#( making gif icons like crazy )
mindmxtters · 2 months
lexi's lil shit-eating smirk in this part of stop the world I want to get off my beloved
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lgcsian · 1 year
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hello again, legacy. thank you for the welcomes, but i regret to inform you that i am not new, and that this is merely eri ( she/they, 21+ ), lgcjiae & lgckiha’s typist, coming back for round two with my third muse. i am convinced though that this one, is going to be a keeper. funnily enough, i had intentions to bring liz from ive since december ‘22 — but then xg’s shooting star mv happened and my beloved lgcsomi got sidelined for lgcarisa. anyways, meet kato arisa, a japanese-american esfj scorpio from austin, texas. she still has elements of this said liz muse though, so it’s not a total loss. she’s a bit of a wild child, but i hope you come to love her as much as i do!
in eri fashion, i’m linking you to her profile. i am currently trying to work on some plots for arisa, but i’ve dropped some ideas beneath the cut that might help with plotting, along with her entire life story as a placeholder for her biography which i’m still working on too. but, if you’re interested in plotting with arisa, then please LIKE this post. i’ll post her tracker after this — off the top of my head i’ll be looking for threads with female trainees for the trainee mission. you can catch me on twitter @/metanoire and discord ( just ask for my handle ) if you find it easier to plot there, otherwise we can just plot in dms!
born kato arisa on november 20, 2002 ( 201102, see what i did there? ) in tokyo, japan to second time parents— her mother is a university level english and japanese teacher while her father is an equine veterinarian. she has one older brother, asahi ( born in ‘99, also born in tokyo ). lgcakio is arisa’s cousin ( akio’s mom was arisa’s mom’s sister ).
grew up living rather comfortably in a nice house on the outskirts of tokyo for the first eight years of her life. her father was able to operate his veterinarian clinic while her mother was able to teach at the university of tokyo. this left arisa and her brother to attend their cushy private school growing up. 
when arisa was eight years old, an opportunity came up in the united states for arisa’s mother ( teaching japanese at a university, in contrast to the english she had been teaching ) — the katos relocated to austin, texas in the united states.
somewhere along here i should mention that growing up, arisa had an immense love & passion for animals, and in particular, horses — she began riding at around four or five years old at a riding school near her father’s veterinarian clinic. she is truly horse girl.
her earliest dream was pursuing veterinary science like her father and becoming an equine vet, however as arisa matured ( with her passions & interests ), she eventually decided she wanted to become an equestrian and represent either japan or the united states at an international level ( arisa was and still is a talented rider and horsewoman, both in terms of riding and handling horses )
once her and her family were settled in their new home and city, arisa got her own horse— whom she affectionately named maki. she began competing with him and the two of them were inseparable. when she wasn’t at school or studying, she was probably riding.
( tw animal death ) the reasons behind this out of character are a little cloudy, but maki got sick and unfortunately had to be put down, which devastated sixteen year old to the point of her quitting. she stopped riding. she convinced everyone else and herself that she no longer had any interest in horses, riding or competing.
essentially reinvented herself. got into makeup, fashion, beauty, skincare and fitness in hopes that she would find something that made her feel happy again. it didn’t work.
arisa coasted through the rest of her high school years until she graduated, and as she was no longer “interested” in becoming an equine vet and/or competing, she gave up on pursuing a tertiary education. instead, arisa packed up her life, deciding to chase what her parents deemed a shallow, unfulfilling dream in seoul, south korea. 
present day — it’s been two years of arisa training at legacy entertainment.
fun facts.
extroverted, loves to socialise and gossip 
speaks english & japanese fluently, can somewhat navigate a conversation in korean
comes across as fake and superficial, but is actually a really nice person
that being said, she’s 100% okay with telling someone how it is
she use to snowboard when visiting her cousins in sapporo ( wasn’t very good )
she additionally travelled to japan like two times a year when she was growing up
she stays fit with yoga and pilates
because eri is unable to write anything else bi-con
future model™
despite being said future model™ she can sing ( and she enjoys it )
but actually loathes the idea of being an idol
also sort of loathes the aesthetic she’s got going on and feels much more confident makeup-less and covered in mud ( but no one can know this )
goes horse riding religiously every sunday at a riding school outside of seoul
would be interested in competing again if legacy permitted it
quick plot ideas.
fellow english and/or japanese speakers ( arisa naturally gravitates towards those who speak the same language as her, not intentionally exactly but she loooves to talk so... )
patient korean speakers who are willing to bare with the horror that is arisa’s korean fluency and/or are willing to help her improve her language skills!
friends, enemies, flings?!? idk let’s plot!
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thexsilentxwordsmith · 9 months
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Just a little something something for you guys...as a treat😈
When Simon's away for a while on deployment, it can get lonely. He's knows by the way your texting, when he gets the chance and can text, that you are missing him like crazy. You tell him how you can hardly wait till he returns, how your body is just aching for him something fierce.
And fuck his aching for yours too.
If he could hop on a plane, he would in an instant just to get back to you. Unfortunately, that's not something available to him at the moment.
But that doesn't mean there's nothing for him to do.
Simon knows his baby needs something to take the edge off, something to tide over that insatiable appetite for him until he can come home and fuck her proper the first chance he can get. You never asked for it, but he knew you wouldn't mind.
Your phone goes off. It's late, but youre no stranger to staying up well past dark; sometimes that was the only way you'd get a minute to talk to Simon when he was away across the world.
You check your phone. It's a text... a picture...
At first glance at the small icon on the lock screen, the image is kind of dark so you have to click on it to bring it up and when you do you nearly faint.
The caption reads: “Gotta be stealthy so they don't fuckin' catch me, but this one's for you sweetheart."
Simon is clearly propped up in his cot, his legs splayed open, shirt off. All that you can see is his thick torso with it's small speckling of light colored hair across his abs. The belt and zipper of his pants are completely undone and the waistband flung open. In one of his meaty hands he has a hold of his cock, already swollen with a little glistening at the top caught in the low light - most definitely a product from thinking of you.
You have to swallow to keep the spit from dribbling down out of the corner your mouth. Instantly you feel the heat rise in your cheeks, burning through your face as the blood pools there. It feels like you are going to pass out.
He's done it, he's taken your breath away in an instant.
Not even recovered from that glorious image your phone dings again, this time downloading something for a few seconds. Your heart pounds in your chest, your breath caught in your lungs, as you wait to see what he's done now.
It's downloaded. This time it's a video...about a minute long. Your shaky, excited finger instantly clicks play.
"Mmmm..." his breath groan hits your ears as the vision of him stroking his length plays across the screen. His voice in hushed, clearly trying to be as quiet as he can while still making sure you can hear his words. "Fuck darlin', I wish you were here... rather have that sweet little pussy 'round me than my hand."
You've stopped breathing, literally; you could hear a pin drop in the room. The video of his abdominal muscles contracting and releasing as he continues to stroke his cock is all you can focus on now. Looks like he's in the middle of things.
He groans again, his breathing getting faster. "Fuck, I miss ya luv. It's been hell not having ya near for this fuckin' long. Nearly rippin' a hole in my goddamn pants from being so fuckin hard. I swear... gonna absolutely wreck ya when I get back. Don't even bother wearing any panties cause they're gonna get shredded off ya. Nothin', and I mean fuckin' nothin' is gonna keep me from buryin' all this in ya the fuckin' second we're alone. I wanna make you cum so fuckin bad baby."
The video fades out amongst the sound of another low, gravely moan and your sanity is gone. Dear God you were a lucky one tonight. You have to take several minutes just to relearn how to function properly again so you can text him back.
Before you can do that your phone goes off once more.
One final message pops up on screen: "Think of me later when you cum, sweetheart..."
Oh, you would, you would. And maybe just to be nice...you'd send him something back too.
Part 2:
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piranhartist · 20 days
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HAPPY THOUSAND YEAR REMAKE DAYYYY Couldn't get all of the set I wanted to do cause things are crazy crazy hectic for me lately, but I diD at least get through half of it :D (Especially happy in light of Vivian's news that I wound up working with her first when I started these!) Haven't done a set of freebie animated icons in a long time, and Paper Mario was bluntly one of the biggest inspirations to me for my own animation style when I started to really dig into it back in college. And even further back for just how I like to draw! I'll update the set with the whole cast when its done, but for now you can grab any of these for free off of my ko-fi!
I also have wound back on posting here regularly since was getting to be too many platforms, but you can still find me on my insta, bluesky, or sheezy! (though with the new news o n insta, I may make here more regular again. will see phFSKDJF)
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ghxstyfae · 4 months
Real Subtle ☆ J.G
Johnnies and his girlfriend havent publicly confirmed/announced their relatshionship, so when she walks in on his stream, unknowingly covered in hickies. This accidentally hard-launches their relatshionship.
Pinterest board
Anon: Why is the gf called baby?
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"Yeah Jakes not home right now. Its just me and Baby, but shes watching netflix right now." He thought back to earlier in the day. Jake had left to do a video with Tara, and both Johnnie and Baby had been nearly inseparable since finally getting together so they spent all day practically in eachothers skins.
"'Baby always serves cunt' yeah. Yeah shes iconic" Johnnie laughed a bit. As if hearing her name, there was a knock on the door. "Speaking of..." He acknowledged, hovering his finger near the mic to turn it off if he needed to. "Whats up Baby?"
User: I wish they would get together
User: Joby for life
User: Baby's so hot🙏🏽
"Im so done with love is blind" she started, opening the door and closing it behind her. "Like this one girl, who is the sweetest girl ever," she dragged another chair infront of Johnnies desk, just off to the side. Johnnie laughed and the chat was filled with people making jokes. "And yet shes still pining over this ridiculous fool because he has a nickname for her." Finally, Baby sits down, having finished her ramble.
Johnnie was still smiling brightly at her, making her sort of self concious. "Whats wrong?" She asked, titling her head, causing Johnnie to chuckle again. The chat was going crazy, nearly making his computer lag.
"Oh, nothing Baby," he snorted, barely able to get through his sentence without laughing. "Did you burn yourself with your curling wand?" He asked, turning away from her for a second. She looked confused at him and then the camera.
"What are you even talking about? Johnnie what the hell-" she saw herself on screen and gripped her collar before freezing.
"Johnnie..." She paused, looking over to her boyfriend. He kept his moth pulled toght as he attempted not to snort. With watery eyes, she looked as if she was about to mumble out an apology, or break down in tears. Johnnie quickly kissed her forehead and wiped away the tears that were forming.
"Baby dont cry" he tried to suppress a chuckle. He didnt want to make her feel bad, but he couldnt help but find her being so upset sort of endearing.
Looking back at the chat, johnnie smiled awkwardly. "Well uh, i guess now you guys know?"
Hey yall im so sorry, this is my first rpf and im pretty sure it doesnt fit his personality, please lmk how i could improve<33
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harmoonix · 1 year
👑Iconic Astrology Notes
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12th house placements are very intuitive and spiritual, if Sun and Moon are in the 12th house they can feel when someone lies to them. Also some natives with 12th house placements are connected to the spirit realm and can recieve dreams from the Spirits
Mercury/Venus in the 10th house can be highly artistic people, tend to like the music and arts a lot, find inspiration in art, nature, music, and love.
Venus - Asc aspects; Are very gracious and gentle people, you are pretty and you should know that, they can also find love in everything and everyone around them, is giving this Disney princess vibe (The sleeping beauty + Beauty and the Beast vibe) . You can also have a very good style in fashion and to dress how you want no matter what others say, you shine 💋
Uranus - Asc aspects: Omg these people have something unique in their appearance that make people to be very interested in them and to like them, might be the eyes, the hands,the face, your voice etc... There is something unique in you
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Pluto in late degrees (between 20° - 29° degrees) makes the native to be in search for power, for better understanding of their power, for their authority. They are powerful but need to find this power within themselves 🙏🏼
Jupiter - Venus aspects: You are charming and known for that, people can often tell you that you're pretty or that you dress nice. They like to be SPOILED, and to feel that they are loved for real. These aspects can be like: "I'm more things than being pretty but you only look at someone's outside" .
Mars - Sun/Moon aspects: Can have anger issues/getting mad easily, they are not always aggresive but can be exploding when something doesn't work in their life. Usually they have really good body structure and sharp pretty face
Descendant Degrees are the same degrees as your ascendant 💕
Descendant at 5°, 17°, 29° degrees or Leo in the 7th house tend to attract narcissist partners take care please 😭, when they tell you that they "like" you...Babe they "like" how you make them feel...
Descendant at 8°, 20° degrees or Scorpio in the 7th house tend to attract very misterious partners, usually their partners can be very private about their lives but might also be very jealous and possesive
Descendant at 4°, 16° 28° degrees or Cancer in the 7th house tend to attract partners who are very " home - life" oriented, they can have this desire for a good family life, also you're lucky af because your partner can become extremely attached be you 🥹💕
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Venus/Moon in the 8th house/Libra/Taurus in the 8th house: They are loving very deep and can become extremely attached to their partners, sometimes they can have posesive traits because of their deep feelings. Those people really need to find partners who can love them for who they are!! Also they are very affectionate!!💕💕
Harsh aspected Moon (Moon having a lot of squares and oppositions from other planets), When moon is harshly aspected can make the native to struggle emotionally and to have it difficult to express/exprim their emotions. It can be difficult to open yourself to other people and to trust others. (Moon in Scorpio/8th house can deal with trust issues). Since the Moon represent the mother it can also means having mommy issues and hard to connect with your mom (emotionally)
Air Placements in the big 3 (Sun, Moon or Rising) have a thing for dancing and music, is literally their thing. They can be obsessed with music and dancing..These people having concerts at 3 am in their room...🫰🏼😭
Aries/Scorpio and Sagittarius Placements especially if you have Venus in these signs can get horny so fast and sometimes is so random 😭 is their thing, also that thing with "Inexplicable getting horny randomly" . They also get freaky and crazy most times without a reason aswell 🤣
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Men with heavy earth/fire placements in their chart give big 🍆 energy...hands down, their personality is very bossy and dominant + daddy vibes. Also very attractive + sexy natives
Mercury and Pluto aspects are the definition of "Sharp tongue" they have this very attractive voice but the thing about them is that..these natives can be prone to cuss and talking dirty most of times. They can end you with their words in a fight/argument
Chiron and Moon/Venus aspects can get very hard over a breakup (friends/lovers break-ups) these natives love to make memories and when such thing happens they have it hard to get over it :(. It can also be hard because these natives attach so fast to people and they can be also very sensitive. They hold a lot of healing with their emotions and feelings and don't you dare ever to hurt a person like this because they are the sweetest people alive. Periodt
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18+ Lilith and True Lilith [h13] in aspects to Pluto/Mars literally have this vibe of "Come and f*** me" 😭. They are very sensual and they love pleasure there is no reason to lie here hands down they are horny 24/7
18+ Lilith and True Lilith [h13] in aspects to Jupiter and Saturn can be very intense and kinky, Jupiter amplifies their sexual energy and Saturn comes and makes them attracted to serious and dominant partners
Lilith/True Lilith in the 6th/10th/12th houses are very similar and i will tell you why besties... They attract people from their work both of them. Because they can be very appealing and both have a good appealing body who can make a lot of into them.
