pageofheartdj · 4 months
WHAT THE FUCK LILITH IS IN HEAVEN!? (Charlie got her nose from her??)
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Is she imprisoned there??? What's going on???
And what was it with Alastor? Who did he sell his soul to?? Lilith is in Heaven so it's most likely not her.
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But awwww he grew somewhat attached to the group.
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ryanscabinlife · 11 months
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OnlyFerns 17-Jun-2023
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sgt-scrimblo · 2 years
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I wanted a new pfp so I booted up SFM and tried to do a paintover! I think it turned out pretty good.
Sfm before paintover below the cut!
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halcyon-autumn · 1 month
I was really holding out hope that Oisin would turn out to be at least CONFLICTED but noooooo he’s the sort of dude who steals your friend’s boathouse and insults your job and also is evil
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Karliah, knocking on Brynjolf's bedroom door: Are you decent?
Brynjolf: Not morally no, but I'm wearing pants if that's what you're asking.
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Barn Chores
Outdoors Beauty | Archive
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angeart · 18 days
things i learned today, while trying to make hmtb progress:
you can only type so much in a single google doc document—
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dapper-lil-arts · 2 months
All this talk of crackships reminds me of an old fanfic I wrote pairing Tom the boulder with the frog Twilight turned into an orange. It’s still on fimfiction.net, called “A Diamond Grove.”
Everyone else go home, this is the writer that went the furthest anyone has ever dared. the ultimate crack ship
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lonely-soul-02 · 5 months
Gem Archer interview for Guitar World January 2024
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"As far as Liam and Noel go, none of us will ever know the depth of where some of those emotions come from. It's better left between the two." Gem Archer
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working remotely is great for the most part, but damnnnn I miss work place crushes 🫠
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planet-poptropica · 3 months
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⋆ So....I was scrolling through Instagram the other day and I saw one those fav character charts, and I thought it would be fun to make my own! ⋆
⋆ Poptropica mutuals, tell me about your favs, not just your main favs, your side favs! I will include the transparent version below, and my explanation to my choices down below if you are interested! I'm interested to see your choices. ⋆
⋆ Tada! Have fun! ⋆
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⋆ Now, an explanation to my choices: ⋆
⋆ Your Favorite: Director D ⋆
I think it's no surprise to ANYONE that knows me that Director D has always been my favorite, since day 1. There was a moment where he was almost replaced by Binary Bard, but he is a close second. Director D is my favorite because he is associated to my nostalgia of a time when I was obsessed with being a spy or ninja when I was a kid. (Spy kids may have played a BIG role in that.) Playing as an agent in that island was so exciting for me, but I do remember having trouble with certain parts like the decoder. (In hindsight I probably would be horrible spy XD.) Now that I'm older, his island is still one of my favs for that reason, but it's not my number one. I wish we could have gotten a bit more backstory for him, but, what can you do. (But create a backstory for him and I have.)
⋆ You Relate To: Black Widow ⋆
Black widow is a character I don't really talk about or draw like....ever, which is crazy because she's probably the character I relate to the most, just like many other artist do too I'm sure. I relate to her in the way of being jealous of other people's art success, and the constantly comparing yourself to others. They say you are your worst critic after all. I don't so much anymore. I'm actually proud of where I am in my art journey, but I used to do that a lot when I was younger, especially when I just started doing digital art.
You won't catch me stealing or ruining other people's art though... girl what-
⋆ Your Favorite Design: Ringmaster Raven ⋆
Look at him, 'nuff said. His design is amazing. I love the color palette, the mask used to cover his true look, the raven theme with the wings and mask, the hat with eyes, everything. His design is the best because it matches with the overall theme of the island, it being a MONSTER CARNIVAL, and he is the Ringmaster. I remember how hipped I was when his island trailer released. One of the best islands for sure.
⋆ Is Underrated: Count Bram⋆
Yeah, remember when I was constantly drawing him for a short period of time? It's for a reason. I love my vampire peepaw who's confused about everything. I'm curious, do people consider him a villain? I kind of don't for the reason that he kidnapped Katya because he thought she was Anabelle, and once he was cured and was bought back to reality, he apologized for it because he didn't know. You want to talk about villain? Christopher is the real villain, you can't change my mind. Anyway, I was looking at the old art I drew of him, and he looked familiar to me. Then it all came together. You know who he reminds of? Exactly? Simon Petrikov, you know, Ice King from Adventure Time? Not only do they have the same hair style and would have the same personality, but they were both humans at some point with a partner, and once they became what they became, all they thought about was their partner, aka Anabelle and Betty.
Poof, mind blown. Vampire peepaw deserves more love.
⋆ You'd get along with IRL: Amelia ⋆
Amelia is another character I don't really talk about or draw, mainly because I associate her with the new era of Poptropica. But, I don't think that's fair. Amelia is actually a very sweet character that I think little me would have appreciated if she came to the game sooner. I would probably get along with her really well, considering how silly, and nice she is. Not to mention, her love for cute stuff. Imagine her unicorn bedroom but replaced with bunnies. That's my room right now. I think that even traveling with her would be really fun. She would have gotten under the "you relate to" category too but I didn't want Amelia on here twice. XD
⋆ And finally...Your Favorite Side Character: Dr. Spyglass ⋆
I... do not know how to explain this one. Dr. Spyglass only gets a few words of dialog, and we know nothing about him in canon, besides him working for HQ, and being an eye doctor. I won't lie, I actually had a crush on this guy years ago, hence why I shipped him with Muddy. (I cringe at that ship now. XD) Probably because...he looks like Director D...with a lab coat. >_> Look at both of them and TELL ME they are not related, I dare you. My version of them are. I love the idea of this silly scientist being hired by his brother after failing the entry agent exam, not because he pitted him, but because he understood how incredibly smart he was and is. Constantly being compared to his brother and what he could have been. So, you can say I like MY version of him... a lot.
I should dedicate a post to him some day, eh?
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cottonkhaleesi · 3 months
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Ma handed me a silk shirt to repair and whilst I’m always up for a challenge I’m starting to think this one should have been an upcycle rather than repair job, because that last picture? That’s almost 3m of thread and I’m not even halfway through the tears in one direction
Closer, but still a fair ways to go.
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sualne · 4 months
kindof wished hallucinating was normalized in general but rn while working i got white stains on my hand and it was surprisingly hard to get rid off so naturally once my hand was clean my brain decided my whole hand had turned bleach white for lols and i thought “oh that should happen to law in the modern au it would make sm sense!” but then i remembered ppl would probably expect some kind of explanation as to why fellas is hallucinating rather than just go “yeah this is a normal thing that happens no big deal” and i just!! arg!!
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zoeyhorse · 6 months
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Ruby and AppleJack finally find Tony Hawk
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havenroyals · 13 days
OMG! I JUST HAD THE BEST DAYDREAM/ WRITING INSPIRATION for a Eris scene! Something perfect for the shippers!
And I'm so sad I can't make it happen.
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i saw someone on the phc is suggesting a new trend: drawing your oc (and/or some npc you like) on strike after cmg fully owns pop
But I thought they already owned Pop?
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