITHER
Trey Clover : Broccoli? I don’t talk to him much, but he looks really cool with his bike. I think his hair looks stupid tho.
Cater Diamond : HEEEEEEEEY BROOOOOOOOOO! We make lots of inappropriate jokes together and it usually ends in both of us choking on a drink or food (laugh)
All three of them are the end of me. That is all.
Jamil Viper : Jamil I swear to god if you do anything to Kalim you better be ready to catch these frozen hands-
Vil Schoenheit : I know he can be…a bit over bearing, but thanks to him my skin is clear even though I sleep horribly. His fashion tips tho…they’re 50/50 for me.
Rook Hunt : The one time we talked he asked me to put an apple on my head while he blindfolds himself and try to shoot it. Thankfully, it really did hit the apple. Though truth be told, I wouldn’t mind doing it again.
Idia Shroud : Honestly, sometimes I forget what actually looks like. Whenever I think of him I just think of his mains in our game. Ah- yeah, I play with him from time to time. You would not like to see him in competitive play.
Ortho Shroud : He’s such a good kid, but what’s with his feet-
Jack Howl : One time I punched him and he said I hit like a grandma. He was not wrong. Oh, and don’t tell him this, but I have his number saved as “Extra Virgin Olive Oil.”
Ruggie Bucchi : He’s basically…my spirit animal. Hah. 
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amandaoftherosemire · 5 years
Lightning Strikes Part Ten
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Fandom: Marvel Avengers AU
Pairing: Thor Odinson X Reader
Characters: Thor Odinson, Loki Odinson, Valkyrie
Author: @amandaoftherosemire​
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 5,454
Format: Series (Complete)
Warning: Language, angst, Loki
Summary: The aftermath of the potion.
A/N: I am so sorry for the long break between updates, especially since I left the last part on a cliffhanger. I didn’t intend to be such an asshole, I promise. My real life needed me so I wasn’t writing much in June. I really appreciate anyone who sticks with me through my unrelenting unreliability. :D I don’t know what to do with Loki here. I mean, he’s chaotic neutral, so he’s gonna do selfish shit, but seriously. I don’t know how to warn for all the bullshit he’s up to here, so that’s why I’ve just used his name in the warnings above.
Part Nine: Ablation here
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You floated gently to the surface, the blackness that had engulfed you shortly after the ice had flooded your veins no match against the flash of multicolored light on the other side of your eyelids. As you came to consciousness, you puzzled over the odd sensations all around and through you.
The most alarming was the ice that seemed to have overtaken the core of your being. You were cold down to the bone, both physically and emotionally. Surprisingly, however, the cold was neither painful nor uncomfortable. If you could feel much of anything, you'd be concerned. Because you couldn't, you examined the lack with a detached kind of attention to detail.
The cold seemed to center in your heart and spread outward through your body and into your brain. It felt as though nothing could touch you, as though you were numb, both physically and emotionally, down to the inner core of your being.
The most exciting sensation, on the other hand, was the electricity sparking along the surface of your skin, lighting up your mind and heart. The arms holding you were familiar to the point of pain and the electric feeling against your skin seemed to pierce the icy shield that had grown up within you when you drank Loki's potion.
The electric heat shimmered harmlessly over your skin, charging and igniting the nerves just under the surface. Astonishing in its capacity as an antidote to the cold, you wanted to reach for the heat you'd always adored. The feeling was delicious, warm and alive, and made you yearn for everything you'd been trying to forget.
Your eyes flew open in the first beginnings of fear when the reminder of the pain you'd been trying to escape caused you to cringe away from the arms that held you so firmly, only to discover that you had no control over your body. Your physical form remained locked in ice even as your mind shuddered in terror and your heart ached at the sight of Thor holding you as the two of you flew up into streaks of rainbow light. Though you couldn't feel the breath leaving your lungs, the feel of your sigh brushed Thor's cheek and had his gaze dropping to yours.
Thor was so furious he could hardly see straight. The feel of you cold and stiff in his arms filled him with more rage than he'd experienced toward his brother in awhile. He'd come to expect betrayal from Loki; it was often the simplest explanation. He hadn't expected Loki to put you at risk, however, because he knew his brother had a genuine soft spot for you. He had believed Loki could be trusted not to harm you, at least.
The soft, sad sigh reached his ears as your breath reached his cheek and had his eye shifting immediately to check on you. The sight of your eyes, open and lost, had the rage drowning in the ocean of heartbroken tears he'd cried over the loss of you. He understood, looking into the eyes he adored above all others, that he had not believed himself worthy of you after what he'd done, that he’d let you go rather than face it. He'd gone to New York because, worthy or not, Thor had realized when he'd seen the picture of you with two men he respected that it didn’t matter if he was worthy; he couldn't give you up without a fight.