Lilith/True Lilith in the 5th/7th/8th houses are those type of who really love to have a fun time in bed because they can he kinky af 😭 praying for your beds because the only imagine i have in my head is that Twilight scene where Edward breaks the bed with Bella😭😭😭😭
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Venus - Pluto aspects want to have that deep and safe love and to feel loved for once because usually these people went through very much relating to relationships and their partners or ex partners could be very toxic. They are very powerful and intuitive when it comes to their partners lying on them or hiding something from them
Pluto in the 1st/10th/11th houses can attract people who pretend to be their friends or "nice" people to them but be careful because most times they will betray or backstab you and talk behind your back. Take care with those who pretend to be your friends
Earth Placements in big 3 (Sun, Moon, Rising) can struggle with anxiety and stress most of the times. They are very gentle and gracious natives and always ready to help those who need but who is there to help them when they also need someone?...These people can be extremely sacrificing
People with Virgo Placements and People with Saturn in the 6th/12th houses are getting tired so fast..they are not lazy or something, rather just they overthink and work very much and at the end of the day they can be very tired. Also problems with sleep can happen and let's say these natives deserve to have a good sleep 💤
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Good day for you queens and kings 🌹👑, a new day a new post 🫰🏼🌸. This post has more dark vibes than my light aesthetic posts but i like it so much! Hope you all are doing good and are happy together with the people you love!🌺 I wish you many many many blessings and good coming for you!
Never ever forget how special you are, you are unique, inspiring, creative, brave and beautiful. You are the art of life 🌺🌠
- Harmoonix 💋
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kookslastbutton · 3 months
Those Eyes Chico ༓ myg (m) | chapter one
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✑ Summary: As the new marketing director for Min Yoongi’s upcoming D-Day album & tour, you’re expected to bring your expertise to the table. This shouldn’t be a problem—you’re the best in the business and you’re used to drawing a strict line between your professional and personal life. But what happens when the lines you’ve fought to keep as separate blur for the first time?
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pairing: idol!yoongi x plus size!poc!reader
genre/AU: angst, fluff, smut, slowburn, coworkers2friends2lovers, winter setting, forbidden love,
word count: 6.5k+
warnings: oc is 28, Yoon is 30, oc is not originally from South Korea, oc has light brown eyes, swearing, mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of anxiety, panic attacks, body insecurities, fear of being blacklisted, emotionally restrained yoon, unstable parental relationships, conservative parents, rude Hybe executive that should be fired, bestie!tae is wonderful support 🥹, and cute yoon and oc interactions bc yeah....its thier first time actually meeting so it must be cute!
now playing: Sweet Dreams by The Last Shadow Puppets
a/n: YAHHH chapter one!! Ok i apologize if the meeting is so long and drawn out...I really tried to make it fun but so much info is needed too haha. Anyway this series is dedicated to my wonderfully crazy friend and sorta beta, Gloom @theuselessdaydreamingidiot, and to all our fellow Yoon lovers bc we miss our sweet man SO MUCH 🥺 Enjoy! 🥰 Also huge thank you to @itaeewon for designing this beautiful series header! Love it!!
Series Masterlist | next chapter >>
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Winter in Seoul feels like stepping onto the set of your most beloved holiday film.
As the brisk air wraps around you, delicate snowflakes gather atop your head, urging you to cocoon in your finest wool trench coat. Yet, despite the chill, the sight of frost-bitten trees basking in the morning's golden rays offers a source of warmth and delight. Perhaps the most radiant tree of them all is the towering Christmas tree that sits proudly in the heart of the city. Adorned with shimmering red and gold baubles, the giant evergreen catches the eye of every person that walks by–both tourists and locals alike.
Nearby shopping malls buzz with holiday fervor too as shoppers scour for treasures, couples engage in friendly competition to find the ultimate gift, and children line up to take their picture with Santa. But the best part is when night falls. The whole city comes alive with joy and laughter as loved ones meet one another on the ice-skating rinks, while karaoke bars echo tipsy renditions of timeless songs sung by overworked professionals, each with a bottle of soju in hand.
Yes, Seoul is a place for making memories and you’re in the thick of it.
Having been in the city for three years, one might assume you’ve become well accustomed to the energy of the season. You've really grown to love it here. But adjusting to the new environment is still proving to be a challenge, the most outstanding being the prevailing beauty standards.
Massive billboards featuring stunning models serve as constant reminders of the type of beauty one should aim to achieve as you commute to work. Impossible to miss are the shining examples themselves – iconic k-pop groups Seventeen, Red Velvet, EXO, BlackPink, Mamamoo, TXT, and of course BTS plastered on the side of every flat surface imaginable. You’re not exactly complaining about that aspect as you’ve helped design a good handful of them as a top marketing and advertising professional. But the strict image of what constitutes a beautiful and worthy individual weighs on you more than you’d like.
While a conventional body type isn’t what you’ve been given in this life, you don’t consider yourself to be completely unattractive either. Having high cheekbones, a strong jawline, striking light brown eyes, good enough ass, and a full chest shouldn’t classify as undesirable. Still, you wish you’d adopt this more body positive mindset rather than your current overthinking one. It’s easier said than done, being that you not only see idols everyday on the streets in digital form but at work as well.
You continue further into city until a set of tall, glass doors meet you mere steps away. You tilt your head back to catch the name of the skyscraper before nearing the building’s sturdy, silver handle.
BigHit Music.
Feeling its cool metal under your fingertips, the door swings open with an easier pull than imagined to welcome you into the bustling lobby. You feel a rush of confidence return to you upon entering– this is your domain, this is where you truly shine.
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“Did you get the files I sent to you?”
The woman nods her head in affirmation while sweeping a few pieces of her long, silky hair behind an ear. To strangers, she appears to look about 24 which is only four years younger than yourself but nonetheless she’s the same age as you. Hei-Ran is her name, meaning “graceful orchid” according to Korean translation.
Hei-ran is one of Hybe’s newest hires and based on her experience, a near perfect fit to being South Korean boy group Tomorrow X Together’s new marketing manager. Until about three months ago, this had been your job.
You never imagined giving up the position after three years of working in the role. But with December right around the corner Hybe had other plans for you.
"Graduated summa cum laude with a bachelors degree in BTech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and a MBA in Marketing from NYU Stern. You worked two years as a brand manager for U.S record label Atlantic Records immediately after graduating, and are now working at BigHit Music as a marketing manager for TXT including liaison with their global marketing team.”
You recall Bang PD's voice vibrate in the back of your mind from mid-August. You thought you were called into his office to discuss details of TXT’s latest promo, so having your resume read back to you was a sweeping curve ball. Your determination must have far exceeded the heaviness you felt in your chest because before you knew it you, you were shaking hands with your boss in acceptance of your role – the new marketing director for Min Yoongi’s upcoming D-Day album & tour.
The tedious knot that’s formed in the nape of your neck reminds you that as surreal as the situation might be, it’s undeniably real.
Months spent drafting a comprehensive marketing proposal for D-Day; often until the wee hours of the night, inevitably takes its toll on even the mightiest of warriors. An entire new team of fifty people, all of who you’ll be in charge of orchestrating for the next eight months, doesn’t provide much to relief either.
You’re excited nevertheless. Working with one of the most respected artists in the music industry is an opportunity you couldn’t let slip by, especially since the album’s rock-inspired genre aligns closely with your own music taste.
“Thank you so much for helping me get settled __,” Hei-ran’s gentle voice returns you to the present. “I appreciate the time you’ve taken these last few months to train me despite the tight deadlines you have.”
Smiling, you shake your head. “It’s no problem at all and if there’s anything you need in the future, feel free to give me a call or stop by my office.”
“On the 16th floor right?”
“1656A. Take a left off the elevator and walk to the end of the first hallway. The door on the right is mine.”
Referring to any room on the 16th floor as your own is something you don’t take lightly. For one the offices are double the size of any other office spaces in the building. Yours in particular has a giant skyscraper window draped with heavy white curtains. Secondly, the floor above is the 17th floor which is exclusive to Hybe artists only.
"How's the proposal coming along, by the way?" Her curiosity is palpable, genuine in its nature. You’ve always appreciated that in an individual.
“It’s done,” you respond. “Only thing left to do is to prepare for our meeting with C-suite executives next Monday. It’s nearly perfect as is, but the presentation could use a bit of refining in terms of organization.”
Hei-ran is silent for a moment longer than usual before her next inquiry, which is undoubtedly the question on both of your minds. “I can't help but wonder what it'll be like to meet him for the first time,” she muses.
You don’t bother asking for clarification on who the “him” is; you’re already well aware that it’s Min Yoongi. The same subject has managed to intrude your own thoughts more and more as the date of meeting him draws closer. It's peculiar honestly, considering you’ve encountered him before.
Granted, it was only a small handful of times the hallway, both heading in opposite directions. Min Yoongi typically greeted you with a hoarse 'Good Morning' those instances, along with a curt nod of his head. You would nod back with a brief 'Morning' yourself. Deep down you feel he'd make a quality friend, though it's only a premonition. It’s not like you actually know much about him beyond those small exchanges.
"I'm not sure what to expect, honestly," you admit. "I imagine it'll be similar to previous professional collaborations—composed, focused, and intense. D-Day is poised to become a global sensation for the next year, so it's going to need our full, undivided attention."
Hei-ran gives a knowing nod. “Good luck __,” she wishes you well as you head towards the elevator doors. Breaks over, back to work.
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After another late-night prep session for Monday’s D-Day proposal, you trudge through your apartment door well past 8:30 pm with an empty stomach and a throbbing headache. Good news is that your graphic design team seems to be well on track with their album mockups ready to present.
The same can’t be said for your U.S. promo team however, who required additional guidance on their projects. The social media team was in a similar boat. Somehow several of their members lost track of time and were convinced the proposal was still two weeks away.
Despite the hiccups, you managed to tie up the loose ends, but it meant that none of you got to leave early.
When you finally get to curl up in your fluffy sofa, a loud, exasperated sigh leaves your lips. Your lids flutter shut too as you rest your head against the soft cushion. Silently, you make one last mental rundown of all the tasks you checked off today.
Did you miss anything?
D-Day is the most crucial project you’ve ever taken charge of—you need it to be flawless.
When nothing pressing comes to mind, you grab the tv remote from your dark oak coffee table and aimlessly flip through the channels. You’ll unwind for an hour and then call it a night.
Ten minutes into an episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine and the light chime of your phone's notification bell catches your ear.
Tae 💚: Haven’t heard from you all day. Everything alright?
Taehyung, your best friend. You smile fondly at his message as your thumbs hover over the reply button. He's always checking in on you. You and Taehyung have been friends ever since you first moved to Seoul and started working at Hybe. You didn't expect your friendship to become this strong, but both of you are sociable individuals, which led to discovering several unexpected commonalities. One of those is a shared love for jazz, which has been one of your all-time favorite genres for as long as you can remember.
You: yeah, I’m good. Just tired. Been working on D-Day's proposal for months and finally got it fully prepped for.
Tae 💚: Well, that's amazing news! You feel good about it?
You: I don't know. I’m definitely ready for this project but I’m also starting to feel a little burned out. The proposal is only the beginning you know, and it's already taking the wind out of me.
Tae 💚: Sorry to hear that 😞 I'm sure it must be draining, but I also know this is your territory. No one is more fit to head this project than you. Everyone thinks so. How about you take the weekend to rest?
You: Yeah...I'm watching B99 rn
Tae 💚: B99?! Without me?
You can't help but giggle. Somehow over the course of three years you've roped your best friend into becoming obsessed with your mindless sitcoms. You've done more than a handful of binge watching together, until all hours of the night.
You: Wanna come over for an hour?
The company might be nice.
Tae 💚: Be there in 20 🏃
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Your door bells rings exactly twenty minutes after you and Taehyng finish exchanging texts. He's so prompt it scares you sometimes.
“Hey.” His deep, baritone voice greets you first, along with a friendly hug. Taehyung slips his snow covered boots off upon entering your apartment and hangs his wool jacket on your coat rack. His limited edition Gucci scarf is next. Taehyung loves the winter as it’s the time he can wear his most luxurious clothes.
“What’s this?” You peak inside a brown paper bag that Taehyung has conveniently set on your kitchen countertop. He flashes you a playful grin and gestures you to open it. Naturally, you're suspicious but it all washes away when a new, unopened bottle of whiskey presents itself. “Oh my god, you didn’t!" You swat his arm in a rush of excitement.
“I had to!" Taehyung opens a kitchen cupboard and grabs a glass from the top shelf. He's been in your apartment enough times that he’s grown comfortable with your place. That and he's also your best friend.
"With all the recent events you've had going on, I think it calls for a celebration." Taehyung expertly pours you a glass of the smooth, rich liquor and offers it to you.
“Thank you, Tae," you say, taking the glass from his hand. "Come sit down. Jake's about to sing I Want It That Way with the police lineup.” Taehyung pours himself a glass of Pinot Noir and follows your lead.
After about forty minutes of sitcoms and booze with your best friend you begin to feel yourself relaxing. Whatever challenges lies ahead, you know you'll be able to handle them one whiskey at a time.
All stream of thought is interrupted when your phone dings off again. It's now half past 9, who on earth is trying to reach you?
You tighten the grip on your phone as soon aa the message appears. Taehyung, previously occupied by the end credit scene, catches the sudden shift in your demeanor and calls your name but he's inaudible to you.
Mom: It’s been almost two weeks since we last heard from you. We know you're busy but your father and I want to know if you’ll be coming home. The holidays are coming up right? Why don't you use some of that time to come see us? There's someone we want you to meet.
"__, who is it?" Taehyung's voice manages to break your intense concentration.
“Just my mom.” You answer briefly, still averting eye contact.
“What’d she say?”
“She wants me to come home for the holidays.” You shut your phone off in an effort to calm yourself.
Unlike Taehyung your relationship with your parents has always been rocky. Expectations are set high from birth and you never see eye to eye. Likely, the only accomplishment that's earned genuine praise from them was when you accepted your initial job proposal with Hybe. A respectable career is only second to health to them after all. Your father was more torn with the news that you’d be moving hundreds of miles away than your mom however, not that you’re surprised.
Of course while having a healthy and respectable career is priority for your parents, there is no mistake that their greatest wish is to see their daughter married. A stable man with ample resources to provide her a secure home and healthy children is preferable.
You love your parents and you'll always be there for them, but you must admit that their traditional outlook is one you can never live up to. They tried setting you up dozens of times before, and tonight's request to have you come home "for the holidays to meet someone” is simply another attempt to marry you off.
Yes, you would like some sort of companionship in your life and you hope if you find it that they’ll approve. But giving your hand in marriage to the first notable suitor isn't your forte. You consider yourself to be an independent woman with a tender heart, and you'd rather be single for the entirety of your life than be forced into another obligation.
Preserving your independence is highly important to you. So no, you draw the line when it comes to relational affairs.
