#(by implication)
phoenixyfriend · 2 months
Okay I have yet ANOTHER AU idea and it's vaguely historical fantasy setting where, due to their respective fathers' deaths and alliance, Jango is king of Mandalore with Satine as his heir (despite being less than a decade younger than him).
Jango arranges for Satine to marry the grandson of the Jedi count Dooku, which is fine, they find out they get along well enough, but they have trouble conceiving. Since this is a Dualsex Obi-Wan setting, the solution to this incredibly uncomfortable situation is for Jango to get Obi-Wan pregnant in hopes that Satine's the one with low fertility, because that's basically his stepsister and Jango does NOT want to fuck her.
Obi-Wan does get pregnant, but then they find out that so did Satine, and Jango's house is just full of his pregnant heir, her pregnant husband, and two under-tens with anger issues (because Obi-Wan brought his illegitimate half-brother with him, and the kid has some ongoing conflict with Bo-Katan).
I think that while Satine has zero interest in going through another birth, Obi-Wan... really wants more kids and Misses Being Pregnant so it's time for an awkward conversation with Jango about helping out again.
Satine's pregnancy was Korkie, and Obi-Wan's was Boba... plus maybe more. Not sure if the first two Obi-Wan pregnancies should be Boba+Cal, then Omega, Boba+Omega, then Cal, or Boba, then Cal+Omega, or if I should scrap Boba being the oldest Jangobi baby, and have his first be Alpha-17 or something. There's room for a bunch of kids, I think Obi-Wan wants a whole lot of pregnancies in this AU.
Satine's a bit uncomfortable about the sperm donor being Jango of all people, but whatever, that's what being royalty is like, and honestly when it comes to pregnancy, she's very 'better you than me' about it because ow.
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sunderwight · 6 months
had a thought of what if Airplane had leaned a little more into the self-insert idea for Luo Binghe when he was still at the early stages of writing, with an end result that Luo Binghe actually Looks Like That because he basically looks like Airplane but with long flowing hair and a more idealized figure
SQQ going "why the fuck did you make his face so pretty???" and Airplane bullshitting about plausibility while trying really hard not to blush. twisting his fingers and scuffing his toe like jeez bro he's not that good-looking...
which of course sets SQQ off because how DARE!?! not 'that' good-looking?!?! just look at him! he's xianxia Helen of Troy with a face that launched a thousand harems! like okay sure with looks like that it does make sense that half the female population was willing to timeshare a marriage with him, but it's also totally unfair to SQQ, who has no recourse against those looks either! and who could? that is the most beautiful face ever!
Airplane's getting flustered. tries valiantly to make the case that objectively speaking Luo Binghe isn't that good-looking, it's just that SQQ is biased, but boy does that not go over well. SQQ has hitched the tattered remnants of his self-perception as a straight man onto the idea that Luo Binghe is just so devastatingly attractive anyone would want to hop into bed with him, and he is not letting go of it, so Airplane is just gonna get wrecked with inadvertent compliments
bonus if the Shang Qinghua look is actually the result of several illusions because when Airplane first transmigrated in, he got the same face too, and foresaw potential problems if the half-demon protagonist turned up looking like him. so he used illusions. he doesn't actually look all that different, in fact! the illusions just make it so that when people see him, they get a strong impression that he's unremarkable, so they don't really register what his face actually looks like and their brains fill in the assumption that he must just be kinda plain
oooh ooh double bonus if the system inserted a behind-the-scenes explanation for it too, which is that Shang Qinghua is actually unwittingly related to Su Xiyan!
and the whole thing comes to light post-epilogue when Shang Qinghua's illusions get stripped away by some monster-of-the-week, while everyone except Mobei Jun has a freak out about why do you look just like Luo Binghe?! (Mobei Jun isn't freaking out because he already figured out how to see past the illusions and just assumed everyone else wasn't mentioning it for some human cultural reason or something) and then Yue Qingyuan calmly explains that Luo Binghe's mom is Shang Qinghua's matrilineal cousin. Shang Qinghua's mother and Luo Binghe's human grandmother were half-sisters.
what? how does Yue Qingyuan know? you think that Cang Qiong doesn't check up on the candidates for the peak lord positions before handing off power, doesn't make sure there are no conflicts of interest or divided loyalties to other sects? what sorts of things do people imagine Qiong Ding's diplomats do? (I don't know either but, for the purpose of this scenario at least some of it is tracking down this stuff -- YQY handled most of it personally for his generation's ascension because he didn't want anyone else digging into his and Xiao Jiu's pasts) anyways, the connection could have been troublesome for its ties to Huan Hua Palace, but by the time it came to light Su Xiyan was deceased and there was no evidence that Shang Qinghua had ever even met her. so it wasn't deemed significant enough to matter, was just made note of and then mostly forgotten
so Shang Qinghua is like "oh THAT is why you kept bringing her up to me back then?!" because at the time he'd just been fully in "haha how would I know anything about the impending plot and the tragedies I am both partly responsible for and powerless to prevent haha that's so funny shixiong I KNOW NOTHING" mode, which luckily at the time was easily read as him just not wanting a dead cousin he never met to tank his chances of securing a promotion
SQQ is floored. he is having issues about this. Shang Qinghua is related to Binghe? Shang Qinghua looks exactly like him?! wait. Binghe has human family? still alive? like grandparents and stuff out there, who might want to meet him...?