As the world began to tumble around you, Thor's head blotted out the light as his mouth dipped swiftly to yours. He whispered, his lips brushing yours, "I'm so sorry, my sweet."
You were about to open your mouth to reply, to ask what particular sin he was repenting, but a blinding white light cut you off. When it cleared, New Asgard had appeared around you and Thor was going on as he strode forward in a movement both fast and smooth. He was speaking swiftly, aware that you would soon be under Loki's care and he may not have another chance to tell you how he felt. "I should have told you the truth. I shouldn't have let you leave without an explanation. I should never have wallowed in self-pity for so damn long and wasted any of what time we have."
Valkyrie was rushing out of the house to meet Thor and the look of determination on her face told him she was in one of her bossy moods. "I love you, y/n," he said softly. "I'll still love you when every star in the galaxy has burned out."
"Give her to me," Valkyrie said stridently as soon as she was near enough. "You stay out here, so you don't kill him until he's done."
"Yes, your majesty." Thor scowled as he gave her the title he most often used when she went into her imperious mode. "But I probably am going to kill him when he's done."
She was rolling her eyes as she took you into her arms with as little effort as Thor had shown. You often felt downright delicate among these people, but it was still weird to be handed from one pair of arms to another like an infant. "I'll help," she retorted with a shrug.
As she turned toward the house to take you to Loki at a run, she smirked down at you. "How are you so good at stirring up trouble?" she asked with a laugh.
You tried to answer and found that your voice was as frozen in your throat as your heart inside your chest. You cursed Loki and his bullshit inside your mind. Though unable to act or even speak, even so short time awake had exhausted you. With a sigh of frustration, you allowed the blackness to drag you back under.
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When you swam back up toward consciousness once more, it was a much easier transition. Rather than the scream of color from the Bifrost, you moved from the utter blackness of near death to the soft, deep gray of near twilight.
You were still cold, but now the cold seemed to be coming from all around you in addition to the icy core at your center. As a matter of fact, you were colder than you’d ever been in your entire life. It was heaven.
You’d spent every moment of the last several months trying to forget that you were a raw nerve coping with the aftermath of electric agonies. Once the pain had broken through, it was no surprise you’d gone looking for anything to make it stop. You’d found it.
Now that the ice had overtaken you from the inside out and the outside in, you felt calm and serene. Even the brush of unfamiliar skin against yours couldn’t damage your equilibrium, so cool and still was your mind and heart, encased as they were in what felt like frozen diamond.
Still, you possessed a detached sort of curiosity in amongst the chill and wondered at the identity of the body against whom you were cradled so carefully. The body was large, the arms heavy around you; the skin was smooth and covering ropes of muscle. You allowed your eyes to flutter open to find yourself in a room you’d never seen before.
“Silly human.” The voice at your ear was low and silky, familiar dark amusement twining through the tone even as the arms tightened around you. Of course. Loki had you.
“I told you not to drink it, love. Not without me,” he murmured, somehow aware that you were awake though you hadn't moved a muscle. He shouldn't be able to see that you'd opened your eyes as your head was tucked underneath his chin. You hadn't even tried to move, so you were exhibiting no obvious signs of life. The cold held you immobile, though not physically; you simply couldn't drum up the interest to move.
"You're not pretending to still be asleep, are you, pet?" The taunt was clearly intended to prod you into speech, but you were still entirely too numb to care. "Afraid to face me?"
You sighed. Ignoring him wouldn't get him to stop; he was entirely too stubborn for that. You had no doubt growing up with the hardest of hard heads for a brother had a lot to do with that. You noted distantly that you could think of Thor easily now, the emotions that had overwhelmed you every time you'd tried before now held at bay by the icy shield around you.
"No," you answered, your voice merely a breath, distant and disinterested.
Loki's lips curved over your head in smug pleasure. The cold apathy in your voice was exactly as it should be. He hoped the time between drinking the potion and reaching him had done no lasting damage, either to you or to the spell in it.
"I need you to tell me how you're feeling, love." The cold intensified and you hummed in relief. “I need to know whether your habit of doing the unexpected has had dire consequences this time.”
The cold was relaxing in a way you'd never experienced before. Instead of melting you, the way Thor's electric touch left you boneless and pliant in the heat, the cold seeped through muscle, vein, and bone to leave everything numb. Like a shot of lidocaine in the roof of the mouth before a dental procedure, you could feel pressure, but no pain.
"I can tell that you are being extremely irritating," you replied, your voice bored and apathetic, "and yet I am not irritated. I find it curious.”
“Curious?" Loki frowned, but his voice remained smooth and silky. "Is that all? Any pain, anger, fear, anything?” As Loki spoke, the cold intensified further, but the sensation felt more like pleasure than anything.