If only you could be firm and repeat all the above to them aloud, rather than within your own head— if only.
“So are you gonna go?"
You don't respond immediately, still weighing out your options. "Not sure," you murmur. "I don't really want to but maybe I should. I haven't gone home to see my parents since last year."
Taehyung recognizes the growing tension in your voice as well as the flushed expression playing on your face. He wishes he could take it all away but instead he moves closer to your side of the sofa and lets you rest your head on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry." He's silent for a moment before continuing. "Why don't you tell them you can't go because of work? There must be a number of things you'll need to get ahead of for Yoongi's album."
"True. But it's too easy, they won't buy that. I have to go."
"What if you say I invited you to celebrate with my family this year? We're going to a nice, cozy cabin a few hours north of here for Christmas."
The offer is temping and you know he means it but it's also not enough.
"No," you reject. "They'll think we're dating and ask to meet you."
"I'll do it!" Taehyung's voice lifts into a more playful tone, earning a soft chuckle from you.
"Very cute Taetae, but no. Neither of us are going to say 'that was a good idea' in the end, trust me. I'll have to make this decision on my own."
Taehyung grimaces slightly at your last choice of words. "I really think you should consider telling them you can't due to a full schedule. We don't get that much time off at the company any way. Don't your parents live at least 7-10 hours away? Come on, spend the holidays with me and the guys. Plus, it'll be my birthday soon. I want you there at my party."
When you look at your best friend to gently scold him for not so sneakily using the guilt tripping technique, he's pouting. Like a baby. Not even you can resist him with that face on.
"Fine. I'll think about it."
"Good," Taehyung chirps and snatches the tv remote to flip through episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. "I want you to be around those closest to you, especially around the holidays. You're my badass best friend who deserves more than some stupid forced marriage to a guy with an unhealthy alpha male complex. Should we top the night off with one more episode by the way?"
You nod and Taehyung hits play on the remote. "Thank you," you coo, feeling a tad better.
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The weekend is a blur at best and you’re back at the office before you realize. Of course this is no ordinary work day however, given that today signifies the day you officially start work as D-Day’s marketing director. You’ve been perfecting every detail of the proposal like a madman since the beginning, meticulously obessing over every element. Your new team members must have a pretty eye-opening understanding of what it’ll be like having you as a lead for the next year–you pity them to be honest.
Between your fingers clutches a small tube of lip balm, berry flavored with a faint tint to match. You love chapstick for some odd, inexplainable reason and you felt the need to apply a generous amount of it on your lips for good luck.
“No one’s here yet,” Yi-joon, one of the members of your graphic design team, speaks first upon stepping foot into your assigned conference room. Others hum, unsurprised. Being the ones leading the presentation, you’d be startled if anyone actually arrived beforehand.
A grand mahogany table, seating up to 14 individuals, boasts itself to you in the middle of the room with every chair lined in genuine black leather. Traditional seating arrangements have one chair at the head of the table, but today’s meeting has two, both positioned to face the wide presentation screen at the opposite end.
Undoubtably, they’re reserved for Bang PD and Min Yoongi.
A momentary shiver courses down your spine, yet fades quick when one of your team members asks if anyone's seen the remote to the projector. There’s no time for nerves to be acting up, you remind yourself calmly. Only 15 minutes remain until every C-suite executive in Hybe congregates into the room.
With a composed demeanor, you swiftly gather your thoughts and respond, "Try checking inside the podium. It's likely close by, but if not, we can always power it on manually." You then start delegating tasks to the rest of your team, mentally rehearsing key points of the proposal between each instruction.
Time appears to have vanished in the blink of an eye because in a matter of seconds a gentle breeze slips through the conference door, accompanied by the arrival of several Hybe executives. You offer a polite "good morning," which is briefly reciprocated as they take their respective seats around the conference table.
You count twelve at the table in total, including your own team.
"Sajangnim should be here in about–"
Hybe's Chief Finance Officer doesn't get to finish his sentence when an older gentleman in a freshly pressed suit walks through the door, fully immersed in conversation. The person following close behind him is none other than the man of the hour himself–Min Yoongi, fitted in a clean white dress shirt that's unbuttoned at the collar and sleeves rolled to the elbows. His soft, raven hair falls gently in front of his eyes, framing his face a little too well.
Unexpectedly, both your gazes shift from Bang PD and onto one another. His dark, intense eyes pierce through you as they observe you from the opposite side of the room. You're certain he recognizes you from your previous shared encounters, though you don't have the slightest clue what he's thinking. Min Yoongi has been known to be many things, but an open book isn't one of them.
He then walks in your direction until he's directly toe to toe with you for the very first time. Completely against your wishes, you feel all the tiny hairs on the back of your neck stand straight. You've never officially met before.
"It's nice to finally meet you __-nim. Those nods we give each other in the hallway hardly count as a proper introduction." He extends a hand to you, offering you a sturdy handshake which you accept.
"Absolutely, it's a pleasure to meet you as well Min PD-nim," you say, smiling warmly. "I'm looking forward to working with you on your new album. I truly appreciate the opportunity."
For a split second, Yoongi allows his professional demeanor drop. "I should be the one thanking you. You'll be the one leading this whole operation right? So I'll be in your care."
You want to respond with gratitude, but you're not given the chance due to an authoritative voice speaking up from behind.
"Min PD-nim," Hybe's Vice President calls out to the man in front of you, requesting his attention.
Yoongi is hesitant to leave you mid-conversation but you assure him that it's alright. "Please, feel free to take a seat," you offer. "The presentations will begin soon."
A small, subtle smile graces Yoongi's lips before he turns around to take his seat beside Bang PD at the head of the table. He engages in small talk with Hybe's Vice President who's conveniently seated across from him. Yet despite their conversation, he's only half focused; his eyes repeatedly wandering back to you. At this point, however, you've already stopped looking at him.
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"Good morning, all," you address the room when the time comes to commence the meeting. "We'll be getting started now that everyone's here. I'm sending down samples of the album design our graphics team has created for D-Day. Please pass them along." You hand the stack of copies to Hybe's Chief Technology Officer who smiles courteously.
"On behalf of my team and me, I want to thank you for joining us today to discuss our marketing strategy for Min PD-nim's upcoming D-Day album. Our agenda will be as follows," you guide everyone's attention to the presentation board, which provides a rundown of all the points you plan to cover for the remainder of the meeting.
"Let's begin with introductions. My name is ___ ___, I hold a Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from NYU Stern, as well as an MBA in Marketing. Over the past five years, I've worked in the music industry as a marketing manager. Three of those years were spent here at Hybe. The recent promotional campaign for TXT's The Chaos Chapter was lead by my previous team and me, resulting in a positive return on investment. Now, with a new team, I aim to achieve similar success with Min PD-nim's D-Day album."
Once you finish your introduction, you introduce each member of your team. This is soon followed by a brief introduction from each c-suite executive.
The whole room falls silent when you begin diving into the bulk of the proposal; every measurable objective, goal, and market analysis is shared for D-Day. When it comes time to present the brand guide and album design, you invite your graphics team to speak.
"You'll notice that we have two versions of Min PD-nim's albums on the sheet in front of you," Yi-joon refers to the mockups you handed out earlier. A few executives nod quietly as they study the proposed album packaging while Yoongi leans over to Bang PD. He's whispering something but you're far to distant away to hear. His expressions aren't telling either.
Does he like it? Does he not? You don't know.
Nevertheless, you give a subtle smile to Yi-joon as encouragement to continue.
 "We've opted for a sleek, pitch-black design for the first version, and a dusty brown for the second. The first version symbolizes the past, characterized by societal expectations and internal struggles, while the second represents the present and future, conveying a message of liberation. To complement these themes, we've selected a bold and daring font to exude the album's transparency. This design consistency extends to the album's contents; for instance, lyrical cards will reflect the respective color and style of the version they belong to."
Hybe's Chief Marketing Officer appears to be in approval with the entirety of the plan so far, yet it's short lived when a low voice interrupts.
"I think the vision of album's design aligns closely with mine, so I like what I see in front of me." Yoongi pauses and places the mockup on the table. "There's one aspect that I'd like to discuss in hopes of some insight however. I've been mauling over it for a while now."
"I'll do my best to–" Hybe's Chief Marketing Officer opens his mouth to respond yet closes it immediately when he notices Yoongi's gaze sharply shifts to you. It's a signal that it's your insight he specifically requests.
"Please go on," you reply.
"Regarding the name under which the album should be released, should it be 'Agust D' or 'Suga'? I'm personally biased towards Agust D because it holds more weight for me. It's close to my heart and the stories I have to tell as Agust D are heavier than those of Suga, right? The D even stands for Daegu, my hometown where I grew up and where my parents still live. Suga on the other hand is my stage name, which I have some identity in as well."
You don't answer immediately, preferring to carefully process everything he's said. Your team has already proposed to release the album under 'Agust D', yet he makes a valid point that 'Suga' is also a part of him.
"I understand that releasing the album under 'Suga' has its merit. However, I still support the original idea of releasing it under 'Agust D'. As you've mentioned, the name carries a deeper meaning, evoking memories, emotions, trials, and tribulations. I'd also like to emphasize that by releasing D-Day under 'Agust D', you can showcase who the real Agust D is. The collaboration with IU in People Pt. 2 already has you one step in that door."
Like you, Yoongi considers your words cautiously, weighing them in his mind. "Thank you ___-nim," he finally speaks. "Your perspective is reassuring. We'll proceed with releasing the album under 'Agust D'.
Following your short discussion, the graphics team continues presenting their design materials. Minor comments are made by Hybe executives, but Yoongi doesn't comment again until half-way into the social media segment.
"Why do we need to schedule this many Weverse Lives? People might get tired of seeing my face after so many in a row. ARMY will read, 'Min Yoongi started a live' and say to their friends, 'This is the fifth time in a row, is he in love with his own voice or something?'." His joke sparks a light in the room as Bang PD gives a chuckle.
"I don't think that's going to be an issue for you Yoongi," he replies. "Don't you know the strength of your own fanbase?" Bang PD's statement is undeniable. Everyone in the room is well aware of Min Yoongi's international fanbase who willingly stay up all hours of the night just to catch a glimpse of him. In fact, rather than seeing less of him, they hope to receive his live notifications more, as Yoongi isn't as active on Weverse as other idols.
It's clear that compliments like these aren't easy for Yoongi to take though, judging by the flushed look that subtly sweeps over his face. You'd react the same way to be honest.
"If I may Min PD-nim," you speak up, deciding to offer an alternative plan. "Leveraging Weverse Live to help promote D-Day will draw significant international engagement. We know that time differences pose to be a challenge which is why we proposed an increase of live sessions per week. However, we understand that going live this often might be exhausting. Would you consider reducing the frequency to once or twice a week instead?"
"I'm open to once a week but didn't we film the 'Suga: Road to D-Day' documentary for a similar reason? Won't it be too much to add more than two Weverse Lives throughout the entire promotional phase?" Yoongi's challenge is met with an unanimous hum of support from his fellow executives. You'd feel intimidated if you didn't already have a justification mapped out.
"The objective behind releasing 'Suga: Road to D-Day' on Disney+ differs from that of Weverse Lives," you rebuttal confidently. "While the documentary presents a structured behind-the-scenes view of D-Day's development, the Lives focus on building hype among your existing fans who know you well, will spread the word to their peers, and will likely pre-order the album. As you're aware, Lives are more personal and stripped down, allowing your fanbase to feel closer to you."
Thinking of no further objectives, Yoongi, still somewhat unsure, accepts your suggestion. "Once a week will be fine then. While we're still on the topic, do we know when 'Suga: Road to D-Day' is set to release on Disney+?"
"Our digital marketing and promo team will be reviewing the specifics of that soon," you inform. "Right now we have the documentary releasing April 23 of next year. The poster for the film will release a week and a half earlier on the 12th."
Rather than furthering the discussion, Yoongi sends an understanding nod your way which allows the social media team to resume their portion of the proposal. Recording more Weverse Lives than usual remains a pain point for him, but he's willing to move forward if it means connecting with his fanbase.
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Alast, after what seems like three hours of social media; followed by financing & budget talk, the last team to present their material takes lead of the meeting.
"We'd like to provide a timeline for D-Day's promo schedule as a way to wrap up today's proposal," So-hyun from your digital marketing and promos team explains. "Promotions will begin April 10, 2023 and will run until April 25th. During this time the album's track list, concept photos, MV Teaser, and official MV will drop. As far as concert schedule, we're proposing April 26-June 24. These dates include U.S, Asia, and Korea Tours."
"We might need to rethink concert dates but for now I'm on onboard." Yoongi remains brief in his interjection, allowing So-hyun to continue.
"As far as other marketing channels, we plan to implement both print and digital methods including billboards, banners, paid search ads, and YouTube. We'd also like to reach out to a variety of magazines like Rolling Stones Magazine for interviews. If we want to extend our global reach even further, we can book a time slot on the Jimmy Fallon Show. Bare in mind that if we go this route, we'll need to decide fairly quick, as slots are in high demand."
You notice Bang PD whispering amongst Yoongi and his Chief Finance Officer when Jimmy Fallon is mentioned. Yoongi seems the least interested. Perhaps he isn't fond of being front and center of talk shows, you guess.
"When will we need a decision for the Jimmy Fallon Show?" Bang PD inquires for the group.
"No later than three weeks from now," So-hyun answers. "It's a tight deadline but it can been done if we get the official go."
Bang PD directs his attention to Yoongi who's chosen to be silent in this conversation. "What do you think, Yoongi? It's your call."
"Maybe," he says, "give me a day or two to think on it."
Another ten minutes of productive overview with your promos team pass and soon, you're standing up to adjourn the meeting. You have to admit that out of all the proposals you've given in your career, this goes right to the top.
Your team was phenomenal today, and despite the the fact that several Hybe executives are biting at the bit to finally go on their lunch break, you feel confident that everyone is leaving on the same page.
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"Min PD-nim."
You're ears inevitably pick up the conversation in front of you as you make your way out of the conference room. Yoongi and his Chief Financial Officer are running through some quick numbers only a few steps steps ahead, but with everyone simultaneously rushing in the same direction, neither must have realized you were within earshot.
"There's no doubt that she's good at what she does," Hybe's Chief Financial Officer continues. "Still, it's hard to believe that she's only 27 or 28. A person should take better care of themselves don't you agree? Like our Eunchae for example."
If there was a way to erase what you just heard, you'd do so, because in an instant, all previous successes you felt from today's proposal shatters to the ground. You're no stranger to receiving these sorts of comments about your appearance, yet it leaves your confidence fleeting, along with any amount of resilience you've built.
Blinking back the tears that threaten to spill, you exit the conference room the first chance you get. You have no desire to stick around for Yoongi's reply.
Not long after you leave does you phone ring off.
Tae 💚: Hey! How's the meeting going? Still available to get lunch this afternoon? I'm heading to the cafeteria as I type this.
You: It went okay. But I don't think I'll be coming to lunch, just a lot to do. I'm also not that hungry.