Luo Binghe decides to step in at that point because he does not want to meet any more relatives! no more surprise relatives! no!
luckily this distracts Shen Qingqiu from thinking about all of the things he's said to Airplane about Binghe's looks for long enough for Shang Qinghua to flee the scene
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halcyon-autumn · 1 month
I was really holding out hope that Oisin would turn out to be at least CONFLICTED but noooooo he’s the sort of dude who steals your friend’s boathouse and insults your job and also is evil
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straightedgesavior434 · 11 months
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Brody King bolts upright in bed every morning like “oh shit I have to protect young goth women!” and just leaps out the window and into the street
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bunytime · 2 years
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Kyle meeting up with Stan @ the Denny's Applebee's Max
(based on this, obviously lmao)
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essektheylyss · 1 year
Here's the thing: arcane magic scent has been described as metallic, as electrical current, and as ozone. Ozone was also used to describe the sensation of looking into the beacon. Dunamis is suggested to be some kind of subatomic particle equivalent.
Ergo, I WILL ride the train of "dunamis is a foundational substance of Exandrian cosmology itself and the Luxon is therefore the representational deity associated with the fabric of the universe" until Matt (or an EXU DM, but yanno, CR canon) strikes me down.
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staring up at the ceiling as i consider megatron being the one who is hypnotized/sex pollen'd..... effervescent
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dimespin · 1 year
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Firecracker mice are awful pets. The bites also frequently get infected. But they are pests so there's no shortage of chances to try if the part of your brain for good decision making isn't grown all the way in.
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I was pretty hungry. The Warden was too busy scribbling on a piece of flimsy and it was a pain getting him to eat.
-The Mysterious Study of Doctor Sex, Tamsyn Muir
Cam eternally making sure her people eat, however reluctantly
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utilitycaster · 1 year
ngl one of my issues with gothic horror in fandom - not as a genre itself - is you get people who are like "um, actually, this is not accurate to the era" and like. babygirl. ghosts are pretend. hope this helps.
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isthenapoleoncute · 9 months
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rindomness · 7 months
i love today seeing the flood of blatant oakworthy posts. and then watching all my dndads mutuals also reblog and only sometimes tag a bunch of posts that are transparently being reblogged for the oakworthy vibes. we're all handling the episode great i see
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andstuffsketches · 2 years
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[two drawings of Uta from One Piece, first of her canon design, then the saul au casual look. She has shorter hair in more of a “bow” shape, is wearing a tank top and “Uta” branded athletic shorts, and is holding a tall microphone stand labelled “doubles as a weapon”]
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downtroddendeity · 1 year
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I haven't done much RHposting recently, so this seems like a good time to remind everyone that the phrase "Will o' Wisp" comes from a legend where a man dies but is sent back from the afterlife, forcing his unquiet soul to wander the earth eternally.
Just, you know. Thought I'd bring that up. For no particular reason.
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meduseld · 1 month
Is Nick Goode a better boy or girl dad?
It took me ages to get to this bc Tumblr's post finding functions do not work and I needed to track down one of my own answered asks found here which was the same question but for Ziggy. And just like with her, I think Nick does better with a girl than a boy (aka a child not of his own gender) for several reasons. The first is of course obvious: she is not a pact heir at all which removes a lot of pressure and issues (this presupposes he can have a girl child at all since it seems Satan makes sure the Goodes only have sons but). That would help a lot, especially because he doesn't have to see himself in her and all that, nor could he see mirrors of his own parents in their relationship because he has no sisters and generally grew up in an overmasculinized enviroment where he had to hide that he was a big nerd.
Which dovetails into how then there's the reason that a lot of fathers find it easier to express love and affection for daughters, the whole Daddy's Little Girl effect, where, since men expressing emotion is heavily penalized and this is Ohio in the 90s, BUT men are actually allowed and even encouraged to have emotional connections with their daughters, don't limit their emotions (i.e. they say boys don't cry but comfort daughters) and also *receive* that affection in turn (i.e. girls can say I love you dad their whole life and adulthood while boys have to stop around or before puberty) which strengthens that bond.
Once more it comes down to societal attitudes on gender roles and bonds with parents, with the added not seeing themselves or the weight of family trauma in an opposite sex child. Nick would have so much baggage around a son, who he would be way harder on. So yes, 120% girl dad Nick (which is also a huge factor in the Ripley and Connor verse) who for the time would be a very progressive father in how he reared daughters as he would not limit them genderwise the way his father/men of his social class would do. Like he would not push them to be """"ladylike""""" or discourage """""boyish"""" interests, which would be supported by Ziggy.
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carlandrea · 4 months
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