“Mm-mm." You murmured a denial as you let your eyes flutter closed once more. In this moment, nothing seemed to matter, not even the fact that you were still barely clothed in your club wear and much of Loki's skin was pressed against yours. As you turned your head to tuck it more firmly beneath Loki's chin, wanting to be surrounded by the chill that emanated from him, you continued on that sigh of apathy. "Just relief. And curiosity.”
Because your tone continued to hold that touch of aloof boredom, he knew the potion had, at least mostly, worked. He could tell you the truth without fear now. The hand that lay gently on your thigh moved delicately, cool tingles of pleasure sweeping beneath your skin. Loki smiled at the catch in your breathing. "The curiosity is odd. You shouldn’t be feeling anything during the transformation."
The last word caught your attention, piqued your interest in a way little else had. That slight curiosity deepened. "Transformation?" you asked. You were smiling slightly when you continued. "See, that makes me curious." Your voice dropped to a purr, the smile turning sultry as you acted without thought to extract any information you could. "Now that I’ve fallen for the free bird seed, Wile E., are you gonna tell me the real catch?"
Loki hesitated at the sound of your personality pushing once again through the cold. He was getting concerned because you should not be able to burn through the ice right now. He let his true nature take over completely to chill you as much as possible. "I’ll answer your question if you answer one for me first."
You thought you heard a touch of what sounded like fear in Loki's voice, which only increased the sense of curiosity that was the only thing driving you to converse with Loki at all. You opened your eyes and looked around with more interest than you'd shown so far. "Okay," you agreed as your eyes scanned the room.
"Why didn’t you listen to me?" Loki asked, concerned by the signs of life. The cold should have been making you more still, not less. But who knew what the time between the potion and the cold had done? "I told you that you’d need my help."
You let your head loll back on Loki's shoulder to smirk up into his face. If you were capable of surprise, you would have betrayed it immediately at the sight of Loki's deep vivid blue skin and bright red eyes. As it was, you noted it without pausing. "First of all," you retorted with the slightest touch of your regular sass, "I was thoroughly and completely annihilated. I was drinking like I was trying to keep up with Valkyrie last night. I was hardly thinking straight." Loki seemed unwilling to meet your gaze, but his lips twitched. "Second, I didn’t know you meant it. I thought it was more of your bullshit. In my defense, you’re often full of shit."
By the time you were done, Loki was rolling his eyes in exasperated amusement, as he often did with you. He loved it, but he was worried about what it might mean for the spell he'd added to the potion. Because he wasn't sure, he opted to hedge with a partial truth. "Your human form is too fragile to survive the transformation. You need the cold to keep you alive until you’re no longer so easily destroyed."
Even through the cold, you could see the emotions that you should feel, at least a little. Curiosity, pleasure, amusement, all came through that icy layer in traces while anything you wanted to avoid stayed safely on the other side. So long rubbed raw by the pain, humiliation, and insult of what had happened, to feel wrapped in cool serenity was paradise. Still, you couldn't help but wonder what price you'd pay. "Is that part of the catch?"
Loki finally looked down into your eyes. In yours he found nothing but quiet contentment and curiosity. It gave him hope that whatever changed was minor. "Yes. You’ll no longer be fully human when this is over."
Your eyes searched his face for a moment. It was clear to you that this aspect of him was secret, was something he didn't share lightly, or even easily. You wondered if this secret was related to the secret of the bottle of frozen potion. "You're blue," you spoke easily, as though remarking upon the weather, but on your next words, your tone warmed slightly and made Loki's heart beat a little bit faster. "It's beautiful."
The corners of your lips lifted slightly, and you shifted to brush your mouth over the edge of his jaw. Settling back with your head under his chin, your lips tingling in a way that made your breath speed in desire, you asked in the same tone one would use to inquire about the time, "What will I be?"
Loki's lips curved in a smile both cruel and triumphant as the brush of your mouth over his skin set his blood burning white-cold. That sensation was exactly as it should be. "Mine."
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Nearly forty-eight hours after you'd arrived in New Asgard, you were rapping on Thor's open office door. For half of that time, you'd been in Loki's bed, his body wrapped around you to keep you cold enough to survive what the potion was doing to your body. The other things he'd done, you'd invited. Loki, being Loki, had obliged.
The confession you'd extracted, once you had him panting and desperate, of what exactly Loki had tried to do had helped you realize that you could still remember what anger felt like. Though you couldn't really feel it, you could see your own anger at the truth you'd finally wrung from him. You'd chosen to satisfy his lust rather than risk any more of his lies.
You lay in his arms after, examining your emotions as you waited for him to announce you fully recovered. Once he allowed you to rise, having held you longer than he thought necessary to lessen the possibility of the spell going awry, you'd immediately done so. You'd then taken the risk of breaking your hand and punched him in his beautiful granite face. Whatever he'd done to you had protected your hand, but you still hadn't had much of an impact on him, either.