You second-guess how convincing your message is, knowing that it's your best friend on the other line. Regardless, it's the only words you can come up with right now. You really do have a lot of work ahead of you though, at least that part is true.
Tae 💚: Are you sure? I was looking forward on hearing how the meeting went! Wasn't there something you had to give me too?
The meaning of the last line suddenly dawns on you as you make your way down the long hallway. How could you forget? You made Taehyung one of his favorite foods to surprise him for lunch; Japchae, a sweet and savory dish of stir-fried glass noodles and vegetables.
You: Right, sorry it slipped from my mind for a second. I'll meet you in the cafeteria to give it to you.
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"Why won't you stay and eat with me?" Taehyung devours the homemade Japchae you made for him with delight, a pair of chopsticks clamped in his hand.
"I don't have much of an appetite, Tae."
You've already told him this twice already, clarifying that you'd be heading back to your office once you deliver his food. Evidently, he's not letting you slip away easily.
"Then take a break with me instead, even if it's only for ten minutes." You watch as your best friend swiftly pulls out the chair next to him from under the table, gesturing you to sit. "Tell me what's got you down," he says. "Did Yoongi say something to you? He can be a bit too outspoken with his opinions sometimes."
Feeling defeated, you slide into the chair. "No, the meeting was fine. I'm just overthinking something that happened."
You then proceed to explain what you overheard Hybe's Chief Finance Officer say about you from earlier, that you didn't look healthy enough for your age and using Eunchae as an example. The scowl that appears on Taehyung's face as you retell the incident is unmistakable–he's clearly pissed.
"First of all," Taehyung starts once you finish, jaw clenched. "Eunchae is 17 and is a part of a Korean girl group. She has an entire team dedicated to making sure her appearance is flawless. It's the idol life; trust me, I'm well acquainted with it, so it's not a fair comparison. Secondly, Hybe's CFO is an asshole who I'd replace in a day. I don't want you letting him make you feel insignificant just because you don't conform to his narrow idea of how a woman should look."
You appreciate Taehyung's efforts to cheer you up, though you remain unaffected. Besides, he still isn't aware of Yoongi's involvement since you purposely left that detail out due to their close friendship.
"Yeah, I don't know. We don't have to talk about it anymore." You decide to dismiss the topic entirely and reach for your phone, along with a pair of earbuds bundled in your pocket. "Wanna listen to something?"
Music has always bonded you and Taehyung's friendship, as you've frequently found yourselves fully immersed in timeless songs from King of Leon and Led Zeppelin together. Taehyung nearly accepts the offer to listen with you once again, but then he freezes all movement. An eager grin follows close after.
"Hyung!" His voice echos though the room, earning the attention of Min Yoongi who's just entered the cafeteria. This time, you feel nothing but discomfort when the man looks your way.
"I have some material I need to review from my promo team. I'll text you later, okay?" You leave your best friend no time to reply as you quickly rise from your chair, stick your phone in your pant pocket, and head for the nearest exit. Yoongi attempts to make eye contact with you on your way out, but you avoid it completely.
When he approaches Taehyung, he acknowledges your semi-odd behavior. "I didn't mean to make her leave," he states, joining the younger at the table.
Taehyung offers a light shrug in response. "Don't worry, you didn't. She had other matters to get to. Something with her team members I think."
Yoongi grabs a fresh clementine from a nearby fruit bowl and beings peeling it little by little. "You two must be pretty close if you're having your lunches together."
It's not hard for Taehyung to read between the lines of what his member is insinuating.
"We've been friends for a while," he clarifies. "Just friends, nothing else."
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a/n: Hope you enjoyed! Lmk what you think 🥰
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no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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yayayxs · 6 months
Summary: Bada exposes your guy’s relationship on live “accidentally”
Bada Lee x Fem!Reader
A/N: I’ve already made a fic like this but another one wouldn’t hurt and I’ve been dyinggg to write about this for so longgg.
Just a small little fic for y’all :3
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“I’m sooo boreddd” Bada whined as she cuddled up next to you, smelling your signature scent (enter smell of your choice) on your clothes. Her hair soft against your neck.
You giggled and kept scrolling on your phone, liking edits of your girlfriend and other pictures of Bada. You smiled at how gorgeous she looked all the time.
Bada shuffled a bit on the couch noticing how she wasn’t getting your attention and how stuck you were on your phone, smiling at something, she furrowed her eyebrows.
“What are you looking at that’s making you giggle and kick your feet?” She asked sitting up, you looked at her as she had a cute bothered face on, you flipped your phone as Bada was met with a picture of her.
“You duh, who else have you seen make me giggle and kick my feet?” You asked
Bada stayed silent.
You let out a hum.
“Okay but I’m right here? You don’t have to look at your phone so see my beautiful face” She whined, frowning as she cuddled against you once more, comforted by the fact no other woman was making you act that way, that wasn’t her.
“Yeah but these people have crazy talent editing you like that.” You said as another Bada edit popped up on your feed, music blearing from your speaker as you liked the edit.
Bada rolled her eyes sarcastically.
You pecked her cheek and smiled.
God, she was in love with you.
If she would have gotten the engagement ring she customized just for you a week ago, she swear she would propose to you right now.
Suddenly two voices could be heard from your phone and then music. It was a edit of both of you, with #(your couples name). You automatically licked it with no hesitation. Bada looked towards your phone as she stopped playing with your hair.
“Ooh I like that one” she said.
“Me too, it’s my favorite one so far” you said, then you opened the comments.
Let’s just say it was a mix.
“She’s pretty but not pretty enough for Bada 😕”
“Yeah I don’t think Bada would date someone like her…”
“There’s no way they could be together, they don’t even have chemistry”
Let’s just say hate comments were slowly over flowing the positive comments.
Badas eyes widened as these random people were commenting on your guy’s private relationship. Quickly she snatched your phone from your grasp before you could keep reading them.
“Stupid people, don’t even know what they’re talking about…” Bada mumbled angrily.
You hugged Bada, and smiled.
“You’re cute when youre mad” you said and pinched her cheek jokingly. She only stared at you with a serious expression on her face and read “are you serious?”
“What? Those little hate comments don’t affect me they don’t know nothing about-“ your voice was cut off when Bada scrolled to your instagram account.
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion at her actions.
“Babe what are you doing?”
She quickly clicked the camera icon and then pressed “Start Live”
Before you could even react she immediately kissed you in-front of the camera, with the instagram live started as she held the camera up to your guy’s faces.
You started to really get into it before you realized what exactly you were doing.
You were live making out with Bada, who you two haven’t even confirmed your relationship, in front of thousands of people.
You quickly snapped out of it reaching for your phone back from Badas grasp and ended the live. You breathed heavily, trying to catch your breath.
“Why did you-“
Again, Bada leaned in kissing you before you could finish what you were saying.
“My hand slipped, sorry.”
This is short asf and rushed but hope y’all liked itttt lmk if y’all want more Bada fics and send me requests pls!!
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bellewintersroe · 8 months
Jenson Button x Famous!Reader 2009
you’re a famous British model and actress who’s dating Jenson Button during 2009 GP. You’re also his biggest support but you get a name for yourself in the British press as being a bit of a ‘wild child’. Cameras constantly follow you around the grid, but Jenson is absolutely smitten by your crazy antics.
warnings: headcanons mentions of sex, oral sex, innuendos, Jenson is in love with her like teeth rotting cuteness, mentions of public flashing?!
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I feel like Jenson and y/n would meet a year prior to starting to go out, when she was still in a relationship with somebody else. She’s a little younger, maybe when they actually start dating she’s 22 and he’s like 29?
anyway he’s heard of her before and sees her and his friends are all hyping him up to say something, maybe they’re at an after party where there’s lots of big names.
he walks around the corner all hyped up, then sees you snogging this other fella and he’s deep down crushed.
anyway a year later you’re single and he sweeps you off your feet, absolutely buzzing that this time nobody got in his way.
the relationship moves naturally, you’re both young and still (kinda) like to party, the British press go WILD that the two of you are together. You’d attend as many races as possible, being in the front row and cheering him on each time.
there’s one incident specifically where you’re cheering from below as he stands on the podium. He’s grinning directly towards you and giggling you go to lift your top to flash him cheekily.
the camera ALL point to you but it’s his publicist that stops you, waving a hand in a panicked manner. “I wasn’t really going to!” You’d exclaim, glancing back up to Jenson whose jaw was dropped in excitement. The crowd was ‘wheeeeying’ each time you went to lift your top mischievously, but you ended up getting told off.
he’d love it when you rode tf out of him, titties in his face.
you’d get a reputation for partying together, but the tabloids make it seem far worse than what you actually do.
The uk papers love trying to get a good scandal out of the two of you, but you’re so close knit and stay out of drama it’s all aload of bollocks.
always getting caught in compromising positions, eg, he’s grabbing your bum or boobs.
you once got caught reaching under the blanket to rest a hand teasingly over his crotch.
he’d be such a tease omg, especially when he get a little cocky after winning a race.
but he really is a sweetheart, the media like to present you both as some kind of crazy, party animal couples and there’s sooo many rumours that fly around (none of them are true).
The two of you would 100% become more private and reserved as you got older, but especially in the first few years you’re a magnet for cameras.
you’d often be caught drinking in the paddock or partying, you’d become a staple fashion icon and one of the leading wags. It seems like you’re friends with everybody and anybody, causing you to become a likeable character on the grid.
I feel like Jenson would be so chilled out watching you doing interviews and speaking to whoever, but the minute somebody starts to take advantage of your kindness he’s stepping in.
Like some of the papers print the most misogynistic stories about you ever. We all know paparazzi especially the British press can be ruthless, so there’d be lots of times after nights out where they’re already waiting to hound you coming out of a bar.
One guy tries to take an inappropriate picture of you getting out of a car and Jenson punches him or hits his camera out of his hands, idk he’s just super protective over you.
would take you on soooo many holidays, deffo gets a little frisky on the private beaches and on the yachts, he loves it. He falls in love with you deeper and deeper each time he spends time with you.
Can’t get enough of you in a bikini.
sometimes he’ll get so excited to see you he play fights you and gets a little rough.
loves it when you get a little feisty omg.
when you surprise him at a race he’d wrap his arms so tightly around your front and snuggle his face into the crook of your neck omg he’s so soft idgaf.
massive softie when nobody is watching, isn’t afraid of a little PDA either in front of the right people ;)
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emeritusemeritus · 2 months
Hear me out! Possessive sex + Overstimulation + Brat Taming + Breeding. Both of the Weasley Twins please. 🤭
I just always have this thought of just teasing the shit out of them when they’re work and fleeing afterwards. It’s almost as if we took their job of teasing us, and I could just imagine how pent up and frustrated they can be when they can’t do anything since there’s kids and adults around. The joke shop is suppose to be an appropriate place especially when it’s meant mainly for kids..Perhaps, add a part where we purposefully flirt with one of our old classmates. You can choose who! If you don’t like this idea, I completely understand! Feel free to add some kinks if you like or story elements. 🫶
Hi Anon! I’m so sorry it has taken so long to get this out, writing has had to be on the back-burner for now but I’m slowly getting back! Sorry for the lack of smut, it’s more of the setup as I’m abit smutted out 🖤
Warnings: Sexual tension, brat behaviour, Dom!sub relationships, polyamory, teasing, sexual references, mild swearing. Flirting, mentions of pregnancy, pregnancy kink, breeding kink.
Word count: 2.5k
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Wonder Witch
You knew what you were getting into the second you opened up your wardrobe and changed into the outfit you'd carefully prepared for today. Your husbands had already long since departed the flat to set up the shop for the day, leaving you just a little later to sleep in, which you were thankful for.
Today was the big launch of new wonder witch products that the twins had been tirelessly working on, perfecting the range ready for the big launch today. You'd helped with ordering violently pink balloons to decorate every orifice of the shop, had banners printed and had even managed to convince Madame Puddifoot's to make some limited edition iced biscuits for the celebration, all in the same sickening shade of pink.
The icing on the cake was the costume that you'd picked out ready to hand out and display the new items, recreating the wonder witch icon on the packaging.
The dress in itself wasn't too risky, an array of pink and gold overlapping fabric that fell just above your knee, with a pointed witches hat in a smilies style. But it also had exposed shoulders with dropped sleeves and a corseted middle which hoisted in your waist to create a rather dramatic shape, highlighting your hips in a way that you knew would drive your husbands crazy. You carefully curled your hair and applied a healthy dose of mascara to really make your eyes pop before applying an equally vibrant lipsticks that you'd found matched the colour of wonder witch perfectly. You added a little highlighter around your cheeks to give you a little bit more of a playful look and slipped on your shoes to really help bring the look together.
When you looked in the mirror, you were more than pleased with yourself. You looked hot.
Checking the clock, you saw that it was 8:53am, just in time for the store to open. You could hear the twins flapping, mainly George, the moment you opened the door towards the staircase. They were bustling ready for the big opening and the unsurprising lack of Verity meant that she was probably going to be late again.
"Angel can you put these products on the... shit." George says the second you walk down the stairs, noticing the outfit almost immediately.
"What's up with you?" Fred asks, walking over to George under the staircase until he comes into full view, noticing that his twin seems to be frozen on the spot. He turns, looking towards the direction George seems frozen at and you watch as his eyes widen also comically wide. "Holy Godric."
"Morning," you say cheerfully, leaning up to press a kiss to George's cheek before doing the same to Fred as they look at you in complete shock, mouths slightly parted. "Where do you want me?"
"Um," George says, clearing his throat though his eyes hardly move from the curve of your breasts, a prominent feature of your dress. You fight the urge to laugh, wanting to keep up your little innocent play, pretending that you had no idea why they were looking at you like that.
"You want these on the shelf?" You ask, batting your eyelashes at them, watching as Fred's tongue pokes out to wet his lips.
The little clock on the wall chimes, signalling the store opening, just as you bend down to grab the box of products and you look up with pouting lips, watching as the twins hardly react to the chimes.
"You gonna unlock the doors big boy?" You ask Fred with a singular raised eyebrows, noticing how he doesn't even attempt to pull out his wand. A frantic knock on the doors pulls him out of his thoughts and you all turn to see Verity knocking to be let it, surrounded by a large crowd of customers ready to shop the new products. You flash a little wink at George as Fred unlocks the doors with a flick of his wand, the fireworks and the tricks beginning all in perfect synchronisation. When you look back up after picking up the box of products and see your two men still staring at you, completely unaware of the swarm of customers bursting through the doors, you knew today was going to be fun.
The store was packed right from opening, a never-ending swarm of people crossing through the doors until the shop was almost too full of people, all wanting to get their hands on the new merchandise. It was an overwhelming success, the new line of wonder witch products and cosmetics and you were thankful, fortunate and insanely proud of your husbands for pulling off the ideas you'd created together. You should have been tired, drained from the day as it neared closing time but truthfully you were on an adrenaline high, on cloud nine from teasing your husbands all day and seeing their increasing desperation.
All day you'd made sure to be a little bit of a brat, an utter tease whilst trying to portray yourself as an innocent Angel- something you knew for a fact that they didn't believe in the slightest.
George was easier to rile up, always quicker to respond to your more subtle teasing. You'd brushed past him a number of times today, the packed shop only aiding your need to slowly brush your ass against the front of his trousers as you squeezed past him or to pass something up to Verity on the stairs, ensuring that he got a face full of cleavage as you stretched up. You'd caught him staring at you more times today than you could count on all your extremities, especially when you climbed the stairs above him, ensuring that he knew your bare thighs were right above him.
Fred didn't always respond to subtlety, so you knew your efforts had to be boosted when it came to him. You'd purposely licked and sucked at one of the dark mark lollipops in the most outrageous way whenever he was paying attention and you'd even heard him choke on his own spit when he noticed.
You knew you had him when you were explaining to a group of seventh year girls about the patented daydream charms and how how they worked, passing out the colourful boxes items around the group as they accepted them with eager and curious eyes.
"Up to thirty minutes of pure, blissful imagination; let me tell you it will create a very realistic daydream of your choice so you know that boy you're crushing on? You're going to have the best thirty minutes of your life."
You're met with a round of playful giggles as you smile at them, knowing you were in for a good sale.
"Have you used it?" One of the girls asks and you nod eagerly with a smirk, knowing that Fred was just behind you from the way you could feel his presence, hearing him talk only moments before.
"Not since I married him," you say with a smirk as you receive another round of girlish giggles. "Between us, those thirty minutes with Fred were some of my most imaginative creations, believe me these little things are special," you say, twisting the box in your hands. "Just don't tell George." You watch as the girls' eyes light up and they quickly shove them in their baskets. You turn then, catching Fred's eye as he pretends not to have been listening and you act as if you're bashful about what he might have heard, placing a strand of hair nervously behind your ear as you walk away, making sure to sway your hips ever so slightly, knowing he'd be watching.
By lunchtime, you'd effortlessly riled them up to a point that it was so painfully obvious what they were trying to hide that you found yourself biting back a smirk for most of the day. They were so easily and deeply affected that it was rather fun to watch, but none more so than when Dean Thomas came into the shop just after the dinner time rush. You'd taken a quick break and had reapplied your lipstick, carefully checking you appearance before you walked down the stairs back to work. Dean had been talking to both of your lives near the stairs when he spotted you, eyes briefly widening as he took in your appearance. Unfortunately for him, Fred had been mid sentence and had definitely noticed Dean checking you out, making his go silent and cause a thunderous look to cross his face.
"Y/n, hi! It's good to see you!" Dean smiles as you approach them all, careful to avoid looking at the faces of your husbands who had now both caught on to Dean's over-pleasant demeanour.
"Dean, good to see you too!"
"You look good! Who knew that y/n (*maiden name) would become wonder witch!" His hands gesture towards your outfit and then to the display of new products to the side with your likeness on.
"It's Weasley," both twins said a little too quickly, in perfect synchronisation, making you have to bite the inside of your cheek to stop a laugh spilling out at their obvious jealously.
"Of course," Dean says somewhat absently, not picking up on the sudden hostility aimed at him by the shop-owners. "So what have you been up to? Do you see the others much?"
"Didn't ask us this many questions," you hear George mumble under his breath to Fred, who has crossed his arms across his chest and is hardly blinking, watching Dean closely.
"The usual," you smile, shooting a fleeting glance at your two husbands who's red faces seem to match their hair. "Keeping these two in line, keeping the shop afloat," you joke.
"So no little Weasley's running about yet?"
You could almost sense the little eye twitch George did at the words and you were certain that Fred seemed to stand even straighter, making himself even taller to tower over Dean.
"Hopefully soon," you say, biting your lip and George's eyes flicker to you with a fire in them, your words affecting him more easily than you'd anticipated. Fred seemed to incidentally lose his footing and was knocked off balance for a second, breaking the rather playful mood that had settled between you and Dean.
After Dean had left with a few things he'd come for, you finally accepted your fate and let the veil slip enough to drop the innocent act you'd been playing all day. Fred had cornered you beside the till, a stolen moment of peace as you reached high up to re-stock the daydreams, flashing him with a glimpse of your stocking.
"Really Freddie?" You pretended to admonish as you felt his rather prominent evidence of arousal against your hip as he started to get grabby with you, nearing the end of his restraint. "This is a respected establishment Mr Weasley, there are children about!"
You shuffled past him with a little tut, hiding your smirk behind your hair, leaving him stranded with mouth agape at your sudden boldness. George wasn't faring much better, his eyes still fixed on the curve of your breasts whenever he caught a glimpse, silently watching you rile him up further and further as your act slipped away.
With one last attempt at completely flipping the switch inside of them, throwing them over the metaphorical cliff, you doubled down your efforts. It was nearly closing time and you walked slyly over to the cash register whilst George was cashing up for the night and began stretching, pointing out your chest and making some very questionable noises. You adjusted the little cold shoulder straps on your dress and readjusted your breasts in the dress, sensing your attentive audience of George who was close by and Fred who had stopped what he was doing to watch you from across the shop. You suddenly turned and walked behind George, placing your hand on his hip as you squeezed past to reach for a carrier bag, carefully dragging your hand over his lower back as you leaned down. When you began to turn and walk away, you felt a large hand shoot out and grab your wrist.
His tone was clear and clipped, telling you everything you needed to do.
“I know exactly what you’re doing,” he says, moving to stand behind you in the near empty shop, an obvious erection pressing into your behind. “Keep going little brat, you’re only fuelling the fire.”
When he lets you go and turns back to his task with no other reaction, you knew it was time to slip away. You rushed up the stairs, carefully avoiding both of them, ready for the next step of the plan. You’d prepped dinner on your lunch break, wanting to get ahead for the night and flicked the oven on with a flick of your wand as soon as you made it upstairs. You kicked off your shoes, pulled off your panties and waited, busying yourself to ward off the desperate arousal you were feeling, anticipating a good but long night ahead.
As soon as you heard the familiar, incoming footsteps on the landing, you bent over in your skirt to slip the pie into the oven, giving them quite a show when they walked in.
“Fucking Godric,” you heard Fred exclaim when he stepped through the door, followed by a similar curse only moments later by his twin as they see your pussy on full display for them, peeking out from below the short skirt as you bend over.
“Princess,” he says, beginning to stalk over to you as you pulled yourself up, closing the oven. You looked at them innocently, big doe-eyes and fluttering lashes as you watched them darkly approach you.
“You were naughty today,” George says, his hand reaching out to cup the back of your neck as he pulls you into a devastatingly sinful kiss that immediately makes your nipples harden under the dress. You gasp into his mouth when you suddenly feel a hand creeping up your inner thigh, underneath your dress.
“Remember what you said to Dean, princess?” Fred asks, voice dangerously low, prompting you to nod whilst trying to catch your breath. You knew exactly what you’d said, what you’d hoped for.
“Reckon we should start now?” He asks, his hand ghosting over the curve of your ass, feeling the bare flesh underneath his fingers. “Want you knocked up right fucking now.”
“Agreed,” George adds, somehow looking and sounding ever darker and more determined than Fred. George suddenly reaches out and turns off the oven with a harsh flick of his wrist, smirking when you look up at him in confusion at him turning off the oven.
“We’re not gonna be done with you that soon,” he says with a devilish smirk. “Gonna cum in you over and over, taking turns filling you. There’s gonna be so much cum in you that you won’t know where you start and we end, get you all round from us. Now.”
“Get on the bed.”
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alastor-simp · 8 months
Watching Horror Movies With Idia and Malleus
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Here is Part 3 of the Dorm Leaders Watching A Horror Movie with the reader. Enjoy :)
Idia Shroud🎮 + The Ring📺
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🎮Inviting Idia to your dorm to watch a movie was going to be a challenge. You knew this man was a hikikomori, as he barely left the isolation of his room, avoiding social contact with anyone except his brother.
🎮Spotting Ortho from afar, you asked him if he could speak to Idia for you, asking him if he wanted to have a horror movie night together in his room, since you knew he probably wouldn't be comfortable if he left his dorm to go to yours. Ortho was happy to let his brother know about your plans, and flew away from you, heading back towards his dorm.
🎮Couple hours went by and the day was almost coming to an end, you had figured that Idia must have told Ortho "no" about the whole movie night. "PING PING", your phone beeped, and you looked to see a message from Idia, letting you know to come over to his dorm right now, and to bring some candy as well. Happy that he had accepted your offer, you grabbed the bags of sweets in your kitchen, and left a note for Grim, telling him you would be at Ignihyde.
🎮Arriving in front of his door, you knocked and let Idia knew it was you. The door opened, signaling you to come in. Entering into his room, you were shocked at how much he had decorated his room. His room was pitch black, but the gaming lights he had around the room, were tinting the room red, giving it an eerie effect. Idia, was on his bed, hoodie covering his face slightly, shy at having someone else inside else in his room, despite the two of you being acquaintances.
🎮Placing the candy on his bed, you sat next to Idia and asked if he was ready for the movie night. Idia gave you a soft smile, asking you what movie did you want to watch, but he warned you that he has seen almost every horror movie and anime known to man, so he was immune to them. Pulling out a CD from your bag, you told him that you have a very popular movie from your world and wanted to watch it with him. Shrugging his shoulders, Idia placed the CD in a strange device, before a holographic screen popped up in front of you, making the movie wide screened, like you were in a movie theater.
🎮Before the movie started, you asked where Ortho was as you knew this might be a bit too much for him to watch since he was still technically a child. Idia told you he was in sleep mode, as he wanted the two of you to spend time together, and also being too young for the movie. Nodding your head, you got comfortable, grabbing one of the plushies he had on his bed as a form of comfort.
🎮Couple minutes into the movie, You turned to look at Idia, seeing if he was enjoying the movie. Despite his hoodie covering some of his face, you could make out his scared expression, his skin was pale and covered in sweat. He was eating the popcorn and candy like crazy, going for more while keeping his eyes on the movie.
🎮You paused the movie and asked Idia if he was okay, and that you could stop watching the movie if it was really bothering him. Idia was shivering in fear, but he shook his head no, wanting to watch the movie towards the end. Starting the movie again, you leaned a bit closer towards Idia, grabbing his hand and interlocking your fingers. Idia jumped as he was NOT use to physical contact at all, but he calmed down, as he realized you were trying to soothe him.
🎮Scenes continued to play, as the iconic scene of Samara began to emerge from the TV, getting ready to kill her next victim. That part got to Idia very badly, as he squeezed your hand tightly, while using one of his plushies as a shield. Soon the movie drew to an end, and the credits started to roll on the hologram screen. Turning the device off, you turned towards Idia, who was still cowering in fear, but happy that the movie was over.
🎮"Are you alright?", you asked Idia, reaching out towards him and placing a hand on his cheek. Idia jerked away from you in fright, shocking the both you. "S-s-sorry. F-for a second, I t-thought you were the g-g-girl from the movie." Idia said to you, as he looked away from you. Your response to that was wrapping your arms around him, placing his head in the corner of your neck. "!?!!?" Shocked, Idia froze like a statue, while his face turned bright red, and his hair turned from neon blue to pink.
🎮Knowing how he must be feeling right now, you told him to relax, while you continued to hug him. Taking calming deep breaths, Idia was able to calm down, and slowly moved his arms to wrapped them around you, returning the hug. You both stayed like that for a couple minutes before you pulled away and looked at Idia. He wasn't as pale anymore and he had a small smile on his face, probably feeling thankful for you calming him down.
🎮You asked Idia if it was okay for you to stay over, just for tonight. Idia hesitated at first, but he gave in, nodding his head at you. You started cleaning the bed of all of the candy wrappers, while Idia went over to his neon lights, changing them back to the neon blue color he liked. He turned back and saw you already under the covers of his bed, arms stretch out at him, telling him to come back. His neon hair turned pink again, as he slowly made his way to his bed, getting under the covers and into your embrace. You both cuddled in this position as sleep took the both of you
Malleus Draconia🐲 + Gonjiam Haunted Asylum🏚
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🐲 "..... You are inviting me to your dorm? May I ask why?" Malleus asked you, tilting his head in confusion, wondering why you were inviting him. Feeling shy, you looked away from Malleus, while rubbing your neck with your hand. Honestly, you had no problem inviting Malleus to your dorm for a movie night, but he was still a prince, so you worried that asking him for doing something like this was inappropriate.
🐲Looking back at Malleus, you told him that you wanted to have a horror movie night with him. Malleus still looked confused so you had to explain it to him a bit more as he most likely never a movie night with someone ever. Once Malleus heard your explanation, he was very touched that you had invited him where the both of you could spend time together. "Haha, you are quite bold, Child of man. I gladly accept your invitation, but if I don't enjoy the arrangements, I will get mad ......... Just kidding."
🐲Chuckling at Malleus response, you told him to arrive at your dorm at 7 pm sharp, let Lilia, Silver, and Sebek know he was coming to your dorm, and to wear his pajamas. Malleus nodded at everything you told him, as he gave you a farewell and disappeared, leaving glowing fireflies behind.
🐲At Ramshackle, you prepped the living room, getting ready for the movie night. You made sure to buy some frozen treats from Sam's shop as you remembered that's what Malleus loves. You also planned to make some milkshakes once he arrived, as it might be something new for him to try. After finishing setting up, you checked the time, "7:10 PM", you realized Malleus was late, making you worry. "Did he change his mind?", you thought, but that thought disappeared as you heard a knock at the door.
🐲Rushing towards the door, you opened it to reveal Malleus. He was dressed up in black silk pajamas, and holding a pillow in his right hand. Malleus gave you an apologetic smile, "I apologize for arriving late. It was hard to convince Sebek to let me come to your dorm. It took about a couple minutes until Lilia was able to persuade him." Telling Malleus it was alright, you told him to come in and make himself comfortable.
🐲Malleus sat on the couch, feeling out of place, as he wasn't use to doing something like this, but he really wanted to spend time with you, so he pushed those feelings of awkwardness away. He heard loud sounds coming from the kitchen area, but he thought nothing of it. You returned back to the living room, holding two large milkshakes in your hands, one vanilla for him and the other (your favorite flavor), and carrying a plastic bag on your arm.
🐲Sitting on the couch, you handed Malleus his beverage, which he eyed in curiosity. You explained to Malleus that it was a milkshake, which contained milk and ice cream, blended together, and told him to give it a try, while setting the bag down on the table, which contained other ice cream treats. Malleus took a sip, then his eyes sparkled in amazement, then he started to chug the beverage down. Shocked, you told him to slow down as he would get a brain freeze. Malleus stopped, and gave you an apologetic look, but said the drink was so delicious that he couldn't help himself.
🐲 "Cute" you thought, as you went to the TV, inserting the CD, and going back to the couch. You explained to Malleus that this was a horro movie from your world, and you haven't seen it either, so it was going to be a new experience for the both of you. Malleus nodded his head, as he grabbed one of the popsicles on the table, and began to munch on it.