You had then gone looking for Astrid, who'd been lurking around waiting for you anyway. She'd helped you to another set of rooms where you could rest and recover in peace, far away from Loki, who you were planning on holding a grudge against for at least a thousand years, the rat bastard.
"Thor?" You called out gently as you peeked your head around the doorframe. "Do you have a moment?"
Thor’s head snapped up at the sound of your voice. His body was following immediately after as he leaped to his feet, stumbling over his chair as he rounded his desk in his haste to get to you. His awkward flail had your lips twitching and your heart stirring behind the ice.
“Y-yes!” His voice boomed out in elation touched with panic. Before you could prepare yourself, Thor was in front of you, running his hands down the outside of your arms to take your hands in his. You were wearing a dress that Astrid had taken from her own closet and altered to fit the differences in your bodies. It was far fussier and Asgardian than anything you owned; Thor found himself charmed to see you clothed in such familiar garb. He tugged gently to draw you into the room, his eye roving over your face as though hungry for the sight of you. “Come in!” His voice was warm with welcome as he drew you to a seat on the couch. “How are you feeling?”
Thor made no move to release your hands, though he held them loosely enough that it would be easy to withdraw. You made no move to do so, however, allowing your hands to rest easily in his as you basked in his unexpected warmth. “Embarrassed,” you replied with a sheepish smile. “I made an epic ass of myself the other night, in more ways than one.”
Thor scowled. “Loki--"
You pulled one hand from his to place your fingertips against his mouth to stop him. You’d long since learned this to be the second most effective way to head off a tirade. Thor’s entire train of thought came to a screeching halt at the sweet smile on your face and the sensation of your cool skin against his lips.
“I’m okay.” You dropped your hand to slip it into his again. His touch was electric and even more addictive than before now that you felt so little. Your emotions were not at Loki’s mercy as he had intended, but they still remained largely separate, on the outside of a layer of ice. You could see them, knew how to move and speak to match them, but they couldn't touch you. Thor’s hands made you feel like you could almost touch them, however, that the ice was much thinner than it seemed.
“Falling for one of Loki’s pranks doesn’t seem to have done any harm,” you said, seeking to allay his worries. If Thor hadn't been paying close attention to everything about you, he may not have noticed the slight pause before the word 'harm', but you were going on before he could process it. "Probably thanks to you getting me here so fast. Thank you.” You leaned forward to press a soft kiss to his cheek. Your memory of your trip through the Bifrost was crystal clear. If not for Loki's spell, you'd probably already be in Thor's arms, forgiveness coming easily now. Loki’s betrayal was enormous; Thor’s looked quaint in comparison.
Thor devoured your face with his gaze, trying to figure out exactly what had changed between now and the last time you'd spoken. You were being kind, your eyes soft, but he could feel a distance he'd never felt before. He wasn't certain it was only because of what he'd done. His hands tightened around yours, unconsciously trying to pull you back from wherever you'd gone. "He never would tell me what he’d done. Said it was your secret to tell.”
“How convenient.” You sneered as you said it; of course, Loki had hidden behind you.
You’d already known Thor had confronted Loki, had used basic common sense to infer the cause. Even if you hadn't heard the booming thunder of Thor’s temper, Astrid had commented casually that it was one of the more violent fights she'd seen between the brothers. You got the impression that the Asgardians were not in the least fussed about the royal brothers and their brawls.
You focused in on Thor's face, saw the concern there and knew you weren't doing a very good job at faking your normal self. You sighed, your brain exhausted from the constant mental stretching for emotions within sight but just out of reach. "I’m going to keep the secret, for now." Thor's expression turned downright worried, but even you could hear the apathy and defeat in your tone. Your heart stirred again, and you instinctively moved to reassure. "I’m sorry," you murmured, and Thor could finally hear a trace of the woman he loved again. "That’s not a rejection. It’s something I need to figure out how to deal with before I’ll be ready to talk about it."
Thor could also hear the melancholy in your voice and wanted nothing more than to make you smile. He slid closer even as he released one of your hands to slide his arm around your shoulders in a gesture of comfort. "Sounds like you have a tale," he said softly as you snuggled into his side. The anxiety that had gripped the back of his neck for months eased as he finally got you back where you belonged. "I’ll happily listen whenever you want to tell me."
You were having a hard time convincing yourself not to climb into Thor's lap. Being curled against his body, the heat of him seeping into your body in a gently lifting ecstasy, was almost more temptation than your stunted empathy could resist. Only the knowledge that you were in no fit state to love him as long as Loki's spell hung over you stopped you from exploring whether you still had the ability to respond with desire to anything but Loki's frozen touch.
You started to pull away but stopped immediately, the pull toward him still impossible to resist, when Thor's hand tightened slightly around your shoulder. "Please." You lifted your head at the grief in his voice, that stirring becoming a fluttering in the face of his pain. “Don’t go. Give me a chance to grovel. To beg.”
You recognized regret, remembered the ache it brought to the throat. That alone was enough to soften your voice as you spoke. If only you could feel the love you knew still hid behind the ice. “You don't need to grovel, Thor. I heard you and I forgive you.”
Thor’s eye blazed and in the next moment his mouth was on yours, the touch of his lips sending electricity rocketing through you and making the temptation to crawl all over him worse than ever. You slid your arms around his neck and opened your lips to his with a hum of pleasure, too easily swayed by anything that reminded you of what it meant to feel.
Thor couldn't stop himself from deepening the kiss with a low groan of desperate elation, unable to believe that you were this receptive, but also uneasy by the change in the way your mouth moved under his. He lifted his head to search your face with fear coming alive in his gaze when your eyes fluttered open to fix on his, the expression one that burned and yet held no warmth.
Thor's memory was clear on the expressions to be found in your eyes. He had sought to memorize the reflection in your eyes of every emotion that moved through you. He had studied few things in his existence as carefully and if there was one expression he knew, it was the look he should have found in your eyes after a kiss that felt like that.
Your lips twisted sadly at the dawning horror on Thor's face. It didn't surprise you that Thor easily saw through your attempt to fake the emotion you knew you should be feeling. Desire wasn't love, however, and Thor would know better than anyone what was missing. "But it can't change anything," you finished, the sadness and worry on Thor's face reminding you of oceans of tears.
Thor's face hardened. Whatever Loki had done, whatever secrets you were hiding that kept your eyes cold even as your body pressed against his in familiar undulations of desire, he didn't care. He had you back in his arms. "Letting you walk out that door without a fight was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made. I won't make that mistake again."
Your eyes remained aloof though your lips twisted with regret as you began to pull away, the voice of your conscience insisting that Thor was vulnerable in ways you were immune to at the moment and thus needed protection. Thor's arms tightened again. "Please," he said urgently, "let me speak my heart." You couldn't make yourself move away from the pain in his voice. No matter how cold you felt, your heart still beat for Thor within its icy prison.
Once you’d relaxed against him, he was going on in a rush. “I don't trust my own judgement anymore. I'm responsible for the destruction of my world. All because it took me centuries to see and accept my brother for who he is.” He let out a sigh shaky with relief when you slid closer to squeeze him gently in comfort. You didn’t need your heart to whisper what Thor needed. Knowing the dance was enough to help you keep the steps though you couldn’t hear the music.
Thor held you close, his lips against the top of your head as he continued. “I asked Loki to befriend you not because I didn't trust you, but because I didn't trust myself. I'm sorry I lied to you. I'm sorry I spied on you. I'm sorry I betrayed you.”
You made the effort, no matter how it exhausted you, to stretch out and examine how you felt. For a brief moment you found genuine forgiveness on the other side of the ice before the strain grew too great to bear. You spoke quickly, hoping the remnants of the emotion would come through. “Thank you. Like I said, I forgive you.”
Thor could hear that trace in your voice again and it gave him the courage to speak what was in his heart. "Stay then? Come back to me?" You pulled back just enough to tilt your head back to look into Thor's face. His eye blazed with love and grief, making your heart stir enough to make your throat ache and stopping the denial in your throat. Thor's forehead dropped to yours and he whispered, his voice thick with tears. "I don't want to spend another minute without you."
Your heart was throbbing against the cold, and your hands were coming up to cup his face, to pull his cheek to yours in comfort. You wanted to give in, to see if Thor could break the spell Loki had laid on you, but you also were afraid to risk him. You weren't certain you wouldn't end up using him, too separate from your empathy to be sure you could protect him from yourself. Sighing, you rubbed your cheek against his, fully addicted to the electricity that lived under his skin. "I don't think I can."
Thor could hear the ache, the uncertainty in your voice. He didn't know why he was only hearing the real you in traces, but those traces were telling him you wanted what he wanted, regardless of all else. "Please. Here is where I'll grovel."
You felt the laugh tickle the back of your mind through the ice. Thor saw it flicker across your face as you tilted your face back to look into his again. "That’s not what I meant."
Thor couldn't resist that laughter. Nothing in the universe was more beautiful to him than your face alight with humor and happiness. His head dipped to yours and you couldn't make yourself try to stop him. No matter what Loki had done to you, your body still thrilled to the electric charge on Thor's lips, in his touch.
“I'll beg for merely the chance to show you how much I love you, to prove you can trust me.” Thor’s voice was a growl when he tore his lips from yours, tempted almost beyond endurance by your compliance, but frustrated by everything he could feel was missing.
Your breath was racing, your heart pounding and there was no question that Loki’s plan to make you immune to any touch but his was a failure, but not completely. Though your skin heated in response to the brush of Thor’s hands over your skin, his lips over yours, your mind remained cool and still as frozen glass.