🐲A few minutes into the movie, Malleus kept asking you questions about certain things in the movie, as since he has never been to your world, so the imagery and people he saw in the movie was intriguing to him. He asked about the buildings, and the language that the characters were speaking. You answered all of this questions and told you that the movie was centered in Korea and that the language the characters were speaking was Korean
🐲Couple minutes into the movie, both you and Malleus had a couple scares as the ghost hunters kept exploring the asylum, but overall the movie wasn't too bad. Malleus was fascinated by the idea of an abandoned building, but he was more use to castles or caves then an asylum, but was still interesting nonetheless.
🐲He keep sneaking glances at you, as you were covering your face with the pillow, preparing for the next jump scare. Wanting to ease your fear, he placed his hand on top of yours. Turning your head to Malleus, you wondered what he was doing, but he didn't say anything and continued watching the movie.
🐲The movie continued with the ghost hunters being killed one by one, by the vengeful spirits that were in the asylum. A scene played where a spirit of a girl kept approaching when the camera was aimed at them. The ghost did the classic jumpscare and screamed up close in front of the camera, before it turned off. "AHHHH", Malleus had jumped in fright, from the jump scare and from you screaming. Terrified by the scene, you had grabbed Malleus arm, and hugged it, while hiding your face. Malleus asked if you were alright, but you shook your head, while using his arm as a shield, covering your face. You apologized for screaming and hugging him out of nowhere, but the scene had really gotten to you.
🐲Malleus relaxed and told you it was alright, and that he didn't mind. The movie finally came to a close, with all the protagonists being dead. Malleus turned to look and you, letting you know the movie was over. Heaving a sigh of relief, you released his arm and leaned back against the couch. "I'm sorry again, Tsunotarou. I'm usually not scared of ghosts since I live in Ramshackle with all of the friendly ghosts here, but that movie made me remember that there are some malicious spirits out there." Malleus nodded his head, as he too was on good terms with the spirits around Ramshackle, but having watch this movie, he was going to be a bit more cautious when entering abandoned locations.
🐲After calming down a bit, you decided to clean up the table that was littered with popsicle sticks and wrappers. Before you could get to cleaning, you heard a snap next to you, and all of the trash began to levitate, making its way to the bin. Turning to Malleus, you realized he had used his magic to help clean up and save you the trouble. You thanked him and Malleus just smiled, making you blush.
🐲The both of you decided to head to bed, but you felt shy as you didn't how to tell Malleus "Hey, let's sleep on the same bed together.", that thought alone was embarrassing as hell. Heading to the bed and sitting on it, you looked up at Malleus, as he made his way closer to where you were. "Umm, Tsunotarou?" "Yes, Child of Man?" Malleus looked at you with soft eyes, wondering what you were going to say. Flustered, you looked away from him and said if he was okay with sharing the bed, and if he wasn't, you could take the couch.
🐲Malleus didn't say a word at what you had said, and you probably thought he was thinking about it, but then the lights went out, and you looked up to see Malleus had magically turned off the lights, and was laying in the bed, with his special pillow behind him, for his horns. He looked at you with a smile, arching his finger at you to join him. Realizing he was fine with the bed sharing, you slowly entered inside the covers, placing your head on the pillow.
🐲Malleus shook his head at you, before he reached his hands towards your body, pulling you towards him. "M-malleus, what are you-", your words were cut off as Malleus had hugged you to his chest, and intertwining your legs together. You froze, not expecting him to hug you like this, as your arms remained on your sides, conflicted if it was okay to hug him back. "Lilia would do this for me when I was a child. I understand you may still be scared from the movie. There is nothing to be afraid of, Y/N. I will be here with you." Malleus said, as you hugged you a bit tighter, while patting your head with his hand.
🐲Your heart was racing like crazy, but you felt so touched by Malleus actions. Moving your arms closer to him, you wrapped your arms around his back, snuggling closer into his chest. "Thank you, Malleus. Yawnnn~ Good night." You muttered into his chest, as you began to slowly fell asleep. Malleus looked down at you with soft eyes, as he leaned closer and placed a kiss on your forehead, "Sweet Dreams, Y/N."
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pippin-katz · 9 months
Alright, I have mostly restrained myself, but I cannot stay quiet any longer. There is a question that has been eating at me...
Whose fucking idea was it to have Henry (Nicholas) constantly grabbing Alex's (Taylor's) hair?!
Note: I'm adding this in after finishing writing this because this was supposed to be a relatively short post, and then it spiraled out of control, so if you want to listen to me gradually lose my sanity over this question, feel free to keep reading, cause it is admittedly funny lmfao
Another Note: This is me being overly sarcastic and hyper cause it’s funny for me to think about that situation. This is supposed to be a funny post. I said that at the end, but I’m adding it here too.
Listen, remember what they said about the intimate scenes: they were planned down to every detail. Remember what Nicholas said about having conversations with Taylor, Matthew, and Robbie about boundaries, what was okay, and not okay. Remember that they have A LINE IN THE FILM ABOUT HENRY GRABBING HIS HAIR (iconic).
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Do you see it? Do you see where this is going?
The hair pulling/grabbing is not random. It doesn't happen in just the New Year's kiss to set up a funny line later.
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It happens all the time.
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Even in soft moments, Henry has a hand in his hair.
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The hair grabbing gets its own shot in their love-making scene.
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Consistent small actions (twisting a ring, biting nails, drumming with fingers, etc.) are character habits. They're things that they do all the time, subconsciously or for a decisive reason, usually if you know that action causes a specific response that you want for any reason.
There's a coworker that drives you crazy, so you purposefully hum really loudly whenever they're in the room to piss them off. Your friend has a sensitivity to the color red, so on days you know you're going to see them, you avoid wearing it. Your partner has muscle cramps, so you massage their shoulders whenever you're standing behind them.
These habits usually start as conscious decisions, then gradually become subconscious, hence the term "habit". You've been doing something for so long or for frequently enough that you do it while on "autopilot".
I think it's pretty obvious why this action happens. It's because A: Henry likes feeling of his hair, and/or B: Alex likes when someone touches his hair. Note: This could be in any context, not just sexual; running fingers through it, washing it, styling it, etc.
Either you figured out what I am going to say, and you're wondering why I'm blabbering on so much, or you're just confused about where I'm going with this at all, so here's where it all clicks together.
When you have a character, habits are something you give them to give them more personality, more insight into their mentality through subtle things they do. It's something the director/writer/actor chooses to give to the character.
BUT - nothing in the intimacy scenes happen without being discussed and agreed upon.
This isn't like Nicholas fidgeting with the signet ring to show Henry's nerves. This isn't like Taylor frequently making little hand gestures (peace signs, finger guns, tapping the side of his glass, etc.) because Alex has undiagnosed ADHD and that's one way to physically imply it.
They can do those things without being told or given "permission" because it's their portrayal of the character, it doesn't effect anyone else, and small details like that are typically up to the actors, unless the director is incredibly strict.
That means that someone, one of the four of them, brought up grabbing his hair as a suggestion, and further more, Taylor (and Nick, but obviously Taylor's consent is more important in this specific case) was fine with it.
Think about it. Think about them sitting around a table discussing the kinds of stuff that Matthew and Robbie would want to see, and what Nick and Taylor would be okay with. Think about the fact that one of them was sitting there, and looked at the other three, and said: "What if Henry grabs Alex's hair a lot?"
And then the four of them had to sit there, and talk, in depth, about what that would mean.
Who... the fuck... said it?
Did Matthew and Robbie present it as part of the initial planning?? Or did one of them look Taylor and Nick in the eye and say it?? Did Nick throw it out there as something he thought Henry would do?? Was it Taylor??? Since it's his hair???
Cause it's not just like, running Nick running his fingers through it, combing it during some tender moment, like when Alex talks about his father being an immigrant.
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What the fuck were these conversations like?! I cannot think of a single way to have that conversation where someone wouldn't have to say something that would make me make me go UHHH-
What? So - Matthew's like "how do you guys feel about touching each other's hair?" -and they're like "what, you mean like running our fingers through it?" -and he's like "nah yanking it while you're making out"
Like... what do you say to that?! - "oh which one of us would do it to the other?" -and what, did Taylor fucking volunteer?? Just like - "he can pull my hair, it's chill" - WTF?!
Or did he suggest it in the first place, like they were discussing things that would that could be part of Alex and Henry's dynamic and he's just like - "he could pull my hair?" -and the other three just stared at him for a second, because wtf that's a intensely intimate action to suggest?!
Hair touching in general is really intimate, in like, every context, at least I think to most people, and definitely to me. Most people wouldn't just let someone, even someone they were friends with, start playing with their hair or touching their head. I wouldn't even let my best friend randomly touch my head; I would instinctually try to bite their hand off (not a joke). Maybe I'm a slight bit more touch-repulsed than most, but I feel like it's safe to say that the majority of people don't want their hair and head being touched, grabbed, or played with unless they say so.
And again, they do it CONSISTENTLY. It's not a one and done scene. It is an actual dynamic between Alex and Henry they chose to establish.
I'm looking at you four, Matthew, Robbie, Taylor, and Nicholas. I know it was one of you cheeky bastards that suggested it. One of you brought it up, and the rest of you were like "sure".
I will be forever haunted by this mystery, as I doubt I will ever get an answer.
Note: Please don't take this super seriously. I'm not trying to imply anything; I'm literally just joking around cause the concept of having that conversation boggles my mind lol
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Boyfriend!Hobie Brown Heacanons - Hobie Brown x GN!reader
I am not normal about Hobie Brown and I don't plan on stopping
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Before we begin!! I feel like Hobie would be really slow and hesitant on letting his partner know he's Spider-man (considering he wasn't willing to tell Miles).
So I imagine he'd try to juggle it with the band and all the political action he does. He just wants to keep you safe, but when it comes up he usually brushes off why he up and disappears sometimes. But if directly confronted, he's not gonna lie cause he feels like that's shitty. If asked why he's gone, he'd come out and say it, but try to soften the blow best he can.
(With that out of my system)
Okay first things first Hobie is the most SUPPORTIVE bf ever
No matter what he's always in your corner
Hobie believes in his partner a lot, and that means he'll always back you - even if he's the only person to have your back
And he knows you can handle your own, but if anyone has anything to say about it they can deal with him
(RIP to anyone who tries to talk down to you or insult you cause he finna roast they asses no filter)
He's an incredibly good listener. Like crazy good
Hobie's able to bring up things you don't even remember telling him, things said in passing that yoy may not think is important, but he still picks up on
Which is why he's really good to vent to. He may not have a lot of words of comfort, but is has a shoulder to cry on, and if you're angry, he's always there to validate that. Plus no matter what you're going through, he'll always encourage you to get through it, and keep your head up
Hobies also a low-key romantic (in his own way).
If you think Pavi is a great boyfriend then wait to you get with Hobie
If you're like most people, Hobie is most likely taller than you.
He's a lot touchier than you'd think, in his own way. Leaning on you, hanging off of you, arm over your shoulder, or crossing his legs over yours.
Hobie is a man of much slang and many nicknames (and part of the reason people playfully call Pav 'Big Steppa')
He'd call you nicknames more than your actual name - 'love',' 'darling', 'bird' the like, along with some few custom ones
Most of his date ideas involve breaking the law in some way and bashing the occassional facist together
Hobie is actually incredibly smart, both street wise and science wise, so I imagine he's pretty well read. I could see him really enjoying the some anarchist literature with his partner, and then discussing it with them
Protests are his favorite kind of date, followed by concerts, and picnics in abandoned buildings
(or, after he meets Miles, going out to graffiti)
he lets you wear his vest and even helps you make your own
He may not be as verbally affectionate or into PDA as Pavi is, but he still makes it clear that he trusts you and cares about what you have to say
He may not say 'I love you' in front of people, but he'll pull you onto his lap, or ask if you're okay, and give you slang-covered compliments all the time
Being Spider-man is actually a lot more stressful than Hobie lets on
And like most Spider-men, he looks to his other half as support, emotionally
being an international rockstar and anti-facist icon comes with big images, but when he and his partner are alone, he feels a lot more relaxed and a lot less pressured.
Hobie's been Spider-man for 3 years, meanwhile Pavi and Gwen are both in their first months of joining the spider-society. Because of that, he kinda feels responsible for them
He's been putting up with the Spider-Society's shit for years (hence why Miguel is so done with him)
There's definitely times he's come home to his dimension cursing and fuming
Any type of injustice or power inbalance really pisses him off, and sometimes if its really bad he can't stop thinking about it
Especially growing up in a totalitarian universe
He leans on his partner to remind him that there are still good people out there fighting for what's right
Hobie has already gone through most of his canon events, and he carries that with him, though he won't say it
From his reaction in atsv, he doesn't talk about it a lot, and tries is best to brush it off but sometimes, it just can't be ignored
his partner would probably be the only person he brings it up to and it just makes him more pissed with the spider-society
When he's relaxed though Hobie may be more quiet in private, strumming his guitar as his listens to you, or kicking back while the two of you shoot the shit
Pavi's energy hypes him up a lot though, so you two hit up Mumbattan a lot
Or he loves bringing his partner to band practice and mic checks. And he always calls them out in the crowd if he's on the mic
Last sweet stuff okay
If he's gone he'll give his partner one of his bracelets. He'll just be like 'oi, hold this.' then leave chill as hell
Gwen, Pavi, and Miles are all really supportive of you two, even if they have a thousand questions in the beginning (all of which he dodges or plays off)
He's not one to get jealous at all. But he will join a conversation and casually mention the rockstar-model thing. Just to assert dominance. A subtle flex
He keeps asking you to give him a stick & poke somewhere because he thinks it's a cute idea
He likes doing that thing where he sits behind you while he teaches you guitar
He loves having you sleep over, and you can crash in his dimension any time
Especially after he meets Gwen. His fave thing to do is to just play while he listens to the two of you talk for hours
Hobie is a really heavy sleeper but somehow gets up exactly when he needs to be or right before shit starts going down - otherwise he sleeps till 1pm everyday
If theres anything Hobie is, its loyal and supportive, and he wants nothing more than for you to be safe, and free, and happy
(even if most of his advice is throwing a brick at someone)
He is always pushing you to do better, to speak up for yourself or trust yourself because he knows how much you're capable of
And finally he knows your favorite song by heart to the point that if hes zoning out or missing you, he'll strum it on the guitar without even realizing
(okay bye lemme know what you thought thanks for reading loves also I am not okay i am obsessed with him )
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wholoveseggs · 1 month
I am begging you can you please make a Damon and Elijah fic? I didn't know this ship even existed but I'm so fuckin invested in it. You can make up the story line and everything, the only thing I ask is that Elijah is the dominant one and that Elena doesn't support their relationship but they simply don't care what she thinks anymore?
Thank you thank you thank you🫶🫶🫶
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
Elijah puts Damon in his place, and demands he show him a little more than respect.
♡♡ Thanks for the request anon! I was giggling like crazy writing this (its my fav Elijah ship) Unfortunately I didn't include Elena, but we all know she would be jealous as fuck... (of who? well... that's up to you...) ♡♡
2.9k words - Warnings: smut, this is just a alternate version of the iconic pencil scene, Elijah in his middle part menace era, dom!elijah, sub!damon, blowjobs, face-fucking, Damon being an Elijah simp...
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At first, Damon just saw Elijah as the enemy, simple, straightforward, an asshole that just had to go.
He was a threat and Damon was an expert on handling threats, especially when it came to the safety of those he cared about. He wasn't afraid to throw punches, not afraid to pull out the stops and go all out.
But then things changed.
Things changed and he realized that maybe he and Elijah had more in common than he thought, the man was cunning and calculating, he could be dangerous when he needed to be, and Damon would be lying if he said that it didn't scare the hell out of him.
Elijah was a mystery that he wanted to solve, he wanted to figure out just how deep his intelligence went, how far his knowledge spanned. He was curious about him, he wanted to learn every little detail and find out what made him tick.
Damon knew what he was to woman, he would wield his good looks like a weapon, his charm was another weapon, his wit was one too.
But now he truly understood what it was like to be on the receiving end of such charisma, it was addicting, and he was hooked.
Elijah's power and dominance was something that drew him in and held him there. He wanted nothing more than to submit to him, to surrender and let him do as he pleased. It was a foreign feeling, one he wasn't exactly comfortable with… but he couldn't resist him.
The way Elijah was able to command his attention and keep it was intoxicating, his presence alone demanded respect, but when he opened his mouth, the words that came out were pure elegance, and Damon found himself captivated by his smooth tone, his articulation was flawless.
He was a true gentleman.
He was everything Damon was not.
So what did Damon do? He took all these new and uncomfortable feelings and did what he always did. Antagonize.
He would try his best to push Elijah's buttons, hoping for a reaction, an emotion, anything to give him a clue on what was going through his mind. But to his dismay, the man would not budge, and it just left Damon wanting more.
He knew he needed to get his attention, and Damon still was determined to protect Elena at all costs, so he decided to take it further, the more dangerous the stunt, the better.
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Damon sauntered into the Lockwood mansion, his signature smirk firmly in place. Today was a simple fact finding mission. All he wanted to do was suss out Elijah's weaknesses, find out if he could be manipulated, maybe find a way to control him.
That's all. He told himself, making his way deeper into the house, looking for the original.
It wasn't long until he spotted the older vampire, who was chatting away with Carol. He watched him, noticing how his body language screamed regal and refined.
Damon didn't want to admit it, but he was nervous, this was the first time they were officially meeting. The last time Elijah ripped out the hearts of two vampires right in front of him and the time before that Damon drove a coat hanger through Elijah's heart. Not the best first impression.
He could feel his heart beat quicken, and he knew he needed to calm down, otherwise the vampire would notice. So he took a deep breath and plastered his smirk back on, striding confidently toward the pair.
"Damon," Carol gave him a welcoming smile, happy to see him. "What a surprise," she greeted, reaching forward and shaking his hand.
"Carol," he returned, nodding at her.
"Elijah, I want you to meet Damon Salvatore. His family is one of Mystic Falls' founding families." Carol introduced.
"Mmm," Damon looked at Elijah, whose expression was impassive, his eyes scanning him briefly. "Such a pleasure to meet you."
"No. Pleasure's mine," Elijah replied, taking Damon's hand and squeezing tightly, just a tad bit too tight, causing the younger vampire to wince slightly.
"Excuse me," Carol interjected. "I should probably attend to my other guests," she smiled, giving them both a nod before leaving the pair alone.
Damon could feel Elijah's eyes almost burning holes into him, the older vampire seemed to be sizing him up, as if trying to decide whether or not he was worth his time.
"So," Damon drawled, his smirk still present, he motioned towards a private study off to the side, the door slightly ajar. "Shall we?" he suggested, his tone dripping with honey.
Elijah followed behind him, watching as he made his way inside. This young vampire was going to be quite the handful, but that was okay. He had dealt with others far worse.
Once they were both in the room, Elijah closed the door, grazing his fingertips along the leather sofa, not even bothering to look Damons way.
"What can I do for you, Damon?" he inquired, his voice low, but smooth and controlled.
"I was hoping we could have a word," Damon replied, his tone slightly less confident than before, the way Elijah spoke and held himself was unnerving.
"Where's Elena?" Elijah questioned, a hint of suspicion in his voice.
Damon didn't like the way Elijah asked after her, like he had some sort of claim over her, and he didn't like the way he said her name either.
"Safe with Stefan. They're laying low, you know, bit of a werewolf problem," Damon explained, his tone nonchalant.
"Oh, yeah, I heard about that," Elijah responded, finally looking at Damon, his expression stoic, almost unreadable.
"I'm sure you did since it was your witch that saved the day." Damon couldn't hide the bite in his tone, he didn't like the way Elijah seemed all knowing, as if he was privy to everything that went on in Mystic Falls.
Elijah finally looked at him, and it sent a shiver down his spine. His eyes were cold and calculating, and it made him uneasy and a little aroused.
"You are welcome," he replied with a smug grin, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
Damon leaned against the nearby desk, trying his best to stay casual. "Which adds to my confusion on exactly why you're here?" he questioned, hoping his voice didn't betray the nerves he was currently feeling.
Elijah was bored by this conversation, the infamous Salvatore was not worth his time. "Why don't you just stay focused on keeping Elena safe and leave the rest to me." He replied, looking away from Damon and smiling softly, he then turned and headed for the door.
But Damon wasn't going to let him get away so easily, he was determined to get his attention, so he sped to the door, blocking Elijah's way.
"Not good enough," Damon stated, his voice firm.
The look on Elijah's face could of melted steel, it was cold, his eyes were hard and his jaw clenched tightly.
Before Damon could blink, Elijah's hand was around his throat, lifting him off the ground and slamming him into the wall, his grip was like a vice. Damon couldn't breathe, he struggled against the original, clawing at his hand, gasping for air.
He grabbed Elijah's throat, trying to choke him in return, but it was no use. He was strong, and the fact that the older vampire could effortlessly hold him there, only turned him on even more.
Elijah peeled Damon's hand off his throat, crushing the bones in his fingers, and causing the younger vampire to cry out in pain. Damon was shocked at how strong Elijah really was, how easily he was able to handle him.
"You young vampires, so arrogant." He growled, pushing Damon's hand away with ease. "How dare you come in here and challenge me?'' His voice was full of venom, his tone menacing.
"You can't kill me, man. It's not part of the deal." Damon managed to wheeze out, his words slightly slurred from the lack of oxygen.
Elijah was amused by his statement, his face contorting into a gentle smile, his eyes dancing with mirth. "Silence," he whispered, his tone dangerously low.
Damon's mouth snapped shut, and his heart was pounding in his chest. He was in a compromising position, and he wasn't sure if it was the adrenaline, or the fact that he was literally at the mercy of an Original, but his body was buzzing with anticipation.
Elijah could hear Damon's heartbeat racing, the blood pumping through his veins. He knew what the young vampire was feeling, the fear, the arousal.
Elijah grabbed a pencil and jammed it into Damon's neck. He needed to teach this vampire a lesson. He was a mere child compared to him, and it was time he learned his place.
Damon cried out in agony, the pencil lodged deep in his neck. He was utterly helpless, and Elijah could tell.
He dropped Damon, letting him pull the pencil out of his neck and stumble forwards, he clutched at his throat, groaning in pain.
Elijah smiled slightly, pulling out a handkerchief and wiping the blood off his hands, "I'm an Original. Show a little respect," he ordered.
Damon could feel his pants getting tighter, the bulge in his jeans growing with every passing second. Elijah's dominance was a major turn on, and he couldn't stop the arousal coursing through his body.
Elijah handed him the handkerchief, their fingers brushing, causing Damon to shiver. He took the cloth, wiping away the excess blood.
Damon wanted to be angry, he should be furious, but instead he was excited. His blood was pumping, his adrenaline was high, and he couldn't hide the fact that Elijah made him feel things he never thought possible.
When their eyes met, Elijah knew that he was in for a fun time. He could see the desire swimming in those bright blue eyes. He smirked and stepped closer, invading his personal space, causing the younger vampire to swallow nervously.
"On your knees," Elijah commanded, his tone deep and seductive.
Damon felt a jolt of pleasure go straight to his dick, his mind was screaming for him to leave, but his body was already sinking down to the floor.
Once on his knees, he looked up at Elijah, his heart hammering in his chest, his breath coming out in shallow pants.
"You know what to do." Elijah encouraged, his eyes full of lust.
Damon hesitated, his hands trembling slightly as he reached up and began undoing the belt and button on Elijah's dress pants. He was a bit nervous, not because he had never been with a man before, he had, plenty of times, but this was an original, and he wasn't exactly sure how far he was willing to go.
"Do you require a written invitation?" Elijah questioned with a teasing grin.
Damon frowned and swallowed thickly, pulling the zipper down slowly, and carefully removing Elijah's cock from his pants. It was so hard, so thick, and Damon couldn't deny that he was intimidated by its size.
Elijah grunted slightly, looking down at Damon with hooded eyes, his gaze filled with dark lust. He didn't usually have his enemies submit in this way, only when he was in a charitable mood, but Damon was an exception.
Elijah ran his fingers through Damon's dark hair, tugging gently at the strands, causing the younger vampire to wince, it wasn't rough enough to hurt, but it was enough to pull a reaction.
Damon leaned in closer, his hot breath ghosting across the sensitive skin. Elijah smelled like pine and leather and a hint of cologne, he was pure man, and it made his head spin.
So Damon, using all his experience from previous encounters, ran his tongue over the tip, earning a small groan of approval.
Encouraged by Elijah's moan, he started to slide his mouth along his shaft. Giving him gentle licks and wet kisses, tasting the bitter flavor of the pre cum seeping out.
The pace was slow at first, Damon running his tongue down to the base and back up to the tip, swirling his tongue around the head of the shaft, eliciting more beautiful sounds from Elijah.
Elijah dug his fingernails into Damon's scalp, gripping his head, and guiding him down further, moaning softly as he hit the back of his throat.
Damon gagged a little, causing Elijah to chuckle. "Hmph, there we go," he grunted, looking down at Damon's face and meeting his heated gaze.
He then forced his cock deep into his mouth, holding his head in place and listening to him gag, spit dripping out and down his chin.
"Ah...good boy, that's better," Elijah cooed, easing his grip slightly and allowing Damon to adjust. "Just like that." He praised.
Damon closed his eyes and relaxed his throat, letting Elijah use him the way he wanted, the way he desired.
As soon as the noises stopped, Elijah removed his dick, giving Damon the opportunity to breathe. Damon gasped for air, coughing, his throat was raw, he hadn't let someone treat him in this way for decades, he was completely and totally dominated.
But it was so hot, so arousing, and he loved every minute of it. His own erection pressing painfully against the seam of his pants, he wanted more.
He swallowed heavily, looking up at Elijah who was stroking himself, enjoying the sight before him.
"Mmm, very good, such a pretty face, a perfect mouth for my cock," Elijah growled. "Now suck," he ordered.
Damon surged forward, his mouth wrapping around his shaft once more, but this time he pushed himself all the way to the base, swallowing around him, letting him feel the tight squeeze of his throat.
Elijah thrust his hips, and Damon could tell he was close to the edge, he wanted to taste his cum, wanted to feel the power and authority of him.
"Fuck, yes," Elijah muttered, holding Damon's head and slamming his hips into his mouth. "Just a little bit more," he groaned, his words broken by ragged moans.
Damon's jaw was aching, his entire body was shaking, and he could barely breathe, but the pressure building between his legs made the pain all worth it.
Elijah grunted, slamming his hips forward one final time, spilling his load down Damon's throat. The vampire eagerly swallowed down the warm thick fluid, breathing deeply, and trying to regain his composure.
When the spasms subsided, he pulled out, and Damon collapsed, his body trembling, his cock painfully hard, his breath coming out in sharp gasps.
Elijah smiled down at him, his cock glistening with the young vampires spit. He tucked himself away, straightening his suit and clearing his throat.
"Now, get cleaned up," he commanded, tossing his handkerchief at him.
Damon scrambled to wipe himself off, he didn't even have the decency to ask if Damon needed help getting off. The thought didn't even cross his mind.
Elijah fixed his hair in the mirror, making sure his appearance was perfect, that his part was just right. When he was satisfied with his look, he gave Damon one last glance and left the room without a word.
Damon sat there, stunned and aching. He had never experienced anything like that before, and it left him wanting more. He couldn't believe what had just happened, how easily Elijah had put him in his place, how willingly he had submitted.
He was a vampire, a strong, powerful vampire, and yet he was completely at the mercy of another. And that scared and thrilled him.
He shook his head and stood up, his legs shaking. He quickly composed himself, adjusting his clothes, wiping away the stray tear.
He wondered what Elena would think, or Stefan or even Alaric. Would they understand? He didn't even understand it himself.
He sighed and walked out of the study, heading towards the bar. He needed a drink. A stiff one.
Elijah was leaning against the bar, a glass of scotch in his hand, his expression unreadable. Damon could feel the tension between them, but he ignored it, instead focusing on pouring himself a glass.
"Enjoyed yourself?" Elijah inquired, his voice laced with amusement.
For once Damon was at a loss for words, his mouth opening and closing, no sound coming out. He didn't know how to respond.
"The moment you cease to be of use to me, you're dead, so you should do what I say. Keep Elena safe." Elijah continued, a hint of a smirk playing at his lips.
Damon somehow found his voice again and his snarky side made an appearance. "Well, thank you for being so gracious," he quipped, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
Elijah chuckled, shaking his head, he took a sip of his drink, savoring the taste.
"I like this town, there are so many interesting people," he commented, his eyes locking with Damon's, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Interesting?" Damon repeated, arching his brow.
"Indeed," Elijah replied, his gaze lingering on the younger vampire for a moment longer before he stood and set his glass on the counter.
He leaned in close, his breath hot against Damon's ear, his lips brushing against the sensitive skin, "it was nice meeting you Damon Salvatore, I'm sure our paths will cross again,"
Damon watched him walk away, his heart racing, his mouth dry. He wasn't sure what had just happened, but he knew one thing, he wanted more.
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♡♡ Tag-List ♡♡
♡ @gorgeouslydangerous ♡ @starkleila ♡ @lydia1369sworld ♡ @notleylaaa ♡ @vampiresluv ♡ @myanmy ♡ @xflowerbombxo ♡ @maryvibess ♡ @always-and-forever-daydreaming ♡ @criminallminds ♡ @theesexystallion ♡ @rosemarypotion ♡ @spnaquakindgdom ♡ @amournoir ♡ @loving-and-dreaming ♡
♡ @meeom ♡ @damienmorton ♡ @wickedmuse ♡ @sunkissedebony97 ♡ @idk00sblog ♡ @savannaounana♡ @cs-please ♡ complicatedandconfusing-25 ♡ @hamiltimes ♡ @akala6670229 ♡ @yeaiamme2 ♡ @itsjulzandmydiamonds ♡ @spideysbabe ♡ @witch-of-letters ♡ @elijahmikaelsonsboy ♡ @rosecentury ♡ @sekaishell ♡ @ziayamikaelson ♡ @amanda08319 ♡
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“My Aphrodite”
Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: Bucky just came back from a 3 weeks mission and he’s never been hornier!!! this is just pure smut with Bucky being a total slut! + You are his goddess and he makes sure you know that.