When Thor’s mouth had taken yours, your hands had moved from his cheeks to his shoulders, your fingers digging in to pull him closer. You wanted to rest your head on those broad shoulders and let him fix everything for you. Instead, you squeezed softly before sliding your palms down to his chest to push yourself away.
Thor’s arms tightened slightly in response, but when you made yourself keep pushing, knowing you were doing the right thing, he let go. “Thor,” you said, holding your hands out for his in a gesture meant to soften the distance you’d put between you. Thor accepted the gesture gratefully, his big, gentle hands closing around yours. “Why were you in New York at all the other night? When you brought me here?”
“I saw a picture of you dancing with Steve and Bucky. I was jealous and angry, so I flew to New York to start a fight.” Thor’s hands tightened around yours in fear that you’d leave before he finished when you shot him an unamused sneer. “On the way there,” he went on in a rush, “I realized I was jealous because either man is more worthy of you than I. By the time I arrived, I had decided to speak with you instead, to ask for forgiveness and another chance.”
You couldn't help but smile at the earnestness cloaking Thor as he told you the truth, without mitigating to protect himself. The man knew how to learn from his mistakes. Since you couldn't give him all of either yourself or the truth, you opted to give him as much honesty as the circumstances allowed.
"I understand questioning your own judgement, Thor." You squeezed his hands tight and smiled with as much warmth and kindness as you could muster. You had to say no, but you wanted to make it clear that you genuinely forgave him, that you wanted to say yes. "What happened with you, and then the other night with this Loki nonsense, made me question mine. I need to figure all this out before I think about taking any more chances."
Thor's heart softened at the reminder of how much you'd been through in the past couple of days. He didn't know the specifics, but there was no doubt in his mind that you'd been near death when he'd given you to Valkyrie. He wouldn't push you when you were vulnerable.
His movements, his touch, eminently gentle, he eased his arm around your shoulders again, this time in support and tenderness. "Let me be your friend, then," he said as he eased you against him to comfort. "I miss you so much, y/n. I'll take anything you can give."
You didn't even try to resist the sweetness that was Thor Odinson. It was part of the paradox that kept you enthralled. He was one of the most dangerous creatures in the galaxy, and yet he couldn't help but be the soft and tender sweetheart you'd fallen in love with. Whether you could fully feel the love or not, you could remember it. Your heart may have been imprisoned, but it yearned toward him in its cage.
You rested your head on Thor's shoulder and relaxed into his embrace. "Okay," you murmured, and Thor felt his heart lift in hope at the softness of your body and in your tone. "Friends, then. I can try."
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Part Eleven: Corona here
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saeranlover · 7 years
1 to 99 for... iseul?
1... to... 99.... oh my god-
I’ll put it under a keep reading thing, because, uh... This is gonna be long...
1. What do they smelllike?
Iseul likes any sort of soap which smells sweet or sugary,so she often smells sweet – most commonly of raspberries or strawberries, asthey’re her favourite fruits.
2. What is theirvoice like?
She’s rather quiet, and at times, her voice is rather shakyas she doesn’t like talking to people. However, when she is talking to friendsand family, she’s quite a bit louder.
3. What is theirbiggest motivator?
Her biggest motivator is her family – specifically her papa,Saeran.
4. What is their mostembarrassing memory?
Being caught trying out her uncle’s maid outfits - she tendsto do that in secret, and prefers not having anyone witness it.
5. How do they dealwith/react to pain?
She doesn’t like pain. At all. She’ll have a breakdown inresponse to it, and cry for comfort from Saeran, or at the very least, Saeyoung(or, if Saeran is a Mint Eye member, from Rika.)
6. What do they liketo wear?
She likes to wear mostly dark colours – dark blue jeans,dark grey shoes, and a grey sweater which she only has pulled over one shoulder(kinda like the thing Sae does with his leather jacket), but also wears a pinkvest top underneath. Speaking of Saeran’s leather jacket, she wears that attimes for comfort. She will sometimes wear a variety of dresses at times, herfavourite one being a deep red summer dress.
7. Which of theirrelationships have impacted them most positively?
Honestly, the one with Saeran. It taught her that sheshouldn’t try to be bitter about things from the past, or else she would becomevengeful and angry… And she didn’t want her dad or uncle to witness anythinglike Saeran when he was still going by Unknown again.
8. What’s theweirdest thing they’ve ever eaten?
Anything that Saeyoung makes. Any food her uncle makes isweird to her.
9. Describe the waythat they sleep.
Very broken, very restless. She can’t keep still for thesake of things, and most often, she will only manage two to three hours ofsleep a night. She’s a very tired person because of that.
10. What is theirfavorite food/kind of food?
Sweet stuff, like her dad. However, chocolate chip muffinsare her favourite food, rather than ice cream like him.
11. What do they feelmost insecure about?
Iseul feels most insecure about her social anxiety. But shecan’t stand people, so it’s just a vicious cycle.