Warnings: +18 smut, first-person perspective, the entire smut is from YOUR POV, breeding kink, mentions of goddesses and religion, praise kink, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, riding, a self-conscious reader (if u squint a bit), horny reader, and hornier bucky
A/N: hey babes, I wanna mention again that English is not my first language so excuse any misspellings or any mistakes. I’m trying my best hehe enjoy :*
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“Fuck, doll you look so pretty when you’re fucked out like that,” Bucky said while he was thrusting in me so hard while he was hugging my legs as he’d placed them above his shoulder. My cunt was very sensitive with the overstimulation as I just coated his length with my cum. I can’t even remember how many times I came tonight. Bucky just came back from a 3 weeks mission and we promised each other we wouldn’t touch ourselves or do anything until we’re reunited again. It’s a silly pact I know but we wanted to have a very crazy over-the-moon sex when he gets back and now we’ve done nothing all day long except for fucking.
“I’m gonna cum bunny, I can’t take it anymore. Fuck” I gasped so hard as I felt his striking hot cum filling me. His cock slipped out from the fast thrusts and it shot his cum on my cunt and my lower stomach. Bucky was a moaning mess already. “You feel so good,” he said between breaths and locked eyes with me. “so fucked out too” he smiled and leaned down and kissed me so hard. he slipped his tongue in and I opened my mouth for him happily. We kept making out passionately and breaking out for seconds just to catch our breaths then continuing again. Kissing each other hungrily, like we would die if we didn’t. I would happily die in his arms and be filled with his cum.
I could feel his cock getting hard again as it was brushing on my thigh and my cunt was already wet and filled with our mixed cum. “I need you bucky,” I said softly between breaths. he lifted his head up and looked me in the eyes. “No bunny, I’m the one who needs you,” he said as he kissed me again.
He got up and was standing now on the foot of the bed, his gaze darkened a bit as his eyes traveled all over my body. I was completely naked with my legs spread out a bit, my cunt was on full display in front of him and I could feel the wetness and mixed cum dripping from it. My hair was a mess, and my stomach and breast were full of love bites and teeth marks from our rough sex two rounds ago. I bit my lip as my gaze went to his length. It was really hard and his head was very red and wide. I remember our first time when I was really paranoid it wouldn’t fit, and my first scream when he bottomed out inside of me for the first time, my cunt was stretching and clenching around his length. No man ever fit me or filled me like Bucky. He was -and is- the perfect fit for me.
I pressed my thighs together for any kind of friction as after a whole day of fucking around, I still wanted him more than ever. he bit his lips at the sight of me pressing my thighs together. He held my ankles and opened my legs widely. His eyes traveled up until they met my eyes. “Have I ever told you that you are a fucking goddess?” his tone was very serious and low. I shook my head slightly as a smile painted my lips. “you are a goddess. a fucking sex icon. a Mona Lisa. a queen” he laid on me again and pushed his cock slowly inside me. Soft moans escaped my lips as I was adjusting to his length again. “Fuck bunny, I don’t know how you are still so tight for me after the day we had. Thought your pussy would be stretched out by now” he groaned while looking at where our bodies are connected and thrusting in and out slowly. I couldn’t stop moaning and I felt a very hot wave striking my body. all I feel is just pure lust. I need him. I need him to keep fucking me. I need his cock to stretch me out. I just need him.
He suddenly stopped thrusting but he was still buried inside me. I didn’t notice that he was staring at me while my head was pulled back on the pillow and my eyes were closed and nothing but moans and soft whispers of his name flying out of my mouth. His eyes were full of something that I couldn’t put my head around it. It’s my first time seeing this look in Bucky’s eyes. First time seeing a man looking at me like this and I can’t even understand the look. I got nervous suddenly and I asked “What’s wrong?” He smiled softly and brushed my hair out of my face and kissed my lips.
“Y/N, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I could seriously worship you” he chuckled and kissed my left cheek as I’m sure now it’s burning red. “you are my goddess. I literally worship you. can’t believe I got so lucky to have an actual goddess underneath me” his lips now moving to my neck and he’s nipping on my sweet spot. “are you my goddess, Y/N?” he lifted his head up and his eyes met mine. “answer me, babe. Are you my goddess?” I nodded and licked my lips as I’m feeling my cunt getting wetter by his praise.
Suddenly, he flipped us over and now I’m on top of him, he held my waist tightly to not let his cock slide out of me and he pulled me down until he was fully in me again. He breathed heavily and looked at me all over again. “Then show me. make me believe in you, goddess. make me believe you are my goddess. Fuck me into believing in you. Fuck me into your religion” His words are making me go crazy that I just couldn’t move. I was literally stunned. No one ever talked to me like this before or even loved me like this before. I’m feeling like I’m in a dream now or I am high. Can’t believe this is actually a reality and Bucky Barnes, the winter solider, the fucking white wolf, is buried deep inside me and saying these sweet words to me. I feel like I’m going to cum just by listening to his words.
“Come on doll, show me your love and admiration. Show me your powers, my goddess. Only you can make me this horny and my cock never calm near you. Only a fucking sex goddess can do that, my Aphrodite” his grip on my waist hardened as he’s now moving my hips and waist back and forth, grinding me on his dick. the friction and movement got us both moaning loud. He kept moving me faster on his cock and I started to pick up the pace and grinding more back and forth. I love how he keeps praising me and telling me I’m his goddess while fucking me now like a sex doll whose just here to please him.
While grinding and moving back and forth on him I started to ride him slowly, moving up and down. Bucky moaned the sluttiest and dirtiest moan I’ve ever heard from him. His eyes shut and he pulled his head back on the pillow and pushed it down. His hands tightened on my hips as my pace started to go faster and now I’m fully jumping on his cock while grinding my hips harder. His moans and screams are as loud as mine are too. “Fuuuuuuuccckkkkk” he growled so loudly and tightened his grip more on my hips, I felt like his hands are going to pierce my skin and leave a permanent mark. I felt his cock twitching so hard inside me and hitting my g spot repeatedly. “Oh, dear goddess-ss - I’m cu-mm FUUUUUCKKK” he screamed loudly as he shot his hot liquid inside me, hitting my cervix and g spot, making me fall off the edge and that tight in my stomach to burst. As much as I was shaking rapidly and can’t breathe but I couldn’t stop jumping on him and continuing fucking myself on his cock.
Bucky started shaking like me from the overstimulation and couldn’t catch his breath too. “Yes goddess, let my cum stick inside you. let me bless your heavenly womb with my babies. we could have the most perfect demigods.” he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him and now our chests are pressed together. “Let me plant my seed inside you, Aphrodite. I bet you’d look so good pregnant with my babies inside you. not to mention, you’d look so fuckable too” he said as his hands slid down to my butt and now he was holding me and moving me on his cock. It feels so good that we can’t even stop. I closed my eyes and buried my head in his neck, I really can’t control my moans or my need for him anymore. “Yeah doll, give me one more orgasm. I know you want to. Give me one more. Don’t fight it” He knew what I needed and he knew my body. Bucky always put my pleasure first and we’ve been together for so long that he really knows what I need and what my body needs. the feeling of needing to feel the heat and pleasure of cumming around his thick hard cock was consuming me and I needed to let go again.
“Fuck baby, I’m going to cum again,” he said groaning and holding my butt so tight while moving me faster on his cock. the sound of my sloppy pussy and his cock fucking in and out of it was deafening as much as our moans. I don’t know what we ate or drank or smoked that made us this horny and needy today or maybe it’s just our love and lust for each other or maybe it’s just we have so much chemistry in sex that we and our bodies just know how to satisfy and please each other. I don’t care what it is but it’s addicting and I don’t wanna stop. never.
I can feel that knot tightening again as I let go with nothing but screams and moans slipping out of my mouth. Bucky followed my screams with groans as he burst again into my cunt. This time we stopped our movements. He was still buried inside me and I was still on top but I didn’t lay on top of him as I gave myself and him some space to catch our breaths. My upper body lay on the bed very close to him as he was laying on his back, eyes shut, chest going up and down breathing heavily. I was laying on my side facing him, staring at how perfect he looked with his hair messed up and sweat on his forehead shining. He opened his eyes and looked at me. We kept staring at each other deeply as we both smiled.
“After that Barnes, you should build me a fucking temple” I giggled and he laughed at my words. “The least I can do for my goddess” he pulled himself closer to me and moved on top. Still having his cock inside me. He kissed me deeply then pulled away and locked eyes with me again. “Congratulations, Aphrodite. I’m now a believer of yours. Could you accept me as your humble servant?” I giggled and nodded. We kissed again then he pulled out slowly, trying not to trigger any other nerve. I stood up and moved to the bathroom. “Hey, where are you going?” he pushed me back again to the bed. “I’m not finished with you yet” he kissed my neck from behind and wrapped his arms around me again.
“Oh my god Bucky, you are becoming a real sex addict now,” I said jokingly with a serious tone. He laughed and held my chin with his hand, turning my head around to face him. “If Jesus himself saw you, I’m sure he’d become a sex addict too” he grinned and then chuckled at how shy I got. This man surely knows how to flirt as much as how to fuck. “As much as I am flattered but I need to use the bathroom” I giggled and jumped out of the bed quickly and ran to the bathroom. I can hear him clearly running behind me like a fucking predator about to catch his prey. I got into the bathroom fast and was about to close the door but he was faster and smashed it open. “BUCKY OH MY GOD” I screamed and laughed at how crazy he looked right now.
“You are not getting anywhere without me, my Aphrodite” he had this devilish smirk on his face as he moved closer. He pulled me up by my thighs and wrapped my legs around his waist. We held very intimidating eye contact for a while until I felt a splash of hot water hitting my skin. I hadn’t noticed that he moved us to the tub and opened the shower. “Ready for some shower sex rounds, doll?” he said against my lips as he pushed his tongue inside my mouth. This is going to be a very very long night.
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bigbawdy-benzz · 11 months
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Pairing: Miles 42! X Shy Black Plus Size Fem Reader
Tags: @idkmistake @aaliyahwalkshere @mama-2001
Summary: Y/N has finally been noticed by Miles, you already had Miles heart now you have it even more now that you two are bonding getting to know each other.
A/N: I'm glad you guys loved the other one so much!! So here's pt.2 a day later I hope you guys love this one as well!! ENJOYYYYY as the author I was giggling and kicking my feet rooting for y’all. Btw if you didn’t read Pt.1 go read it before this one!! pt3
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“I'm Y/N thank you so much”. You say taking your books trying to hide your smile.
“No problem Y/N also I like your shoes” Miles stated with a smile, you looked down at your shoes then looked at his smiling even wider looking back up at him.
“Thank you we’re matching” Y/N replied. Miles looked at his shoes smirking looking at Y/N
“Coincidence” He said swiftly walking away with his friends. You were hooping and hollering in your head trying not to scream.
“GIRLLLLLLLLL” Aaliyah shouted.
“Damn that was a very intense moment” Ocean states with her eyes widened looking at You.
“That's your man cannot convince me ANY less” Aaliyah exclaimed, throwing her hands up.
“Seriously did you see the way he LOOKED at you when y’all were talking AND the mamita that's all yours Y/N”. Ocean added to Aaliyah’s statement
“PLS don’t add on to my delusions, let's get to class” You stated before, y'all were late to class. You and your friends contained yourselves going to your math class. You couldn’t concentrate on anything but Miles was running through your mind it was hard to pull yourself together. Your friends noticed laughing quietly. You looked at them with a smile, you went on your phone to distract yourself seeing the following icon pop up on instagram, you clicked it seeing ‘therealmilesgmorales’ has followed you. Your eyes light up showing your friends your phone.
“Ohhhh mmmmm ggggggg” Aaliyah whispered.
“You better get on that luv cause that's officially your man he followed you” Ocean stated smirking at You.
“Real delulu screaming out my man” You sang causing you and your friends to giggle, in your peripheral vision your teacher eyed yall.You guys immediately started doing your work praying the bell rings soon. You went back to daydreaming with the biggest smile on your face, you heard the bell ring grabbing your things exiting the class room with your friends. The rest of the school day went by smoothly, you saw Miles in the hallway shooting him smiles and he smiled right back at you. The end of the day approached and you were about to leave with your friends.
“Hey Mamita” Miles said approaching you, you were smiling from ear to ear.
“Hi Miles” You said shyly.
“Is it okay if I walk you home?”. Miles asked, You looked at your friends and then back at Miles they nodded their heads at you.
“Yes of course” You replied.
“BYEEE Y/N WE LOVE YOU” Aaliyah shouted
“BE SAFE BOOKIE” Ocean Shouted as well as you were leaving with Miles.The walk was dead silent for 5 minutes because you were too shy to say anything, Miles picked up on this smiling at you.
“What you listening to?” Miles asks
“I'm listening to Best I ever had by Drake” You reply
“That's my shiiit play it I wanna listen”. He says you take your airpod out blasting the song. Miles starts singing, you look at him chuckling joining him cause fuck it.
“Baby, you my everything, you all I ever wanted We could do it real big, bigger than you ever done it You be up on everything, other hoes ain't ever on it I want this forever, I swear, I can spend whatever on it” The both of you sing laughing having a good time walking home. You were smiling the whole walk, Miles started dancing while walking making you laugh.
“AYEEEE” you shouted hyping him up, you appreciated how he made you feel comfortable by doing simple things. Quite frankly Miles did not give a damn about how he might have looked crazy; it made you feel comfortable enough to sing at the top of your lungs with him.
“Who else you listen to ma?” Miles asks with a smile, seeing you smile
“I listen to Brent Faiyez, Tyler the Creator, Steve lacy, Shreea Kaul, the list goes on”. You reply smiling from ear to ear.
“I like Brent Faiyez, Tyler the Creator,Steve Lacy, I have to listen to Shreea Kaul. We gotta get together, do nothing and listen to music you a Vibe” Miles stated, looking at you with the cutest smile on your face.
“Tienes una hermosa sonrisa” Miles said, making you want to fall to your knees, the way it rippled off his tongue, the way his voice sounded it tingled you just right. (You have a beautiful smile)
“Thank you Miles” You said shyly, Miles chuckled.
“You gettin shy on me Mamita?”. He says confidently being a tease, the way everything rolled off his tongue did something to you.
“Noo of course not”. You say looking away from Miles.
“Awe it’s okay, I have a question for you”. Miles expressed
“What's your question?” You ask while still looking away from him, he brought his hand to your chin turning your head to look at him, you were flustered trying not to blush.
“Can I take you out Tomorrow?” He asks, caressing your cheek with his thumb, you fall into his touch looking at him.
“Yes you can take me out” You say receiving a smile from Miles, he wanted to kiss you right then and there but it was too soon way too soon. He stopped touching your face realizing you’ve made home.
“Don’t worry about where we are going, I'm going to figure it out,it's going to be a surprise just show up looking pretty I'm going to show you how pretty girls are treated”. Miles stated looking you in the eyes.
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Stay tuned for pt 3!!!
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