12. How do they liketo dress?
See question 6.
13. How do they reactto feelings of guilt?
She won’t physically react. She’ll stop responding to thingsand not do anything about it… But it will dwell and dwell and dwell in her headuntil she has an outburst.
14. How do they reactto/deal with betrayal?
It’s painful to her, and makes her angry to the point thatshe yells things that she doesn’t mean.
15. What is theirgreatest achievement?
Using some of her hacking knowledge to hack into the C&Rwebsite and make it about puppies.
And blaming her uncle for it.
16. What are theylike when they’ve gotten too little sleep?
Yawns a lot, and has a tendency to mumble “Tired…” beforeforgetting that she said it, and mumbles it again.
17. What are theylike when they’re drunk?
Issy isn’t old enough to drink, and never will drink becauseof stories she was told about what her grandmother was like.
18. What kind ofmusic do they enjoy?
Instrumental music, and film/game soundtracks.
19. Are they right orleft handed?
She’s ambidextrous.
20. Fears?
She has quite a few… Her main one is leaving places whichshe sees as her ‘safe haven’ (either her home or Mint Eye, depending on whatSaeran’s affiliation is). She also fears abandonment and crowds.
21. Favorite kind ofweather?
Heavy rain. The sound of the rain reassures her and keepsher calm.
22. Favorite color?
23. Do they collectanything?
No, she doesn’t really. She doesn’t see much point incollecting things unless it holds some sort of sentimental value to her.
24. Do they prefereither hot or cold weather more?
She prefers the cold, because she likes being able to layerherself up in clothes.
25. What is their eyecolor?
Depending on Saeran’s affiliation, it’s either golden yellowor mint green.
26. What is theirrace/ethnicity?
27. Hair color?
Red, with the tips dyed black by her dad.
28. Are they happywhere they are currently?
As long as she has her dad, she’s happy. He is the oneconstant in her life.
29. Are they a morningperson?
She’s not. She isn’t really a any time person, honestly.Lol.
30. Sunrise orsunset?
Sunrise. She enjoys daylight, so she likes to see thesunrise.
31. Are they moremessy or more organized?
She’s organised, because she doesn’t like holding onto muchstuff anyway.
32. Pet peeves?
When people don’t finish their sentences. She hates beingleft to try and think how they would have ended the sentences.
33. Do they own anyobjects of significant personal importance?
She possesses a necklace, given to her by either the RFA orRika, depending on where Saeran is. It means a lot to her, as she got it forher 15th birthday. She also has a laptop which is second hand, butshe cares for it almost as though it’s her own child.
34. Least favoritefood?
Anything with pasta or mushrooms.
35. Least favoritecolor?
36. Least favoritesmell?
37. When was the lasttime they cried?
After having a nightmare where she was all alone, being leftto fend for herself.
38. Were they withanybody the last time they cried?
No, she was in her bedroom.
39. Tell us about oneof the times they got injured?
Iseul was about ten years old when she was allowed to dobaking on her own for the first time. She was excited about it, and was quitejumpy as she got the ingredients together. However… She spilled some of thecake mixture at one point. She didn’t realise it, and she tried to run over tothe fridge to get some strawberries to put on the top. She slipped on the mix,and fractured her ankle in the process. Didn’t stop her from finishing makingthe cakes and baking in the future though.
40. Do they have anyscars?
She doesn’t like doing dangerous things, so she doesn’t havetoo many. However, if she’s with Mint Eye… She’s a bit more of a risk taker,and possesses more small scars.
41. Do they strugglewith any mental health issues?
She has anxiety, and though she does try to deny it, sheshows signs of depression too.
42. Do they have anybad habits?
She tends to pick at her fingernails and toenails, and shealso can’t be left near scissors as she has a slight tendency to give her haira few small cuts… And leaves her hair in a mess.
43. Why might someonedislike them?
Her outright refusal to leave her home unless she wants to.
44. Why might someonelove them?
She’s very affectionate, and would bake for them all thetime.
45. Do they believein ghosts?
Yep, she’s scared that her grandmother’s ghost is hauntingher because of the ‘mystery’ bruises which form on her sometimes overnight, butdoesn’t realise that it’s because of how restless she is at night.
46. Is there anyonethey would trust with their lives?
Her dad, and depending on the situation, her uncle.
47. Are theyromantically interested in anyone?
Not really. She doesn’t exactly experience romance untilshe’s close enough to somebody.
48. Are theydating/married to anyone?
She’s the girlfriend of one of my other OCs, Cheol Kim. (Funfact: I rp as Iseul in a server, and my husband rps as Cheol- Even thoughthey’re kiiiiinda in an on-off relationship because Cheol is yandere as heck attimes.)
49. Do they likesurprises?
Nope. She’ll likely punch anyone who tries to surprise her.
50. When is theirbirthday?
August 29th
51. How do theyusually celebrate their birthday?
With cake and ice cream!
52. Do they have anyfamily?
Her dad Saeran; her uncle 707/Saeyoung; her mother(deceased), and if 707 has children she has cousins.
53. Are they close totheir family?
Family means EVERYTHING to her. She’d be lost without herfamily.
54. What is theirMBTI type?
55. What is theirzodiac sign?
56. What HogwartsHouse would they be in?
Hufflepuff or Slytherin, depends on her upbringing.
57. What D&Dalignment are they?
Either neutral evil or chaotic good?
58. Do they ever havenightmares? If so, what about?
Isolation or death, and sometimes, of her dad and uncle’spast.
59. What are theirviews on death?
It’s terrifying, but some people deserve it.
60. What is somethingthat they’re sure to laugh at?
Dumb injuries, like the ones they have in clip shows andstuff.
61. When bored, howdo they pass time?
Playing games or hacking. She isn’t too good at hackingthough, so it’s most often gaming. She will bake at times too.
62. Do they enjoybeing outside?
63. Do they have anaccent?
Not really, she’s got a bit of a neutral one.
64. Upon seeing aslice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction?
“If there is no note saying not to eat it, I’m gonna eat it.Actually, I’ll eat it anyway.”
65. If they knew theywere going to die, what would they do/say?
“Papa… C- Can I hug you until it’s over…?”
66. How do they feelabout sex?
She doesn’t really care for it, but if she feels comfortableenough in a relationship and if she’s old enough, she’d be down for it.
67. What is theirsexuality?
68. Do they becomesqueamish at the sight of blood?
Yes. She is horrified at the mere sight of it.
69. Is there anythingthat they find really gross?
Salty food.
70. Which TV Trope(s)best describes them?
The person who locks themselves up in their room doingcomputer stuff lol
71. Do they enjoyhelping people?
Not really, she doesn’t like people.
72. Are they allergicto anything?
Pollen – another reason why she prefers the cold, herhayfever doesn’t flare up as much.
73. Do they have apet?
74. Are they quick toanger? What are they like when they loose their temper?
She can lose her temper pretty quickly, and has a tendencyto say “I’ll fuck you up” when in a bad mood.
75. How patient arethey?
Somewhat. Depends on what she’s waiting for.
76. Are they good atcooking?
Yes, and she enjoys doing it too.
77. Favorite insult?Do they insult people often?
“Stop speaking with your ass instead of your mouth, ‘causeyou’re talking shit.”
78. How do they actwhen they’re particularly happy?
She’s very smile-y and hums a lot. She’ll also share her sweet treats.
79. What do they dowhen they learn about other people’s fears?
She’ll do anything to save people from going through orbeing met with their fears, because she understands what it feels like to bescared.
80. Are theytrustworthy?
Yep, as long as you’re on her good side.
81. Do they try tohide their emotions? Are they good at it?
She isn’t good at hiding her emotions at all, so she’ll hidein her room in an attempt to hide it.
82. Do they exerciseregularly?
Does running up and down the stairs for food often count asregular exercise?
83. Are theycomfortable with the way they look?
84. What are somephysical features that they find attractive on people?
She really likes long fingers, because she’s spent a lot ofher life on a computer and seeing her dad doing things like typing, so handsare the first thing she focusses in on and looks at. She also likes eyes.
85. What kind ofpersonalities do they find attractive?
Sensitive, understanding personalities.
86. Do they likesweet foods?
Sweet foods are her life.
87. What is theirage?
16 typically when I portray her. Sometimes 18, sometimesabout 5. Lol.
88. Are they tall orshort or somewhere in between?
Somewhere inbetween.
89. Do they wearglasses or contacts?
Both. It depends on whether she’s bothered to put thecontacts in.
90. Do they considerthemselves attractive?
Not really.
91. What is theirsense of humor like?
Somewhat dark. She finds it funny when people hurtthemselves, etc.
92. What mood arethey most often in?
She’s often bored, or in the mood to try and tease people.
93. What kinds ofthings anger them?
Her family being threatened, bad internet connection,arguments over petty things, being told that she has to go outside at somepoint.
94. Outlook on life?
She just thinks that as long as she’s accomplished anythingat some point, her life will have been worthwhile.
95. What kind ofthings make them sad/depressed?
Seeing her family upset, people closest to her telling hertruths that she wants to deny (aka what I said before – being told that she hasto go outside at some point.)
96. What is theirgreatest weakness?
Her low stamina, she can’t do too much before becomingexhausted and incapacitated.
97. What is thegreatest strength?
Her adaptability to new technology.
98. Something thatthey regret?
Not wanting to leave her room for weeks on end after hermother’s death.
99. Biggestaccomplishment?
Sneaking into her uncle’s costume closet right under hisnose to try on his outfits.
Wow, this is so long.... Hahahaha........
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